Yunus Çengel and John Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and
Applications,. Second Edition, ISBN 978-0-07-352926-5. Assignments:
Assignments. 5%.
Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering 4-9 Mechanical Engineering Building Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G8
Tel: 780.492.3598 Fax: 780.492.2200
MEC E 330 Fluid Mechanics Course Outline Winter Term 2012 Instructor: Dr. André McDonald
Room 4-8B
Tel: 492-2675
[email protected]
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 15H – 15H50, or by appointment Timetable: Lectures: Seminar:
Lec B1, Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 – 9:20 in Room NRE 2-003 Lab H1/H2, Monday or Wednesday, 9:00 – 9:50 in Room Mec 3-1
Teaching Assistants: Design Seminar: Mr. David Therrien, Room 6-25, Tel.: 492-8039,
[email protected] Office Hours: Tuesdays, 11H – 13H, or by appointment Assignments: Mr. Pedro Mateo-Villanueva, Room 2-22, Tel.: 492-9670,
[email protected] Office Hours: Wednesdays, 15H – 17H, or by appointment Text:
Yunus Çengel and John Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition, ISBN 978-0-07-352926-5
Assignments Mini Design Projects Term Exam I Term Exam II Final Exam
5% 15% 20% 20% 40%
Notes: i. Assignments are due on Thursdays at 13H, or as announced. Due dates are posted in the course schedule below. Late assignments and design reports will not be accepted. ii. Design reports are due on the dates posted in the course schedule below (A Friday at 13H). iii. Assignments, design projects, and exams will be based on the lecture and seminars. Due to their importance and/or difficulty, the text sections indicated in the syllabus will be covered in the lecture. However, the onus is on the student to review the chapters in their entirety. iv. There will be no make-up exams. The weight of a term exam will be transferred to the final exam if the term exam is missed due to a sickness, family death/emergency, or religion. A third party note or other forms of evidence will be required as appropriate. iv. Only approved non-programmable calculators will be permitted for use during the exams. All exams will be opened book and closed notes. v. The University’s policy on course outlines can be found in Section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar. vi. Cheating/plagiarism will not be tolerated. Visit for the code on student behavior.
Page 2
Lecture Syllabus Week
Lecture Dates
January 10, 12
January 17, 19
January 24, 26
January 31, February 2
February 7, 9
February 14
February 16 February 28, March 1
March 6, 8
March 13, 15
Topics Introduction Fluid Stresses Fluid Flows Fluid Properties Fluid Statics Pressure and Manometer Forces on Surfaces Buoyancy and Stability Fluids in Motion Control Volumes Mass Conservation Flow Visualization Fluids in Motion Bernoulli Equation HGL and EGL Application of Bernoulli Equation Application of Bernoulli Equation Flow Measurement Pitot-static Tube Reynolds Number Obstruction Flow Meters Momentum and Force Reynolds Transport Theorem Momentum Equation Flow on Moving Bodies TERM EXAM I Continuity and Navier-Stokes’ Equations Introduction Analysis of Equations Only Boundary Layers - Introduction Boundary Layers Laminar and Turbulent Flow Boundary Layer Procedure Analysis External Flow over Bodies External Flow Drag and Lift Friction and Pressure Drag Flow over plates, cylinders and spheres
Textbook Sections 1-1, 1-2, 1-4, 2-2, 2-6 3-1, 3-2, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6 1-5, 5-2, 4-2
4-6, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 9-1, 9-2, 9-5, 10-6
10-6, 11-1
11-2, 11-3, 11-4, 11-5, 11-6
Page 3
Lecture Dates
March 20, 22
March 27
March 29 April 3, 5
April 10, 12
Topics Pipe Flow Laminar Flow Pressure Drop and Head Losses Turbulent Flow Flow in rough pipes Duct/Pipe Sizing Piping Systems and Pump Selection Minor Losses Pipes in Series Pipes in Parallel TERM EXAM II Dimensional Analysis Nondimensionalization of Equations Buckingham Pi Theorem Flow Similarity Dimensional Analysis Nondimensionalization of Equations Buckingham Pi Theorem Flow Similarity
Textbook Sections 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5
8-6, 8-7
Weeks 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4
7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4
Page 4
Seminar and Design Schedule Seminar #
Seminar Dates
Mini Design Topic
January 16 or 18
Orientation and Outline of Design/Seminar Sessions
January 23 or 25
Mini Design Project 1: Design of a Spillway Gate of a Dam
January 30 or February 1
Mini Design Project 1: Design of a Spillway Gate of a Dam
February 6 or 8
Mini Design Project 1: Design of a Spillway Gate of a Dam
February 13 or 15
February 27 or 29
Mini Design Project 1: Design of a Spillway Gate of a Dam
March 5 or 7
Mini Design Project 2: Design of a Water Jet Nozzle
March 12 or 14
Mini Design Project 2: Design of a Water Jet Nozzle
March 19 or 21
Mini Design Project 2: Design of a Water Jet Nozzle
March 26 or 28
April 2 or 4
Return Mini Design Project 2
Page 5
Assignment Problems Sets
Due Dates
Problem Set 1
January 19
Supplementary Problem Set 1, 2-79, 2-84E
Problem Set 2
January 26
Supplementary Problem Set 2
Problem Set 3
February 2
Supplementary Problem Set 3
Problem Set 4
February 9
Supplementary Problem Set 4
Problem Set 5
February 17**
Design Project 1
March 2
Problem Set 6
March 8
Mini Design Project 1: Design of a Spillway Gate of a Dam Supplementary Problem Set 6
Problem Set 7
March 15
Supplementary Problem Set 7
Problem Set 8
March 22
Supplementary Problem Set 8, 11-108
Design Project 2
March 23
Problem Set 9
March 30**
Problem Set 10
April 5
Mini Design Project 2: Design of a Water Jet Nozzle Supplementary Problem Set 9, 8-35, 8-37, 8-46 Supplementary Problem Set 10
Supplementary Problem Set 5, 8-127
For Set 11, no submission required. Solutions will be posted on April 12th Final Problem No due date Supplementary Problem Set 11 Set 11 Note:
Problem Set 5 is due on Friday, February 17th.
Problem Set 9 is due on Friday, March 30th.