Medical or surgical orchidectomy - Europe PMC

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Columbus, Ohio: Charles E Merrill, 1985. 8 Schoenthaler SJ, Doraz W, 'akcfield J. 'The impact of a low food additive and sucrose diet on academic performance ...
Mean (SD) values obtained in four tests ofIQ and scholastic achievement by groulp (groups were given placebo or 50%, 100%, or 200%"O of United States recommended dailv allowances) and time of measurement Final mcasurement


Difference from placebo

106-0 (13-7)

105-5 (14-6)

2-0 2-9 1-9 2-8 04

-1-0 -0-1 -2-4

104-8(13-4) 104-7 (12-2) 104-8(14-0) 104-5 (12-9) 105-4 (14-6)

115-4(13-6) 113-7 (12-4) 114-8(14-0) 117-1 (13-3) 115-8 (14-4)

10-6 9-0 10-0 12-6 10-4

1-0 3-6 1-4

24-8(5-2) 25-1 (4-4) 24-6(5 -3) 25 -0(5-2) 24-6 (5-9)

26-3(6-4) 26-1 (6-7) 25-9(6-8) 26-9(5-7) 26-2 (6-2)


Initial measurement

Verbal IQ WISC-R: All groups (n=410) Placebo(n=100) 50% (n=I00) 1000/.,o (n= 105) 200%° (n= 105)

104-0 (13-6) 102 8(13-0) 104-9 (13 9) 103 3 (1 3 7) 105-1(14-0)

105-7(13-4) 106-8 (13-2) 106-1 (13 6)

Non-verbal IQ WISC-R: Allgroups(n=410) Placebo (n= I00) 50"h:n=100) 1000, (0n=105) 2000o n= 105) Matrix analogies test: Allgroups(n=558) Placebo (n= 147) 50% (n=138) 100% (n=136) 200% (n= 137) Raven's matrices: All groups (n,=489) Placebo ()n = 129) 50%(n=119) 1 00 0% (n= 123) 200% (n= 118) Comprehensive test of basic skills: All groups (n=296) Placebo (n = 82) 50% (n=68) 100 )(nf=l73) 20000 n-73)

737 (32-5) 735 (34-2) 736 (32-8) 742 (26-5) 736(35-8)

Difference in

Test-retest learning

initial scores

WISC-R verbal WISC-R non-verbal

MNlatrix analogies test Ra-en's matrices Comprehensivetestofbasicskills


1-3 1-9 1-6

0-9 0-3

0-4 0-2 1-5 6-6 8-2 12-3 9-6

1-6 57 3-0

Treatment interaction







0-704 0-093 0-376 Not tested 0-116

0-550 0-964

783-1 881-4 236-2 Not tested 429-9