4MCh Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, R.G Kar Medical College and Hospital. . Kolkata, West Bengal 700004. Corresponding author: Dr Das Sumanta.
Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; September 2016: Vol.-5, Issue- 4, P. 75-79
Case Report
Mediastinal Tumour as an Emergency presentation – A Case Report Dr Eshpuniyani Priya B1, Dr Thombare Bhushan D1, Dr Ambastha Ravi2, Dr Pramanick Suvankar3,Dr Dey Subrata4
General Surgery, R.G Kar Medical College and Hospital. Kolkata, West Bengal 700004
R.G Kar Medical College and Hospital. Kolkata, West Bengal 700004
Anesthesia, R.G Kar Medical College and Hospital. . Kolkata, West Bengal 700004
Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, R.G Kar Medical College and Hospital. . Kolkata, West Bengal 700004
Corresponding author: Dr Das
Abstract: Primary mediastinal germ cell tumor is a rare subgroup of germ cell tumors reported to account for less than 5% of germ cell malignancies. We report a 30 year old female who presented with sudden onset severe breathlessness and left sided chest pain . Contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) thorax done on emergency basis revealed large cystic mass occupying entire left hemithorax with complete collapse of left lung, provisional diagnosis being a large mediastinal tumour. The patient underwent emergency surgical resection with piece meal total excision of the tumour. Biopsy showed benign mature teratoma Key words: Mediastinal tumour, Respiratory distress, Rare presentation, Timely diagnosis, Emergency surgery
were normal. CECT thorax revealed large cystic
Teratomas are encapsulated tumors derived from
mass occupying the entire left hemithorax with
complete collapse of left lung with some foci of
Endoderm and Ectoderm . Mature teratomas are
the most common histological type of germ cell
diagnosis mediasti nal tumour. (Fig 1)The serum
tumors. Germ cell tumors are predominantly found
alpha fetoprotein (AFP), ß-HCG and LDH
in gonads, while the anterior mediastinum is the
( samples taken preoperatively ) were normal. Due
A posterior
to severe breathlessness, patient taken up for
mediastinum location has been described quite
emergency surgery. A left thoracotomy was done
most common extragonadal site .
. Though in itself , Primary mediastinal
from 5th ICS. Intraoperatively there was a large
germ cell tumor is a rare subgroup of germ cell
tumour occupying almost the entire anterior
tumors which is known to account for less than 5%
mediastinum on the left side with complete
of germ cell malignancies
collapse of left lung. As soon as chest was opened
Case report :
the upper lobe got some place to expand but the
A 30 year old female was referred to our
lower lobe stayed collapsed( Fig 2). Adhesiolysis
department in emergency with sudden onset severe
of tumour was done. It was aspirated to ascertain
breathlessness and
left sided chest pain. On
contents and rule out active bleed (Fig 3). It was
examination there were absent breath sounds in all
then opened and found to contain pultaceous
zones of left lung.Routine blood investigations
75 www.ijbamr.com P ISSN: 2250-284X , E ISSN : 2250-2858
Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; September 2016: Vol.-5, Issue- 4, P. 75-79
suggestive of dermoid tumour (Fig 4) Entire
period. Post op Chest Radiograph showed adequate
tumour was removed piece meal. The left lung
expansion of left lung. Biopsy proved it to be
mature cystic teratoma.
Patient had uneventful recovery in postoperative Fig 1:
Anterior mediastinal mass occupying the entire Left hemithorax Fig2:
Expanded upper lobe of left lung
Collapsed lower lobe of left lung
Tumour in anterior mediastinum : Upper lobe of left lung expanded with lower lobe collapsed on doing a thoracotomy. Fig 3:
76 www.ijbamr.com P ISSN: 2250-284X , E ISSN : 2250-2858
Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; September 2016: Vol.-5, Issue- 4, P. 75-79
Aspiration of tumour to check content of mediastinal tumour
Pultaceous material, calcification suggestive of dermoid tumour Discussion:
equally in male and female patients . Malignant
Teratomas are congenital tumors arise from
pluripotent embryonal cells and contain derivatives
commonly in male patients. Mature teratoma is the
of all three germ layers. They are commonly found
most common histologic type of mediastinal germ
in ovaries, testes, retroperitoneum and the sacro-
cell tumor
. They are slow-growing, benign
coccygeal region . The anterior mediastinum is the
neoplasms of the anterior superior mediastinum 5.
most common location of extragonadal germ cell
Males and females have equal preponderance in
Benign germ cell tumors are found
patients suffering from mature teratomas and most
77 www.ijbamr.com P ISSN: 2250-284X , E ISSN : 2250-2858
Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; September 2016: Vol.-5, Issue- 4, P. 75-79
common age group is young adults 5. They are
large cystic mass occupying the entire left
composed of well-differentiated tissues derived
hemithorax with complete collapse of left lung with
from more than one of the three embryonic germ
some foci of calicification seen along septae,
cell layers .
provisional diagnosis mediastinal tumour.
The patients are often asymptomatic (up to 53% of
Complete surgical excision of mass is the treatment
cases), and the tumor is discovered incidentally on
of choice of mature teratoma
chest radiographs
Compression of mediastinal
. The prognosis is
very good and 5-year survival rates approach 100%
structures may produce pressure symptoms in large
conserving adherent vital structures provides
may present
cough, 4,5
.In large tumours even a subtotal resection
excellent results as most mediastinal teratomas are
Rare symptoms may arise due to tumour rupturing
benign 4. It helps in establishing the diagnosis and
into tracheo-bronchial tree , pericardium, the lung,
prevents life threatening complications 4.In our
or result in SVC syndrome 4,5.Our patient presented
patient we had to operate in emergency due to
with severe breathlessness with complete collapse
severe breathlessness without attempt for a tissue
of left lung probably due to sudden enlargement of
diagnosis. However we managed to remove the
long standing tumour.Computed tomography (CT)
entire tumour, though piecemeal.
is the diagnostic tool of choice for evaluation of
Histopathologically mature benign cystic teratomas
dyspnea, chest pain, or pulmonary infection
. It clearly identifies the location
are cystic tumors composed of varying proportions
and extent of the tumors. They are routinely
of different tissues having attained a high degree of
spherical or lobulated anterior mediastinal masses
differentiation. They can also be composed of skin,
with sharp margins. It also identifies the intrinsic
these tumors
elements including soft tissue, fat, fluid, and calcification
bronchial epithelium . Biopsy report of our patient showed a similar picture compatible with mature
CT is also useful in the evaluation of adjacent 4,5
as well as
complications such as 5
rupture into the pleural space or pericardium . In
cystic teratoma. This case report is to highlight the unusual presentation of a large mediastinal tumour and the need of emergency thoractomy .
our patient contrast enhanced CT thorax revealed
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