can drive substantial new cost savings. THE INDUSTRIAL ..... remotely; enable quick recovery from extreme .... Committee
The Association of Electrical Equipment and Medical Imaging Manufacturers n n August 2013 n Vol. 18 No. 8
Measuring Energy Efficiency n Why the Wait? Campaign Encourages Senate Action n Developing a Global Motor Efficiency Program n Overcoming Barriers to LED Adoption n MITA Launches Imaging Innovation Campaign n IW to Address Healthcare Law’s Effects
FEATURES Rexel Foundation Survey—Americans Believe that Energy Efficiency Saves Money..................................12 Strategic Energy Management Today Creates Brighter Energy Environment Tomorrow....................................................................................14 Energy Efficiency Gets Turbo-Charged with Newly Upgraded ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® Tool for Commercial Buildings..............................................................................................................16 Global Motor Labeling Program Provides Consistency in Successful Motors Initiative...............................18 Industrial Energy Efficiency—Today’s Greatest Challenge......................................................................20 Surefire Strategy Saves Data Center Energy ..........................................................................................21 Smart Plug–Load Control Offers Safety, Convenience, Efficiency.............................................................22 Going Green Improves Energy Consumption, Air Quality.....................................................................................................................23 Quality of Light and Overcoming Barriers to LED Adoption......................................................................24
Did you know... The final report on NEMA’s Carbon Footprint Initiative is now available at
The Association of Electrical Equipment and Medical Imaging Manufacturers n n August 2013 n Vol. 18 No. 8
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Measuring Energy Efficiency n Why the Wait? Campaign Encourages Senate Action n Developing a Successful Global Motor Efficiency Program n Overcoming Barriers to LED Adoption n MITA Launches Imaging Innovation Campaign n IW to Address Healthcare Law’s Effects
Available on the App Store electroindustry
Publisher | Paul Molitor Managing Editor / Editor in Chief | Pat Walsh Contributing Editors | Chrissy L. S. George William E. Green III Economic Spotlight | Don Leavens Codes & Standardization | Vince Baclawski Government Relations Update | Kyle Pitsor Art Director | Jennifer Tillmann Media Sales Team Leader | Stephanie Bunsick
electroindustry (ISSN 1066-2464) is published monthly by NEMA, the Association of Electrical Equipment and Medical Imaging Manufacturers, 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900, Rosslyn, VA 22209; 703.841.3200. FAX: 703.841.5900. Periodicals postage paid at Rosslyn, VA, and York, PA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NEMA, 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900, Rosslyn, VA 22209. The opinions or views expressed in electroindustry do not necessarily reflect the positions of NEMA or any of its subdivisions. Subscribe to electroindustry at Contact us at
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NOTES NEMA Officers........................................................................................................................................................................................3 Comments from the C-Suite..................................................................................................................................................................3 Views from the Top................................................................................................................................................................................4 View from the Industry..........................................................................................................................................................................6 Learn More..........................................................................................................................................................................................IBC
Imre Gyuk, Jeremy Dockter, and Jim Creevy at energy storage reception
DEPARTMENTS Government Relations Update................................................................................................................7 NEMA Advances Energy-Efficiency Tax Initiative..................................................................................................................................7 NEMA Signs Statement on Chemical Safety Improvement Act.............................................................................................................7 Energy Efficiency Moving Forward on Capitol Hill................................................................................................................................8 Energy Savings Performance Contracts Save Government Billions......................................................................................................8 NEMA Lays Out Case for Energy Savings Performance Contracts at EIA Energy Conference...............................................................9 Industrial Energy Efficiency Coalition Unveils New Website.................................................................................................................9 Energy Storage Touted in Congress......................................................................................................................................................10 NEMA Rulemaking Landscape and Activity Summary......................................................................................................................10 Electroindustry News...........................................................................................................................26 Charging Ahead with Energy Storage Protocol...................................................................................................................................26
Stephen Gold (left) and Kurt Lawson will lead panel on healthcare reform
MITA Launches Imaging Innovation Campaign..................................................................................................................................27 Illuminations Weekend Panel to Address Healthcare Law’s Effects on Business...............................................................................28 Bill Hammond Receives 2013 Golden Omega Award........................................................................................................................28 ESFI Offers Resources as Hurricane Season Intensifies........................................................................................................................28 Code Actions/Standardization Trends....................................................................................................29 ANSI/NEMA SG-IC Standardizes Smart Grid Interoperability and Conformance...............................................................................29 Lyons Appointed to NYC Electrical Code Committees.........................................................................................................................29 Driven to Efficiency..............................................................................................................................................................................30 IEC and CENELEC Cooperation Strained with ASD Efficiency..............................................................................................................30 International Roundup........................................................................................................................31
Bill Hammond Receives Golden Omega Award
EEMODS Re-Convenes— 8th Biennial International Conference Scheduled for Rio de Janeiro.................................................................................................31 U.S.–China Smart Meter Project to Draft Roadmap...........................................................................................................................32 Economic Spotlight.............................................................................................................................IBC Available from NEMA/BIS – The Electroindustry Economic Outlook................................................................................................IBC EBCI Online..........................................................................................................................................................................................IBC
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Officers Chairman John Selldorff President & CEO Legrand North America First Vice Chairman Christopher Curtis President & CEO Schneider Electric Second Vice Chairman Thomas S. Gross Vice Chairman & COO Eaton Corporation Treasurer Don Hendler President & CEO Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Immediate Past Chairman David J. FitzGibbon Vice Chairman & CEO ILSCO Corporation President & CEO Evan R. Gaddis Secretary Clark R. Silcox
COMMENTS FROM THE C-SUITE Energy efficiency is the topic of this month’s electroindustry and a subject that is very close to my heart as an American citizen, a consumer, and especially in my role as the CEO of Legrand North America. As you’ve read time and again on these pages, energy efficiency is truly the “first fuel” for our economy. It is the fastest, cheapest, and cleanest way to meet energy demand. Every kilowatt-hour saved through energy efficiency translates directly into consumer and environmental savings, whether that’s measured in dollars or greenhouse gases, with no line loss or attenuation. In late June, the Obama administration put forward a three-part Climate Action Plan. In the president’s plan, energy efficiency is cited as a key strategy to cut carbon emissions while saving American consumers and businesses money. Among the efficiency-related measures the president put forward is an expansion of a public-private collaboration known as the Better Building Challenge. Spearheaded by the Department of Energy (DOE), the Better Building Challenge stands out among government initiatives for two reasons—it is successful and its success is rooted in the voluntary actions of the private sector. It calls upon participating companies to achieve a 25 percent reduction in energy intensity within ten years. Partners in the challenge commit to assessing their building stock for energy-efficiency opportunities, developing an organization-wide plan to achieve their energy savings, and sharing their solutions and results with DOE, which then recognizes the companies that achieve program objectives. As one of 12 industrial/manufacturing companies to step up to the challenge, Legrand can testify to its benefits. Through a wide range of actions we have achieved significant cost savings, realized operational improvements, and reduced our carbon footprint. Other companies have also seen significant results. Since its launch in 2011, 110 organizations have stepped up to become partners to this challenge. On average, they improved the energy intensity, or energy performance, of their portfolios by more than 2.5 percent per year since their baseline years. The energy performance improvements equate to 8.5 trillion Btus and $58 million in savings per year. Twenty-five percent may seem like an aggressive number, but it is doable. If we could achieve only a 14 to 15 percent average decrease in energy intensity across the bulk of commercial and industrial building stock in the U.S., we would prevent the emission of billions of metrics tons of carbon dioxide and unlock much needed capital for other productive purposes in our economy. There is no silver bullet to solve the energy and environmental challenges we face in the U.S. and around the world. But it is clear that private sector action is an important part of the solution. In this issue are descriptions of energy-saving technologies offered by NEMA members, staff, and shareholders. We should remember that these solutions are available for our customers, suppliers, and our own organizations as we work to improve competitiveness, save money, and reduce carbon emissions. ei
John P. Selldorff Chairman, NEMA Board of Governors
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Views from the Top ŰŰLED Revolution 2.0: Lighting Integrates with HVAC on Path to Intelligent Decisioning Era Maryrose Sylvester, President and CEO, GE Lighting
Yesterday’s irresistible LED value proposition—a triple dose of savings through energy efficiency, long life, and virtually zero maintenance—is moving into a support role in the coming years. While there’s still room to improve LED system efficiencies and life, it’s time to help end users move past being awestruck by LED energy and maintenance savings.
New integrated lighting and HVAC controls can put an energy user in the driver’s seat at a time when government regulations continue to move in the direction of stricter standards. California’s 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24), which governs new construction and alterations to residential and nonresidential buildings, requires advanced lighting controls to synchronize light levels with daylight and building occupancy, and to provide demand response capability. While such requirements may not be widespread today, it’s possible these rules will form the basis of new federal standards.
The Industrial Internet For years, companies have applied internet-based technologies to industrial applications, but the full potential of these endeavors has yet to be realized. We’re approaching a time when intelligent devices and systems will deeply merge with the connectivity, big data, and analytics of the digital world. Typically, data collected from lighting and building controls goes into a central management system that uses it to make operational decisions. The data is generally thrown away shortly after it’s received to make room for new data coming in. That dynamic is changing.
We’re moving into a new era of efficiency—LED Revolution 2.0—a period that will see us build on lighting system efficiencies with a greater integration of lighting controls and building automation systems. Delivering greater control of the two biggest energy consumers in U.S. office buildings is a big deal on two fronts—scope and scale.
Energy users can clearly benefit with advanced monitoring and reporting of lighting, heating, and cooling operations that can inform such actions as automatic adjustments when outdoor temperature and light change, smarter scheduling of building operations, and generation of on-demand energy usage reports. Occupant sensors make it easy to ensure lighting is only “on” in active areas of a workspace.
An intelligent system can give this data to the central management system and upload it to a cloud-based network where it can be analyzed and archived. The resulting “intelligent information” can then be acted on by facility managers in real-time or as part of a broader strategic decision process. Ultimately, data harvested can be visualized across entire regions of the country or even the world. It’s not hard to picture a future where this data could make its way back from the cloud to a closedloop system that automatically makes lighting and HVAC adjustments without human intervention. Such intelligent decision-making could occur when enough information has been gathered from intelligent devices and systems to facilitate data-driven learning.
Lighting, heating, ventilating, and cooling systems account for up to 65 percent of a commercial building’s electricity use according to ENERGY STAR®, a program of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy. How many of the nearly five million commercial office buildings in the U.S. cited in a 2009 EPA report are outfitted with inefficient systems? The ultimate goal at hand may best be described as one-system simplicity. Distinct systems will modulate how energy is used. They will provide data and communicate with one another to help facility managers make adjustments that can drive substantial new cost savings.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
The General Services Administration recently evaluated the performance of occupant-responsive lighting in five federal buildings. Not surprisingly, it measured an annual energy savings of 27 percent to 63 percent. LED Revolution 2.0 calls for an even more strategic frame of mind. Manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and every type of company or consultant tied to the lighting industry needs to get granular, i.e., develop solutions for individualized pressures and pain points; address customer needs faster and more effectively; and look around corners to pursue new solutions, partnerships, and results.
Our immediate challenge as an industry involves communication and education. We need to help customers see beyond the obvious promise of LED system efficiency and long life. In these early days of LED Revolution 2.0, we need to explain how the meshing of the industrial world with the internet and associated technologies can be as transformative as nearly any lighting technology invention of the last century. ei
ŰŰDemand for Electronically Controlled Motors Drives Innovation Mark J. Gliebe, Chairman and CEO, Regal Beloit Corporation In the mid-1990s, the compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb began gaining broad adoption into the North America lighting market. The more expensive plug-in CFL was initially offered by down-light fixture manufacturers and targeted at building owners and managers who had a financial incentive to reduce both energy and maintenance costs. Over time, the markets’ understanding of the benefits of CFLs increased, as did demand for significantly more energyefficient lighting.
efficient equipment that delivers a real financial benefit to building owners and managers. The increasing demand for ECMs is driving a wave of innovation that is continually reducing the size and costs of the electronics while increasing the capabilities of the motor and the control.
Today, CFLs are one of the preferred light sources for building owners, and simple screw-in style CFLs are now available to replace most incandescent light sources. Along the way, the growing demand for lighting efficiency led to innovations throughout the industry. Now, new technologies such as LEDs are taking shape and have the potential to provide even greater benefits.
Meaningful Payback To illustrate the point, here are two common ECM retrofit applications where building owners are experiencing a meaningful payback.
The electric motor industry today is where the incandescent lighting industry was 10 to 15 years ago. A big difference, however, is in the amount of energy that can be saved. According to the International Energy Association, electric motors consume 45 percent of the total energy in the world. Lighting energy consumption is a distant second at 19 percent. There are parallels in the product lifecycle of the CFL and the electronically controlled motor (ECM). First, ECM motors are utilized today by a broad range of original equipment manufacturers including HVAC, commercial refrigeration, and water pumping industries. Similar to the CFL down-light manufacturers, these companies have been offering energy-
In many cases, electronics are now integrated into an ECM. These innovations in size, cost, and performance have made it possible for motor manufacturers to offer a wide variety of retrofit ECMs that can be used in the most common applications. A number of electric utilities have recognized the benefits of motor retrofits and utility rebates are helping increase awareness.
• A typical grocery store uses approximately 300 motors in its display cases, reach-in cases, bottle coolers, walk-in coolers, and other cooling equipment. Over the last five years, more than 50 percent of the grocery stores in the U.S. have been retrofitted with ECMs that consume 30 to 40 percent less energy than the originally installed motor. Grocery chain owners are seeing payback periods ranging from one and one-half to two years with the added benefits of less wasted heat from the older motors and a quieter environment for their customers. • The second example highlights the opportunity for hotel operators to replace older, less efficient motors found in the air-conditioning systems used in guest rooms. In a recent retrofit to an upscale hotel on the East Coast, the owner replaced 800 motors with ECMs that consume roughly 30 percent less electricity. The estimated
payback for this global hotel chain will be approximately two and one-half years. The owner is now investigating additional motor retrofit opportunities on the property and throughout the chain. In addition to financial savings, the ECM operates more quietly than the older motor, adding another degree of comfort for guests. In most installations, the average installation time of a new ECM is 30 minutes per room, and the change-out can often be completed during normal roomcleaning service.
The electric motor industry today is where the incandescent lighting industry was 10 to 15 years ago. The benefits of ECMs are now available to homeowners as well. They can now replace low-efficiency HVAC blower motors with high efficiency ECMs resulting in lower energy costs, less operating noise, improved comfort, and better indoor air quality. While the U.S. leads the world in terms of the minimum efficiency levels of larger, integral horsepower motors, the minimum efficiency levels for smaller, fractional horsepower motors for the most part have remained ungoverned. The total efficiency of any piece of equipment is typically optimized by integrating an entire system (i.e., motor, controls, and equipment). Building owners, hotel managers, and homeowners can achieve attractive benefits from simply retrofitting an existing motor with a more energyefficient one. And often, it’s as easy as changing a light bulb! ei NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
View from the Industry ŰŰRoad Forward on Energy Efficiency Lies in Built Environment S. Joe Bhatia, President and CEO, American National Standards Institute
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), residential and commercial buildings—homes, businesses, and schools—use an estimated $200 billion in energy each year; our nation’s industrial plants use another $200 billion. Within that $400 billion pot, there are tremendous opportunities for energy and costs savings through the strategic implementation of coordinated energyefficiency measures and approaches.
in late 2012. The collaborative is working to assess the energy-efficiency standardization landscape and develop a standardization roadmap and compendium. EESCC does not develop standards or other technical documents, and does not assign responsibility for their development. Instead, the collaborative brings together diverse stakeholders in a neutral forum to identify gaps and set down priorities for standardization in this sector.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) reached out to its members—including NEMA—and the broader standardization community for input on ways in which standards and conformance can help drive energy efficiency. Through a series of exploratory meetings that began in April 2012, we found a real demand for a focus on standardization related to energy efficiency in the built environment.
Right now, more than 140 technical experts from four federal agencies and more than 50 organizations are involved with the collaborative. Through the work of its specialized working groups, EESCC recently completed the data-gathering portion of its work—collecting valuable input on more than 150 conformance programs, 500 documents, and a dozen potential gaps—and has begun analyzing that information in preparation for drafting the roadmap. The collaborative expects to complete the first draft of the roadmap by October 2013, with the final version planned for mid-2014.
To fill this need, ANSI launched the Energy Efficiency Standardization Coordination Collaborative (EESCC)
Now that EESCC has reached this critical stage, participation in the collaborative’s work has become even more important.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
All stakeholders and affected parties are strongly encouraged to take part in the EESCC’s work. Participation provides organizations with a rare opportunity to help influence priorities on energyefficiency standardization issues and to play a key role in the deployment of emerging services and technologies in this sector. To achieve the greatest gains energy efficiency has to offer, we need innovative thinking and ongoing collaboration between industry, government agencies, nonprofit groups, and other stakeholders. EESCC is working to facilitate that type of collaboration, and set a consensusbased path. Energy efficiency is a key to our nation’s strong and sustainable future, and the opportunities that standardization offers in this sector are real and achievable. I invite you to visit and get involved. ei Mr. Bhatia has more than 30 years of leadership experience in global business operations.
Government Relations Update ŰŰNEMA Advances Energy-Efficiency Tax Initiative Despite gridlock over spending levels and entitlements, the congressional taxwriting committees are moving forward with reform. The House Ways and Means Committee established bipartisan working groups earlier this year on each area of the tax code and invited members of Congress, stakeholder groups, and citizens to submit tax reform proposals. NEMA submitted a comprehensive tax incentive proposal developed over a sixmonth period by members and staff. In the Senate, the finance committee announced it would dramatically simplify the tax code. Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Ranking Republican Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said they would eliminate all current deductions, credits, and exclusions—the “blank slate approach”— and use resulting revenues to reduce tax rates and budget deficits. They invited all senators to submit proposals to add back or create credits, deductions, or preferences where “there is clear evidence that they help grow the economy, make the tax code fairer, or effectively promote other important policy objectives.” NEMA is meeting with Senate offices to line up Democratic and Republican sponsors for the energy-efficiency tax incentive proposal developed by our working group. Its three components offer incentives for energy-efficient commercial buildings, energy-efficient
industrial technologies, and Smart Grid technologies. For building energy-efficiency technologies, the proposal would establish a technology-neutral tax deduction to encourage installation of equipment and systems that maximize or improve energy efficiency in new and existing buildings. Eligibility would be determined using the ASHRAE1 Building Energy Quotient (bEQ) rating and labeling system. For new buildings, the incentive would be based on the bEQ level achieved after the first 12 to 18 months of actual operation. For retrofits of existing buildings, the incentive would be based on the post-retrofit bEQ level achieved and the extent of the energy savings, indicated by the improvement in pre- and post-retrofit bEQ levels. For industrial energy-efficiency technologies, the NEMA proposal would accelerate depreciation to five years for investment in equipment or systems identified by the secretary of energy as “energy efficient” or projected to improve industrial energy efficiency using industry standards. Similarly, for Smart Grid technologies, NEMA’s proposal would accelerate depreciation to five years for electric grid technologies 1
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ( energy_flow_2011/LLNLUSEnergy2011.png
that isolate problems and repair them remotely; enable quick recovery from extreme weather outages; and maximize the efficiency, reliability, and resilience of electricity. This package of energyefficiency proposals meets each criteria established by the Senate Finance Committee. First, the tax incentives would grow the economy by boosting the manufacturing of energy-efficient technologies, employing workers to install the technologies, and making American industries more competitive by reducing energy consumption and production costs. Second, the proposal would make the tax code fairer because it is technologyneutral, i.e., it rewards energy efficiency without dictating the deployment of specific technologies or systems. Finally, the proposal would promote the important national policy objective of energy efficiency. According to the Energy Information Administration and Lawrence Livermore National Lab, the U.S. wastes more energy than it consumes.2 Greater energy efficiency will boost economic productivity and competitiveness, enhance energy security, mitigate outages, and reduce emissions. ei Charles S. Konigsberg, Vice President for Strategy and Policy |
[email protected]
ŰŰNEMA Signs Statement on Chemical Safety Improvement Act In June, NEMA signed a statement ( issued by several organizations representing complex durable goods manufacturers regarding the Chemical Safety Improvement Act. It seeks to update the Toxic Substances Control Act. Notable provisions for NEMA members are: • All “active” chemical substances, subject to prioritization, will undergo
a risk-based safety assessment to determine whether there is an “unreasonable risk of harm to human health or the environment [that] will result from exposure to [the] chemical substance” under the intended conditions of use. • If the agency determines that additional test information is needed in order to make a safety assessment or determination for a “high-priority”
substance, it can require industry to develop that information. • Federal law preempts state agencies from prohibiting or restricting use of a chemical substance that the agency has already determined to meet the safety standard. Jonathan Stewart, Government Relations Manager |
[email protected] NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Government Relations Update ŰŰEnergy Efficiency Moving Forward on Capitol Hill Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Rob Portman (R-OH) have been pushing the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act (S 761) since 2011. Thanks to industry support, the bill, which would promote the widespread adoption of energy-efficient motors, transformers, and buildings across the country, is inching closer to passage. As NEMA’s President and CEO Evan Gaddis said to Senators Shaheen and Portman, “The significance of your proposal cannot be underestimated, because it tackles market barriers to greater investment in energy efficiency. We believe energy efficiency is our ‘first fuel,’ because it’s the only one that’s 100 percent efficient; it’s the cleanest and greenest way to meet America’s energy needs.” After passing through the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee by a strongly bipartisan vote of 19-3, the
bill is primed for floor action sometime this summer. In his 2013 State of the Union Address, President Obama promised that, “the states with the best ideas to create jobs and lower energy bills by constructing more efficient buildings will receive federal support to help make it happen.” Senators Mark Warner (D-VA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) introduced legislation on June 20 that would implement the president’s vision. The State Energy Race to the Top Initiative Act of 2013 (S 1209) would authorize $200 million in competitive grants for states, with awards of up to $30 million per state to encourage a doubling of energy productivity by 2030. The bill is currently pending before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, but NEMA is working hard to ensure that this bill is enacted in order to promote high performance buildings across the country.
Finally, the Better Buildings Act (S 1191), introduced by Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), is designed to align landlord and tenant incentives relative to energy-efficiency investments. Known as the “landlordtenant split incentive dilemma,” energy-efficiency investments are often stalled in scenarios where tenants, who receive all of the energy savings, pay the energy bill while landlords, who make the investment, pay for energyefficiency upgrades. The Better Buildings Act addresses this issue by developing best practices for aligning landlord and tenant incentives, as well as creating a new Tenant Star designation for energyefficient tenants similar to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR® program. ei Patrick E. Hughes, Policy Director, High Performance Buildings |
[email protected]
ŰŰEnergy Savings Performance Contracts Save Government Billions The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) convened a summit in June to discuss progress on President Obama’s Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC) goal of entering into $2 billion worth of projects by the end of 2013. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), and Congressmen Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Peter Welch (DVT) joined CEQ Chairwoman Nancy Sutley and other White House officials for a dialogue on ESPC best practices and a discussion of the future of ESPCs in federal and state facilities. In these times of tight budgets and sequestration, commercial building owners and federal agencies are looking for ways to reduce operating costs and stretch every dollar further. In a recent survey conducted by the Institute for Building Efficiency, 51 percent of
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
building owners cited either availability of capital or other financial criteria as their top barrier to investing in energy efficiency projects. ESPCs allow cash-strapped building owners and federal agencies to improve the energy performance of their buildings with no up-front capital expenditure. The contract structure allows a building owner or federal agency to pay a slightly lower rate per month than their historic energy bill to an energy services company (ESCO) for a set period of time (typically 15-25 years), and in exchange the ESCO will install upgraded energy technologies (such as lighting systems; heating, air conditioning, and ventilation controls; energy-efficient motors; variable frequency drives; and more) and guarantee a specific amount of energy savings. After the contract period ends,
the energy savings accrue to the building owner or federal agency. ESPCs have saved $7.2 billion dollars in energy costs in federal buildings alone since 1998 and have the potential to save billions more. NEMA agrees with Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) who has asserted that, “You can’t have an all-ofthe-above energy strategy unless energy efficiency is part of the equation.” In order to ensure that efficiency remains part of our domestic energy strategy, NEMA encourages President Obama to extend his administration’s ESPC goal beyond the end of 2013. ei Patrick E. Hughes, Policy Director, High Performance Buildings |
[email protected]
ŰŰIndustrial Energy Efficiency Coalition Unveils New Website The Industrial Energy Efficiency Coalition (IEEC), a group of six manufacturers of industrial efficiency technologies administered by NEMA, recently launched a new website. The new IEEC website features a redesigned layout, industrial energy efficiency case studies, industry news, and more. A planned expansion of the site will incorporate a library of industrial energy-efficiency reports and other resources so that policymakers, reporters, and industry professionals will have a one-stop-shop to learn more about industrial energy efficiency. ei Patrick E. Hughes, Policy Director, High Performance Buildings |
[email protected]
ŰŰNEMA Lays Out Case for Energy Savings Performance Contracts at EIA Energy Conference More than 900 attendees were on hand when Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, PhD, delivered keynote remarks at the 2013 Energy Information Administration (EIA) Energy Conference in Washington, D.C., in June. Even more watched on C-SPAN. Secretary Moniz was the opening speaker for an action-packed, two-day conference full of federal officials, economists, industry experts, and energy advocates. Secretary Moniz was followed by Thomas Fanning, CEO of Southern Company, who noted that the electricity sector is growing five times faster than any other energy sector, and that we all should “use less [energy] when we can.” Other notable speakers included Senator Lisa Murkowsk (R-AK), ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee; Aldo Flores-Quiroga, Secretary-General of the International Energy Forum; and Jason Bordoff, Director of Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy and former
Special Assistant to President Obama on the staff of the National Security Council, National Economic Council, and Council on Environmental Quality. NEMA Policy Director for High Performance Buildings Patrick Hughes spoke on a panel with Roland Risser, Director of the Building Technologies Office at the U.S. Department of Energy, and Sukanya Paciorek, Senior Vice President at Vornado Realty Trust. The topic, “Energy Consumption and Building Efficiency,” covered everything from energy-efficiency policies and building automation systems to data collection and analysis. In his presentation on current energyefficiency policies and regulations, Mr. Hughes addressed the need to extend President Obama’s goal for federal agencies to enter into energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) past the end of this year, stating that:
government to enter into $2 billion of ESPC projects by the end of 2013, but federal energy assessments have shown that there are at least $9 billion worth of remaining, cost-effective energy conservation measures that could be addressed using ESPCs at no cost to taxpayers.” NEMA encourages the extension of the federal government’s commitment to ESPCs. Since 1998, ESPCs in federal facilities have saved $7.2 billion, with a private-sector investment of just $2.7 billion. For specific examples of how ESPCs have been implemented in federal facilities, visit DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program website: financing/espcs_casestudies.html ei Patrick E. Hughes, Policy Director, High Performance Buildings |
[email protected]
‘The president’s December 2011 memorandum committed the federal NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Government Relations Update ŰŰEnergy Storage Touted in Congress Energy storage technologies officially have their 2013 congressional champions. The STORAGE Act (HR 1465/S 1030) has been introduced in the Senate by Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Susan Collins (R-ME) and in the House by Rep. Chris Gibson (R-NY) and Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA). At a recent Capitol Hill event to honor Sen. Wyden, the senator told the crowd that supporters of energy storage stand “on the right side of history” and praised the value that storage provides to the grid and consumers. NEMA is leading coalition briefings of congressional staff where we are finding quite a range in terms of levels of awareness of energy storage.
NEMA’s Tax Reform Working Group is a multi-pronged approach which promotes member interests regardless of the way the tax debate plays out.
Jim Creevy, NEMA (right), and Jeremy Dockter, Managing Director of Expansion Energy (center), discuss energy storage with Imre Gyuk of the Department of Energy at a recent energy storage reception co-sponsored by ESA and NEMA. Photo by Paul Rodriguez
The STORAGE Act and other targeted tax bills come at a time when Congress is focused on comprehensive tax reform.
First, NEMA is promoting a simplified tax code with a dramatic reduction in tax rates even if that means eliminating many credits and deductions currently used in our industry. Second, NEMA has offered a technology-neutral energy efficiency incentive for buildings, industry, and the Smart Grid. Finally, if the tax code remains largely intact, NEMA will advocate for targeted measures such as STORAGE Act. See also “NEMA Advances EnergyEfficiency Tax Initiative” on page 10.
Jim Creevy, Director of Government Relations |
[email protected]
ŰŰNEMA Rulemaking Landscape and Activity Summary NEMA monitors and facilitates member involvement in several federal and state rulemakings. While most members are aware of two or three regulatory activities, few are aware of the entire scope and breadth. The Rulemaking Landscape and Status chart (page 11) provides an overview of every rulemaking being tracked by NEMA what level of activity is ongoing. It is important to note that some rules move at a predictable pace, while others do not. Often, the more onerous a rule can be, the slower it moves. Federally, NEMA tracks rulemakings at the Department of Energy (DOE); Federal Trade Commission (FTC); and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), especially for its ENERGY STAR® appliance programs. While ENERGY STAR programs are technically voluntary, their influence on product
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
performance requirements and the amount of rebate dollars and business involved make the program quasi-regulatory.
“codes” they are regulations. Other states pursue energy-efficiency requirements through codes and regulations, with much the same effect.
NEMA also monitors energy-related activities in all 50 states, using a contracted monitoring service. California has been pursuing energyefficiency initiatives since the 1970s, the same time federal activity began to focus on energy consumption and reduction. Because of California’s long tradition and enthusiasm for energy regulations, it is a trendsetter for other states and even federal regulations. Thus, NEMA is deeply involved in California Energy Commission (CEC) regulations.
Outside of California, the primary focus for state-level appliance regulation activity is preventing the creation and proliferation of state-specific appliance requirements. This prevents a patchwork of performance and reporting requirements.
A note of clarification—while most people refer to the California Appliance Energy Efficiency Regulations (Title 20) and the California Building Energy Efficiency Regulations (Title 24) as
NEMA influences this sort of activity by: • commenting in writing and in person at regulatory proceedings • influencing appliance and building energy efficiency regulations in California ei Alex Boesenberg, Regulatory Affairs Manager |
[email protected]
Rulemaking Landscape and Status Federal and California rules in which NEMA assists members regarding interpretation/conformance. Members may obtain more information from Alex Boesenberg, NEMA Manager of Regulatory Affairs. Learn more about the DOE regulatory process at:
4 1 2 3
Battery chargers and external power supplies
Proposed rule
Final rule two years past required deadline
Residential water heaters and commercial water heaters
Proposed test procedures
Electric water heaters >55 gallons (waiver process)
Discussion ongoing
Distribution transformers
Final rule
Recently published
Commercial and industrial pumps (motors)
Performance standard / technical analysis
Commercial and industrial fans and blowers
Electric motors
Proposed rule
In progress
Electric motors direct final rule
Petitioned for
Small electric motors—CCE2 Rule
NEMA pressuring DOE to begin immediately
Exit signs (EPAct 2005)
No start date
Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts
Final rule
Published and implementing
General service fluorescent lamps
Technical analysis
Recently published
Incandescent reflector lamps
Technical analysis
Recently published
General service incandescent lamps, CFLs, general service LEDs, and general service OLEDs (EPAct 2005)
Authorized (see next)
No start date (see next line item)
LED lamps (test proc. for FTC labeling rules)
Proposed rule
In progress
High intensity discharge (HID) lamps: test procedures and energy standards (in tandem)
Proposed rule / technical analysis
In progress Concern: out of sync
Incandescent lamps, candelabra and intermediate base (EPAct 2005)
No start date
Incandescent reflector lamps (certain ER, BR, and small diameter)
Incandescent rule enforcements are banned
100W R20 Short pool and spa lamps (waiver)
Anticipated soon
Lighting systems/luminaires
Requested info
Metal halide lamp fixtures
Proposed rule (two years overdue)
Stalled; No clear reason why
Traffic signals (EPAct 2005)
No start date
Alternative Efficiency Determination Methods (AEDM) and Alternate Rating Methods (CCE Rule)
Proposed rule
Reducing regulatory burden (Executive Order 13563)
Routine request for info, but no apparent changes
Expanded Lighting Facts Label application
Proposed rule late 2011
No progress (stalled?)
Appliance Labeling Disclosure (online/print)
Final Rule
Published Februar 2013
ENERGY STAR lamps specification
Publish mid- to late-2013
ENERGY STAR data centers specification
ENERGY STAR climate controls specification
Private, no public draft
California Building Energy Efficiency Regulation (Title 24)
Ongoing two-year cycle
Rolling updates with final language set by October 2014
California Appliance Energy Efficiency Regulations (Title 20)
Ongoing two-year cycle
Stalled (18 months) due to staffing issues, TBD
California Title 20 Enforcement Rule
Stalled; staffing issues, TBD
Status (Test Procedures typically proceed Energy Efficiency Requirements) CCE—Certification, Compliance and Enforcement (these rules follow/implement a performance standards rule). Only critical CCE rules are noted in this table. Authorized—allowed but not started Stalled—no mandatory deadline or no movement in 2+ years (and none anticipated)
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Rexel Foundation Survey— Americans Believe that Energy Efficiency Saves Money Christopher Hartmann, Executive Vice President and CEO USA, Rexel Group
he U.S. electrical industry faces a tremendous opportunity. For years, the country has lagged behind the rest of the world in adopting energyefficient technologies and behaviors. It appears, however, that this is changing. According to a recent study conducted by the Rexel Foundation, Americans are on the cusp of an energy efficiency boom. The study findings show that consumers are confident that now is the time to make changes to homes and reduce their energy consumption. Seventy percent of consumers surveyed plan to make energy efficiency improvements to their homes in the near future. These are compelling statistics, but the reasons for making such changes will show that the electrical industry can capitalize on this upward trend and drive revenue into the market. Among those polled, 76 percent said that a reduction in their energy bills was the primary reason for making improvements to their home. As a result of heightened awareness of the importance of energy efficiency, it appears homeowners are looking to upgrade their homes, but will remain mindful of costs and look to reduce their future expenses.
Cost serves as the catalyst for change. The study shows that 93 percent of American consumers are convinced that investing in energy-efficiency products will allow them to save money. Among those polled, 56 percent think they could save up to 20 percent or more on their bills per year and 26 percent expect savings of up to 30 percent or more per year. With more than 70 percent of American consumers planning to make energy-efficiency improvements, the electrical industry must be prepared. According to the electrical contractors surveyed by Rexel, they are. The Rexel survey data showed that 94 percent of U.S. electrical contractors feel well positioned for energy-efficiency work and 79 percent think that the United States is advanced in adopting energy efficiency versus other countries.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Those within the industry recognize the trends and an overwhelming 98 percent would recommend that today’s young electrical contractors specialize in energy efficiency. The transformation into a more energy-efficient society still has its challenges. Although it is not incumbent on any one segment of society, the electrical industry will play a strong role in our rate of adoption. Contractors well-armed to educate their customers on the financial benefits of energy efficiency as well as simplify the technology will be well suited to prosper.
Overwhelmed by Technology The Rexel Foundation study asked contractors, “What are the reasons stopping your customers from adopting energy efficient solutions?” Financial reasons aside, the most frequently cited response was “lack of knowledge/awareness of what energy efficiency is all about” (46 percent). “The complexity of technology/products and a fear of not understanding how to use them” ranked second, as indicated by 33 percent of respondents. This was further supported by 64 percent of contractors who said that knowing how to explain the use and benefits of the products and technologies would help them to better advise their customers on energy efficiency in the future. Consumers had a similar voice with 18 percent saying they are overwhelmed by the number of different products/ technology available and 11 percent saying that the products are too complex. When asked, “What needs to be done on a local, national, and international level to encourage people to make greater energy efficiency improvements to their homes,” the responses turned to costs: • 59 percent insist that to encourage people to make energy efficiency improvements in the future, the price of technologies and products will have to come down • 35 percent report better financial incentives or subsidies from the government are needed • 30 percent say access to attractive financial packages/plans to help them manage the cost would make a difference
Measuring Energy Efficiency The survey shows that while Americans are gaining ground in the race to become more energy efficient and that they have a greater willingness to do so, there is still a lot of work that needs to happen in order to make this goal a reality. The opportunity is now with younger generations who are entering the marketplace. Contractors will have the ability to cater to a collection of homeowners who have grown-up under the technology boom and are predisposed to adopt more advanced products and solutions. Among survey participants, the age demographic of people planning “active technology driven” energy-efficient upgrades (e.g., home automation and energy-efficient lighting, heating and ventilation systems) in the next five years can be split as follows: • 18–24 years, 68 percent • 25–34 years, 68 percent • 35–49 years, 52 percent • 50–64 years, 44 percent • 65 years+, 28 percent Cost serves as the catalyst for change. Reducing cost is the biggest reason cited for becoming more energy efficient, but cost is also the primary reason prohibiting consumers from doing so. Part of overcoming this hurdle is being able to advise consumers on the most relevant and cost effective products for them and helping them to understand the return on investment. Where available, it is also about advising them on the financial incentives and financial schemes that can help them manage the upfront cost. While the federal government and industry play a key role in advancing the energy-efficiency agenda, consumers understand that the responsibility also falls on them in order to make a difference. When asked “Who do you think should be responsible for improving energy efficiency in the home?” 42 percent of surveyed consumers responded that it should be the general public/consumers themselves; 29 percent, utilities/ energy companies; 22 percent, local/regional public authorities; and 20 percent, the federal government. It will take a concerted effort by everyone, but the opportunity to take advantage of this trend toward greater energy efficiency is here. Those who are prepared and willing to take the time and educate customers will benefit the most. ei Prior to joining RHUSA, Mr. Hartmann held several strategic planning, sales, marketing, and engineering positions with Thomas & Betts, Rockwell Automation, AB Electrolux and General Electric. He serves on the board of the National Association of Electrical Distributors and the Board of Delegates of the National Association of Wholesalers.
Survey carried out by Opinionway and TRiG on a sample of 2,021 individuals aged 18 years old and over, representative of the population of the United States of America and 100 electrical contractors. Respondents were interviewed online from April 10–22, 2013. Infographics by Opinionway / Nicolas Curtelin
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Strategic Energy Management Today Creates Brighter Energy Environment Tomorrow Mary Burgoon, Market Development Manager, Sustainable Production, Power Generation and Energy Management, Rockwell Automation
mid an environment of rising energy costs and volatile energy markets, it would be difficult to find a company that’s unaware of energy use in its facilities. Water, air, gas, electric, and steam (WAGES) resources consume an increasingly growing share of operating costs. Extracting, producing, or making anything—from household products and chemicals to machinery and raw materials—demands significant energy resources to fuel many processes.
In an effort to control costs, many organizations have begun tracking WAGES usage at the facility or site level. This type of visibility allows companies to determine a facility’s energy demand and environmental impact over time, and to figure out how demand varies depending on the plant’s activities. Many U.S. government programs—including ENERGY STAR®, Save Energy Now, and Superior Energy Performance—have been designed to help manufacturers get started with energy management.
Despite high awareness of energy consumption and its costs, many manufacturing executives continue to view energy as little more than a cost of doing business. They fail to consider the multiple activities, such as surges of equipment during sudden starts, poorly maintained equipment, and inaccurate temperature readings—that can drive unproductive energy usage.
These programs are helpful, however, they only scratch the surface when it comes to the level of information and insight manufacturers can tap into. Over time, organizations can implement systems that collect, time-stamp, and store live data related to WAGES resources. This detailed historical data can be used to evaluate usage trends (e.g., peak usage by hour, day, and month) and energy consumption quality, which can lead to a number of insights related to the correlation between peak consumption and usage, and the relationship between quality and productivity.
But understanding WAGES consumption, and developing a strategy to better manage it, can have a meaningful impact on the bottom line. Strategically managing all WAGES resources can bring numerous benefits: improving control of energy usage, lowering energy costs as a percentage of operating costs, and minimizing the volatile risks of energy supply, pricing, and legislation. An effective energy management strategy requires marrying a top-down commitment to energy management with a bottom-up approach that allows engineers to optimize operations at the product level.
It Starts with Facility Global energy consumption has risen by more than 200 percent since 1965, from 3,767 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) to 12,002 Mtoe in 2010. From 2000 to 2010, energy consumption increased approximately 28 percent, according to the 2011 BP Statistical Review of World Energy.1 This trend is poised to continue, with industrial energy consumption growing an approximately 50 percent from 2008 to 2035, according to estimates by the Energy Information Administration’s 2011 International Energy Outlook.2 As usage continues to skyrocket, costs are expected to follow the same growth curve. This is already starting to play out in production environments: Sixty-three percent of plants reported increases to utility and energy costs in the past year, according to a 2011 MPI Manufacturing Study.3 Additionally, one-fifth of plants experienced energy cost increases of more than 10 percent.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Visibility into broad energy consumption information is critical in order to begin to reduce energy usage. Drawing correlations between energy consumption and operations is a good first step for manufacturers that want to begin the process of estimating the amount of energy used for individual products or outputs. This simple improvement can drive dramatic changes to production.
Moving into Production Manufacturers looking to truly optimize energy use must extend their efforts beyond the facility level and take a more targeted and granular approach that begins with the collection, storage, and assessment of production-level energy data. Facilitating visibility at this level results in a more meaningful understanding of energy consumption and quality. The thought of collecting information about every line in a facility can seem daunting. However, by taking a scalable, phased approach, plants can first target the machines and processes with the heaviest and most variable usage. Manufacturers should establish these locations as datacollection points and implement systems to store and analyze the data they generate. Over time, the facility can find additional efficiencies by tapping into these systems as it adds new lines and equipment.
Measuring Energy Efficiency Monitoring at the production level of detail generates significantly more data than was being produced at the facility level. Reporting dashboards can make it easier for plant managers to pinpoint variable energy costs on the plant floor and evaluate options for improving profitability. Data may reveal trends that impact machine design practices as well. If a motor never approaches peak usage, for example, a plant manager might decide that smaller-sized equipment could achieve equal performance while reducing energy usage. Energy savings and cost-effectiveness increase as organizations put systems in place to gather and evaluate data generated by their equipment, establish WAGES usage patterns, categorize problems, and explore root causes.
At the End of the Line
Energy Management Market Research4 report. This report, from which this article was excerpted, examines the state of industrial energy usage, assesses the readiness of industrial companies to take action to reduce consumption of WAGES, and presents the Rockwell Automation Industrial GreenPrint™, a four-stage methodology for progressively achieving improvements through existing and new investments. ei Ms. Burgoon is responsible for leading the development and implementation of strategies and programs that address customer challenges with innovative energy management solutions.
Manufacturers looking to understand production-level energy usage ultimately need to know more than how a plant or piece of equipment consumes energy. They need to visualize how energy is consumed relative to each product. Achieving this view requires much more detailed data than is typically collected in most facilities. It’s not uncommon for organizations to calculate energy per unit of product output (monthly, quarterly, or annual energy consumption divided by the number of products or batches produced). This method, however, is really only effective in repetitive, low-mix production environments with few product changeovers. Even then, it’s only an approximation. It’s not possible to see energy consumed—or how it can be minimized—without measuring energy variables like peak-demand usages. A more effective approach that gives companies, especially those running a range of products, visibility into the true overall costs of their products is to capture energy usage per product where it occurs. What is the result of achieving this level of detail? Active management of energy consumption that improves corporate citizenship and profitability. After establishing effective systems for collecting energy-consumption data, the next step is to implement automated decision-making to control production, energy usage, and emissions, and then to coordinate production decisions with external market factors. For more information on how to increase energy efficiency by controlling production and other energy management best practices, download a copy of Rockwell Automation’s Industrial
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Energy Efficiency Gets Turbo-Charged with Newly Upgraded ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® Tool for Commercial Buildings Robert Sauchelli, ENERGY STAR® Program Nils Klinkenberg and Julie Weisz, The Cadmus Group, Inc.
User-Friendly Tool Offers More Options
he Energy Information Administration (EIA) has found that commercial buildings accounted for 49 percent of total U.S. electricity consumption in 2006, and predicts that the percentage will rise as high as 75 percent by 2025. Electricity’s share of primary energy use in buildings increased from 56 percent in 1980 to 72 percent in 2005, and electricity consumption accounted for 65 percent of building energy costs in 2005. With electricity playing such a large role in building energy use—and expense—the need for more efficient energy management is apparent, as is the opportunity for lighting and other equipment manufacturers to help deliver necessary solutions.
On July 10, EPA launched an upgrade to its widely used ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® tool, the industry-leading energy benchmarking tool for commercial buildings. More than 70,000 account holders—including school districts, retail chains, hospital systems, and local governments—currently use Portfolio Manager to measure and track energy performance, utility costs, and greenhouse gas emissions of more than 300,000 buildings nationwide. Since its inception in 2000, nearly 40 percent of the nation’s commercial building space has been benchmarked in this nocost, online tool—and more than 20,000 buildings have used it to earn the ENERGY STAR certification, using on average 35 percent less energy than their conventional counterparts.
ENERGY STAR®, a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy (DOE), provides a strategic pathway toward superior energy efficiency including a focus on ongoing performance measurement and whole-building improvement. ENERGY STAR programs include resources for products, new and existing residential homes, industrial facilities, and commercial buildings—all leveraging ENERGY STAR’s recognition by more than 85 percent of Americans as a trusted symbol of energy efficiency and environmental stewardship.
Figure 1. Features of the new Portfolio Manager include tabular navigation, customizable charts and graphs, and enhanced reporting and data-export options.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Measuring Energy Efficiency
By tracking data, owners of high-performing buildings also see the value in setting the stage for: • ENERGY STAR certification All types of commercial and institutional buildings can use Portfolio Manager to track and benchmark energy and water use over time, and to automatically calculate a variety of metrics about a building’s energy performance, including an ENERGY STAR score ranging from 1–100, for 15 common types of buildings that is analogous to the miles per gallon rating for cars. By submitting basic information such as building size, hours of operation, number of employees and computers, and 12 months of utility data, buildings can compare their energy use relative to the national population of similar buildings. A building scoring 75 or higher is eligible to apply for ENERGY STAR certification. Portfolio Manager also includes enhanced features to set baselines, normalize for weather conditions, and create and export reports in a variety of formats. The upgrade also delivers an easier-to-use interface, streamlined functionality, and enhanced reporting features. Data entry is easier than ever with step-by-step instructions, wizards, and prompts, as well as multiple options for bulk data uploads. Collaboration is improved with advanced data-sharing and reporting functions, allowing quick creation of graphs, custom data reports, and a variety of template reports, such as the one-page Statement of Energy Performance (Figure 1). Custom tabs let building owners plan and set goals to track both current performance and future projects. While all existing data has been carried over into the new system, the database behind the tool has also been overhauled to be faster, more robust, and offer easier exchange with external databases through a new set of XML web services.
• voluntary recognition in programs such as LEED1 for Existing Buildings or Green Globes2 • participation in DOE’s Better Buildings Challenge3 All these programs use Portfolio Manager.
Embracing Portfolio Manager In a growing number of cities and states across the U.S., mandatory energy benchmarking and disclosure policies require buildings above a certain size to track and report energy use using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. Jurisdictions include Austin, Boston, Minneapolis, New York City, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., as well as the states of California and Washington. Companies in these markets can leverage these policies and bolster their credibility by understanding Portfolio Manager and being able to step in and assist building owners to go from benchmarking to retrofitting to becoming more energy-efficient. ENERGY STAR can be your partner in driving energy efficiency in buildings by providing tools, resources, and information to you and your customers. Learn more about becoming an ENERGY STAR Partner, and the specific resources that can help you at each step of your business relationships, at ei Mr. Sauchelli is a National Program Manager with ENERGY STAR. Mr. Klinkenberg is a senior analyst, and Ms. Weisz a research analyst with The Cadmus Group, Inc., a contractor to the ENERGY STAR Program.
Learn more about the new Portfolio Manager tool—and take a test drive—at
Adding Power to Sales Electrical equipment manufacturers are in a prime position to help building owners and operators continuously improve the energy performance of their properties through implementation of energy-efficient technologies. With the new enhancements to Portfolio Manager, the opportunity is greater than ever to provide added value to customers by demonstrating savings from upgrades, comparing performance to other buildings in a customer’s own portfolio and nationwide, and applying for recognition for high performance.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a third-party certification program and nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. 2 Green Globes is a web-based program for green building guidance and certification that includes an onsite assessment by a third party. 3 Better Buildings Challenge is a program to improve the efficiency of American commercial and institutional buildings and industrial plants through energy efficiency assessments, showcasing energy-efficiency projects, and reporting results. 1
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Global Motor Labeling Program Provides Consistency in Successful Motors Initiative Daniel E. Delaney, Agency and Standards Manager, Regal Beloit America, Inc.
arly in 2012, NEMA and IECEE (IEC’s conformity assessment organization) began efforts to jointly develop the Global Motor Efficiency Labeling Program based on the NEMA Premium® program, which is currently one of the leading global motor efficiency labeling programs and was primarily developed to address the lack of verification testing of existing global motor efficiency regulations. This joint working proposal addresses the multitude of difficulties that motor manufacturers face when complying with various countries’ regulations for motor efficiency such as: • lack of common certification process (registration, sample selection, test laboratory requirements, test standards, efficiency levels, and efficiency marking) • lack of globally-recognized label or mark for motor efficiency • lack of enforcement policy (verification testing and border enforcement) Many countries (including U.S., Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, and Russia) have existing motor efficiency regulations but they can vary greatly when it comes to test standards, laboratory accreditation, certification process, and labeling requirements. This joint proposal will determine consistencies in these requirements and establish a global set of harmonized requirements from the laboratory accreditation to the test standards and finally the certification process and the motor labeling.
IECEE WG2D Goes to Work A Global Motor Labeling Program (GMLP) international working group has been formed under the IECEE Sub-Working Group 2D. Called WG2D, it consists of NEMA 1MG and IEC TC2 members, international motor manufacturers, and national certifying bodies. After a series of informative discussions, WG2D decided to work toward developing an IECEE conformity assessment scheme based solely on the NEMA Premium license. IECEE operates the globally-recognized CB
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
(certification body) scheme in addition to other associated programs, such as IECEx for hazardous location areas. The CB scheme is globally recognized and internationally accepted for electrical and electronics products with more than 50 countries participating. After a series of preliminary teleconference meetings, the first formal face-to-face meeting was held in December 2012 at the Motor Summit in Zurich, Switzerland. During this meeting, the team discussed various certification options available in IECEE, including the CB Scheme and other conformity assessment types per ISO Guide 17067. A rigorous ISO Type 5 process with market surveillance could help address the enforcement concerns in the motor industry today. The development of an IECEE global label that would help lead promotion of this new conformity assessment program was also discussed. IECEE Executive Secretary Pierre de Ruvo presented a few preliminary IECEE labels and members provided feedback on the various options.
Developing and launching a successful global motor efficiency program will take effective collaboration. Following the December meeting and based on feedback from the motor industry, it was decided to break efforts into a two-phase approach. Phase 1, GMEE (Global Motor Energy Efficiency), would develop a test certificate program based on the IECEE CBTC (Certification Body Test Certificate) process; Phase 2 would continue as the GMLP and incorporate the full labeling program. The goal of this two-phase approach is to quickly provide a conformity assessment motor efficiency program for motor manufacturers, and through implementation, get feedback on improvements for Phase 2.
Daniel E. Delaney will present a paper on GMLP at EEMODS, in September. See page 31.
Measuring Energy Efficiency Figure 1 provides a summary of the proposed phases. Before NEMA and IECEE had met, IECEE was developing an “E3” program which would provide a statement of test results for energy efficiency products. E3 did not include motors and is not being considered for this project. WG2D consists of two task teams—2Da is focused on strategic tasks and 2Db on technical tasks. The following action steps have been outlined for each of the task forces for WG2D. WG2Da Strategic Actions • GMEE/GMLP business plan • Marketing materials on Program Process Flow (GMEE and GMLP) WG2Db Technical Actions • Motor efficiency test standard comparison • Develop IEC efficiency test report form • Certification process instructions (number of samples, number of tests, lab qualifications, AEDM/math models, etc.)
GMLP Sets Next Steps It is the goal of WG2D to have Phase 1 GMEE program launched by the end of the year of 2013. Phase 2 GMLP does not have a completion date, but WG2D will divert full attention to Phase 2 once Phase 1 is completed and launched. Developing and launching a successful global motor efficiency program will take effective collaboration between motor manufacturers, national/regional regulators, certification bodies, and customers. IECEE WG2D is committed to developing this program to provide a consistent scheme that helps existing and new programs (based on minimum energy performance standards) address the key elements of a successful motors initiative. Participation in this program is welcome. ei Mr. Delaney actively participates in standard revisions and committees for NEMA MG1 as well as CSA, UL, IEEE, USNC IECEE, and USNC IEC. He has authored and presented many electric motor industry papers at IEEE and EEMODS conferences.
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• National difference (test procedure, lab qualification, regulations, marking, certification, verification, etc.)
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Figure 1. Two-phase approach to a new conformity assessment program NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Industrial Energy Efficiency— Today’s Greatest Challenge Bill Rose, Manager, Media Relations, ABB Power Products & Power Systems, North America
im Kelly heads ABB’s Energy Efficiency Industry Segment Initiative business. Because of his experience with oil, gas, and petrochemical industries, as well as measurement products, group account management, and business development for foreign regions, I asked him about industrial energy efficiency for this issue of electroindustry.
Q: Jim, why is energy efficiency such a hot topic today? A: It’s high on the radar of countries and industries alike
because energy is increasingly one of our greatest challenges. Security of energy supply is also a very real problem, from generation shortfalls to unreliable power quality. Businesses in locations with comparatively high energy prices are finding it more and more difficult to compete in a global marketplace. At the same time, the world has become intensely aware that we can’t continue meeting the challenge of secure, affordable energy only by adding new carbon-based generation capacity. Industrial energy efficiency doesn’t command the media attention of solar power or electric cars, but it is a workhorse for tackling climate change.
Q: Are the technologies to create these savings already available? A: Yes. There are a slew of automation and power solutions
that are well proven. It’s not just about technical features— there is ample evidence of the business benefits. Naturally there are cost savings, but companies who learn to do more while using less energy are more competitive overall and enjoy enhanced reputations. We’ve also found that improving energy efficiency often provides operational benefits. For example, improperly tuned boilers not only waste energy, but they are often unable to respond quickly to changes in process steam demand. This can hurt product quality and reduce plant throughput.
Q: Are many companies embracing these technologies? A: We see a big disconnect between recognition and action. In an ABB-commissioned global survey of top industrial executives, about 90 percent acknowledged that energy efficiency will be a critical success factor for their business in the coming decades. Yet only 40 percent had invested in energy efficiency in the past three years and only a third had undertaken a plant-wide energy audit.
Q: How do you account for this gap? A: It really comes down to a lack of facts and resources. Many
manufacturers simply don’t have transparency as to where and how their energy is used, which makes it hard to create an optimized energy strategy. In addition, other priorities such as quality, productivity, and safety improvements also place demands on both human and capital resources. This can result in energy efficiency improvements being relegated down the priority list. This lack of information also makes it difficult to build the business case for investment, and for management to have confidence that they will reap the intended savings.
Q: How can companies overcome these obstacles? A: In today’s lean operating environment, many
manufacturers know their processes well but in many cases don’t have experts to identify and implement energyefficiency improvements. Therefore, aligning your company with an energy-efficiency industry expert can take you through the full cycle of identification, evaluation, and implementation, and can often be the difference between a worthy project sitting dusty on a shelf, or realizing meaningful, sustainable savings. The merits of energy efficiency technologies are well documented, but that is not enough to get improvement projects approved these days. Energy-efficiency consultants or specialists have the technology war-chest that can help quantify the business impact to top decision makers. ei
Mr. Rose is a member of NEMA’s Industrial Energy Efficiency Coalition.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Measuring Energy Efficiency
Surefire Strategy Saves Data Center Energy
Jeff Schnitzer, General Manager, GE Critical Power
ata centers present one of the greatest challenges in driving energy demand and straining the power grid. Despite technology advances that have increased equipment efficiency, data center power usage continues to grow. Cloud computing, mobile devices, and the growing industrial internet1 further increase demand for immediate access to more information. Add in the data providers who are anxious to deliver content that attracts visitors, and it’s easy to see why data center storage and access needs continue to grow at a healthy 19 percent per year, according to Gartner, an information technology research and advisory company.
Several admirable government initiatives are under way to drive power usage effectiveness (PUE) to less than 1.5 for data centers by 2015. The challenge is finding ways to meet and exceed these objectives. These include U.S. Environmental Protection Agency filings, EU’s 20-20-20 directive, and China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s directive. As companies strive to cut data center energy usage, they focus on more than just data processing equipment. Significant energy-saving opportunities can actually be found in critical power equipment, such as uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). UPS technology can help cut energy needs, lowering PUE and raising efficiency. PUE is a ratio of the total power consumption divided by information technology (IT) power consumption. It measures the energy efficiency of the electrical and cooling infrastructure supporting IT loads. According to the Uptime Institute 2012 Data Center Survey, a typical PUE is around 1.8, with the cooling systems and UPS as the largest energy consumers impacting PUE. With more efficient cooling systems and optimization of UPS efficiency, today we strive for PUE numbers dipping below 1.2 or less.
Getting There The first path to savings is a simple efficiency gain, which is already happening. In the not-too-distant past, 85 to 88 percent efficiency was respectable UPS performance. Newer units can reach 96.5 percent efficiency in double conversion mode. That savings is significant—a 5 MW installation will save approximately $2.3 million in energy costs over its typical operating life. Heat is the enemy of data center energy efficiency. Gartner says up to 50 percent of the energy consumed by data centers is for cooling. Most data center equipment, including UPS units, produces heat. So the second path to saving is UPS heat
Chart courtesy of GE Critical Power
reduction. More efficient UPS units emit less heat, reducing cooling needs and, therefore, energy needs. The third path to UPS savings is leveraging multimode UPS technology. Multimode systems enable operators to select how they route incoming power. Previous technology mandated channeling all power through inverters to cleanse power and/ or charge backup batteries. Selecting a newer, transformer-less technology such as UPS and operating it in double conversion provides some efficiency gains—up to 96.5 percent. However, it still produces heat and consumes energy. Multimode technology enables operators to channel power from the utility line directly to the data center, without the drain and heat generation of power conversion. These modern UPS systems monitor the power and switch to double conversion mode if there are surges, dips, or other abnormalities in two milliseconds or less, which is more than enough time to rechannel the power through the UPS. While operating in multimode, UPS systems can achieve up to 99 percent efficiency with near-zero heat emissions. That superefficient operation makes a difference. Data centers will continue to focus on energy efficiency and resource sustainability to manage energy consumption as the demand for data availability continues to grow. Holistic energy approaches like super-efficient, cooler-running UPS systems can interrupt the consumption growth curve and help manage demand across our energy infrastructure. ei Mr. Schnitzer, an engineer, has extensive experience in acquisition integration.
Coined by GE, the term refers to the integration of complex physical machinery with networked sensors and software.
NEMA electroindustry • June 2013
Smart Plug–Load Control Offers Safety, Convenience, Efficiency Steve Montgomery, PE, CEO, 2D2C, Inc.
his article describes a unique, retrofittable, appliance-addressing method that enables selective control of appliances by a building energy management system to reduce electric bills or by a utility company demand response program to reduce peak grid demand without risk of unintentionally turning off the life safety equipment, computers, or other non-target appliances. Why control plug-loads? According to the U.S. Energy Information Agency and the New Building Institute, plug-load energy use in homes and offices is increasing. More appliances are in daily use, plus the improved efficiency of lights, heating, and cooling means that plug loads now consume as much as 50 percent of the total electricity use, compared to 14 percent in 2003. Many high performance buildings already control heavy energy consumers like HVAC, pumps, and water heaters. Although smart plug-load control provides a large and easy energy savings opportunity, plug-load control provides unique challenges and dangers. Since plug-load controllers were introduced more than 40 years ago, automated plug-load control for either building automation or energy management has been avoided due to high potential risk of calamity. Uncertainty of what is plugged in can result in gross errors in energy monitoring and load control. Turning off or on appliances at the wrong time can cause damage, create fires, or destroy the output process. Accidentally turning off life-support equipment could even result in death. How does plug-tagging solve these problems? Tagging plugs with an RFID (radio-frequency identification) tag can uniquely identify every appliance. By knowing what appliance is plugged into each controllable receptacle, an energy management system can remotely and accurately identify electrical utilization equipment to provide the following benefits: • correctly associate energy readings with each consuming appliance • accurately turn on-off target appliances • execute rules for safe appliance control • track assets (e.g., instantly locate emergency equipment) • alert equipment maintenance needs • restrict usage of special equipment • detect thefts
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Wireless plug tags based on the RightPlug standard do not create electrical contacts, but respond to very short range RF fields to communicate a unique address and safety data about the appliance. Courtesy of 2D2C
How can tags uniquely identify each appliance? The RightPlug Alliance defines and specifies a wireless plug-load data tag. The RightPlug tag can be overmolded into a NEMA 5-15P or 1-15P plug or retrofitted onto an existing plug. The standard could be extended to other plug formats, but these are most common in North America. Each tag has a unique 64-bit address identification number readable via short-range wireless communication as defined by the RightPlug Standard. A smart receptacle containing a RightPlug tag reader could continuously poll for the presence of a plug-tag to uniquely identify what appliance is plugged in, when it got plugged in, and when it gets unplugged. For more information on the RightPlug standard, see The tag also contains safety information about the appliance, which can enable a RightPlug-compliant receptacle to disconnect line power to the appliance in the case of a fault or improper line power to avoid appliance damage and electrical fires. Retrofittable tagging means that any legacy appliance can become part of a high performance building with an energy efficiency program and become networked and accessible via the internet. A connected network of RightPlug load-control receptacles and tagged appliances can be remotely monitored from a smart phone, tablet. or PC from anywhere in the world. In addition to load control, this system can report electrical equipment usage, power quality issues, electrical faults, fire hazards, and possible equipment thefts as they happen. ei Mr. Montgomery serves on the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, NEMA Smart Grid Council, NEMA High Performance Buildings Council, NEMA Wiring Devices Section, and the International Association of Electrical Inspectors.
Measuring Energy Efficiency
Going Green Improves Energy Consumption, Air Quality Chrissy L. S. George, NEMA Communications
hen the summer sun scorches a city’s buildings and roads, roof and pavement surface temperatures often become much hotter than air temperatures. Go a few miles outside of the city where there is more shade and less concrete, and you will likely find that surface temperatures in shaded areas are similar to air temperatures.
This significant temperature variation is called a heat island effect. Effects include increased energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. One way to tackle an urban heat island is by soliciting the help of Mother Nature and her bounty of cooling, air-purifying vegetation by creating green roofs and walls. The results? Reduced energy use and better air quality. One of the earliest examples of green roofs dates back to 500 BCE with Babylon’s Hanging Gardens. Areas in Europe and Germany have been cultivating green roofs for more than a decade. Travel further east to Tokyo, Japan, and 20 percent of any new roof on medium or large buildings must be set aside for green roof implementation.1 Many cities across the U.S. and Canada already employ lush rooftop gardens and the benefits are notable. For example, research published by the National Research Council of Canada found that an extensive green roof reduced the daily energy demand for air conditioning in the summer by more than 75 percent.2 Vertical green walls, a newer concept, include two varieties: • Green facades, a system in which vines and climbing plants or cascading groundcovers grow into supporting structures, shade walkways and facades. • Living walls, a system composed of vegetation affixed to structural walls or free-standing frames, support a larger variety of vegetation than green facades. Thomas Pugh, PhD, a biogeochemist at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, and a team of researchers conducted a computer simulation study of the effects green walls could have at increasing air quality in urban street canyons—streets bounded on both sides by unbroken rows of buildings. In his study, Dr. Pugh noted that the siting of a green wall inside a street canyon is essential as street canyons have a tendency to “trap” air within them for relatively long periods of time. “Vegetation that cleans the air outside buildings, as our study looked at, can improve indoor air quality as the building is ventilated with cleaner air,” said Dr. Pugh. “When it comes to
energy efficiency, certainly shading and the use of incoming solar energy to evaporate water—through plant transpiration— gives vegetation the potential to reduce building temperatures, which could translate into lower cooling costs in hot areas.” Director of Education and Accreditation Jordan Richie, GRP, of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, an industry association working to promote green roofs and walls throughout North America, noted that green roofs and walls partition heat differently than conventional roofs by using the latent heat of evapotranspiration—the combination of transpiration from plants and evaporation of moisture that collects in the growing media and on vegetation surfaces—to dissipate heat. “Evapotranspiration from green roofs and walls is a cooling effect that can reduce heat flux through roofs and lead to reduced demand for energy within buildings,” said Mr. Richie. “Another benefit of green surfaces is that they typically have greater thermal mass than conventional roofs which helps dampen temperature swings.” University of Maryland Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Technology David Tilley, PhD, conducted a study from 2010 to 2011 in which he researched the benefits of vertical green walls. Reduction in energy consumption was prominent. “Green facades can reduce heat transfer to a structure’s interior,” said Dr. Tilley. “With cooler interior temperatures, there is less demand for air conditioning in warmer months, leading to reduced energy consumption. This helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy savings.” Green roofs and walls—a literal interpretation of going “green.”
Ms. George, an assistant editor/writer in NEMA Communications, is a regular contributor to ei magazine. NEMA electroindustry • June 2013
Quality of Light and Overcoming Barriers to LED Adoption Clifton Lemon, Marketing Communications Manager, Soraa
nergy efficiency by itself is not enough to reverse global warming or solve the global energy crisis. It does, however, represent a huge source of energy, and we must pursue efficiency as a crucial part of a global survival strategy.
Despite the typical protestations from entrenched industry interests, adopting widespread efficiency measures often presents no real downside and results in surprising collateral benefits in the form of improved quality in “energy services”— the useful work outputs we get from energy inputs. This is particularly true today with emerging LED (light-emitting diodes) technology. Few of us remember that lighting was the “killer app” for the massive wave of electrification of our built environment and industrial infrastructure from the mid-1880s through the 1940s. The disruptive adoption of the Edison bulb was one of the key driving forces behind the development of an electrical grid; centralized generation and distribution of power; and a vast array of devices, technologies, standards, materials, and interfaces that comprised the emerging electrical infrastructure. Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse all realized that it was not enough to have a single breakthrough invention in a successful bulb and filament arrangement to be useful; they knew that an entire system of generation and distribution must be designed and built in order for the invention to make a difference. Today, we have another emerging disruption in LED lighting. Solid-state lighting (SSL) is the first significant technological development in the production of manmade light in decades. It provides a clear technology path to delivering superior lighting globally that is cheaper, dramatically more energy efficient, and higher in quality than ever before. However, there are many barriers to the widespread adoption of LEDs for general lighting.
Pears under 80 CRI Blue based LED lamp (left) and Soraa Vivid 95 CRI lamp. Courtesy of Soraa
Quality Threatens Adoption Of all barriers to adoption, light quality is the most important. LEDs risk delayed adoption rates and subsequent lack of investment because of the poor quality of first generation LED light sources, with their blue spike, low CRI (color rendering index), and poor beam quality produced by multiple sources in one lamp. The last significant development in energy-efficient lighting technology was compact fluorescents (CFLs), which delivered significant energy savings over incandescent sources but failed to achieve desired market penetration. The slow and incomplete market adoption of CFLs demonstrates that simply because a product produces enough light, saves energy, and is cost-effective, widespread market adoption of that technology is by no means ensured. Poor light quality ruined many lighting designers’ and consumers’ confidence in CFLs. LED lamps that simply replicate the color quality and overall user experience of CFLs are unlikely to gain much market share over incandescent lamps. McKinsey’s 2011 Lighting the Way1 report suggests that consumer lighting purchase decisions are driven as much by light quality as they are by the cost. Twenty percent of the residential respondents in the McKinsey report rated light quality as the most important decision criterion for lamp installation, which is on par with the 22 percent who rated purchase price as the most important factor. In all other market segments, light quality was by far the most important issue. Consumers must see LED-based light sources as high-quality products worth the initial higher price differential. Therefore, LEDs must provide performance that is measurably better than CFLs, including higher color rendering, more predictable color appearance, and a closer replication of (and indeed significant improvement over) the incandescent and halogen lamps that lighting_the_way_perspectives_on_global_lighting_market_2012.ashx
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Measuring Energy Efficiency they replace. With the emergence of next generation LED technology, these performance benchmarks have now been reached, but many LEDs continue to exhibit poor quality of light. This threatens their widespread adoption. LED light sources operate in a completely different thermal environment than incandescent sources, and require fixtures more carefully designed for optimal thermal performance than those intended for incandescent sources. This seems somewhat counterintuitive, as all LEDs run cooler than incandescents because they use power much more efficiently. But even though incandescents run hotter, they don’t lose efficacy at higher temperatures, and fixture choices reflect this fact—a large part of lighting infrastructure is dedicated to mitigating too much inefficiently produced light and heat. LEDs can operate in many fixtures originally designed for incandescents, but not all. Transformers, dimmers, and control systems designed for incandescent and fluorescent sources are not always compatible with LEDs. Finally, the different bulb and lamp types required by LED technology do not always fit into existing fixtures. As we are still in the beginning stages of LED adoption, physical fit and thermal issues have yet to be worked out.
Lessons Ahead As LEDs mature, lessons are being learned in applications and interoperability with existing systems. Fortunately, this plus the emergence of new classes of dimmers, transformers, and fixtures will ensure a healthy future for LED lighting systems and technology. As a relatively new technology, LEDs are more expensive than the very low cost incandescent and fluorescent sources that dominate lighting—for equivalent output, you can pay up to 30 times the cost per individual lamp. There are also perceived cost concerns with the fundamental LED material and manufacturing process, as LEDs have achieved only a very small market share and have not created the economies of scale that they eventually will. Costs are also incurred when new fixtures and infrastructure are required in order to allow LEDs to operate correctly, and options are still somewhat limited. Despite high first costs, the public is becoming increasingly used to assessing total lifetime costs and extending payback expectations. Screw-base LEDs today typically offer a one-year or shorter payback and more complex fixtures can have up to a fiveyear payback. The rapid pace of improvement in LEDs also means that we can expect overall price reductions annually as products improve and economies of scale influence the market. Building codes and standards are slow to change and often constructed with mature technologies in mind, and this can handicap the adoption of new technology. In many cases, LEDs can be deployed within the existing framework of codes, and in other cases they will drive the development of new codes. Some building codes that make retrofits from incandescent sources to
high-efficacy fluorescent sources may not easily accommodate LEDs. Additionally, increasingly complex controls requirements are making lighting more complicated in general. Unfortunately, changes in the regulatory environment that favor LED adoption are sure to lag behind the pace of technology, but they will eventually catch up as technological limits are reached and disruptive innovation slows. Regulations and standards should not focus entirely on energy efficiency at the cost of light quality. Current metrics and standards in lighting evolved for older technology, and some of the most important, such as CRI, have not changed significantly for generations. Color rendering is a complex phenomenon. The first CRI was established in the late 1940s to accommodate emerging fluorescent and incandescent sources. It has undergone periodic updating since, but does not adequately account for the full color rendering capabilities of LED technology. Even light output metrics now need to be reevaluated. Dramatically inefficient, the dominant paradigm in electric lighting today is over supply of light from omnidirectional sources requiring extensive reflecting and/or shading devices to deliver the appropriate amount of light to an environment. This has resulted in a conventional metric of input rather than output. In other words, we gauge the brightness of a light source by watts rather than by the final “services” we receive from the watts in the form of actual usable light. Fortunately, SSL—with its emphasis on energy efficiency—is beginning to change this, but we don’t have a universallyaccepted metric for output that makes sense for lamps and luminaires that produce light in a fundamentally different way. If we use total lumens as a base for efficacy, these could include as much spill or wasted light as in incandescent sources. The entire history of manmade lighting is at first glance perhaps too brief to provide useful lessons and patterns, but upon examination they are evident. Many problems in very early lighting technology—energy efficiency, color quality, difficulty in control of beam and distribution, health hazards, too little or too much light output, and industrial standards battles—are still evident today albeit in different scale or form. With the advent of widespread regulations mandating technological solutions, the lighting industry faces a future where LEDs provide perhaps the most viable way to meet pressing requirements. Fortunately, the new technology is up to the task and most, if not all, of what seem like important barriers to the adoption of LED technology can and will fall away, perhaps sooner than expected. ei Mr. Lemon is passionate about developing sustainable solutions that meet the global challenges of resource depletion and social and economic instability. NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Electroindustry News ŰŰCharging Ahead with Energy Storage Protocol Recent work on the Protocol for Uniformly Measuring and Expressing the Performance of Energy Storage Systems1 (ESSs) by NEMA, Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL), and other stakeholders has advanced efforts to make the electrical grid smarter, more efficient, and safer. October 2012 saw the realization of a year-long effort to develop an initial standardization for evaluating the performance of ESSs. This protocol recommended various metrics to judge their effectiveness as peak-shaving and frequency-regulation technologies. The document was initially designed to expand to other applications of energy storage. Aside from additional metrics, the 2013 update to the protocol includes two new applications. The first is the use of energy storage as a means to regulate fluctuations in renewable resource availability. The second evaluates the performance of energy storage devices as components of microgrids. Renewable resource incorporation and microgrids are vital in making today’s energy grid “smarter.” By addressing these applications, the new document expands its coverage. Paralleling this work is an effort to promote the protocol through relevant standards organizations. NEMA is largely responsible for this in the U.S. through the Energy Storage Systems Accredited Standards Committee, for which it holds the secretariat. NEMA also holds the U.S. secretariat for IEC Technical Committee 120 (Electrical Energy Storage Systems). Because the availability of renewable resources fluctuates, integrating them PNNL-22010.pdf
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
into the larger grid is problematic. To remedy this, ESSs can store energy to be discharged when the sun is not shining or the wind not blowing. With the addition of energy storage between generation and the grid, incorporation of renewable resources becomes much smoother. Government and consumers alike crave data outlining the performance of new technologies. Standardizing the way ESSs are assessed clarifies the necessity for energy storage in a smarter grid. Energy storage devices built to a standard have a much better chance of commercialization and allow for much improved market penetration. Employing ESS Technologies The use of microgrids is increasingly widespread as events such as Superstorm Sandy reveal the fragile nature of the grid. Energy storage devices provide a backbone for microgrids and permit inclusion of distributed energy resources. In order to disconnect or “island” from the main grid effectively, microgrids must respond quickly to faults to sustain power while more slowly-responding generating resources, such as turbines, come online. Energy storage tends to have a rapid response time and affords designers more flexibility in the mobilization of microgrids. Thermal energy storage makes microgrids and renewable energy technology more efficient. By coupling a thermal storage system with a microgrid, it is possible to capture waste heat produced during generation, increasing the overall system efficiency. Similarly, connecting thermal storage to renewable resources (e.g., wind turbines) allows energy generated at low demand times to be rerouted, for example, to a water heater or chiller.
Increasing energy efficiency is a top priority in the electrical industry, and standardizing the metrics that describe their performance is crucial in triggering a transition from research to commercial availability. Currently, minimal guidance exists for the development and subsequent testing of thermal storage systems. ANSI/AHRI Standard 900 discusses methods to gauge the effectiveness of thermal storage systems solely in the process of cooling. Thermal ESSs are currently capable of heating or cooling; the lack of a standard to assess the total performance of this thermal storage is hindering its performance in the marketplace. Concurrent to the expansion of the protocol, a users’ group is being organized by PNNL to examine the effects of ESSs on peak-shaving and frequency-regulation applications. The experience gained through the physical testing of ESSs should provide insights into the shortcomings or oversights that might exist within the original protocol. ESSs are a key factor in making the grid smarter, more resilient, and safer in the future. The evolution of this protocol provides NEMA members with excellent opportunities to expand their businesses through the development of energy storage products that meet new industry standards. The continued development of this protocol will encourage healthy competition throughout the electrical industry, create sound guidelines through which effective risk evaluation data can be garnered, and ultimately make the market more stable by standardizing the methods of assessing energy storage systems and devices. ei Paul Rodriguez, NEMA Summer Intern |
[email protected]
ŰŰMITA Launches Imaging Innovation Campaign In just 20 years—a single generation— medical imaging has transformed modern healthcare. Each day, in hospitals and clinics around the world, imaging technology once only imagined possible is part of standard medical practice. Exquisitely engineered equipment is powerful and precise enough to make the unseen visible—a tiny tumor growing in a lung, an artery beginning to clog, or plaque in the brain that may signal dementia. By revealing abnormalities, medical imaging leads more frequently to successful diagnosis and treatment. No wonder that the New England Journal of Medicine cited medical imaging as one of the top developments to have “changed the face of clinical medicine” in the last 1,000 years.1 “Looking Back on the Millennium in Medicine.” New England Journal of Medicine. 342.1 (2000): 42-49.
MITA is launching a campaign to highlight achievements of the past 20 years and feature new technologies that promise to further advance healthcare. It will reframe medical imaging for policymakers, media, and the public as an innovative industry that drives highquality healthcare. This campaign will tell a narrative in which medical imaging and radiation therapy manufacturers are seen as an integral part of a continuum
between cutting-edge science and engineering, and patients and their health outcomes. If the last two decades are any indication of the breakthroughs in medical imaging that lay ahead, then once again the impossible will become the probable. ei Orkideh Malkoc, Director, Reimbursement Policy |
[email protected]
Then and Now—Importance of Continued Innovation Then
Positron emission tomography (PET) was mostly used in research.
PET is a routine part of medical diagnosis and treatment for some conditions. It uses radiotracers to see how tissues function: • what parts of the brain are affected by epilepsy • where malignancies have spread • how much damage was caused by a heart attack • if confusion is caused by dementia or Alzheimer’s disease
By revealing how the body works, new imaging modalities fill gaps in medical knowledge and improve patient care.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) kills more than 385,000 people annually. Physicians treated CHD with surgery, including coronary bypass.
Advancements in interventional x-ray have led to the use of a balloon-expandable coronary stent to open arteries. Unlike coronary bypass, stenting requires no major incisions. All that’s needed is local anesthesia and mild sedation, resulting in less discomfort and faster recovery.
Medical imaging has opened the door to life-saving treatments that have changed medical practice.
Colon cancer claims 50,000 lives annually. While standard colonoscopy can detect polyps and tumors early, some people are nervous about the procedure.
Less-invasive alternatives, including computed tomographic colonoscopy (CTC, or “virtual colonoscopy”) play an important role. CTC uses a low-dose CT scan to spot polyps and tumors in the colon and is faster to perform than colonoscopy. Sedation is not required.
Imaging alternatives can increase patient compliance for life-saving cancer early detection.
Lung cancer claims nearly 160,000 lives yearly, making it the leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. Chest x-rays can detect lung tumors as small as a dime, but at that size, the cancer is already at a late stage.
Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) can find tiny tumors the size of a grain of rice, which has helped to reduce lung cancer deaths by 20 percent compared to chest x-ray alone. The American Cancer Society estimates that LDCT for high-risk populations could save 12,000 lives a year.
Advanced imaging saves lives by detecting lung cancer earlier.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Electroindustry News ŰŰIlluminations Weekend Panel to Address Healthcare Law’s Effects on Business NEMA’s 87th annual meeting, Illuminations Weekend: Where Leaders and Ideas Meet, will feature a panel discussion on the implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, or “Obamacare”) on manufacturers. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, PPACA represents the most significant government expansion and regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965.
Led by Stephen Gold, President of Manufacturers Alliance Productivity Innovation, and Kurt Lawson, Partner with Hogan Lovells, LLC, “Affordable Healthcare Reform Act and its Impact on Your Business” will discuss what the law mandates, current and expected effects, and options in providing healthcare coverage to employees. Register now.
Dee Wilson, Meeting Manager |
[email protected]
Stephen Gold, President, Manufacturers Alliance Productivity Innovation
Kurt Lawson, Partner, Hogan Lovells
ŰŰBill Hammond Receives 2013 Golden Omega Award William George Hammond, Chairman and CEO, Hammond Power Solutions Inc., was awarded the 2013 Golden Omega Award at the Electrical Insulation Conference Industry Awards Banquet in June. Mr. Hammond has been Chairman and CEO of Hammond Power Solutions Inc. since its creation in 2001. The company is a North American leader for the design and manufacture of oil-filled distribution transformers, dry-type custom electrical engineered magnetics, and electrical drytype and cast resin transformers rated up to 1000kVA.
The Golden Omega Award is presented by the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society and NEMA Insulation Materials Section on behalf of America’s people of science and industry and the users and producers of electrical/ electronic materials, components, and equipment. The award is presented at the Electrical Insulation Conference to an outstanding person of science, engineering, education, or industry who has made important contributions to technological progress. ei John J. Marcario, Industry Director |
[email protected]
ŰŰESFI Offers Resources as Hurricane Season Intensifies With August marking the peak hurricane season, Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is providing resources to help prevent electrically-related deaths, injuries, and property loss during and after hurricanes and other natural disasters.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Among the resources on the newly updated “Disaster and Seasonal Safety” section of ESFI’s website are safety materials related to downed power lines, which can result in serious injury or death.
Visit for ESFI’s complete collection of disaster safety resources.
Julie Chavanne, Communications Director, ESFI |
[email protected]
Code Actions/Standardization Trends ŰŰANSI/NEMA SG-IC Standardizes Smart Grid Interoperability and Conformance NEMA received approval in July from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for ANSI/NEMA SG-IC 1-2013 Smart Grid Interoperable and Conformant Testing and Certification Scheme Operator Guidelines. It addresses a challenge defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology to “develop a plan for testing and certification to ensure that Smart Grid equipment and systems conform to standards for security and interoperability.” SG-IC describes the roles and responsibilities for each main participant in the testing scheme.
• Interoperability Testing and Certification Authority (ITCA) ITCA is the scheme operator. It will identify the standard that forms the basis for the testing, prepare the test specification that describes the type and purpose of the testing that will be conducted, and ensure there is industry consensus around the test specification and how it fulfills the needs of Smart Grid.
• Testing Lab (TL) TL performs hands-on testing of electrical products and may perform market surveillance after the test to verify that manufacturers continue to conform to the requirements of the test specification.
• Accreditation Body (AB) As an agent of ITCA, AB validates credentials and qualifications of each person involved in the testing process.
SG-IC represents a major step in delivering on the promise of Smart Grid. It is available at ei
• Certifying Body (CB) As an independent body that examines the test results from TL, CB oversees adherence to the test specification.
Steve Griffith, PMP, NEMA Smart Grid Industry Director |
[email protected]
ŰŰLyons Appointed to NYC Electrical Code Committees NEMA Northeast Field Representative Jack Lyons has been appointed as the NEMA representative on two New York City (NYC) code committees—2013 Electrical Code Advisory Committee (ECAC) and 2013 Electrical Code Revision and Interpretation Committee (ECIRC). ECAC has the responsibility to review submittals that relate to electrical installations over 100kVA and systems over 600V. The committee works on all special permission, variances, and concept review requests, and it reviews all submittals pertaining to electrical equipment and materials for use in NYC.
The 2013 ECRIC is an advisory board that provides NYC Buildings Department Commissioner Robert LiMandri with recommendations on local amendments to the National Electrical Code®, which serves as the basis of the New York City Electrical Code. ECRIC also provides interpretations and clarification of electrical code standards based on requests from industry. As a committee member representing NEMA, Mr. Lyons offers specialized input regarding electrical equipment and materials. One major concern within the ECIRC is reviewing the process of evaluating water-damaged equipment
that occurred during Superstorm Sandy in 2012. Mr. Lyons will continue to encourage the building department to reference NEMA publications Evaluating Water-Damaged Electrical Equipment and Storm Reconstruction: Rebuild Smart. Building officials, building owners, engineers, and contractors are continually evaluating equipment that has been reenergized after exposure to salt water. The potential failure of electrical equipment that has been exposed and remains in operation is a major concern in NYC. ei Jack Lyons, NEMA Northeast Field Representative |
[email protected]
Coming Soon Grand Opening of NEMA’s Conference Center
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
Code Actions/Standardization Trends ŰŰDriven to Efficiency Nearly every human activity—eating, exercising, working, even sleeping— results in the consumption of energy from a source other than what an individual can generate. Consumable energy is produced from electrical power plants, hydro-electric generating stations, wind turbines, solar cells, and other sources. Reducing electrical energy consumption benefits not only the environment but also the costs of living and doing business. Motors applications are among the most significant ways in which electrical energy is used, including: • fans and compressors used in heating, cooling, and refrigeration • elevators, escalators, and moving walkways • appliances like vacuums, can openers, and microwaves (turntables and fans)
• pumps, conveyors, material handlers, and other machines for manufacturing • computers and audio/visual equipment It is important from an energy conservation or energy efficiency standpoint, to minimize the electrical energy used when motors move whatever loads they drive. Achieving optimal efficiency is somewhat dependent on the application, but will always result from using a motor design that is well matched to the load and uses the latest techniques for construction, e.g., motors marked with the NEMA Premium® logo. In some cases, particularly where a motor starts and stops, or where speed or force varies, electronic controls can help reduce the energy needed for operation. Whenever a motor starts, more energy is needed to overcome mechanical inertia than is needed when it is spinning. With some old designs, changing speed or
torque was accomplished with different settings (possibly different combinations of windings) within the motor. By using a solid-state motor controller or adjustable speed drive, precise control of the operation and limits on the energy consumed is achievable. Within NEMA, the product groups for motors and electronic controls are working together to help encourage the best application of the devices to achieve optimal energy efficiency through development of guides and standards. These groups are also working with legislators to help ensure that regulation and incentives are appropriately developed so that equipment usage results in energy and cost savings over inefficient products and ineffective or mismatched motors and controls. ei Ken Gettman, Director of International Standards |
[email protected]
ŰŰIEC and CENELEC Cooperation Strained with ASD Efficiency In the standards world, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) have a cooperation agreement—commonly known as the Dresden Agreement—to avoid duplication of efforts, speed up the preparation of standards, and ensure the best use of available resources and experts’ time. If the results of parallel voting are positive in both organizations, IEC will publish the international standard, while the CENELEC Technical Board will ratify the European standard.1 Motors are significant consumers of electrical energy. Many applications could achieve improved energy efficiency with adjustable speed drives (ASD) or similar electronic controls. However,
According to the Dresden Agreement, a document developed within CENELEC should be offered to the larger IEC international community to finish production of the standard. There are caveats addressing when this should happen and what responses are needed, but generally an early draft should be transferred to IEC so that a global, rather than regional, benefit can be achieved. cooperation.htm
A standard development project for drive energy efficiency has been underway for
using a high-efficiency motor and a high-efficiency drive does not necessarily mean that the final application will use the least amount of energy. Users need to be able to compare similar devices. Efforts are being made in IEC and CENELEC to develop guidance that will enable installation owners, designers, and installers to match a motor with a drive for a specific application.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
more than two years without a document draft available for IEC efforts. It appears that only a very late stage document (i.e., a mature document intended to have minimal further modification) will finally be offered to IEC. This will prevent potentially valuable input from being provided by the international community outside of CENELEC. It is possible that the document is nearly complete and may require minor changes, this does not follow the spirit of the Dresden Agreement. Generally, cooperation between IEC and CENELEC is very productive. Occasionally, situations occur, as seems to have happened with ASD energy efficiency, where bending the interpretation of the Dresden Agreement is not so cooperative. ei Ken Gettman, Director of International Standards |
[email protected]
International Roundup ŰŰEEMODS Re-Convenes— 8th Biennial International Conference Scheduled for Rio de Janeiro Fifty-five percent. More than half. That represents a pretty significant number. That is the percentage of all electricity that the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that electric motors use worldwide. That number is why NEMA and its Motor & Generator Section have become synonymous with any conversation about energy efficiency. Since 2001 when the section launched NEMA Premium® as a vehicle to promote high efficiency motors, NEMA Premium has become the most recognized industrial efficiency brand in the world. Innovation takes many forms and can evolve in many ways. Does it come from a manufacturer’s R&D department, a university lab, a policy think tank, the shop floor, or the suggestion box? The simple answer is that it can come from anywhere at any time. The more complex answer is this: the more well thought out and planned opportunities are for exchanging ideas that target the same goals, the more likely it is that innovation and innovative ideas will develop. It was in that spirit that Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems (EEMODS) was born in the 1990s. EEMODS has become the premier international conference on motor and motor system efficiency. It was born in the European Commission and has been staged throughout Europe and China. In 2011, NEMA hosted the first U.S. EEMODS in Alexandria, Virginia. This year it goes to Brazil—also an EEMODS first. The 2013 convocation of EEMODS will be hosted by Electrobras and coordinated by the European Commission. NEMA has signed on as a co-sponsor and NEMA Industry Director William Hoyt will continue his role as co-chair of the International Technical Committee. Paolo Bertoldi from the European Commission is again co-chair of the
Organizing Committee. Bertoldi has taken responsibility for solicitation and acceptance of papers, and the peer review committee.
and produced. Tracks will include motors, pumps, drives, policy, energy management, motor systems, programs, test methods, and other applications.
Rob Boteler, Nidec Motor Corporation, and Mr. Hoyt will present a paper on the NEMA Carbon Footprint initiative which addresses the relationship between carbon footprint findings and motor efficiency initiatives. Elsa Olivetti, MIT Materials Lab, is a co-author. Dan Delaney, Regal-Beloit, will present a paper he authored on the NEMA/ IECEE Global Motor Labeling Program. (See “Global Motor Labeling Program Provides Consistency in Successful Motors,” page 18.)
The second and third days of the conference will begin with panel discussions. Discussion topics have not been finalized, but the 2011 EEMODS panels included “Motor Systems Policies and Programs” and “Motor Minimum Efficiency Standards.” Panel participants included representatives from the U.S. DOE, ACEEE, ASAP, European Commission, CEMEP, and Australian Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. Similar participation is expected at EEMODS 2013.
Opening remarks will share a common thread, that of global energy efficiency and innovative paths that include solid public policy, innovative R&D and manufacturing, and rigorous academic pursuit. After the opening speakers, multitrack peer reviewed papers begin. More than 70 papers have been accepted
EEMODS also offers networking opportunities and table top displays from key sponsors. It will be held October 28–30 in Rio de Janiero. For more information visit ei Dale Basso, WEG Electric |
[email protected] William Hoyt, Industry Director |
[email protected] NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
International Roundup ŰŰU.S.–China Smart Meter Project to Draft Roadmap The third working group (WG) meeting of the U.S.–China Smart Meter Standards Project was held in Beijing, China, in May. Participants included manufacturers of smart meters; Chinese utilities from China Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Corporation, and Southern Grid Corporation; UL; Itron; National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA); NEMA; and others. Among the U.S. attendees were Gene Eckhart, senior director for international trade; Paul Orr, program manager of industry operations and secretary of ANSI C12 Committee; and Tom Nelson of NIST and chair of ANSI C12. NEMA Beijing staff Shanlin Wen and Xu Jian coordinated all activities for this significant smart meter industry event. This work is supported by the National Energy Administration and USTDA. NEMA is funded as the contractor for the China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association to lead in the identification of the steps required to harmonize U.S. and Chinese smart meter standards. The project began almost two years ago, and while requirements for smart meters are changing fast as the U.S. and China develop new requirements, we have learned a lot about where there are similarities and differences for the two countries. U.S. Meters vs. China Meters In the U.S., electricity meters are installed using a meter socket and the meter is held in place by mating or connecting the meter to this socket base. In China, meters are not installed using a meter socket; rather, they are hard-wired to the facility. Another difference is that in China, a common
NEMA electroindustry • August 2013
U.S.–China Smart Meter Standards Project convened recently in Beijing. Photo by Paul Orr
way for a user to pay for electricity is prepayment. Prepayment transactions may be performed at the meter as some electricity meters have a card slot where the user swipes a payment card to add money to cover electric service. Another method is to visit a business center affiliated with the electric company to add value to one’s service account. More recently, with the installation of smart meters, a customer can use the internet to add value to his service account. In China, the smart meter technical requirements are similar to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards. China has generated GB (national) standards that in many cases are an adoption or an adaptation of the relevant IEC document. Also, in China there are enterprise standards which are driven by state-owned utilities. These standards play the ultimate role in smart meter development, testing, and utility procurement.
In the U.S., ANSI C12 standards are used and the utilities also have specific test requirements that are often based on these standards. Other than the difference of ANSI vs. IEC for metrology and construction requirements of smart meters, there is another difference in the means of communication. This involves data communication transported from the meter to the utility and the method of getting the data to the user/consumer. At the next WG meeting in Beijing, NEMA will work with China to explore the differences relative to smart meter data communications and begin to map U.S. and Chinese requirements. The goal of the project, which will conclude in October 2013, is to draft a roadmap to highlight areas of focus if the U.S. and China attempted to harmonize smart meter requirements. ei Paul Orr, Program Manager |
[email protected]
Economic Spotlight ŰŰAvailable from NEMA/BIS—The Electroindustry Economic Outlook In response to demand for current data and forward-looking analysis of the electroindustry and the economic fundamentals that drive it, NEMA/ BIS offers a subscription-based, regularly updated compendium of the information that industry professionals and executives most often request. The Electroindustry Economic Outlook is the preferred source for timely, comprehensive coverage of the economic
trends and events shaping the U.S. electroindustry. • Extensive Coverage • Frequently Updated • Affordably Priced
• Why the Wait? campaign encourages swift Senate action on the Shaheen-Portman Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act. Watch the “delay meter” and then take action by contacting your senator. • For more information on securing smart power and a smart future, download Energy Efficiency and Economic Growth. • Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) allow private firms to install new energy-efficient equipment in federal facilities at no
upfront cost. They are the dominant source of energy-efficiency upgrades in the federal government. See how ESPCs work at How-ESPCs-Work • The Industrial Energy Efficiency Coalition is an alliance of companies seeking to improve energy efficiency in industrial systems and processes as well as in business ecosystems. • Use EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® to benchmark the performance of one building or many. • Driving greater adoption of energy efficiency—the perceptions of electrical contractors & consumers details Rexel Foundation’s survey on perceptions of energy efficiency
Coming in
September Urban Mobility— Taking the Brakes off Congestion Increased stress levels, more carbon emissions, and longer commutes are just a few of the ways that traffic congestion affects us. With most congestion affecting urban centers, new and innovative solutions must be created because we cannot just build more roads. September’s electroindustry magazine looks at intelligent transportation solutions such as: • EVSE embedded metering and communication • high-speed rail • connected vehicles • demonstration projects Also, don’t miss a preview of NEMA’s new conference center.
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NEMA’s Electroindustry Business Confidence Index (EBCI) for current North American conditions can be found at It is based on results of a monthly survey of senior managers at NEMA member companies and is designed to gauge the business confidence of the electroindustry in key world regions. ei
To find out how the Electroindustry Economic Outlook can help your business, contact
[email protected] (703-841-3223). ei
NEMA believes that energy-efficiency policies for residential, commercial, and industrial sectors should be central to any national energy policy. Its members are in the energyefficiency business.
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