in their first three years study a series of fundamental and basic courses in
Science, ... emphasize the basics of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. The
final ...
Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Mechanical and Materials Engineering is traditionally one of the major departments in any faculty of Engineering. This is also true at Western. To prepare for a career in this branch of engineering, students in their first three years study a series of fundamental and basic courses in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. In the final year students may choose from a variety of technical electives. The program stresses the importance of solving open-ended problems and the development of interpersonal and communication skills Program First year courses are common to all Engineering programs. Upon completion of first year, students must be admitted into the Mechanical Engineering program. The second and third year program is structured to emphasize the basics of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. The final year is arranged so that each student may choose courses from a selection of technical electives. This allows the student to tailor their interests to a specific career goal. Opportunities exist for students to enroll in one of the many concurrent degree programs. This involves at least an additional year of study. Often courses taken for one degree may be credited to another degree. A concurrent degree is often considered an associated skill for the Engineering profession. Technical electives can be chosen from areas such as: Computer Aided Design Production Automation and Robotics Computer Integrated Manufacturing Aerodynamics
Energy Conversion Control of Building Environment Industrial Design Properties and Selection of Materials
Employment Opportunities Career opportunities are found in most industrial enterprises. For example: the design of transportation vehicles, the design of energy conversion systems, the design of control and hardware of building environmental systems, and the design of equipment for food production. Engineers in this discipline may also choose a career in one of the many areas of manufacturing.
The official version of the academic calendar can be found at:
January 2010
Mechanical Engineering cont’d First year program (2010-2011): Applied Math 1413, Eng Sci 1050, Physics 1026, Applied Math 1411a/b, Chemistry 1024a/b, Eng Sci 1021a/b, Eng Sci 1022a/b/y, Eng Sci 1036a/b, 1.0 non-technical elective. Second year program (2011-2012):
Term 3:
Course Title
Term 4:
Course Title
Applied Mathematical and Numerical Methods MME 2202a Mechanics of Materials MME 2204a Thermodynamics I MME 2259a Product Design and Development MME 2260a Industrial Materials Non-technical elective taken from approved list.
AM 2413 MME 2213b MME 2273b MME 2285b SS 2143b ES 2211G
Applied Mathematical and Numerical Methods Engineering Dynamics Fluid Mechanics I Engineering Experimentation Applied Statistics and Data Analysis Engineering Communications
AM 2413
Third year program (2012-2013):
Term 5:
Course Title
Term 6:
Course Title
AM 3413a MME 3303a MME 3379a MME 3381a
Applied Mathematics Fluid Mechanics II Materials Selection Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement
MME 3307b MME 3334b MME 3360b MME 3380b ECE 3374b
Heat Transfer Thermodynamics II Finite Methods Mechanical Components Design Electromechanics
Term 8:
Course Title
Bus 2299 MME 4499
Business Organization Mechanical Engineering Design Project Engineering Ethics, Sustainable Development and the Law
ECE 3373a
Fourth year program (2013-2014):
Term 7:
Course Title
Bus 2299 MME 4499
Business Organization Mechanical Engineering Design Project Six technical electives Technical Electives: MME 4414a/b Microstructural Analysis MME 4422a/b Physical Metallurgy MME 4423a/b Internal Combustion Engines MME 4424a/b Mechanical Properties of Materials MME 4425a/b Mechanical Vibrations MME 4427a/b Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering III MME 4428a/b Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering IV MME 4429a/b Nuclear Engineering MME 4443a/b Energy Conversion MME 4445a/b Aerodynamics for Engineers MME 4446a/b Composite Materials MME 4450a/b Modern Control Systems MME 4452a/b Robotics and Manufacturing Automation MME 4453a/b Corrosion and Wear MME 4459a/b CNC Machining MME 4460a/b HVAC II MME 4464a/b Biomechanics of Human Joint Motion
Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal System Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering I Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering II Fracture Mechanics Computer Aided Design (CAD) Applied Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Fundamentals of MEMS HVAC I Fluid Machinery Industrial Control Systems Mechatronic System Design Wind Engineering Production Management Mechanical & Materials Engineering Thesis
Some technical electives may not be offered in a given academic year. The official version of the academic calendar can be found at: