Measuring patient satisfaction regarding the quality of

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Dec 12, 2015 - Mishal 2015 focused on measuring the effect of hotel quality service on the ..... Wirt z,J,(2007),services marketing people, Technology, strategy,sixth edition, person ... marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm,4th.
International Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science (IJMPS) ISSN(P): 2250-0049; ISSN(E): 2321-0095 Vol. 5, Issue 6, Dec 2015, 71-84 © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.

MEASURING PATIENT SATISFACTION REGARDING THE QUALITY OF HEALTHCARE SERVICE PROVIDED BY PHARMACISTS ALI MAHMOUD JASIM ALSAMYDAI & AHMED BASIM MOHAMMED BAQER Alzaytoonah University of Jordan, College of Pharmacy, Amman, Jordan ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to contribute to growing body of research on health care service, while concentrating on quality of health care services the research concentrate on the service quality factors approved by most of the researchers going throughout patients satisfaction which are: (Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy) in addition to other two factors which have been added in the study design, those factors are: (Patient perception and Patient satisfaction). Therefore the study included seven factors to measure patients satisfaction from the health care services provided to ensure this research accuracy a survey form was designed composed of 20 questionnaire covered the previously mentioned study factors, 242 forms have been analyzed according to patient's answers. different statistical methods have been used such as (one sample t-test, Cronboach’s al pha, Deseviptive Analgsis) to obtain results and select the suitable hypotheses all the hypotheses except hypotheses no. three “which is related to patient’s

is less than the reference T1.96 at the same time the effect of quality factor on patient’s perception is more than its effect on satisfaction by a median value (4.27) and T value (32.3) which is slightly higher than the effect of quality factor on patient’s satisfaction where the median value was (4.11) and T value (23.17) i.e. there is more patients satisfaction towards the quality of the health services in addition to what have been mentioned above the study proves that patient’s perception has an effect on their satisfaction level from the health services quality provided.

Original Article

responsiveness” was rejected due to its mean value was 2.88 which is less than midpoint =3, hence T value is -1.35 which

KEYWORDS: Patient Satisfaction, Perception, Quality Service, Health Care, Pharmacist

Received: Nov 07, 2015; Accepted: Dec 08, 2015; Published: Dec 12, 2015; Paper Id.: IJMPSDEC201510

INTRODUCTION The health care provided by the pharmacists “inside or outside” the health care institute through pharmacies is one of the main health system principles for any country due to its direct effect on individuals life and its well being, so the health service represents crucial pillar of the health system success for any country. The intensive care of the health service quality and developing the personnel performance leads to better patient's satisfaction. The health services is the most important service out of other services such as economical, social and entertainment services, thus taking into consideration the health service specialty most of researchers studied different aspects of health quality services other than patients satisfaction from pharmacist. Ignoring health care services provided by the pharmacist has a negative effect on patients lives and their curing speed. Thus improving the health service quality level provided by the pharmacist should be done through enhancing health service quality factors and pharmacist commitment to these factors according to the cases available “inside or outside” the health institutes. This study tries to measure patients satisfaction on the health services provided by the pharmacists

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Ali Mahmoud Jasim Alsamydai & Ahmed Basim Mohammed Baqer

throughout the five factors of the health services agreed by all the researchers Parasuroman at al 1990) (Handayani at al 2015) (ALsamyai 2010),(Shan at al 2006) in addiction patie nt perception has been added considering it as an important factor. RESEARCH QUESTIONS One of the issues facing patients is the issue of healthcare service quality provided by the pharmacist, as it very variable and inconsistent among pharmacists which affects in one way or another patient satisfaction regarding the service. Since it is well-known, there are many aspects of service quality, of which healthcare service is considered an essential aspect in monitoring the healthcare service quality. Thus the questions asked in this study are summarized as following: •

Does the healthcare service quality provided by the pharmacist affect patient satisfaction?

Does the tangibility of the healthcare service quality provided by the pharmacist affect patient satisfaction?

Does the reliability of the healthcare service quality provided by the pharmacist affect patient satisfaction?

Does the responsiveness of the healthcare service quality provided by the pharmacist affect patient satisfaction?

Does the assurance of the healthcare service quality provided by the pharmacist affect patient satisfaction?

Does the empathy of the healthcare service quality provided by the pharmacist affect patient satisfaction?

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This study aims to knowing the degree of patient satisfaction towards the services provided by the pharmacists through the measurement of the quality aspects for the improvement of that healthcare service in a way that meets patient satisfaction, and accordingly the goals of this study are summarized as follows: •

Knowing the degree of patient satisfaction regarding a healthcare service provided by the pharmacist

Knowing the effect of tangibility on the healthcare service provided by the pharmacist on patient satisfaction

Knowing the effect of reliability on the healthcare service provided by the pharmacist on patient satisfaction

Knowing the effect of responsiveness on the healthcare service provided by the pharmacist on patient satisfaction

Knowing the effect of assurance on the healthcare service provided by the pharmacist on patient satisfaction

Knowing the effect of empathy on the healthcare service provided by the pharmacist on patient satisfaction

LITERATURE REVIEW Quality of services has had a great regard amongst organizations and researchers, the thing which lead to paying more attention to studies monitoring the quality of services provided either regular or electronic due to their important effect over the economics of countries represented in many studies and research which discussed service quality in many areas, for example Koga 2008, which studied the effect of quality of hotel service on customer satisfaction by discovering the importance of quality service aspects in Jeddah, KSA. While Klifa et al., 2010 focused on the effect of service quality on customer loyalty to hotels in Adan, Yemen. Mishal 2015 focused on measuring the effect of hotel quality service on the satisfaction of quests in five star hotels in Amman, Jordan. While Alsumaydai et al., 2012 focused on the factors

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.4638

NAAS Rating: 3.54

Measuring Patient Satisfaction Regarding the Quality of Healthcare Service Provided by Pharmacists


influencing customer satisfaction and the continuation of dealing in E-banking E banking services in Jordan, as this study showed the importance of the E-banking banking service quality and its effect on customer satisfaction and improving his dealing in electronic banking. Hanan et al., 2008 focused on the relationship between employees and their characters with customers and measuring then their satisfaction of the service provided in hotels, the results results showed that human communication between guests and employees had an important part in accomplishing customer satisfaction in hotels and in accomplishing competence amongst hotels. Jenat et al., 2011 aimed towards studying the relationship between customers custome and their level of satisfaction towards the quality of hotel services provided through the dimensions if service quality. In the field of healthcare service quality many studies and researches handled the subject like Holdford & Schutz 1999, as their study udy was on the effect of technical and functional quality on patient perceptions of pharmaceutical services quality, and they found out that functional quality had the greatest impact on patient perception of service quality and behavioural intentions. Meanwhile, nwhile, Cosnoley et al., 2003 focused on the validation of a tool for assessing the quality of pharmaceutical services through the analysis of the pharmaceutical distribution database of the Brazilian government. While Bradley et al., 2003 handled the subject ect of improving the quality if pharmaceutical services. Li et al., 2015 study was entitled “Evaluating patients’ perception of services quality at hospitals in nine Chinese by use of SerQual scale”. Stelzer et al., 2015 studied improving service quality inn public transportation system using automated customer feedback. Yu et al., 2015 handled the subject of FDA pharmaceutical pharmaceutical quality oversight. Veenema et al., 2015 focused on the quality if healthcare services provided in disaster shelters: an integrative literature review. Handayani et al., 2015 handled the subject of strategic hospital services quality analysis in Indonesia.

STUDY MODEL The study model design was based on study issues, goals, and similar previous literatures like Holdford & schulz, 1999, Cosendey et al., 2003, Bradley et al., 2011, Shakthong et al., 2014, Li et al., 2015, Yu and Woodcock, 2015, Veenema et al, 2015, Handayani et al, 2015, Stelzer et al., 2015.

Figure 1: Study Model Procedural Definitions of the Components of the Study Model Service Quality Service quality has received considerable attention within the literature. Generally, service quality has been identified as consumers’ comparison between service expectation and service performance (Parasraman et al., 1985) 19 (Alsamaydai et al., 2012), as well as the subjective comparison that customers make between the quality of service they wish to receive and what they actually get (Gefen 2002). Service quality has become an important research topic in various industries industries due to its significant relationship to

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Ali Mahmoud Jasim Alsamydai & Ahmed Basim Mohammed Baqer

cost, profitability, customer satisfaction, customer retention, and service guarantee (Sohail 2003) (Handayani et al., 2015). Quality service is determined by the total utility received by the beneficiary of the service. This represents the benefits package that receives from the care and supplementary services (Alsamydai et al., 2012). Researchers specialized in the area of services like Parasuraman et al.,1994, Hungard chen 2003, Jain & Gupta 2004, focused in the past years on understanding the expectations of customers, as understanding their expectations allows service providers to provide and produce services of high quality meeting those expected, this has an essential role in customer satisfaction and content and guarantees continuation of dealings with the service provider, this is the same with the healthcare services, as what they provide has to be consistent with what the patient expects, in a way that guarantees their expectations met and the continuation in dealing with the healthcare provider or the pharmacy in this case. To continue dealing with the healthcare provider in a pharmacy, the service has to be of high quality with continuous improvement and development in the service quality in a way that ensures its keeping pace with the developments in the surrounding region and the advancements in technology in the health domain as well as in the needs and requirements of patients; because this progress will allow the healthcare provider or pharmacy to accomplish customer satisfaction, driving them towards future dealings with the same healthcare provider or pharmacy in this case (Methlie & Nysveen, 1999). As service quality represents an appropriate percentage and effectiveness of the provided service for the expectations of customers (Mileide et al., 2013). According to Ramsoran & Fawoder 2007, Chang 2008, and Zeithaml 2009, the concept of service quality has to be based on the needs and requirements of customers, and as every customer has a certain point of view and evaluation which differs from others’, which forces organisation (e.g. healthcare providers) to provide services satisfying all clients, here comes the part of workers and their response nature, communication, level of understanding customers’ needs is essential in achieving customer satisfaction and continuation of dealings with the customer. Also it is well-known that service quality is affected by the individuals providing of the service and the agent plays an important role in affecting the quality of the provided service. It is also well-known that healthcare services are characteristically sensitive and require precision as they deal with patients and any mistake might risk patient safety, that being said the healthcare service quality depends on patient safety and the technique used to deliver a certain message to the patient by the healthcare provider, as well as the ability of the patient to deal with such messages. Healthcare service quality is defined as the ability to meet patient needs and satisfy them and the ability of the healthcare institute or the pharmacy to specify these needs and requirements and the ability to meet them in the best way possible by using all the advanced medical techniques and methods in the way that guarantees patient satisfaction. Healthcare service providers find that patients have personal requirements that they expect to be met by the provider, so the work is based on challenging the standardized level of healthcare service quality which has to be reached regardless of the nature or the kind of disease. Those sections (providers and employees in the healthcare service) have to be amended and should establish excellence and exceed the expectations and needs of patients in a way that leads to the highly efficient healthcare service, at the same time healthcare service providers have to take into consideration the need to establish the dimensions of quality service in the right efficient manner. Impact Factor (JCC): 5.4638

NAAS Rating: 3.54

Measuring Patient Satisfaction Regarding the Quality of Healthcare Service Provided by Pharmacists


Dimensions of Service Quality According to Shan et al., 2006, Parasuroman et al., 1990, Alsamaydai & Rudaina 2010, and Handayani et al., 2015, there are five dimensions of quality service including healthcare service quality, and these are: •

Tangibles: The physical appearance of the service, equipment, facilities, etc, which support the process of providing the service, securing the patient (in the case of healthcare service) the service in the easiest most efficient way.

Reliability: The ability to perform the promised service in an adequate and reliable manner. And reliability depends on the consistency of performance and dependency. Here it can be measured if the organization (of which the healthcare provider) provides the service in the right way from the first try and keeps its promises and its precision which reflects positively on the benefactor (the patient in this case).

Responsiveness: The capacity to solve customer problems and to serve customers quickly. Responsiveness in providing services (of which healthcare services) indicates the ability and readiness of the providers to meet the needs of the benefactors or patients by providing them with whatever information or service in the quickness needed especially in the case of healthcare services as readiness and quickness in providing a service indicate efficiency in providing the service in healthcare institutes.

Assurance: The knowledge, politeness, and reliability of the employees. In healthcare services the availability of security and safety for patients is of great importance and has a major role in the dealing of the healthcare institute, at the same time, these institutes have to provide patients with full security of their personal and pathological information in a way that ensures patients of their security.

Empathy: Care and personalized attention given by the organization to the customer. As empathy is related to care and attention given to the quality of the service by the provider on an individualised basis through the provision of needs of beneficiaries especially in the case of healthcare services, and personal care to each patient according to his case and needs.

Customer Perception Perception is identified as the way the individual sees and evaluates the external variables which are reported to him through his senses. As it in a way represents the collection of the psychological factors that intermediate the external stimulations, in another it evaluates and senses them. According to Alsamydai & Rudaina, 2005, the system of perception in the behaviour area is translated through two factors it’s the spontaneous direction of external and physiological activity of the individual and customer. The second factor is choosing information; as individuals and customers have the freedom to choose certain information and discarding information that are unknown or mysterious. Subsequently, the behaviour of the customer and their satisfaction are affected by their level of perception. From another perspective, Chia et al., 2008 indicate that the benefactor is the one giving the service, previous experience indicate that, subsequently customer perception represents the greatest indicator to evaluate the success or failure of the service, meaning that quality service in measured by perception of the customer who benefited from the service provided. Quality service depends on how well the harmony is between the service provider who is dependent on

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Ali Mahmoud Jasim Alsamydai & Ahmed Basim Mohammed Baqer

previous experience of the service provided and the perception of service quality, through the comparison between what information he possesses and what experience he has acquired from the service and what he is getting now (Alssmydai & Rudaina 2010). Customer Satisfaction According to Paul et al., 2010 the customer satisfaction can be defined as the “number, or percentage of total customers whose reported experience with a firm, its product, or services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals”. While Kolter, 2006 defines satisfaction as a persons’ feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations, and additionally suggests that the degree of customer satisfaction is the key to success of the marketing strategy. Alsamydai & Rudaina 2006 argue that the degree of satisfaction represents the difference between what the product achieves regarding the satisfaction of the customer after acquiring it and benefiting from it before acquiring it. The more the customer satisfaction meets or surpasses the raised need, the higher the degree of satisfaction. Therefore, customer satisfaction of services is achieved by the supplication of core and supplementary services that are to his satisfaction, which is only accomplished through the organization and accurate identification of the needs and desires of the customers and working to meet them (Alsamydai & Rudaina 2003), (Alsamydai et al., 2012). When the patient chooses a healthcare institute or a pharmacy he expects to get a certain level of quality service and his perception of the quality of this service from this institute or pharmacy, subsequently, what has been really offered is considered the primary measure to the service quality in all of its different dimensions, so when the healthcare service is provided in a better way than expected, then patient satisfaction is guaranteed, and the opposite is just as true. Hypothesis of the Study Based on the study problem, goals, and study model many hypotheses were established to cover all the dimensions of this study. These hypotheses were shown down: •

The first category: H1: healthcare service quality affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the service provided H2: Tangibility affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the healthcare service provided H2: Reliability affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the healthcare service provided H3: Responsiveness affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the healthcare service provided H4: Assurance affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the healthcare service provided H5: Empathy affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the healthcare service provided H6: patients’ perception of the quality of the healthcare service provided affects his satisfaction H7: patients’ satisfaction of the quality of the healthcare service is affected by the quality dimensions and his

perception of it.

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.4638

NAAS Rating: 3.54

Measuring Patient Satisfaction Regarding the Quality of Healthcare Service Provided by Pharmacists


METHODOLOGY Research Design This paper’s main research objective is to contribute to growing body of research on health care service. More specifically, our research questions aim to examine which factors influence the health care service quality. Consequently, ontologically the paper considers the patient's as the unit of analysis. Epistemologically for this exploratory work, a qualitative and quantitative study was deemed appropriate as it enables deeper analysis of the underlying factors.With the purpose of exploring the health care service factors on improving service in customer’s minds. The initial empirical work using questionnaire as the data collection method was deemed appropriate, as they can provide the necessary flexibility needed. Data Collection and Sampling In order to identify relationships among the variable that lead to health care service on improving service reputation in customer’s minds (ISRCM), questionnaires were used as the primary data collection method. This questionnaire has been designed and improved after exhibiting the primary copy with the study model and its hypotheses on a preliminary sample of patient's (242 patient's). The society of this study consists of the patient's in Amman, Jordan. The sample used was simple (randomized sampling), as 263 questionnaires were distributed and 242 questionnaires were answered which makes a 92%, eleven questionnaires were not fit for statistical analysis, which decreased the total questionnaires answered and fit for analysis to 312 questionnaires which makes a 89% of total questionnaires distributed, this is an acceptable percentage for scientific research. Scale and Dimension of the Study The process of scaling is an essential tool in almost every research situation (Malhotra et al., 2004) and is most commonly used for assessing the way people feel or think about objects or constructs (Neuman, 2003). Having taking into consideration the criteria for selecting a scaling technique, information needed by the study as well as the characteristics of the respondents and the mode of administrating the survey instrument, the five point Likert scale was considered as the most appropriate for the current study (Zikmund, 2003). Likert scale was used in dimensions 2 and 3 (very agree) to (do not agree strongly), (always happened), to (never happened) consequently.(Alsamydai, 2014). •

Dimension (1) Tangible

Dimension (2) Reliability

Dimension (3) Responsiveness

Dimension (4) Assurance

Dimension (5) Empathy

Dimension (6) Patient perception

Dimension (7) Patient satisfaction

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Ali Mahmoud Jasim Alsamydai & Ahmed Basim Mohammed Baqer

Analysis Method Several statistical techniques were used. These techniques include Cronbach’s Alpha, frequency analysis, descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation matrix and one sample t-test. The t-test was used to accept/reject the hypotheses, through testing the average means of single sample based in the value of the scale midpoint. A midpoint equal to three was chosen by adding the lower coded of the Likert scale (1) and the upper code (5) of the Likert scale. Validity and Measurement of the Tool Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient has been used with a value of Cronbach’s Alpha (α = 0.77) for all variables of the study, which is a good and suitable value for the purposes of the study being higher than the accepted percentage of 60%. Table 1: Reliability Coefficient No. of Cases 242

Cronbach’s Alpha 0.77

No. of Items 20

RESULT GENERAL By using descriptive analysis it was determined that the mean of all questions are over the midpoint (3) except for the questions (7 and 9) these results are shown in table (2): Table 2 Mea n First Dimension: Tangibility 1- Does that pharmaceutical company (pharmacy) used modern 4.42 equipment to provide its services 2- Does that pharmaceutical company ( pharmacy) provide a 3.66 modern, new facilities 3- Does that arrangement and interior design pharmaceutical 4.47 company (pharmacy) is good and arranger Second Dimension: Reliability 4- Does pharmaceutical company (pharmacy) offers its services 4.42 accurately 5-Does pharmaceutical company (pharmacy) able to provide 4.40 healthy services with high capacity and easy way 6- Does pharmaceutical company (pharmacy) able to provide 4.47 good healthy services with highly Confidence Third Dimension: Responsibility 7-Does pharmaceutical company (pharmacy) have willingness to 2.85 help patients 8-Does pharmaceutical company (pharmacy) providing health 3.07 service fast and immediate 9-Dose pharmaceutical company (pharmacy) have the ability to 2.73 deal with patients and respond to them Fourth Dimension: Safety 10-Does feel safe inside pharmaceutical company (pharmacy) 3.49 11- Does dealing with pharmaceutical company (pharmacist) 4.01 produce safety and assurance 12-Does pharmaceutical company (pharmacy) honest in dealing 4.42 with patients Fifth Dimension: Sympathy 13-Does pharmaceutical company (pharmacy ) Care about patient 4.20 and their personal circumstances and communicate with them Questions

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.4638

Std. Dev

T Value

Sig (2 Tailed)








































NAAS Rating: 3.54

Measuring Patient Satisfaction Regarding the Quality of Healthcare Service Provided by Pharmacists


Table 2: Contd., 14-Does pharmaceutical company (pharmacists) understand the 4.04 requirements of patients easily 15- Does pharmaceutical company (pharmacists) have enough 4.02 information to answer patients questions Sixth Dimension: Perception 16- Does patient have a perception of the health service quality 4.14 pharmacy 17- Does the perception to dimensions of health service quality 4.24 effect at the level of perception and satisfaction 18- Does the dimensions of health care service effect at the level 4.44 of perception of patient and them satisfaction Seventh Dimension: Satisfaction 19- Does the dimensions of health care service effect on the level 4.28 of satisfaction by patient 20- Does perception of patient to dimensions of the health care 3.94 service will affect satisfaction about it






















Testing Hypothesis Test results of the first set of hypotheses of the study are shown in table (3). Statistical analysis of this illustrates in overall mean score of respondent which measures the dimensions (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, and D7) that corresponds to the first category hypotheses. The mean values of these are (H1 = 3.96, H2 = 4.34, H3 = 2.86, H4 = 3.97, H5 = 4.08, H6 = 4.27, and H7 = 4.11). There values are above the scale midpoint (3), expect the H4 and H5 with the standard deviation showing small dispersion this man moreover. These results were further validated by the one sample t-test which revealed that the overall mean different for these dimensions as a whole was statically significant (N = 0.000) at (Ns = 0.05) with a higher T-Value (H1 = 19.70, H2 = 35.50, H3 = -1.35, H4 = 20.07, H5 = 22.85, H6 = 32.30, and H7 = 23.17) these scores are higher than tabular t (tabular = 1.96), as a result of the seven hypothesis are accepted, these results are shown in table (3). Table 3: Testing Hypothesis First Test Value = 3 Hypothesis H1: healthcare service quality affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the service provided H2: Tangibility affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the healthcare service provided H3: Reliability affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the healthcare service provided H4: Responsiveness affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the healthcare service provided H5: Empathy affects patients’ perception and satisfaction of the healthcare service provided H6: patients’ perception of the quality of the healthcare service provided affects his satisfaction H7: patients’ satisfaction of the quality of the healthcare service is affected by the quality dimensions and his perception of it


Std. Dev

T Value

Sig. (2-Tailed)





























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Ali Mahmoud Jasim Alsamydai & Ahmed Basim Mohammed Baqer

DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Discussions The objective of the current study was to evaluate the measuring patient satisfaction regarding the quality of health care service provided by the pharmacist, study model was developed which including several faction that were divided into seven dimensions including: the service quality dimensions (Tangibility, Reliability, Responsibity, Assurance and Empathy), Patient perceyotion and patient satisfaction. The analysis of data was mainly based on conducting “descriptive statistics” to extract the means and the standard deviation. This was followed by using a one sample T-test analysis to examine the hypotheses. The responses of the studied sample to the questionnaire questions (20 questions) were all positive, except for two questions (which were, 7and9), as the means for these questions were less than analysis of than three (midpoint=3) The analysis of the first (Tangible) And a T value equivalent to (28.41), which is considered high value, the second dimension Reliability Regarding the third dimension (responsibility) Evaluation of this factor was negative except question no. 8 which is related to the health care service providing speed, median value was (3.07) which is low but higher than midpoint (3) and with a T value (0.89) which is low compared to the rest of positive values for the other questions of the other seven factors included in the study. The fourth factor ( assurance ) which reflect the honesty in treating patients came in the first class to that factor with a median value ( 4.42 ) which is typically high value and with a T value ( 26.31), at the same times the values of the rest questions of that factor was above medium. The fifth factor (empathy) which reflects patients caring, communicating and knowing their personal circumstances got the first class to that factor with a median value (4.20) which is high value and a T value (19.27). For other questions the values were above (4) which is sort of high value. The sixth factor (patients perception) all of the questions were of a high value, remarkably the question related to the effect of the healthcare service quality on the level of patients perception and satisfaction got the first class with a median value (4.44) which is a high value scored the third level among all the values for all the factors, at the same time the T value which is (27.39) is a high values compared with rest values. Finally for the seventh factor the question related with healthcare service quality on patient's satisfaction got high value among other value (4.28) among the other values of the factor and with a T value (22.43) which is a high value. All hypotheses were accepted, except the second hypotheses, according to analysis of descriptive statistics and one sample T-test but with different values.

CONCLUSIONS (Alsamydai d Rudaina, 2010), (Shan et al 2006). This study discussed an important subject related to all society individuals, with different ages, gender and jobs which is the health care services that represent the most important part of the health system for any country. This kind of irreplaceable service by all patients' child and adults, if it's served in a good accurate and a high efficient performance it will help mitigate their suffering and ensure quick healing.

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.4638

NAAS Rating: 3.54

Measuring Patient Satisfaction Regarding the Quality of Healthcare Service Provided by Pharmacists


This study concentrate on measuring the patient's satisfaction on the level of healthcare service quality provided throughout studying the five factors (Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy) that have been approved by most of the researchers like A sample study was designed included the seven afore mentions quality factors, and on the light of this sample and the study target a survey form with 20 questions was designed. The concluded that the quality service factors have an effect on the patients perception and satisfaction but in a different manners. Where this effect was higher on patients perception with a median value ( 4.27) while its effect on patients satisfaction has a median value (4.11) which are very close values , this indicate that the patients realize these factor but he couldn’t be satisfied 100% and that was clear from the value of third factor ( responsiveness) with a value ( 2,88) which is less than midpoint (3) and with a T value ( -1.35) which represent patient evaluation related to pharmacists institution readiness in helping and dealing with patients. This study got a consistent results with other studies in the field of service quality factors in general and the healthcare service specially but this study concentrated on the level of patients satisfaction of the health service further future deep studies is needed for the effect of the factors on individuals. Measuring patient satisfaction regarding the quality of healthcare service provided by the pharmacist REFERENCES 1.

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Impact Factor (JCC): 5.4638

NAAS Rating: 3.54

Measuring Patient Satisfaction Regarding the Quality of Healthcare Service Provided by Pharmacists


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