Java 2 : The Complete Reference. Author(s): Patrick ... intermediate, and
advanced JAVA programmers alike take ... Web sites), Herb Schildt, the world's
Java 2 : The Complete Reference Author(s): Patrick Naughton Herbert Schildt ISBN: 0072119764 Format: Softcover, 1108 pages. Pub date: March 1999 Copyright: 1999
DESCRIPTION Take JAVA to the max with expert helpBeginning, intermediate, and advanced JAVA programmers alike take note: everything you need to get the best performance out of your applets and servlets is packed into JAVA 2.0: The Complete Reference. World- renowned authors, Patrick Naughton (ESPN's Sportszone, Disney, and ABC News Web sites), Herb Schildt, the world's leading programming author, and Joseph OÆNeil add 30% more material to their hugely successful past editions of this best seller. They show you exactly how to develop, compile, debug, and run Java applications and applets quickly and confidently. Plus you'll become expert on all of Java's new features including:*Servlets used to build powerful, scalable, robust Web applications*The Swing component set, a GUI toolkit that simplifies the development of visual components such as menus, tool bars, dialogs*Utility class updates*Java2-D, which enables you to build advanced 2D graphics and images BACK COVER The Most Authoritative Guide to Java! Master Java with the most comprehensive all-in-one tutorial/reference
available, now completely updated for the new Java 2 specification. Top programming experts Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt show you everything you need to develop, compile, debug, and run Java applications and applets. Insideyou'll find a complete description of the Java language, its class libraries, and its development environment. With clear descriptions, hundreds of practical examples, and expert techniques, this is a book that no Java programmer should be without. With this book, you'll Master the Java language and its core libraries; Create portable Javaapplets and applications; Fully utilize the Abstract Window toolkit (AWT); Supercharge your programs using multiple threads; Effectively apply Java's networking classes; Create servlets, draw images, and develop Java Beans; Migrate code from C++ to Java. Plus, you'll find details on NEW Java 2 features, including: The powerful CollectionsFramework; The Swing component set; The Java threading model; The numerous methods, classes, and interfaces found throughout the API. CONTENTS Part I: The Java Language. The Genesis of Java. An Overview of Java. Data Types, Variables, and Arrays. Operators. Control Statements. Introducing Classes. A Closer Look at Methods and Classes. Inheritance. Packages and Interfaces. Exception Handling. Multithreaded Programming. I/O, Applets, and Other Topics. Part II: The Java Library. String Handling. Exploring java.lang. The Utility Classes. Input/Output--Exploring java,io. Networking.
The Applet Class. Introducing the AWT: Working with Windows, Graphics, and Text. Using AWT Controls, Layout Managers, and Menus. Images. Part III: Software Development Using Java. Development Environments. Migrating from C++ to Java. Part IV: Applying Java. The Dynamic Billboard Applet. ImageMenu: An Image-Based Web Menu. The Lavatron Applet: A Sports Arena Display. Scrabblet: A Multiplayer Crossword Game. Appendix: Using Java's Documentation Comments.
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