MBA Project Brochure - Workspace

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An MBA project from Imperial College Business School can help you find the solution. Our students bring fresh ideas and work with you to produce bottom-line  ...

An MBA project from Imperial College Business School can help you find the solution. Our students bring fresh ideas and work with you to produce bottom-line results. The Imperial curriculum places an emphasis on multidisciplinary teamwork, evidence-based diagnosis and a holistic view of organisations. Prior to their final project with you, our students will have already spent at least four months of their MBA programme working on live commercial projects. The benefits to you

How does it work?

• Fresh thinking and additional resources to support new projects

The first step is to send us a project brief (up to 200 words). This should include a short description of your organisation, the project scope and an outline of the potential deliverables. If you have a very precise person specification, please contact us in advance of the deadline to discuss your needs.

• Practical recommendations backed by rigorous analysis • All projects supported by unrivalled access to Imperial College’s research infrastructure • World class project supervision by experienced Business School faculty • Project objectives, timescales and budgets precisely defined from the outset Rigour, relevance and results… What can an Imperial MBA project do for your business? We expect our MBA candidates to deliver the results you need, on time and on budget. Below are just a few of the diverse organisations that have already benefited through collaborating with us on an MBA project:

Once you have made your selection, the candidate will meet with you to agree the project’s terms of reference. It is the student’s responsibility to complete this short document which should include the following: • A brief overview of your organisation • A summary of issue or opportunity to be investigated • Project outcomes and performance metrics

• Arup

• Microsoft

• An outline of the approach to be employed

• Asda


• Project confidentiality

• BAE Systems


• Project plan and timescales

• BP

• Procter & Gamble

• Fees payable (if appropriate)

• BT

• Sky


• Rolls-Royce


• Royal Bank of Scotland

Once the terms of reference have been agreed, the project may begin. Projects typically conclude with the submission of a written report for the client and a presentation of the key findings.

• Jaguar Land Rover

• Virgin Unite

• Lloyds


You will then receive CVs and applications from those students who are keen to work on the project. If you receive several expressions of interest, you have the option of interviewing the candidates.

confidenTialiTy All Imperial MBA students can sign a non-disclosure agreement to ensure that commercially sensitive projects are treated with full confi dentiality. Projects are only marked by Business School faculty (and possibly an external examiner) and copies of reports are usually displayed in Imperial College’s library. You may request that commercially sensitive projects are not made available by the library.

SUMMARY OF THE PROCESS decembeR - febRuaRy identify a project and submit a brief to imperial college business school The project brief is circulated to our MBA students. You will need to identify a liaison contact or internal client within your company.

fees and houRs

maRch - apRil

Our MBA candidates are experienced professionals and come from various backgrounds such as healthcare, IT, engineering and retail. As a minimum we do ask that you reimburse students’ expenses. Any fees are agreed directly with the student as part of the terms of reference.

interview and select a student

Please note that the projects are not full-time assignments and as such students will only be able to commit a maximum of 20 hours per week. neXT sTeps For an informal discussion, please contact: Mark Davies, Employer Relations Manager T: +44 (0)20 7594 9141 E: [email protected]

Students express an interest in specifi c projects. You can view CVs and interview MBA students.

may agree terms of reference The project is assigned a dedicated academic supervisor. Work on the project commences when terms of reference are agreed between you and the student.

june - augusT conduct of project The bulk of the project work is conducted during this period.

sepTembeR project completed and assessed by the student’s final project supervisor at imperial alongside a second academic Students provide a written report and, if required, also give a presentation to the client company. A longer report reflecting on the process is also prepared for academic assessment.


Graham Kennedy Founding Director, Alexoria

imperial college business school Tanaka Building South Kensington Campus London SW7 2AZ United Kingdom T: +44 (0)20 7594 9141 E: [email protected]


Disclaimer: While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this publication is correct, matters covered by this publication are subject to change. Imperial College Business School accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions, howsoever caused. Published November 2012.

I thought I could see a significant opportunity in my market. I also had some preliminary ideas about how I might exploit it, but was not clear how to proceed. I now have a robust, lucid and thoroughly researched business plan, three clients and a burgeoning business to exploit the opportunity.