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roughness and Metal Removal Rate of the composites are measured and their variation in .... The figure of machined work piece is shown in below Figure 2. Fig.
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2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Design Engineering 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Design Engineering

Mechanical Characterization and Machining of Squeeze Cast Mechanical Characterization and Machining of Squeeze Cast AZ91D/SiC Magnesium basedConference Metal Matrix Composites Manufacturing Engineering Society International 2017, MESIC 2017, 28-30 June AZ91D/SiC Magnesium based Metal Matrix Composites 2017, Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain

I.Balasubramanianaa* R.Maheswaranbb V.Manikandancc Nilesh Patildd I.Balasubramanian * R.Maheswaran V.Manikandanf Nilesh Patil e Costing models forM.capacity optimization inSingari Industry 4.0: Trade-off Ranganath M Ayyanar Raja e f Ranganath M Singari M. Ayyanar Raja between used capacity and operational efficiency a

VV College of Engineering, TamilNadu ,India a MEPCO Schlenk of Engineering College, TamilNadu VV College Engineering, TamilNadu ,India India c b Kalasalingam University, TamilNadu, India India MEPCO Schlenk Engineering College, TamilNadu a a,* b d c Marathwada Institute of Technology, Aurangabad Kalasalingam University, TamilNadu, India e d Francis Xavier Engineering College, TamilNadu, India Marathwada Institute of Technology, Aurangabad a f e University of Minho, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal DelhiXavier Technological University, New Delhi, India Francis Engineering College, TamilNadu, India b f Unochapecó, 89809-000 Chapecó, SC, Brazil Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India b

A. Santana , P. Afonso , A. Zanin , R. Wernkeb

Abstract Abstract Abstract In the present work composite material is prepared by a combination of two or more constituent’s materials using squeeze casting Under the concept of "Industry 4.0", production processes will pushed to be increasingly interconnected, In the present work composite material iscomposites prepared byare a combination two be or more constituent’s materials using squeezefractions casting process. Magnesium based metal matrix casted usingofmagnesium alloy reinforced with various volume information basedparticulates. on a real time basiscomposites and, necessarily, more efficient. thisatmosphere context, capacity optimization process. based metal matrix are casted usingemployed magnesium alloy with various volume fractions of siliconMagnesium carbide A squeeze casting process has much been under anInreinforced inert to produce magnesium of silicon carbide particulates. A squeeze process has been employed under inert atmosphere to magnesium. produce and magnesium matrix composites and this process tocasting a complete wetting of silicon carbide particulates in the molten Further, goes beyond the traditional aim ofleads capacity maximization, contributing also foranorganization’s profitability value. matrix composites and this process tomatrix a complete wettingareof machined silicon carbide particulates in the molten magnesium. Further, the synthesized magnesium based metal composites by computer numerically controlled lathe. Surface Indeed, lean management and leads continuous improvement approaches suggest capacity optimization instead of the synthesized magnesium based metal matrix composites are machined numerically controlled lathe. Surface roughness and Metal Removal Rate of optimization the composites are costing measured and by their in performances arethat studied using maximization. The study of capacity and models iscomputer anvariation important research topic deserves roughness Metal Removal Rate ofbehavior the theoretical composites are measured and variation performances are studied using orthogonal and array, Also thethe mechanical of the composites are determined and also in evaluated by comparing the results contributions from both practical and perspectives. Thistheir paper presents and discusses a mathematical orthogonal array, Also the mechanical with the unreinforced magnesium alloy. behavior of the composites are determined and also evaluated by comparing the results model for capacity management based on different costing models (ABC and TDABC). A generic model has been with the unreinforced magnesium alloy. developed and it was used to analyze idle capacity and to design strategies towards the maximization of organization’s © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. © The Published bymaximization Elsevier B.V.B.V. value. trade-off capacity vs operational is highlightedConference and it is shown that capacity © 2018 2017The TheAuthors. Authors. Published by Peer-review under responsibility ofElsevier the scientific committee efficiency of the 2nd International on Materials Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and optimization might hide operational inefficiency. Peer-review under of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing andresponsibility Design Engineering. Design © 2017 Engineering. The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Manufacturing and Design Engineering.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientificSqueeze committee of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference Keywords: Mechanical Characterization; Machining; Casting, Metal Matrix Composites 2017. Keywords: Mechanical Characterization; Machining; Squeeze Casting, Metal Matrix Composites Keywords: Cost Models; ABC; TDABC; Capacity Management; Idle Capacity; Operational Efficiency

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91- 4637 271849.

1. Introduction * Corresponding Tel.: +91- 4637 271849. E-mail address:author. [email protected] E-mail address: [email protected] The cost of idle capacity is a fundamental information for companies and their management of extreme importance in modern production systems. In general, it is defined as unused capacity or production potential and can be measured 2351-9789 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. in several ways: tons of production, available hours of manufacturing, etc. The management of the idle capacity Peer-review underThe responsibility of theby scientific of the 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and 2351-9789 © 2017 Authors. Published Elsevier committee B.V. * PauloEngineering. Afonso. Tel.: +351 253 510 of 761; +351 253 604 741 of the 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Design Peer-review under responsibility thefax: scientific committee E-mail address: [email protected] Design Engineering.

2351-9789 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under of the scientificbycommittee the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017. 2351-9789 © 2018responsibility The Authors. Published Elsevier of B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Design Engineering. 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.02.014


I. Balasubramanian et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 97–105 Balasubramanian et. al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000

1. Introduction Composites are wonder material with light weight, high strength to weight ratio and stiffness property have come along a long way in replacing the conventional materials like metals, wood etc. Properties of composite have been significantly improved with the introduction of ceramic particles. Composite materials are emerging chiefly in response to unprecedented demands from technology due to rapidly advancing activities in aircrafts, aerospace and automotive industries. These materials have low specific gravity that makes their properties particularly superior in strength and modulus to many traditional engineering materials such as metals. As a result of intensive studies into the fundamental nature of materials and better understanding of their structure property relationship, it has become possible to develop new composite materials with improved physical and mechanical properties. These new materials include high performance composites such as Polymer matrix composites, Ceramic matrix composites and Metal matrix composites [1]. Continuous advancements have led to the use of composite materials in more and more diversified applications. The importance of composites as engineering materials is reflected by the fact that out of over 1600 engineering materials available in the market today more than 200 are composite [2]. They show high hardness and they lead to intensive abrasive wear in cutting tool during machining. Metal Matrix Composites (MMC’s) have evoked a keen interest in recent times for potential applications. Metal Matrix Composites have very light weight, high strength, and stiffness and exhibit greater resistance to corrosion, oxidation and wear. Metal-matrix composites (MMCs) are fabricated by any one of the melt-stirring technique. This new edition has been greatly enlarged and updated to provide both scientists and engineers with a clear and comprehensive understanding of composite materials. In describing both theoretical and practical aspects of their production, properties and usage, the book crosses the borders of many disciplines. Fatigue resistance is an especially important property of Magnesium based metal matrix composites (Mg-MMC), which is essential for automotive application. Because their superior properties such as light weight, low density, high strength to weight ratio, high hardness, high temperature and thermal shock resistance, superior wear and corrosive resistance, high specific modulus, high fatigue strength has been improved, so in the present work the Mg-MMCs are fabricated by squeeze casting and their property and their machinability performances are studied. 2. Literature Review A. Dey and K. M. Pandey (2015), made a research on Magnesium matrix composites are potential materials for various applications of aero- space and defense organizations due to their low density, good mechanical and physical prop- reties. The improvement of specific strength, stiffness, damping behavior, wear behavior, creep and fatigue properties are significantly influenced by the addition of reinforcing elements into the metallic matrix compared with the conventional engineering materials. This paper presents the overview on the effects of different reinforcements in magnesium and its alloy, high- lighting their merits and demerits [3]. S. Aravindan et. al. (2015), made a research on magnesium alloy (AZ91D) composites reinforced with silicon carbide particle with different volume percentage were fabricated by two step stir casting process. The effects of changes in particle size and volume fraction of sic particles on physical and mechanical properties of composites were evaluated under as cast and heat treat (T6) conditions. The experimental results were compared with the standard properties. Distribution of particles and fractured surface were studied through SEM images [4]. B. R. Sunil al (2015) made a research on Surface metal matrix composites (MMCs) are a group of modern engineered materials where the surface of the material is modified by dispersing secondary phase in the form of particles or fibers and the core of the material experience no change in chemical composition and structure. The potential applications of the surface MMCs can be found in automotive, aerospace, biomedical and power industries. Recently, friction stir processing (FSP) technique has been gaining wide popularity in producing surface composites in solid state itself. Magnesium and its alloys being difficult to process metals also have been successfully processed by FSP to fabricate surface MMCs [5]. M. Mounib et. al (2013) made a research on Performances of metal matrix composites (MMCs) rely strongly on the distribution of particles within the metal matrix but also on the chemical reaction which may occur at the liquid-solid interfaces. This paper presents the chemical reaction between aluminium based particles Al2O3 and Al2O3-AlOOH with magnesium alloys matrixes AZ91 and EL21, respectively, and studies the microstructure of these reinforced composites. Different methods such as transmission electron

I. Balasubramanian et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 97–105 Balasubramanian et. al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000


microscopy (TEM), differential scanning calorimetric (DSC), and XRD were used to highlight these chemical reactions and to identify products. [6]. M. Hasan et. al (2012) made a research onA 3-D numerical simulation of an industrial-sized slab caster for magnesium alloy AZ91 has been carried out for the steady state operational phase of the caster. The simulated model consists of an open-top melt delivery system fitted with a porous filter near the hot-top. All parametric studies were performed for a fixed inlet melt superheat of 64 °C. The results are presented pictorially in the form of temperature and velocity fields. The sump depth, mushy region thickness, solid shell thickness at the exit of the mold and axial temperature profiles are also presented and correlated with the casting speed through regression analysis [7]. In the present work, composites are fabricated using matrix material Magnesium AZ91D and reinforcement material SiC. Casting process is done by squeeze casting technique and the machining process is done by CNC lathe. The Surface roughness of the machined surface is tested in Surface roughness testing equipment. Hardness test is done in Brinell hardness machine and the parametric studies were conducted for the surface roughness and material removal rate. 3. Materials and Methods Alloy AZ91D is the most widely used magnesium die cast alloy and has an excellent combination of mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and castability. Corrosion resistance is achieved by enforcing very strict limits on three metallic impurities—iron, copper and nickel. These are limited to very low levels making it necessary to use primary magnesium in the production of this alloy. Magnesium alloys AZ91D, however, have a lower density, stand greater column loading per unit weight and have a higher specific modulus. They are also used when great strength is not necessary, but where a thick, light form is desired, or when higher stiffness is needed. Examples are complicated castings, such as housings or cases for aircraft, and parts for rapidly rotating or reciprocating machines. Silicon carbide (SiC), also known as carborundum, is a compound of silicon and carbon with chemical formula SiC. It occurs in nature as the extremely rare mineral moissanite. Grains of silicon carbide can be bonded together by sintering to form very hard ceramics that are widely used in applications requiring high endurance, such as car brakes, car clutches and ceramic plates in bullet proof vests. 3.1. Fabrication of Mg AZ91D/SiC Composites - Squeeze casting Squeeze casting, also known as liquid metal forging, is a combination of casting and forging process. The molten metal is poured into the bottom half of the pre-heated die. As the metal starts solidifying, the upper half closes the die and applies pressure during the solidification process. The amount of pressure thus applied is significantly less than used in forging, and parts of great detail can be produced. Coring can be used with this process to form holes and recesses. The porosity is low and the mechanical properties are improved. Both ferrous and non-ferrous materials can be produced using this method. 3.2. Procedure to fabricate Mg AZ91D/SiC composites First magnesium alloy AZ91D is heated to 8000c in a furnace. Similarly boron carbide and alumina are also preheated to 4000c in a preheater. Both magnesium alloy AZ91D and Silicon carbide are stirred in a crucible shown in Figure 1.

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Balasubramanian et. al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000

Fig. 1. Squeeze casting setup

The mixture of molten metal is poured in to the die and a force of 392.6KN is applied on the molten by using hydraulic die. After solidification the required shape and size of the composite material is obtained and the samples prepared are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Samples prepared Name Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

% 100 97 94 91

Mg AZ91D Weight in gram 1000 970 940 910

% 0 3 6 9

SiC Weight in gram 0 30 60 90

3.3. CNC Machining Then these obtained materials are machined by using CNC lathe machine. For the purpose study the metal removal rate and surface roughness of the materials. The figure of machined work piece is shown in below Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Machined composite work pieces

I. Balasubramanian et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 97–105 Balasubramanian et. al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000


4. Experimental Illustrations 4.1. Surface Roughness test Surface Roughness (Ra) is a component of surface texture. It is quantified by the deviations in the direction of the normal vector of a real surface from its ideal form. If these deviations are large, the surface is rough; if they are small, the surface is smooth. The Ra is measured using SURFTEST machine shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Surface Roughness testing machine

Ra is typically considered to be the high-frequency, short-wavelength component of a measured surface (see surface metrology). However, in practice it is often necessary to know both the amplitude and frequency to ensure that a surface is fit for a purpose. Ra of the samples is measured by using surface testing machine and the values are tabulated in Table 2. Table 2. Experimental values of Roughness Testing

Exp. No.

Tool Feed (mm)

Depth of cut (mm)

Spindle speed (rpm)

Mix of Material

Roughness value (µm)





Sample 1






Sample 2






Sample 3






Sample 3


4.2. L9 Orthogonal array While there are many standard orthogonal arrays available, each of the arrays is meant for a specific number of independent design variables and levels. For example, if one wants to conduct an experiment to understand the influence of 4 different independent variables with each variable having 3 set values (level values), then an L9 orthogonal array might be the right choice. The L9 orthogonal array is meant for understanding the effect of 4 independent factors each having 3 factor level values. This array assumes that there is no interaction between any two factors. While in many cases, no interaction model assumption is valid, there are some cases where there is a

I. Balasubramanian et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 97–105 Balasubramanian et. al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000


clear evidence of interaction. A typical case of interaction would be the interaction between the material properties and temperature. Then readings are tabulated in below Table 3. Table 3. L9 Orthogonal Array

S. No

Tool Feed

Depth of cut (DOC)

Spindle speed (rpm)

Mix of material





Sample 1





Sample 2





Sample 3





Sample 3





Sample 1





Sample 2





Sample 2





Sample 3





Sample 1

The Material Removal Rate (MRR) can be defined as the volume of material removed divided by the machining time. Another way to define MRR is to imagine an instantaneous material removal rate as the rate at which the cross section area of material being removed moves through the work piece. The MRR values are calculated and displayed in Table 4. Table 4. Metal Removal Rate and Surface Roughness values





of cut
















Sample 1







Sample 2








Sample 3









Sample 3









Sample 1









Sample 2









Sample 2









Sample 3









Sample 1






Mix of Material



I. Balasubramanian et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 97–105 Balasubramanian et. al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000


5. Result and Discussion 5.1. Hardness Test The Brinell scale characterizes the indentation hardness of materials through the scale of penetration of an indenter, loaded on a material test-piece. It is one of several definitions of hardness in materials science.

Fig. 4. Hardness of composites

The results of hardness measurements revealed that an increase in the volume fraction percentage of SiC particulates produced an increase in the hardness value of the metallic matrix shown Figure 4. When increasing the percentage of Sic with Mg AZ91D the hardness values increase correspondingly. The pure magnesium alloy has less hardness when compared with Magnesium/SiC composites. 5.2. Effect of Machining Parameters on Performance Measures The variation of Surface Roughness (Ra) and Metal Removal Rate (MRR) with respect to the Feed Rate, Speed, Depth of Cut (DOC) and Percentage of Reinforcement (%Ref) are studied by the representing the observed values in graph format.

Fig. 5. DOC vs Surface Roughness (Ra)


Balasubramanian et. al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000 I. Balasubramanian et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 97–105

The Figure 5 represents the variation of surface roughness with respect to the depth of cut and the graph consists of DOC in x axis and surface roughness in y axis. When increasing the DOC, the Ra slightly increases and its not as significant as variation due to feed rate and speed.

Fig. 6 %Ref vs Surface Roughness (Ra)

The Figure 6 represents the variation of surface roughness with respect to the percentage of reinforcement and the graph consists of percentage of reinforcement (% Ref) in x axis and surface roughness in y axis. When increasing the %Ref, the Ra value decreases which results in good surface finish.

Fig. 7 Feed vs Material Removal Rate (MRR)

The Figure 7 represents the variation of MRR with respect to the feed rate and the graph consists of feed rate in x axis and MRR in y axis. The graph shows that MRR is more, when the feed is increased.

I. Balasubramanian et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 20 (2018) 97–105 Balasubramanian et. al. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2017) 000–000


Fig. 8. Speed vs Material Removal Rate (MRR)

The Figure 8 represents the variation of MRR with respect to the speed and the graph consists of speed in x axis and MRR in y axis. The graph shows that MRR is more, when the speed is increased. 6. Conclusions From the fabrication and machining of magnesium based composites the followings are concluded;  The distribution and orientation of reinforcement material SiC in the matrix material magnesium can be easily done by using squeeze casting technique.  Machining Magnesium metal matrix composites in the CNC lathe produces good performance measure values.  The variation of surface roughness with respect to the feed rate, speed is very significant. The percentage of reinforcement decreases the surface roughness in magnesium composites.  The Depth of cut play important role in deciding both the performance measures. References [1] G. Fisher, Composite: Engineering the ultimate material, American Ceramics Society, 63 (2005), 360-364. [2] L. M. Manocha, A. R. Bunsell, Advances in composite materials, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 2 (1980), 1233-1240. [3] A. Dey, K. M. Pandey, Magnesium metal matrix composites-a review, Indian Foundry Journal, 57(2015), 35-40. [4] S. Aravindan, P. V. Rao, K. Popanna, Evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of AZ91D/SiC composites by two step stir casting process, Advanced Engineering Material , 6(2015), 1-11. [5] B. R. Sunil, Developing surface composites: A comparative survey, International Journal of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 4(3) (2015) 1-8. [6] M. Mounib, M. Pavese, C. Badini, W. Lefebvre, H. Dieringa, Reactivity and microstructure of Al2O3-reinforced magnesium-matrix composites, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 39 (2013), 1-7. [7] M. Hasan, L. Begum, Modelling of magnesium DC casting process using a 3D turbulent CFD model, Advanced Material Processing, 28(2012), 145.