mechanical properties of woven fiberglass composite ...

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Abstract. The present study describes the processing and mechanical characterization of S-2 glass fiber with and without interleaved Ethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS).

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WOVEN FIBERGLASS COMPOSITE INTERLEAVED WITH GLASS NANOFIBERS D. Shinde, E. Kimbro, R. Mohan, A. Kelkar* Nanoengineering Department, Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC 27401, USA *[email protected] Keywords: Electrospinning, H-VARTM, Nanofibers, Textile Composites. resistance, light weight and radar transparency as Abstract compared with conventional glass fibers [1]. Also The present study describes the processing and deliver better cost performance than aramid and mechanical characterization of S-2 glass fiber with carbon fibers. and without interleaved Ethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS) chemically engineered glass nanofibers The limitations of the woven roven technology manufactured using electrospinning technique with such as crimping of yarns that create stress Keywords: keywords list (no more than 7) over of the yarn and reduce resin EPON 862 with EPIKURE curing agent W. concentration at cross The manufactured electrospun TEOS nanofiber were strength [2], the misalignment angle of the fiber is sintered to evaporate ethanol and reduce the fiber increased that reduces the compressive maximum up diameter so as to increase the surface area. The to 20% [3], also woven surfaces are pooled out from heated Vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (Hthe resin out of the roven yarns that initiate the VARTM) method was used to fabricate the failure [4]. Further, common cause of failures in combined panel using same resin and equal flow and composite laminates is due to delaminations. These specimen were cut using the water jet machine as delaminations in composite laminates can occur due per the standards. Tension, compression, in plane to various loadings such as low velocity impact, shear, interlaminar shear and iosipecu test were fatigue etc and are critical because of the subsurface conducted as per the accepted ASTM test standards. nature. Conventional methods such as stitching and The mechanical properties strength, modulus, Z-pinning, while improving interlaminar properties Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus, fiber volume fraction in woven composites, lead to a reduction of the inratios and densities are measured and corresponding plane properties [5-6]. Electrospun non-woven sheet modes of failure have been studied and compared of nanofibrous mat applied at interfacial regions with each other. The S-2 glass fibers with offer an option to traditional treatments. The specific Electrospun TEOS nanofiber composite have shown strength of glass composites is important because it significant improvement in the in plane shear is about two and half times that of steel, its specific strength and modulus and slightly improvement in stiffness is only about one-half that of steel shown in the tensile properties. However lower the Table 1 [7]. compression strength and modulus as well as shear Table1Typical specific properties of steel and modulus. Due to pre bend in the plies of the glass composites [7] fiber and fold over elastic sizing are the possible Material Density Tensile Tensile reasons for reduction of compression properties. The Specific specific (g/cc) predicted values of the elastic constant using strength(MPa/g modulus (GPa/g/c /cc) simplified micormechanics equation of the c) composite are verified with experimental result that Steel 8.0 64.4 24.1 matches and have shown the significant improvement in the in plane shear strength of the Woven 2.2 166.8 13.5 glass/epoxy composite that will help to improve the Carbon/epoxy 1.6 1443.0 89.9 delaimination of the composite. The objective of the present study is to fabricate 1. Introduction and characterize fiberglass composite laminates interleaved with glass nanofiber. The use of Tetra High performance S-2 glass fiber reinforced Ethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS) chemically engineered polymer matrix composite have been considered in glass nanofibers manufactured using electrospinning aerospace, defense, automobile industry and wind technique in woven glass fiber resin composite turbine for structural applications due to the unique laminates is investigated for their potential to combination of properties such as strength, impact improve the various properties including tensile, resistance, stiffness, temperature resistance, fatigue


compressive, shear for structural applications and then compare with the fiberglass polymer composite. 2. Electrospinning Process In an electrospinning process, small diameter nanofibers are manufactured to create a fibrous mat. Electrospinning uses an electric field created by a high voltage power supply to generate a fiber of varying diameters from solution gelatin (sol-gel) to a ground collector. There are various uses for the fiber mat. The process originally developed around 1934 by Formahals [8] has gained the attention of several areas including mechanical engineering and the bio-medical fields. Electrospinning has also been used in research involving biomedical tissue engineering and drug enhancements [9-10]. Electrospinning is a non-contact drawing process in which a polymer droplet emanating from the tip of spinneret is attracted towards a grounded collector due to the electrical potential difference applied and surface tension of the droplet. The electro-static forces cause the droplet to stretch, resulting into bending instability and whipping of the elongated jet producing fibers of nanoscale diameter (nanofibers) with exceptionally long lengths. Evaporation of solvents takes place as the nanofibers are deposited on a grounded collector. Splaying is not dominant in reduction of diameter of nanofibers. By controlling process parameters and properties of the polymer, ceramic or composite starting solution, fiber diameters from 3 - 900 nanometers can be produced [11]. Electrospinning is a fast and low cost manufacturing technique that can be easily scaled up. 2.1 Electrospinning of Tetraethylorthosilcate (TEOS) nanofibers The TEOS solution prepared for electrospinning is adopted from Brincker [9]. 98% TEOS solution is mixed with Ethanol in the proportion of 4.5:1and five drops of HCl is used as catalyst is added slowly to dilute the mixture using de-ionized water in the ratio 1:50. The solution was kept for aging in the ambient condition of 72 0F with 44% humidity. When the weight of solution become 48-55% after a period 44-48 hours evaporation, the solution viscosity will be in the range of 100-400 centipoise was good to electrospun the fibers. Fig. 1 a show the set up for the electrospinning, a solution droplet is fed to the spinneret tip at a controlled rate using programmable dispensing pump. The dispensing pump is Model NE-1000 Multi-Phaser supplied by New Era Pump Systems Inc and has syringe to hold

capacity up to 50mm diameter. This pump can dispense solution in the range of 0.1 ml per min. to 10 ml per min.

Fig.1a Electrospinning setup

Fig.1b Electrospinning jet The solution droplet at the tip of spinneret is acted upon by electro-hydrodynamic forces. Electrical forces are due to the potential difference between spinneret and collector plate. Spinneret is kept at positive potential and collector plate is usually kept grounded. FC Series, 120 Watt Regulated High Voltage DC Power Supply supplied by Glassman High Voltage Inc maintains potential difference of up to 20kV between spinneret and collector. And the distance between tip of the spinneret and collector plate was 20.5cm. Because of this applied potential difference, the solution droplet at the tip of the spinneret acquires +ve charge on the surface. The hydro-dynamic force is due to surface tension of the liquid solution. This solution droplet gets attracted towards collector and forms a 45° semi-angle at the tip called as Taylor Cone [12]. If the viscosity of solution is sufficient to provide stringiness, there is elongation of droplet into a jet, which under the action of whipping and "Bending Instability"[13] forms fiber in the range of 3nm to 1urn depending on the solution properties. These TEOS nanofiber were collected on the telfon sheet of collector to reduce the damage of the fiber after evaporation. 2.1.1 Sintering of the TEOS fiber


After one week of evaporation of ethanol from the fibrous sheet at ambient condition. TEOS naofiber were soft. Fig.2 shows the SEM images for the TEOS nanofiber before sintering and had the diameter of the nanofiber of range of 300 - 500nm. 10




2 µm



Fig.2 SEM micrograph of electrospun TEOS naofiber before sintering The TEOS naofiber mats were folded and stacked together and sintered at temperature 600 0 C for 6 hours [14] using Furnace 6000 supplied by Barnstead thermodlyne Inc. After sintering TEOS nanofibers became brittle and reduced diameter range from 250 – 450 nm shown in Fig.3. 10 µm

2 µm



Fig.3 SEM micrograph of electrospun TEOS naofiber after sintering at temperature 600 0C

nanofiber mats to improve various properties of composite material. The overall performance of the composite can be increased, while optimization of its use may not degrade the in-plane properties. The most recent research using the low cost simple setup nature of the electrospinning technique has concentrated on low molecular weight polymer and its use in the bio-medical field. Electrospinning research for the purpose of mechanical property improvement is still in its infancy. The present investigation focuses on investigation of effects of electrospun glass nanofibers on H-VARTM manufactured woven fiberglass composites. Paper presents comparison of various mechanical properties including tensile, compressive and shear properties of woven fiberglass laminates with and without TEOS nanofibers. 3. Materials S-2 glass fiber with fabric architecture woven roven of plain weave type, tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) electrospun nanofiber. The resin system used was Miller Stephenson chemical Inc. The details of these materials are given below. 3.1 Glass Fibers Glass fibers are more attracted to structural application due to the low cost and easy to fabricate good composite with high strength mechanical properties is S-2 glass fiber. The woven roving of BGF was chosen due the wide used for structural applications and inexpensive way to apply large quantity in one glass ply. BGF 240(S-2 463-AA-250 ) consist of single and glass roving with BGF industries style 240 sizing for ease of handling, quick wet out, and compatible with the EPON resin 862/EPIKURE curing agent W system. The areal weight was 24.00 oz/sqyd and the construction is balanced with 50% of the fiber in wrap direction and the remaining 50% of the fibers in the fill direction. The ratio was verified by pic count that was the number of rovings per inch. The pic count was 5 in wrap direction and 5 in the fill direction supplied by the BGF industries with the designation of BGF-240 S-2 glass fiber and its architecture is shown in Fig.4 [15].

TEOS nanofibers were interleaved between the layers of a laminated composite panel. When interlaminar cracks form, as during the second stage of progressive failure during an impact event, the fibrous mat could mitigate damage by increasing mode I fracture toughness (GIC,), otherwise known as the critical energy release rate. Electrospinning offers research and manufacturing a low cost technique to fabricate 3

Fig. 4 BGF 240 S-2 glass fibric (wrap-vertical direction) 3.2 Resin The matrix used was Miller Stephenson Chemical Inc [16] EPON resin 862 a phenolformaldehyde polymer glycidyl ether and EPIKURE W Curing agent of diethylmethyl benzenediamine 684779-981. Resin 862/EPIKRE curing agent W resin system was formulated with ratio of 100:26.4 for HVARTM (Heated vacuum assisted resin transfer molding) process. This resin have been used due to high wettability, good balance of mechanical, adhesive, and electrical properties and also good chemical resistance, superior physical properties vs. diluted (6 Poise) this resins used in marine coating and aerospace adhesive and thus produces the superior mechanical properties in the composite such as impact resistance, fatigue life. EPON 862 resin has viscosity 25- 45 poise at room temperature but 100-150 cps ideal for H-VARTM process. EPON 862 have density 1.2003 g/cc, tensile modulus and strength are 3.247 GPa (471 ksi), and 80.66 MPa (11.7 ksi) respectively; and flexural modulus and strength are 2.16GPa (314ksi) and 55.85 MPa (8.1 ksi) respectively; curing temperature (heat distortion temperature) hold at 250 0 F for four hour. 4. Panel Fabrication Composite panels of size 2x3 feet and thickness 0.1 in were fabricated using H-VARTM process. As per the ASTM standard for testing coupon thickness should be 0.1 in. In this panel, 2x1.5 feet portion had the S-2 glass fiber preform and other 2x1.5 feet portion had the three layers of the TEOS nanofiber mats interleaved between the four glass fibers plies. The weight fraction of the TEOS nanofiber was used 1.64% of the glass fibers. All the fabrics were cut and stacked into wrap direction since fill and wrap direction have same strength and tows of the fibers, the direction of wrap have been considered to determine the basic mechanical properties. The

preforms cut were prevented from contamination, dirt and grease that can prevent the laminate bonding during the consolidation. VARTM process is explained in references [16-17] and the H-VARTM process has been given the reference [18]. The HVARTM setup and the process steps are shown in the Figs, 5, 6, and 7 respectively. In this H-VARTM process the TEOS nanofiber have been interleaved between the plies and bagged in single mold and same resin have been infused in the both portion of the panel the viscosity of the resin was 250 centipoise at temperature 110 0F and the same temperature was maintained in the stacked fiber using heating pads kept under glass mold plate. The cure time temperature has been shown in the Fig. 8. The post cured panel was inspected visually for surface defects and tap tested [17] for the delamination. Whole panel was found to free from void, defects on the surface and delamination. There were no dry area was found and the fibers were not deformed to any shape by the vacuum compression during the molding. The thickness was measured in the with and without TEOS nanofiber region and found uniform with TEOS nanofiber region and without TEOS nanofiber reason found were 0.115in and 0.104 in respectively with less than 5% variations.

Fig.5 H -VARTM process setup


density method was 55.92% by Matrix burn off and 68.68% by areal density method. Table 2 Fiber volume fraction Fiber volume fraction, (%) Matrix Burn- Areal off method density method

Fig. 6 TEOS nanofiber mat laid on half portion of the glass preform

Fig. 7 H- VARTM process set with resin infusion flow direction.

S-2 Glass fiber S-2 glass fiber with TEOS naofiber









5. Experimental The specimen were cut as per the layout shown in Fig. 9 using the water jet machine and washed and removed grease, dirt, and contaminants from the surface and grinded surface to make smooth and parallel surfaces to avoid the bending and twisting. The tension, compression, inter-laminar shear specimens tabbed using a NEMA grade G-10 epoxy glass laminate and toughened 3 M epoxy adhesive. The adhesive were cured at room temperature for 24 h in vacuum bag and then cured at 150 0 F for three hour in computer controlled oven. The strain gages were fixed on the specimen to capture data between 1000 to 10000 µs using the standard procedure. The soldering of gages were done and connected through the channel to Intron testing Machine and specimens were tested according to the standard mechanical testing such as tension compression, inter-laminar shear, and iosipescu in-plane shear were conducted as per the ASTM test standards[19] for direction of wrap. All the axial trains were measured by extensometer and longitudinal and transverse strain by strain gages. Strain gages were attached the specimens as follows.

Fig. 8 Cure and post cure time–temperature cycle 4.2. Fiber volume fraction The volume fraction of both with and without nanofiber and is shown in the Table 2. The volume fraction for both with and without TEOS nanofiber using S-2 Glass fiber is calculated by using both the matrix burn off test according to ASTM D 3171-99 [19] and the areal density method. The fiber volume fraction of the BGF240 S-2 glass fiber and TEOS nanofiber with BGF240 S-2 glass fiber was 57.19% by matrix burn off test method and 57.21% by areal 5

Fig.9 Layout for specimen Tension: Five specimens were strain gaged in both longitudinal and transverse direction to measure the Poisson’s ratio and Modulus of elasticity. Compression: Five specimens were strain gaged in axial direction but maintained the gauge length of 1 in so as to fix the gage on the surface of the specimen. Iosipescu shear: The strain gages were fixed at ± 450 to loading axis, in the middle of the specimen away from the notch and along the loading axis to measure the shear response. In plane shear: Five specimens were gages fixed at ± 450 to loading axis, in the middle of the specimen along the loading axis to measure the shear response. Table 3 Summary of Mechanical properties of composites in direction of wrap Properties

S-2 glass fiber

Volume fraction of fiber Vf (%) Tension Strength MPa (ksi) Modulus GPa (msi) Poisson’s ratio Compression Strength MPa (ksi) Modulus GPA (msi) In-plane Strength MPa shear (ksi) Modulus (msi) GPa Inter-laminar Strength MPa shear (ksi)


S-2 glass fiber with TEOS nanofiber 55.92

533.4 (77.36) 31.03 (4.5) 0.15

544.8 (79.01) 24.6 (3.57) 0.13

237.6 (34.46) 26.04 (3.77)

217.5 (31.55) 16.40 (2.38)

44.70 (6.48) 0.45 (3.10) 29.6 (4.3)

54.70 (7.93) 0.39 (2.72) 35.9 (5.2)

5.2. Tension test Tensile tests were conducted as per the ASTM Standard Test Method (D 3039/D 3039-08) for tensile properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials. Blue hill system on the Instron machine used to record the load, displacement, and strain gage reading through channel system until the specimen fractured. During the initiation, progression, and final fracture, the failure loads and modes were recorded. From test data, tensile modulus, strength, and Poisson’s ratio were

determined as per the ASTM standard. The average values and standard deviations were calculated and the average values are listed in Table 3.The percent coefficient of variation of all tensile properties was less than 6% for BGF-240 glass fiber and 6% for the BGF-240 glass fiber with TEOS nanofiber and their corresponding composite modulus of elasticity was 4% in fibers. The minimum data scatter confirmed consistency and quality of the panel fabrication, specimen preparation, testing. The failure mode was of explosive gage middle in the direction of wrap due to stress reversal and fracture. The BGF-240 glass fiber specimens failed by longitudinal fiber fracture at different location in the middle at different plies and the delamination occurred due to the compression shock waves cause by the fiber breakage. The BGF-240 glass fiber with TEOS nanofiber had the same mode of failure but breakings of fibers were slightly away from middle of the specimen and explosive occurred due delamination and compression shock wave caused by the breaking of fiber [20]. 5.3. Compression test Compression tests were conducted as per the ASTM Standard Test Method (D 3410/D 3410M-03) for compressive properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials with unsupported gage section by shear loading. Short gauge lengths of 1in were used to avoid buckling instability. Load, displacement, and strain gage reading were recorded continuously till the specimen fractured. The data recorded used to determine compression strength and modulus. After testing the edges of the specimens were micrographed under the optical microscope are shown in Fig. 10-12. The failure was initiated due to the micro buckling of the fiber in the specimens to kinking followed by collapse like the unidirectional composite [20] in the case of BGF240 glass fiber. Glass fiber showed ductile type of failure whereas BGF-240 with TEOS nanofiber showed more kinking followed by the collapse by unidirectional composite due to the micro buckling and more delamination occurred between the plies and are brittle type shown in Fig. 13. The compression modulus and strength of all the specimens and two types of glass fiber with and without TEOS nanofiber systems were calculated and average values are listed in the Table 3. The coefficient of variation of the strength is less than 5% for BGF-240 and 3% variation in the BGF-240 with TEOS nanofiber.


a) Wrap direction b) At fiber level Fig.11 Typical Iosipescu failure for S-2 glass fibers

Fig.10 Typical compression failure for S-2 glass fibers with TEOS nanofiber

Fig.11 Typical compression failure for S-2 glass fibers

a) Warp direction b) At fiber level Fig.12 Typical Iosipescu failure for S-2 glass fibers with TESO nanofiber 5.3 In-plane shear test 5.3.1 Inter laminar shear strength (ILSS) test Test were conducted using the modified short beam shear test [21], the ILSS was calculated from the failure load. The failure modes from the failed specimen showed a typical near mid-plane delamination [20]. The average values and standard deviation of ILSS for all five specimens are calcite and listed in Table 3.The coefficient of variation of the test data is less than 7%. 5.3.2 Iosipescu test In this test a shear force transmitted through a section between two edges of V- notches will produce a nearly uniform stress across the section. Tests were conducted on an Iosipescu test fixture supported by Wyoming supplied by MTT testing fixtures. Load, displacement, and strain gage readings were recorded continuously until the specimen failed. From this test the data recorded is used to determine the shear modulus from the initial slope of the shear stress verse shear stain plot at 7

0.2% offset shear strength. The strain gages went off at 10000µs and hence the shear strength has been determined at 0.2% offset slope of the shear strength. The modes of failure and the breaking of fiber laminates are shown in Fig.11-12. The failure at V- notch section shown by white region along the section in both cases with and without TEOS nanofiber specimens. The average and standard deviation of the shear modulus and 0.2% offset shear strength were calculated and listed in Table 3. 6. Discussion The properties of S-2 glass fiber with and without TEOS nanofiber composites were tested and summarized in the Table 3. The properties of plain weave S-2 glass fiber are with polymer matrix composite is given in the reference [22]. 6.2. Tension properties The S-2 woven roving glass composite have equal stiffness in direction of fill and warp due to the equal number of strands in both direction and equal number of picks per in is 5. The Tensile modulus and strength of the BGF-240 S-2 glass fiber without interleaving of TEOS nanofiber are 31.03 GPa and 533.4 MPa respectively. Due to equal strength in both directions the test is not performed in the fill direction and hence remains same tensile modulus and strength. The tensile modulus of BGF-240 S-2 glass fiber interleaved with TEOS nanofiber are 24.6 GPa and 544.8 MPa respectively. The reduction of the modulus because of the lower in percent volume fraction ration from 57.19 to 55.92 and strong adhesion between two plies of glass fiber interleaved by TEOS nanofiber and hence the strength is increased due to the lower matrix is reported in Table 3. The tensile strength is increased by 2.13% and modulus is decreased 20.72%. Stress versus strain is smooth until maximum stress, the stress versus strain showed knee formation and subsequent deviation after initial lineal proportion [20] this was showed because of the initial failure of the matrix cracking of epon also the fiber in tows are not straight and elongated during the initial load and then broke at the ultimate tensile strength. Poisson’s ratio of the with and without TEOS nanofiber material shown the variation due the interleaving of the TEOS nanofiber between and the plié sand the more strong bond between the plies and TEOS nanofiber. 6.3. Compression properties Compression strength of the polymer glass fiber composite depends on the type of fiber, sizing and

the matrix and also depends on adhesion of the plies in the composite. Without TEOS nanofiber interleaved composite materials have higher compressive strength and modulus than with TEOS interleaved nanofiber in between glass fiber plies. The percent reduction of compressive strength and compressive modulus are 8.4% and 37.01% with interleaving TEOS nanofiber between glass fibers respectively. The TEOS nanofibers have the adhesion of the plies by matrix in between the glass fiber and hence each ply could break easily due to the brittle nature of TEOS nanofiber and poor adhesion and due to the pre bending of the fiber and fold over elastic sizing are the possible reasons for reduction of compression properties. 6.4 In-plane shear properties 6.4.1 Iosipescu Test The sliding of the fiber layers over each other have been resisted by matrix and also matrix transfer the stress across the composites. The test result showed nonlinear behavior due to the softening of matrix. This nonlinear behavior stress- strain curve shows the accumulation of crack in the matrix lead to the failure initiation. The modulus is reduced after interleaving of TESO nanofiber from 2.62 GPa to 1.93 GPa and the strength have been increased from 44.7 MPa to 55.7 MPa. The moduli in BGF-240 S-2 glass fiber have higher value due to its better fiber nesting architecture and lower the modulus due to the brittle nature of the TEOS nanofiber. However the strength has been increased due to the additional strength of the TEOS nanofiber interleaved between the plies. 6.5 Inter-laminar shear strength (ILSS) BGF 240 S-2 glass fibers with TEOS nanofiber interleaved have best shear strength due to better nesting between the fiber architecture provided by interleaving TEOS nanofiber increased shear strength due to the adhesion of TEOS nanofibers between the plies. The shear strength has been increased from 29.6 MPa to 35.9 MPa. Thus ILSS has increased resistance to the shearing of fibers 21.28% due to interleaving of TEOS nanofibers and its strength. 6.6 Predication of elastic constant Using the simplified composite micromechanics approach for prediction of microstresses and elastic constant [22] for S-2 glass fiber are used as shown in Table 4. These elastic constants are used to calculate the predicted value of elastic constant of S-2 glass using the software The laminator analysis of composite laminates based on classical laminated


plate theory are shown in Table 5. To calculate the elastic constant for S-2 glass with TEOS nanofiber, the properties of TEOS nanofiber are assume as isotropic material [23].The comparison of experimental and predicated values of modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio and shear modulus for both with and without TEOS nanofibers listed in Table 5. Table 4 Fiber and resin properties used in the prediction [22, 23] Material S-2 glass fiber EPON resin TEOS nanofiber

E11 (GPa) 85.49

E22 (GPa) 85.49

G12 (GPa) 35.64


3.44 2.75

3.44 2.75

1.28 1.35

0.35 0.25


Table 5 Comparison of result for with and without TEOS nanofibers Material


S-2 Glass fiber

Tensile Modulus (GPa) Poisson’s ratio In-pane shear modulus(GPa)

S-2 Glass fiber with TEOS nanofiber

Tensile Modulus (GPa) Poisson’s ratio In-pane shear modulus(GPa)

Approach Prediction Experiment E11 31.03 31.85 E22





















6.7 Comparison of mechanical properties The mechanical properties of woven roving S- 2 glass composite with and without electrospun TEOS nanofiber are compared in the Table 5 this shows that the predicated values using laminate theory of plates using laminate software and the experimental result for modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratios are compared and have same value. But the predicted shear modulus is higher due to the assumption made by Chamis [22]. From Table 3 the tensile strength has been increased by 2.1 % and modulus is decreased by 20.5%, in compression strength and modulus are decreased by 8.4% and 36.8% respectively. In plane shear in tensile strength has been increased by 18.28% and modulus is decreased by 26.33%. Inter laminar shear strength increased by 16.98%. Thus it shows that the

increased in in plane shear strength and inter laminar shear strength due to the interleaving of the electrospun TEOS naofiber in between the S-2 glass fiber in the composite have shown substantial improvement of the composites properties globally used in the aerospace and defense over come on the impact resistance and to avoid the delamination of the glass plies and have potential to improve the fatigue life composite structure in view of its higher stiffness and strength. 7. Conclusion Electrospinning was used to electrospun TEOS nanofiber in the form of mat having isotropic properties and sintered at 6000C for 6 hours in the stacked form. TEOS electrospun nanofiber mat were interleaved in the half of portion of the panel with three layers among the four layers of the woven S-2 glass fiber plies. Both section in the same panel with and without TEOS electrospun fiber have been infused same resins using H-VARTM process to fabricate S-2 glass fiber architectures with EPON rein 862 and EPIKURE W curing agent of Miller Stephenson Chemical Inc. The panel was of superior quality with no dry fiber region, low voids and higher fiber volume content. The fiber volume fraction ratio for S-2 glass fiber and S-2 glass fiber with TEOS electrospun nanofiber were 57.19% and 55.92% respectively. On comparison of the S-2 glass fiber and S-2 glass with TEOS electropsun nanofiber composites, the tensile test strength has been increased slightly by 2.1% however the modulus is decreased by 20.5%.In compression test, the strength and modulus are decreased by 8.4% and 36.8% respectively due to the brittleness of the electrospun TEOS nanofiber and S-2 glass fibers are not straight fold over elastic FOE sizing are the possible reasons also the low volume fiber fraction and hence the compressive strength and modulus have been reduced. In plane shear test, the tensile strength has been increased by 18.28% and modulus is decreased by 26.33% due to the strong adhesion between the two plies of glass fiber by interleaving of the Electrospun TEOS nanofiber and also the inter laminar shear strength increased by 16.98% this will improve the delamination of the plies during the shearing. Using simplifies micromechanics equation for composite the elastic constant are calculated and are compared with experimental result that very well matches except and have slight variation the shear modulus due to the assumption made while deriving the equations. Thus using electrospun TEOS nanofiber in the S-2 glass fiber improved the 9

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