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Figure 1 Meebo screen
options over advertising, including the ability to minimize the ads [2].
Start up
Meebo. Meebo, 215 Castro Street, 3rd Floor, Mountain View, CA, 94041; 650.237.3130; comments@ meebo.com; http://www.meebo .com; free website. Description Meebo (Figure 1) is an open source, web-based instant messaging (IM) service that allows you to use multiple IM providers such as Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, Hotmail, Google Talk, ICQ, and Jabber simultaneously. It is free, and there is no software to download and install. Meebo is based on Ajax (asynchronous JavaScript and XML), which means the web page remains up to date with your messages and buddy statuses (available/away/busy) by ‘‘exchanging small amounts of data with the server’’ [1]. You do not have to keep refreshing to keep the web page current. Like other free online tools, advertising appears at the bottom of your Meebo page. However, Meebo recently decided to allow users more J Med Libr Assoc 96(4) October 2008
If you want to monitor one IM account, you do not need to have a Meebo account. Just go to www .meebo.com and log in using your account information for the specific IM service. Meebo will log you in and let you access your buddy lists and chat as you normally would but via a web browser instead of an installed client. The most helpful feature of Meebo is that it is an aggregator, meaning you can log into several IM accounts at the same time by using the one Meebo account. To do this, you must first create a free Meebo account. You will need to create a buddy name and password and then answer a few personal questions about your name, gender, email address, and age. You then add each of your IM accounts to Meebo by providing your buddy name and password. When you log into Meebo, you are automatically logged into any IM accounts you added to your Meebo profile. To use all the features listed below, you must create an account.
Available features Customize the Meebo background and text color. & Display emoticons, or smiley faces, in your messages. & Play a sound to alert you when you send or receive an instant message. This can be useful as you will probably want to leave the &
Electronic resources reviews
Meebo window open and start a new window or tab to continue using the Internet. & Save your conversations. To view the chat log later, right-click on the buddy’s name and select View Chat Log. One drawback is that chat logs can only be viewed by individual buddy name, not in one long chronological list, making them difficult to use for monitoring reference transactions or for training purposes. & Select a custom buddy icon by clicking on the Meebo logo that appears next to your welcome message in the top left-hand corner. & Block users who are not on your buddy list (not recommended if you are using this for virtual reference). & Sign-in with an invisible status so others cannot see that you are online. & Download a Firefox browser addon that allows you to have visual notification when your buddies login or out or IM you. Another option is to have your buddy list embedded in your browser window. This offers you an easy way to share links and images by dragging and dropping them on a buddy name.
Security and privacy Because there is no software to install, Meebo makes it easy for more librarians to chat with colleagues or offer virtual reference to patrons. Meebo also works for many people who are behind firewalls as it uses its own servers to connect to each of your IM accounts. A firewall ‘‘is a hardware or software solution to enforce security policies’’ [3], and as firewalls protect your computer and your institution’s network, they can also inhibit certain services, such as IM virtual reference, to patrons. While you may be able to access Meebo, you may want to check with your institution’s information technology department to make sure you are not violating any security procedures. If you want extra security or if you have problems connecting to Meebo, try https://www.meebo .com [4]. As with any product, make sure you take the time to read the privacy policy and terms of use when registering with Meebo. Like any free IM client, it is wise to treat all IM communication the same as a post card. Even if you do not check 396
the option to save chat logs, assume chat logs are being saved.
Use of Meebo To start chatting with a buddy, double click on a screen name. An IM box will pop up. In the box, the icon in the top left-hand corner with the letter ‘‘i’’ allows you to see any profile information your buddy has added. The next icon is a camera button that can be used for video and/or audio chat. You will need a camera and/or a microphone to utilize this feature. The icon with the pencil and paper is another way you can see your chatting history with this person. The green uparrow allows you to send files such as a document or a picture. The icon with multiple smiley faces is how you initiate group chat, which can be really helpful if you are working on a group project and need a way to communicate economically in real time. The final icon is a rocket, which offers many applications, including games, to share with your buddies.
of technology, Meebo offers a mobile version of their IM service. Go to Meebo at www.meebo.com on your mobile phone. Meebo will detect what your browser type is and will provide you with a mobile screen– friendly format.
Libraries’ use of Meebo Duke University Medical Center Library began using Meebo in January 2007. The initial project was a soft rollout with no marketing while the librarians integrated Meebo into the daily reference workflow. A Meebo Me widget was embedded in the library’s Ask a Librarian web page, Clinical Tools page, and Facebook page and on each public computer in the library using the Active Desktop feature. Usage has steadily increased. For a more complete list of libraries using Meebo, see the Library Success wiki at http://www.libsuccess.org. Fortyfive libraries have listed Meebo or Meebo Me as a method for conducting IM reference.
Use of Meebo Me
Meebo Me is a widget that can be installed on any web page. A widget is simply a piece of code that you can insert into your web page to display content. Meebo Me helps libraries offer patrons help where and when they need it, for example, on the Ask a Librarian web page or anytime a catalog or website search produces zero results. This allows people to IM you without being logged in or even registered with an IM service. Under the Meebo preference options, you have an option to create and customize a widget. You decide the name of the widget, size, and color. Then you simply copy the few lines of code created for you and paste it anywhere you can embed HTML and Flash [5].
Although Meebo has only been around a few years (September 2005), it has quickly grown in popularity. In fact, Meebo reported that ‘‘in March 2008 more than 30 million people used Meebo to the tune of 5 billion messages’’ [6]. While other IM service providers offer web-based IM, not many offer the same services and features as Meebo, including their aggregator function. True to their open source background, Meebo encourages users to submit applications built on their provided API, report bugs, and give suggestions. Ultimately, Meebo offers a lot of great services at a great price…free!
Other Meebo products Meebo Rooms offers chat rooms that you can easily join based on interests, location, etc. Many already created rooms are open to the public. You can also create a passwordprotected room and allow only selected participants to join the conversation. Keeping up with the pace
Brandi Dawn Tuttle, MSLIS,
[email protected], Information and Education Services Librarian, Medical Center Library, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
References 1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Ajax (programming) [Internet]. Wikimedia Foundation [rev. 21 Jun 2008, 18:18 UTC; cited 22 Jun 2008]. ,http:// en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title5 J Med Libr Assoc 96(4) October 2008
Electronic resources reviews
Ajax_%28programming%29&oldid5 220810664.. 2. Szeto C. Sharing is caring [Internet]. Meeblog [rev.13 Jun 2008; cited 22 Jun 2008]. ,http://blog.meebo.com/?p5448.. 3. Computer security terminology [Internet]. Information Technology Department, Harvard Medical School [rev. 18 May 2007; cited 22 Jun 2008]. ,http://hms.harvard.edu/hmsit/pg .asp?pn5security_glossary.. 4. FAQ & troubleshooting [Internet]. Meebowiki [rev. 5 Jun 2008; cited 22
J Med Libr Assoc 96(4) October 2008
Jun 2008]. ,http://wiki.meebo.com/ doku.php?id5troubleshooting.. 5. What is Meebo Me? [Internet]. Meebowiki [rev. 30 May 2008; cited 22 Jun 2008]. ,http://wiki.meebo.com/doku .php?id5meebome.. 6. About Meebo [Internet]. Meebo [cited 22 Jun 2008]. ,http://www.meebo .com/about/..
& Meebo Me: http://www.meebome .com & Firefox Add-on: https://addons .mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5700/ & Duke University Medical Center Library: http://www.mclibrary.duke .edu/services/refform.html & Libraries Using IM Reference, Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki: http://www.libsuccess.org/index.php? title5Libraries_Using_IM_Reference
& Meebo: http://www.meebo.com
DOI: 10.3163/1536-5050.96.4.024