Meet Our Editorial Board Member
Current Diabetes Reviews, 2016, Vol. 12, No. 2
Meet Our Editorial Board Member Dr. Joseph L. Evans, PhD Stratum Nutrition, Saint Charles, Missouri 63304 USA Joseph L. Evans, Ph.D., is Executive Manager, Research and Development, Stratum Nutrition (Saint Charles, MO, USA), and a Novus International Science Fellow. Dr. Evans holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA, USA), and received post-doctoral training in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, physiology, and pharmacology at Dartmouth Medical School (Hanover, NH, USA) and the Panum Institute (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark). Dr. Evans’ research experience spans over 25 years, and has successfully focused on the discovery, characterization, development, and commercialization of pharmacological and nutritional interventions for the metabolic, cardiovascular, and inflammatory diseases. Dr. Evans’ research has been conducted at his previous corporate laboratories (focused on diabetes pathophysiology, drug discovery and development), and in collaboration with many preeminent academic scientists and physicians. Dr. Evans primary research interests include the areas of synthetic and natural product pharmacology including antioxidants, polyphenolic compounds, nitric oxide agonists, oxidative stress antagonists, exercise / mitochondrial biogenesis mimics, along with an emerging interest in probiotics for metabolic and oral health. Dr. Evans has played a major role in the development and commercialization of a first-in-class controlled release formulation of alpha-lipoic acid for individuals with type 2 diabetes, a first-in-class nitric oxide generator product for the sports nutrition industry, and a first in class nutritional intervention designed to enhance mitochondrial biogenesis. Dr. Evans has co-founded / helped launch 8 different bio-tech and nutritional start-up companies. Dr. Evans’ translational research experience extends from basic biochemistry research through randomized, controlled, clinical trials. Dr. Evans has published approximately 80 peer-reviewed scientific papers, review articles, book chapters, abstracts, and US patents. He has served as a peer reviewer for more than 40 scientific journals, and has been an invited speaker at approximately 30 events, in 9 different countries. See: for complete details of Dr. Evans’ career. Contact:
[email protected] SELECTED PUBLICATIONS [1]
Deems, RO, Evans, JL, Deacon, RW, et al. Expression of human GLUT4 in mice results in increased insulin action. Diabetologia 1994; 37: 1097-04.
Evans, JL, Heymann, CJ, Goldfine, ID, Gavin, LA. Pharmacokinetics, tolerability, and fructosamine-lowering effect of a novel, controlled release formulation of alpha-lipoic acid. Endocrine Practice 2002; 8: 29-35.
Li, M, Youngren, JF, Goldfine, ID, et al. Decreased insulin receptor autophosphorylation in fibroblasts from patients with PCOS: effects of serine kinase inhibitors and insulin receptor activators. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 2002; 87: 4088-93.
Evans, JL, Goldfine, ID, Maddux, BA, Grodsky, GM. Oxidative stress and stress-activated signaling pathways: a unifying hypothesis of type 2 diabetes. Endocrine Reviews 2002; 23: 599-22.
Evans, JL, Goldfine, ID, Maddux, BA, Grodsky, GM. Are oxidative stress-activated signaling pathways mediators of insulin resistance and beta-cell dysfunction? Diabetes 2003; 52: 1-8.*
Evans, JL, Maddux, BA, Goldfine, ID. The molecular basis for oxidative stress-induced insulin resistance. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 2005; 7: 1040-52.
Albarracin, CA, Fuqua, BC, Evans, JL, Goldfine, ID. Chromium picolinate and biotin combination improves glucose metabolism in treated, uncontrolled overweight to obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2008; 24: 41-51.
Evans, JL. The Secret Life of Mitochondria, P&N Development Ventures, Saint Louis 2009; ISBN 9781301331024.
Evans, JL, Balkan, B, Rushakoff, RJ. Oral and Injectable (Non-Insulin) Pharmacological Agents for Type 2 Diabetes. In: De Groot LJ, Dungan K, Eds. Endotext: Diabetes Mellitus and Carbohydrate Metabolism---DiabetesManager,, South Dartmouth 2013; Chapter 15; pp. 1-77.
Evans, JL, Bahng, M-K. Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions for Type 2 Diabetes: Diets, Botanicals, Antioxidants, Minerals, and Other Dietary Supplements. In: De Groot LJ, Dungan K, Eds. Endotext: Diabetes Mellitus and Carbohydrate Metabolism---DiabetesManager,, South Dartmouth 2014; Chapter 16; pp. 1-93.
* Recognized as one of the most highly cited papers in its field by Thomson Reuters in April 2009.