A state or stage in problem solving process leading to programmers model, that ... The footer âCollege Name, Departmen
ME Dissertation/ Ph.D.Thesis Format Preamble It is my pleasure to attach herewith the ME Dissertation/Ph.D. Thesis format. The objective of revising the format is to provide guidance to the students and make students more able towards research attitude and practices. The efforts are also made to enhance more quality in the dissertation. This document is not just a guideline to write the dissertation report but also a methodology to be used throughout the dissertation process. The documents covers definitions of the terms used to make it more clear what is expected during conduct of the dissertation and the outline of the report to be submitted after successful completion of the dissertation work. This document differentiates clearly the project work and the dissertation work. It is very essential that students get exposed to industry practices and live projects. Some times it is observed that the problem solved by such students is one of the intermediate step and may not be up to the mark or inadequate for the dissertation quality standard. In such cases dissertation guides are encouraged to add feasible, achievable research component in such dissertation. I hope this document will be useful guideline to all Masters and Research scholars to complete their dissertation work/Thesis and related submissions. Those who are preparing for the Ph.D. selection interviews may remain ready with at least motivation for problem they may to be solving.
Prof. Sarang Joshi
Description of Terms: •
Motivation Once the keywords are identified related to the domain of the work and the problem to be solved; read the Journal and Conference papers (Problem Specific Survey/Motivational Survey) to understand the solutions proposed by others to solve that specific problem; understand their mathematical modeling and formulation, its advantages and dis-advantages. Next, the performance parameter/innovative ideation proposed or the enhancements in the equation or new innovative proposal that motivates you to make a claim for better performance through investigation/research. The Motivational justification will cover performance analysis of published(in reputed International Journals/refereed papers/Peer reviewed papers) solutions with respect to the specific parameter you are claiming the enhancement/effectiveness/invention.
Hypothesis It is a proposal to solve innovative problem using the motivation for which algorithms/results/ outcomes/input variations and bounds that are not tested or verified by others or alike solution is not published (for Ph.D. Scholars) and may be diluted to improve the performance of the known efficiency parameter (for Masters Dissertation).
Algorithmic Strategies These are covered in Design and Analysis of Algorithms/ Advanced Algorithms/Applied Algorithms to present the algorithmic strategy planning to deploy divide-and-conquer in the solution to optimize the performance and that may exploit concurrency/parallelism.
Mathematical Modeling A state or stage in problem solving process leading to programmers model, that describes with the help of mathematical symbols, notations, Boolean and Modern Algebra, axioms and/or techniques and theories (like Probability/Fuzzy logic/Others), the problem to be solved with the help of constraints analysis, motivational analysis for parametric performance demonstrated by others, Certainty analysis and derivations. This is used to reach to the solution. It is also useful for NP-HARD/NP-Complete analysis. It is also useful to identify methods such as IPC/ Shared Memory/ Pipes etc. Also to further enhance the performance using daemons/managers (if any) in dynamic programming.
Software Engineering Document and UML These are standard engineering documentation techniques used to describe the technical solution planned and to be attempted using software coding(program writing) represented using recent standard UML. This is developed with strict adherence to the Motivation, Algorithmic Strategies and Mathematical Modeling proposed and finalized.
Abstract This is a research summary document condensed to a Poster Paper document (1 or two pages, for Masters Dissertation) and a conference/Journal paper size document (4 to 18 pages, for Ph.D. Scholars) which details Domain Keywords, Motivation and Hypothesis and Algorithmic proposal to solve the identified problem/challenge. It is necessary to attach list of survey papers/references and list of publications in Standard IEEE format when submitted separately. This document should not contain any images, screen snap-shots and data tables. This is very important document. The Research and Recognition (RR) committee/reviewers/referees/guides use abstract to take decisions to approve or disapprove any document for the Title and Research topic.
• Paper Publication To inculcate the habitt of research publication; the dissertation must be supported with at least one Journal paper publication either in relevant International Journal having ISSN Number like IEEE Transactions / ACM / IET / ETIR / Elsevier/ Springer/BITS Journal/IIT Journals or cPGCON. The cPGCON publication must have refereed publication either by a reviewer of the cadre of Associate
Professor having three International Journal Publications or Dissertation guide as co-author of the paper. The Ph.D. thesis must be supported with at least three International Journal publications as stated above.
M.E. Dissertation/Ph.D. Thesis A document of at least 40-50 pages for dissertation and 80-100 pages document for Ph.D. Thesis. This document must cover above described items along with result discussions using tables and graphical conclusions. It must accompany the list of publications produced out of the research. The Ph.D. thesis must incorporate above mentioned descriptions using thesis chapters under the guidance of supervisor/guide.
Department of Computer Engineering Instructions for M.E. dissertation report writing •
Dissertation report should including necessary certificates, acknowledgment, tables, list of diagram, abstract, annexure I (i.e. Paper), index]
If particular part is repeated, you can mention “Refer Page No and point” or “Refer Annex”
Prepare at least 3 or adequate number of dissertation copies of your manuscripts.
Acknowledgment, List of Publications, List of Diagrams, List of Tables, Abstract should have page nos I, II,III,IV respectively.
Always place the images/Diagrams/Table at the beginning or end of the page.
The footer “College Name, Department of Computer Engineering ” should be included. (10, Times Roman, Center justified)
Main part of manuscripts should be Times Roman, 12 pts , justified and 1.5 line spacing.
Use paper size 8.5” x 11” or A4 (210 x 197 mm). Follow following margins.
Margin Paper 8.5” x 11” Paper A4 Top 1” 25.4 mm Left 1.5” 37 mm Bottom 1.25” 32 mm Right 1“ 25.4 mm • All paragraphs will be single line spaced with a 1.5 line space between each paragraph. Each paragraph will begin with a five-space indentation. •
Chapter tiles should be bold with 14 pt typed in all CAPITALS letters and should be aligning at the center of the page.
Section heading should be aligning at the left with 12 pt and bold and capitalized.
Section subheading should be aligning at the left with title case.
Leave two spaces between section heading and one space between two-section subheadings.
References should be either in the order as they appear in the paper or in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author.
Symbols and notations if any should be included in nomenclature section only.
All chapters, section heading and sub headings should be numbered. For chapter use numbers 1,2,3 and for sub headings 1.1,1.2, 1.3. And section subheadings 2.1.1,2.1.2 etc.
(Hard cover page with black cover and gold emboss content as below) (It should be also cover page[first page]) A DISSERTATION REPORT ON (12/bold, upper case) (Two blank spaces)
MASTER OF ENGINEERING (Computer Engineering) (14/bold, upper case) (Two blank spaces) BY (14, bold/upper case) (Two blank spaces) Cnadidate Name
Exam No: -----
Under the guidance of (14/bold, upper case) Prof/Dr/…………… (College LOGO)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Name of the College Address of the College Place-PIN No
(Institute Logo) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING College Name College Address Place- PIN
CERTIFICATE (16, bold, upper case) (Three blank spaces) This is to certify that the dissertation report entitled (12, sentence case) (One blank space) “ YOUR DISSERTATION TITLE GOES HERE” (12, bold, upper case) (Two blank spaces) Submitted by (One blank space) Name of the Candidate
Exam No: -----
(12, Title case) (One blank space) is a bonafide work carried out by them under the supervision of Prof./Dr/ ………………………….. and it is submitted towards the partial fulfillment of the requirement of University of Pune, Pune for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Computer Engineering)(12, Sentence case) (Four blank spaces) (Prof./Dr. ……………… ) Internal Guide Department of Computer Engineering College Name, Place (12, Sentence case)
Prof./Dr. ________________ Head Department of Computer Engineering College Name, Place
Seal/Stamp of the College Principal, College Name, Place Place : Date :
[P-3](On Company Letter head/seal)
CERTIFICATE (16, bold/upper case) (Three blank spaces) This is to certify that the dissertation report entitled (12, sentence case) (One blank space) “ YOUR DISSERTATION TITLE GOES HERE” (12, bold/upper case) (Two blank spaces) Submitted by (One blank space) Name of the Candidate
Exam No: ---------------------
(12, Title case) (One blank space) is a bonafide work carried out by him/her with the Sponsorship from -------------------under the supervision of Mr/Ms/Miss. ………………………….. and has been completed successfully. (Four blank spaces)
(Mr. ……………… ) (Designation) External Guide (12, Sentence case) Place : Date :
Seal/Stamp of the Company
Certificate by Guide This is to certify that Mr/Ms/Mrs............................................. has completed the dissertation work under my guidance and supervision and that, I have verified the work for its originality in documentation, problem statement, implementation and results presented in the dissertation. Any reproduction of other necessary work is with the prior permission and has given due ownership and included in the references.
Place: Date:
Signature of Guide (Name of guide)
..…………………………….. …………………………….. ..…………………………..
Project Id (if any) Dissertation Title Sponsorship: (if any) External Guide Internal Guide at most 3-5 Technical Key Words (in brief) Relevant Objectives, Motivation, Hypothesis, Strategy planned associated with the Dissertation Names of at least two conferences where paper (Sem I and Sem II) can be published Review of Conference/Journal Papers supporting dissertation idea Plan of dissertation execution
Problem statement, solving approach and Efficiency issues Outcomes
Technical Keywords (refer ACM Keywords) [In detail] Introduction Dissertation Ideation Motivational Survey of the dissertation
Problem Definition and scope (Refer to document format) Dissertation Plan (Refer to document format) Software requirement specification (Refer to document format) Detailed Design Document (Refer to document format) Test specification (Refer to document format) Data Tables and Discussions Summary and Conclusion supported by graphs Future Enhancement Annexure Annex A: Paper Published Annex B: (If any) References (In IEEE format)