MCW Energy Group Inc. - Equisolve

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Oil sands ore is delivered to the extractor column & passes through patented, benign extraction .... Email: pdavey@m
America’s First Environmentally-Responsible Oil Sands Project Ramping Up Production

Corporate Presentation – Q3 2016

Corporate Overview MCW Energy Group Ltd: MCW Oil Sands Recovery, LLC – Revenue Streams: (1) Oil Sands/Shale Extraction Technologies: Focused on the development & implementation of a portfolio of enviro-friendly oil sands/shale extraction technologies. Developing worldwide joint venture opportunities and royalty revenue streams from licensing applications.

(2) Remedial Extraction Projects: Remedial hydrocarbon extraction solutions on tailings ponds and water contamination projects in the oil & gas industry.

(3) Producing Oil Sands Projects: Expanding production capabilities at its now operational oil sands project in Asphalt Ridge, Utah.


Management Team

Dr. R. Gerald Bailey, Chief Executive Officer. 50+ years international experience in all aspects of the oil & gas industry. Former positions include… President, Exxon, Arabian Gulf, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Operations Manager, Qatar General Petroleum Corp. Operations Superintendent, Exxon Lago Oil, Aruba. Operations Superintendent, Esso Standard Libya, Brega, Libya.


Management Team Aleksandr Blyumkin, Founder & Chairman 20+ years international experience in the oil & gas industry. A key figure in the development of a variety of oil development properties in Eastern Europe. His interest is focused on developing MCW’s environmentally-friendly oil sands extraction technologies and the expansion of MCW’s oil sands production. Currently involved in acquiring additional oil sands leases in Utah for MCW’s resource lease portfolio with long term potential.


Management Team

Dr. Vladimir Podlipskiy, Chief Technology Officer 20+ years experience in chemistry, research & development and manufacturing.

Former positions include… EMD Biosciences - Peptide Scientist, Tech Support Mgr., New Business Development. R&D Nanotech - Chief Chemist, Research & Development, Manufacturing. Premier Chemicals - Chief Chemist, Formulation Chemist. Chemical Scientist - UCLA Department of Chemistry.


Management Team Mark Korb, Chief Financial Officer - MCW Energy Group 20+ years experience taking start-up and high growth companies to the next level. Served as CFO/Financial Consultant for many companies including Caldera Pharmaceuticals, Fluid Spirit Holdings, First South Africa Management Corp & Propel Technologies, an oil & gas service company.

Joe Abrams, Financial Advisor - MCW Energy Group. 40 years international experience as a financial analyst/financial advisor to both mature & start-up companies. Founder/investor/advisor to many companies including Intermix, Akeena Solar & Zagg. An integral part of the growth of these companies. Has advised on public market launches & research, secondary financing, strategic planning/capital structure.


MCW Share Metrics: OTCQX: MCWEF / TSX-V: MCW Share Price (TSX-V):

$ 0.145

Market Capitalization:

$ 28.5 million

52 Week Range (Low/High)

$ 0.13 - $ 1.17

Shares Outstanding (Inc. Accord acq.)


Warrants/Options Outstanding


Fully diluted


Management/Board Ownership


*As of July 4, 2016 *All currencies in CAD


MCW Oil Sands Technology How It Works Oil sands ore is delivered to the extractor column & passes through patented, benign extraction solvents. Solvents/extracted oil mixture is transferred to the separation column. Oil is then separated from solvents, sold to distributor/refineries. Solvents are re-circulated back through incoming sand, extracting more oil from incoming feedstock. The cleaned sand is removed, dried and sold as construction aggregate or used to restore original mine site surface.


MCW Oil Sands Technology An Overview Environmentally-Responsible Technology: MCW’s technology is a “closed loop,” solvent-based extraction technology that uses no water in the extraction process. Nothing leaves the extraction plant except oil and the clean sand. MCW’s technology will… Not Create Polluted Tailings Ponds. Not Cause Surface Water or Groundwater Pollution, and Not Produce Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Tailings ponds from an Alberta oil sands project using destructive extraction technology.


MCW Oil Sands Technology An Overview Economically Viable & Energy-Efficient Technology: Modular, Scalable Technology: 250 to 5,000 bbl/day. Low CAPEX Estimates: $12,000 per flowing bbl/day (Chapman Petroleum Engineering, 2014). Low Production Costs: – – –

$24.51 – $34.04 (Chapman Petroleum Engineering, 2012). Fluctuates with oil prices $30 – $50 bbl. MCW estimates that a 2,500 bbl/day template unit will optimize production efficiencies with costs anticipated to range around the $20 bbl benchmark.

Energy Efficient: 22:1 EROEI (Energy Returned On Energy Invested) (Alberta SAGD/Hot Water Averages 4:1 to 6:1)

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MCW Oil Sands Technology Low Production Costs Modular Plant Economics: Processing Costs: Expected average $24 – $28 bbl range. It is anticipated that a 2,500 bbl/day unit’s production costs will be under $24 bbl. Profit levels will float with variable oil prices vs. variable costs of petro products used in extraction process. (propane, diesel fuel, solvents, condensates). Plant size Barrels per day

Gross Daily Revenue USD

Gross Annual Revenue USD







Processing Plant Economics based on 360 days operation. Above revenues based on $40 bbl oil as a benchmark.

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MCW Oil Sands Technology Low Production Costs MCW's Fluctuating Production Costs Will Provide Ongoing Profits Regardless of Low Oil Prices MCW’s recent internal study has confirmed processing costs are dramatically reduced in tandem with lower oil prices. Petroleum products used in MCW's extraction process…diesel fuel, propane, condensates and solvent costs are also reduced by 40%–55% when oil prices dip, effectively reducing processing costs.

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MCW Oil Sands Technology Intellectual Property MCW’s patents are filed in 30 countries including those with significant oil sands reserves, covering: (a) solvent compositions, (b) engineering and design of the apparatus/vessels, (c) extraction processes. Patent protection began October 2011 - first provisional patents filed. As of December, 2015, MCW’s patents have progressed from “patent pending” to “patent granted” in Russia. Patent #2571827 now issued for “oil from oil sands extraction process,” effective to 2032. Discussions with USA, Canada & China’s patent authorities now in progress. MCW expects by Q4-2016, they will all grant these patents after claim changes have been finalized. Intellectual Property Status








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MCW Domestic Plan: Develop Additional Oil Sands Leases Per the U.S. DOE, Utah holds over 32 billion bbl bitumen within 8 major deposits. The state contains over 55% of all U.S. oil sands deposits. MCW’s operations are in the Uintah Basin (Asphalt Ridge), one of the major oil sands deposits. Raw oil sand sample

Excellent existing infrastructures: New pipeline networks are currently planned. Friendly investment environment with attractive fiscal/royalty regimes

Oil sands before and after MCW extraction process

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MCW’s Extraction Plant Is The First EnvironmentallyFriendly Oil Sands Production Project In North America No water is required in MCW’s extraction process. No tailings ponds required. Extremely Energy Efficient: 22:1 EROEI (Energy Returned On Energy Invested) Patented, benign solvent combination is completely recovered, remaining in the closed-loop system.

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Domestic Business Plan: Phase 1 – Completed Identify and secure oil sands leases in Utah:

Secured an 1,128 acre lease with 20 million bbl. bitumen. (Chapman Petroleum Engineering Report – 2012).

Purchased Temple Mountain’s 2,230 acre lease with 88 million bbl bitumen. (Chapman Petroleum Engineering Report – 2014).

Appointed Vivakor Inc. as operators of the MCW plant site in Maeser, Utah. Vivakor has a enviro-friendly mobile extraction tech unit which is being installed for additional 250 bbl/day operation. Production scheduled for end of July, 2016.

MCW’s original 250 bbl/day oil extraction facility under construction, Asphalt Ridge, Utah – August, 2014. Augmented production of 250 bbl/day program now under way.

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Domestic Business Plan: Phase 2 – Completed

Construct 250 bbl/day commercial oil

sands production facility on MCW’s 1,128 acre lease site.

MCW’s first extraction facility completed and successfully produced oil in October, 2014…. now ramping up production.

All regulatory/environmental applications/permits currently being issued/finalized.

Anticipated EBITDA over $1.7 million annually.

Opening Ceremony Dignitaries with MCW Chairman, Aleksandr Blyumkin & Utah Energy Government Officials on October 1st 2014, Asphalt Ridge, UT.

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Domestic Business Plan: Phase 3 – Milestones  Fund and build a 2,500 bbl/day facility on the Temple Mountain or MCW lease site.

 Augment current operating plant capacity from 250 bbl/day to 500 bbl/day (Process is now 80% complete).  Anticipated Annual EBITDA: $24.5 million (2,500 bbl/day production).  Deposits average 6% – 15% oil by weight.  Resource life expectancy @ Temple Mountain Energy’s lease site has a lifespan of 50 years.

Oil sands ore at the Temple Mountain lease site.

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Domestic Business Plan: Phase 3 – Funding Requirements 2015 – 2016 Funding Requirements: Design, fabricate, construct 2,500 bbl/day extraction facility on Temple Mountain Lease. Expand production capacity of 250 bbl/day unit to 500 bbl/day.

$30 million

$2 million ________________ $32 million Total ________________

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MCW Domestic Plan: Acquire Portfolio of EnviroFriendly Extraction Technologies — Accord GR Energy MCW has entered into an agreement with Accord GR Energy Inc. to acquire 57.3% of all issued/outstanding shares in consideration for 59,698,300 shares of MCW, & 2 million MCW Warrants @ 25 cents. Subject to Exchange Approvals.) Accord has 2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Technologies: SWEPT Technology: recovers hydrocarbons via improving rocks/fluids by the use of impulse-wave-based technology. S-BRPT Technology: recovers solid/liquid hydrocarbons through conversion into gaseous forms. More cost-efficient extraction from deeper deposits (300’+) not normally economically feasible. Acquisition also includes 88 drilled/completed wells on 7,000 acres in Texas. Oil is classified as medium crude (18-22 API) MCW will apply these technologies to its Temple Mountain lease deposits to increase recoverable resources at deeper depths.

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MCW Oil Sands Technology World Growth Opportunities Partial list of countries with major recoverable oil sands reserves. All reserves in 1,000’s bbls. Most of these deposits are undeveloped but are now extremely viable due to MCW’s low production costs.

















United States








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Remedial Hydrocarbon Extraction Projects - MCW’s New Profitable Revenue Stream Hundreds of worldwide, major remedial projects await clean up with MCW’s proven, enviro-friendly extraction technology. Over 176 square kms of tailings ponds remain in Alberta, containing unextracted hydrocarbons, bitumen, chemicals, acids & suspended solids. Alberta’s tailings ponds - major, growing environmental problem and to date, no remedial technology has been successful. MCW has tested Alberta-sourced tailings ponds samples and has successfully extracted over 99% of all hydrocarbons. TS Energy Ltd., now MCW’s licensee in Canada/Trinidad, appointed rights for the use of MCW’s extraction technology for remedial hydrocarbon projects & oil sands production.

Photo depicts a typical tailings pond in Alberta. There are enough tailings ponds liquids to fill over 390,000 Olympic swimming pools.

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International Growth Strategy MCW has already tested oil sands/shale samples from several areas around the world, including, China, Jordan, U.S. and Indonesia. MCW is currently in the bidding process for several remediation projects in Canada & the Middle East. MCW’s oil sands & remediation project technology rights have been granted to TS Energy Ltd., Vancouver, B.C., for Canada and Trinidad & Tobago. MCW Oil Sands will provide licensing & joint venture opportunities to entities around the world where extensive oil sands deposits are found. Development of these deposits were previously not commercially viable but are now… due to MCW’s low production costs. Licensing agreements will include up-front licensing fees & production royalty streams as a source of future revenues.

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Economic Benefits To Utah MCW expects to provide over 55 skilled jobs at the plant & mine facilities.

Hundreds of indirect jobs will be generated by the project. Over 210 man-years have been deployed to develop MCW’s technology & plant facilities over the past 6 years. MCW expects to initially add over $ 17.8 million to Utah’s annual GNP & will grow as production increases dramatically. MCW’s expected annual revenue will grow to $ 100 million. Overall potential oil sands revenue streams for Utah will grow exponentially with over 32 billion barrels of the state’s oil that can now be developed in a safe environmentally-friendly manner.

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Contact Information MCW ENERGY GROUP LIMITED Maeser, UT, Toronto, ON, Canada, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A. TSX-V Symbol: MCW OTCQX Symbol: MCWEF Future Anticipated Listings: NASDAQ/AMEX – Q3/4 2016 Paul Davey Director of Communications: Toll-Free: 1-800-979-1897(Ext.3), Cell: 1-778-389-0915 Email: [email protected]

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Disclaimer The information in this document includes certain information and statements about management’s view of future events, expectations, plans and prospects that constitute forward-looking statements. These statements are based upon assumptions that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Because of these risks and uncertainties, and as a result of a variety of factors, the actual results, expectations, achievements or performance may differ materially from those anticipated and indicate by these forwardlooking statements. Forward-looking statements in this document include, but are not limited to the commercial viability of these technologies and the extraction plant, economic performance and future plans and objectives of MCW. The new extraction plant in discussion here is anticipated to produce 500 bbl/day. Any number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements, as well as future results. Although MCW believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they can give no assurances that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Except as required by law, MCW disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise. This document does not constitute and the subject matter hereof is not an offer for sale or a solicitation of an offer to buy, in the United States, or to any “U.S. Person” (as such term is defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 (as amended (the 1933 Act”) or any equity or other securities of MCW. The securities of MCW have not been registered under the 1933 Act, and may not be offered or sold in the United States (or to a U.S. Person) absent registration under the 1933 Act or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the 1933 Act. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this document.

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