The meeting was held in the Board Room of the District Office located at 7700 Gross ..... Business Office Memorandum ...
Meeting Agenda Board of Education ♦ Niles Township High Schools ♦ District 219 August 21, 2008 I.
Call to Order and Roll Call (7:00 p.m.)
Executive Session
Recall to order of Open Session (7:45 p.m.)
Changes / Additions to the Agenda
Public Hearing on the Financial Budget for 2008‐09
Audience to Visitors (on agenda items only)
Student Representative Comments
Community Representative Comments
Approval of Consent Agenda − Monthly Bills and Payroll − Personnel* − Minutes of July 21, 2008 meeting , Open and Closed* Sessions − Student Trips − Purchase and Installation of Two Daktronics Scoreboards, Stat Panels and Accessories at Niles North − Rebuild of Niles West Steinway Grand Piano − Purchase Service Agreement for Occupational Therapy Services with Allied Health Professionals, Ltd.
Superintendent’s Report − Principals’ Report
Board Members’ Comments
Board Committee Reports
08/19/08 9:44 AM
Business − Final Budget for 2008‐09 (Discussion and/or Action) − LEED Certification for Six Classroom Addition at Niles West – Services Proposal (Discussion and/or Action) − LEED Certification for Six Classroom Addition at Niles West (Discussion and/or Action) − Sophomore Baseball Field at Niles West (Discussion and/or Action)
Old Business
New Business
Audience to Visitors (on items related to District business)
Correspondence and FOIA Requests
XVIII. Information Items − July 2008 Financial Report − Docufide Electronic Transcripts XIX.
Closed session (if needed)
* Denotes items for Board members only
Upcoming Regular Board Meetings: Monday, September 15, 2008 Monday, October 6, 2008 Monday, October 27, 2008 Monday, November 17, 2008 Monday, December 15, 2008 Monday, January 12, 2009 Monday, February 2, 2009 Monday, February 23, 2009 Monday, March 16, 2009 Monday, April 6, 2009
08/19/08 9:44 AM
School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois MINUTES Regular Board Meeting Monday, July 21, 2008 The meeting was held in the Board Room of the District Office located at 7700 Gross Point Road, Skokie, Illinois. I. Call to Order and Roll Call Board President Robert Silverman called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Board members present at Roll Call: Sheri Doniger, Carlton Evans, Ruth Klint, Robert Silverman, Eileen Valfer. II. Executive Session It was moved by EVANS and seconded by DONIGER to recess into closed session to discuss matters relating to student residency and the employment, appointment, compensation, performance or dismissal of specific employees. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried. The Board recessed into closed session at 6:48 p.m. Jeffrey Greenspan arrived at 6:54 p.m. At 7:40 p.m. it was moved by DONIGER and seconded by SILVERMAN to return to open session. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried. III. Recall to Order of Open Session Mr. Silverman recalled the meeting to order at 7:51 p.m. The Pledge was recited. Mr. Silverman welcomed Dr. Gatta, Anne Roloff and Paul O’Malley and stated this was the Board’s first paperless meeting. IV. Changes/Additions to the Agenda Added to the consent agenda was the student residency case and settlement agreement with support staff discussed in closed session along with a personnel handout. Removed from the consent agenda and moved to business, were Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 21, 2008
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student trips, the intergovernmental agreements with the NTDSE, disposal of furniture, disposal of textbook and security enhancements. V. Audience to Visitors No one asked to speak. VI. Community Representative Comments No one asked to speak. VII. Approval of Consent Agenda It was moved by DONIGER and seconded by SMITH to accept the amended consent agenda. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried. Included in the consent agenda: − Monthly Bills and Payroll in the amount of $3,646,979.16. − Personnel
Approve the employment of the following certified staff for the 2008‐2009 year:
Albandia, Christopher Belkind, Edith Eichler, Heidi Lubarsky, Christine
Special Education – North, MA‐Step 2 Hebrew – North, MA+60‐Step 9 Biology – North, BA+15‐Step 1 English – North, BA+15‐Step 1
8/25/08 – 1/15/09 8/25/08 8/25/08 8/25/08
Galpern, Melissa Lund, Joan
Teacher Assistant/Math – West, P1‐Step 3, 186 days Registered Nurse/Pupil Personnel Services ‐ North, P3‐Step 2, 186 Days One‐on‐One Teacher Assistant/Special Education – North, P1‐Step 4, 186 Days ELL Tutor – North, P1‐Step 1, 186 Days Clerk A/IRC – West, S1‐Step 1, 186 Days
1.0 1.0
Patel, Shamim Stevenson, Kari
1.0 .6 1.0 1.0
Approve employment of the following support staff for the 2008‐2009 school year effective August 25, 2008:
Mamon, Jevon
1.0 1.0 1.0
Approve the leave of absence for the following certified staff for the 2008‐09 year: NAME
Montgomery, Dan
English – North
Union Business ‐ Unpaid
Approve the retirement of the following certified staff: NAME
Connelly, John
Social Studies – North
June 30, 2013
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 21, 2008
Approve the resignation agreement with Employee #2008‐23.
Approve employment of the following part‐time/temporary staff effective 7/22/08:
Borjas, Celeste Chang, Min Chun, Ann Hayat, Famal Mok, Kim Moy, Jaclyn Nissan, Linora Pulik, Marina Rebelos, Andrenna Rodriquez, Julio Skarbek, Samantha Vu, Paul
Yearbook Assistant – West Gymnastics Assistant – West Yearbook Assistant – West Textbook Center Assistant – North Yearbook Assistant – West Yearbook Assistant – West Textbook Center Assistant – North Textbook Center Assistant – North Textbook Center Assistant – North Textbook Center Assistant ‐ North Football Assistant – North Textbook Center Assistant – North
$12.00 $7.75 $12.00. $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $7.75 $7.75
Approve employment of the following stipend positions for the 2008‐09 school year: SCHOOL
North North North North North North West West West West West
Boys Soccer Assistant Boys Soccer Assistant Boys Tennis Head Boys Tennis Assistant Strength Coordinator Strength Coordinator Boys Basketball Assistant Girls Tennis Assistant Marching Band Percussion Assistant Sports Medicine Club Wrestling Assistant
*Espina, Samantha *Kuccil, Eric *Muresan, Nicolas *Muresan, Alex (.5) Egofske, Mark (.16) Hare, Michael (.34) Mamon, Jevon *Apfel, Gloria Camp, Matthew Austen, Christopher (.5) Hutchison, Lewis
* Not a District 219 employees
− Minutes of 6/30/08 regular meeting, open and closed sessions. − Textbook Adoptions for the 2008‐09 school year for an anticipated total cost of $4,164. − Transfer interest earned of $174,531.37 and $862,247.27 from the Transporta‐ tion Fund and Working Cash Fund, respectively, totaling $1,036,778.64 to the Educational Fund as of June 30, 2008. − North Cook Young Adult Academy contract renewal for the 2008‐09 school year in the amount of $244,621.08. − Purchase of Xerographic Paper for 2008‐09 under the State contract from Unisource Worldwide, Inc. with an estimated cost of $201,857.18 excluding any potential price and quantity adjustments. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 21, 2008
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− ED‐RED Membership for 2008‐09 in the amount of $4,287.50. − Accept the residency hearing officer’s report on Student Case #2008‐17 and find that Student #2008‐17 did not qualify as a legal resident of District 219 for school attendance purposes for the entire 2007‐08 school year, to charge tuition for the entire school year and to withdraw student from attendance effective July 22, 2008. VIII. Superintendent’s Report Dr. Gatta said this is the dawning of a new era with this being the first paperless board meeting. She spoke of the hopes of getting more community involvement with the easy access of board materials. Dr. Gatta further stated that by having these meetings paperless, the district is more ecologically friendly due to the reduced use of paper. She spoke of further efforts with the initiation of the ‘green shuttle’ at the start of the school year which will have school vans pick up staff at train and bus stations. This will allow teachers more time to do daily tasks while saving energy. Dr. Gatta spoke of the LEED rules for schools, and requirements for transportation. She also spoke of the district’s efforts in using ‘green’ cleaning supplies. Dr. Gatta said we are reaching out to the community with the annual community report, foundation newsletter and will be sending a DVD home which highlights school information for students and parents. She spoke of reaching abroad and the new relationships developed from her trip to China and the wish to create sister schools for opportunities for our students. Cory Wallace has been named director of ELL Parent Center. −
Principals’ Report Kaine Osburn said projects such as the student activities area, bleachers and turf field are nearing completion. A banner advertising the 50th anniversary is in front of the building. Scott Ackman and Chris Schwarz have published an article on Balbo Drive. Bob Freeman spoke of the new landscaping at North and said not only does it enhance the building but will improve cooling. He spoke of the work on the interior and said all is going well.
IX. Board Members’ Comments Lynda Smith thanked Guy Ballard for his work in developing paperless board meetings. Sheri Doniger said she attended the national education tech conference and our district is right on track with technology. She said education in the future will be different and we are ready for this change.
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 21, 2008
Jeff Greenspan spoke of the paperless system and said how easy it was to view an article and send an email regarding this topic. X. Board Committee Reports Facility Committee – The next meeting will be August 5 at 8:00 a.m. Mr. Greenspan spoke of the six classroom addition being energy efficient and environmentally conscious. The cost benefits will be provided to the District and will possibly enable grant funding. He said we will look at all of our facilities to be environmentally aware and eco friendly. He suggested offering pre tax public transportation cards to staff, and adding bike racks at North with security cameras to monitor this and bus loading areas. He said everything is ready for the start of school. Nanciann suggested all Board members come to the next facility meeting to learn about the eco friendly construction. Policy Committee – The next meeting will be in August. Jeff Greenspan suggested that the Facility Committee and Policy Committee discuss the advertising policy at the same time. XI. Business Student Trips It was clarified that the trip for boys soccer is an IHSA tournament event and the other boys’ soccer trip is a camp, which is not paid for by the District. It was noted that for the Vikettes trip, the coach should not be paying for their portion of the trip, and that should be paid by District funds. It was moved by SMITH and seconded DONIGER to approve the trip for 16 Niles North Vikettes, Just of Kix Overnight Camp on August 5‐8, 2008 in Ripon, Wisconsin, at no cost to the District, with the coaches $241.00 lodging being paid for out of activity funds. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried. It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to approve a trip for 15 West girls cross country members to attend the Peoria Training Trip in Chillicothe, Illinois on August 13‐15, 2008 at a cost to the District of $200. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 21, 2008
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It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to approve a trip for 18 West boys cross country members to a Devil’s Lake State Park in Baraboo, Wisconsin on August 20‐21, 2008 at a cost to the District of $444.60. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried.
There was discussion as to what funds were used in the past for the Quincy soccer camp. It was agreed that the motion would have the trip paid from District funds but if research shows that activity funds were used in the past, this would be done for the Quincy trip. It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to approve 20 North soccer members to attend the Quincy Notre Dame soccer camp in Qunicy, Illinois on August 29‐30, 2008 at a cost to the District of $3,289.28, however if past practice showed activity funds were used for this trip, the $3,289.28 will be paid from activity funds, and for 24 West soccer members to attend the Indian State Cup Soccer Tournament in Rockton, Illinois on September 19‐20, 2008 at a cost to the District of $2,315.00. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried. NTDSE Intergovernmental Agreements for Staff Services & Educational Services It was asked why these services cannot be provided by District 219 staff. Dr. Marcelo said this is for severely physically and mentally handicapped students who are unable to attend our Life Skills classes. We would need new equipment or programs and one‐on‐one aides to accommodate these students. It was further noted that NTDSE has the ability to charge us a 10% surplus over cost, but are charging us the cost rate. It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to approve the Intergovernmental Agreements with NTDSE for Provision of Certain Staff and Provision of Certain Special Education Services. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried.
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 21, 2008
Disposal of Obsolete Textbooks Mr. Silverman said we as a District should be commended for donating obsolete books for use in African countries. It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to approve donating the obsolete textbooks to Follette Educational Services that will either recycle the books, send them to African countries for use in their schools or buy them from District 219with no cost to the Board in working with Follet Educational Services. Books with no resale value will be offered for donation to the Learning House in Wheeling. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried.
Disposal of Damaged/Obsolete Furniture& Equipment Mr. Silverman asked if we tried to donate or sell these items before disposing of them. The administration offered opportunities for both buildings to look at the furniture to see if they could use some of this equipment. It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to dispose of damaged and obsolete furniture and equipment in the most economical way. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried. Security Enhancements It was noted that this is part of the ongoing capital improvement projects. This is for locks and security equipment and installation. It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to accept the proposal from Siemens Building Technologies in the amount of $90,229. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried.
Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 21, 2008
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NTSA Intergovernmental Agreement for ELL Parent Center It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to approve the intergovernmental agreement with the NTSA for the ELL Parent Center. It was noted that Districts 67 and 69 are not participating in this center. It was clarified that there will be no additional insurance cost for the District. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried.
403(b) Third Party Administrator It was moved by DONIGER and seconded by SMITH to approve the contract with TSA Consulting Group, Inc. to act as the District’s 403(b) plan third party administrator. It was noted that we solicited five proposals and received four. There are new IRS regulations effective January 1 and there are more requirements we have to follow as a District. Employees will still be able to select investment options. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried.
Tax Objection Complaint Intervention It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to authorize Franczek Sullivan P.C. to act on our behalf in the Niles Township Property Tax Appeals Cooperative regarding tax objection complaints. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried.
2008‐09 Tentative Budget A Finance Committee meeting was held on June 30 and per pupil expenditures were discussed. The tentative budget is higher than the preliminary budget. NTFT salary increases, some positions for mid‐year hires, lane changes and TA’s affected this change. It was noted that the actual expenditures will not be
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 21, 2008
available for a few weeks. The board expressed concern about the differences. It was explained that the restructuring of debt skewed some actuals. This is been the same in years passed. It was decided to compare actuals in the future. Mr. Silverman said it was explained but feels that the budget is too high. It was noted that legal fees were reduced by $100,000 and TA’s were reduced. It was discussed that the increases for expenditures are far less than increases for revenue, so we do have the revenue to offset the increased budget. It was noted that the per pupil expenditure is higher than Evanston, New Trier and Maine Townships. It was stated that it would have to be further analyzed to determine why we are higher than these other districts. It was noted that our tax rate is lower than surrounding areas while we are spending more per pupil. There seems to be a disconnect and it is hard to figure out why. Jeff spoke of the capital expenditures our district has experienced that this is something that the other districts mentioned have not had. The board asked to determine over the next year what is driving our budget per pupil over the other districts. Bob Silverman said he was proud of what our District has done and as always wants to improve on our accomplishments. It was moved by DONIGER and seconded by SMITH to authorize the administration to place on public display the 2008‐09 Tentative Budget and adopt the resolutions. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried.
Six Classroom Addition at Niles West – Bid Acceptance – Storefront, Curtainwall & Glazing It was moved by GREENSPAN and seconded by DONIGER to authorize the administration to accept the low bid of $110,500 submitted by Alliance Glass & Metal, Inc. for storefronts, curtainwall and glazing in conjunction with the six‐ classroom addition at Niles West High School. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 21, 2008
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Six Classroom Addition at Niles West Bid Acceptance– Structural Steel It was moved by KLINT and seconded by DONIGER to authorize the administration to accept the low bid for $242,500 submitted by SG Kraus Co. for structural steel in conjunction with the six classroom addition at Niles West High School. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried. XII. Old Business There was no old business. XIII. New Business There was no new business. XIV. Audience to Visitors No one asked to speak. XV. Correspondence and FOIA Requests A request was received. We asked for an extension and are discussing this matter with our attorney. XVI. Adjournment It was moved by SMITH and seconded by DONIGER to adjourn the meeting. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Doniger, Evans, Greenspan, Klint, Silverman, Smith, Valfer. The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 21, 2008
Nanciann Gatta Board of Education
Paul O’Malley Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
August 21, 2008
Purchase and Installation of Two Daktronics Scoreboards, Stat Panels and Accessories – Niles North
Sealed bids, duly advertised, were received and opened on Monday, August 11, 2008 for the purchase and installation of two (2) Daktronics scoreboards, stat panels and accessories. Three bids were solicited, two vendors responded. The bid results are as follows: TOTAL COST VENDOR TOTAL COST OPTION A WITH OPTION A Sievert Electric Service & Sales Co. Sure Light Sign Co.* *Did not meet specifications
$23,355 $22,662
$ 500 $2,214
$23,855 $24,876
RATIONALE: The two existing scoreboards in the main gym are 14 years old. The new Daktronics scoreboards offer LED displays and wireless technology. In addition, only two people will be required to operate the new system during competitions compared to the current requirement of three. The existing main gym stat panels will be disposed and replaced with new six player stat panels. An 18” x 15’ logo panel with ad copy will also be installed. The Niles North Athletic Booster Club will be donating $5,000 toward the purchase of the scoreboards. With OPTION A, the existing scoreboard from the south end of the main gym will be moved to the east wall of the wrestling gym. The east wall scoreboard in the wrestling gym is over 20 years old and is subject to frequent breakdowns during the wrestling season. The existing scoreboard from the north end of the main gym will be placed in storage. It will eventually replace the west wall scoreboard in the wrestling gym within the next three to five years. The current west wall scoreboard is over 15 years old but continues to be functional at this time. MOTION: I move we award the contract for the purchase and installation of two Daktronics scoreboards, stat panels and accessories at Niles North to Sievert Electric Service & Sales Co., the lowest responsible bidder meeting specification in the amount of $23,855 including OPTION A. In addition, I move we accept the $5,000 donation from the Niles North Athletic Booster Club to offset the cost. The net cost to the District for the project will be $18,855.
Board of Education Nanciann Gatta
Pete Marcelo
August 4, 2008
Purchase of Occupational Therapy Services from Allied Health Professionals, Ltd.
For many years, District 219 has had the privilege of accessing occupational therapy services and supports from NTDSE 807. Unfortunately, District 219 was notified by NTDSE this spring that occupational therapy services were not available for the 20082009 School Year due to a limited supply of providers. As a result, we conducted a comprehensive search to find a 0.4 FTE occupational therapist to meet the needs of our students. As you may be aware, it has become increasing difficult to find qualified occupational therapists with high school experience. During our search, we interviewed Ms. Stephanie Bergmann, an occupational therapist with Allied Health Professionals, Ltd., and found her to be an excellent candidate. Allied Health Professional, Ltd. is able to provide 0.4 FTE occupational therapist for $32,708. During the 2007-2008 School Year, District 219 purchased 0.4 FTE occupational therapist from NTDSE for $30,832. Recommendation: That the District 219 Board of Education enter into a purchased service agreement with Allied Health Professionals, Ltd. for 0.4 FTE occupational therapist.
Dr. Nanciann Gatta Board of Education
From: Paul O’Malley Susan Husselbee Date: August 21, 2008 Re:
Attached find the resolution for Adoption of the Annual Budget.
The Business Office recommends the adoption of the Annual Budget Resolution.
WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Niles Community High School District 219, Cook County, Illinois, caused to be prepared in tentative form, a Budget, and Secretary of this Board has made the same conveniently available to public inspection for at least thirty (30) days prior to final action hereon; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly called to be held as to said Budget on the 21st day of August, 2008, notice of said hearing having been given at least thirty (30) days prior thereto as required by law, and all other legal requirements having been complied with; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Niles Community High School District 219, Cook County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That the fiscal year of this School District be and is hereby fixed and declared to be beginning July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2009. Section 2: That the following Budget and Supplementary Information containing an estimate of amount available in each Fund separately, and of expenditures from each be, and the same is hereby adopted as the Budget and Supplementary Information of this School District for the said fiscal year. (Budget and Supplementary Information attached.)
Thereupon, after discussion, upon motion made by Member __________________, and seconded by Member _______________________ It was moved that the above resolution be adopted.
Upon roll call, the vote was as follows:
AYES: ______________ NAYS: ______________
The President declared the motion carried.
I, RUTH KLINT, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the duly qualified Secretary of the Board of Education of Niles Community High School District 219, Cook County, Illinois, and as such Secretary, I am the keeper of the records and files of the Board of Education of said District.
I DO FURTHER CERTIFY that the foregoing is a full, true and complete transcript of that portion of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Education of said Niles Township Community High School District 219 held on August 21, 2008, insofar as same relates to the adoption of a resolution entitled:
And that a correct copy of said resolution appears in the foregoing transcript of the minutes of said meeting. WITNESS my official hand of office at Cook County, Illinois this 21st day of August, 2008.
__________________________ RUTH KLINT
August 21, 2008
Dr. Nanciann Gatta Board of Education
Paul O’Malley
LEED® Certification for Six Classroom Addition at Niles West – Services Proposal
I have attached a proposal from Legat Architects which outlines the necessary steps to achieve LEED® Certification for the Niles West High School Six-Classroom Addition. The proposal outlines various steps and costs associated with these steps. The most notable expenses include project registration and certification filing ($2,200), contracting and/or coordinating the required building energy modeling services ($13,750), fundamental building commissioning through Legat (a LEED® prerequisite $2,000) and enhancing building commissioning required to achieve energy and atmosphere (EA) credit ($4,000). The Facility Committee’s goal is to successfully implement a plan that encompasses sustainable strategies and activities as well as complying with the LEED® Certification point system. We believe that this initial investment will enhance our building and provide future opportunities for improvement. In addition, Legat believes the District may be eligible for a grant which would offset this initial cost.
MOTION: I move the Board of Education authorize Administration to accept the LEED® Certification Services Proposal as presented by Legat Architects at the “not to exceed” cost of $60,450.
July 31, 2008 Paul O’Malley Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Niles Township High School District 219 7700 Gross Point Road Skokie, IL 60077
Niles West HS Six Classroom Addition: LEED®-SC Certification Services Proposal
Dear Paul, Thank you for expressing the interest in exploring the options for LEED® certification for the Niles West High School Six Classroom Addition in Skokie, Illinois. Legat Architects would be pleased to provide you with all professional services necessary to achieve the desired level of LEED® certification. We are providing this proposal to clarify how we can assist Niles Township High School District 219 with the LEED® certification of this project.
The LEED certification consulting services stipulated in this initial proposal will be furnished for the “not to exceed” cost of $60,450 (sixty thousand four hundred and fifty dollars). CRYSTAL LAKE
I would like to outline what we believe to be the services you would require during this effort. The following clarifications should be noted and are part of this proposal: 1. Project registration and certification filing fee which is paid to the U.S. Green Building Council ($2,200 included in base proposal, based on the current building area of 7,100 square feet).
2. Preparation of LEED® responsibility matrix. 3. Facilitation of project team developed Design Intent Document (DID) and design and engineer team developed Basis of Design (BOD) activities to produce the BOD and DID documents. A DID should be the product of our first LEED® charrette and written by the owner’s representative. It is critical to create both of these documents in the design phase of the project. They will be used throughout the project and will be the starting point of the fundamental building commissioning required by the USGBC. 4. Contract and/or coordinate the required building energy modeling services ($13,750 included in base proposal): a. Production of a baseline energy cost budget model. b. Production of subsequent energy models required by EA Credit 1.0. c. Preparation of the final energy cost budget model analysis (to satisfy requirements under LEED® Energy and Atmosphere (EA) Credit 1.0. 5. Production of the LEED® Pre-Construction Manual (specification supplement). 6. Fundamental building commissioning, which is a LEED® prerequisite, can be provided through an independent building commissioning agent under a separate cost proposal (estimated at $8,000). The A/E design team coordination related to fundamental building commissioning will be provided through Legat Architects ($2,000 included in base proposal). The Construction Manager will be responsible for participating in and managing the contractors involved with the commissioning process.
80 North Virginia Street, Suite C, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Phone: 815.477.4545 Fax: 815.477.4550
Niles West HS Six Classroom Addition: ® LEED -SC Certification Services Proposal Thursday, July 31, 2008 . . . .Page 2 of 4
7. Enhanced building commissioning required to achieve Energy and Atmosphere (EA) Credit 3 can be provided through an independent building commissioning agent under separate cost proposal (estimated at $4,000). The A/E design team coordination related to enhanced building commissioning will be provided through Legat Architects ($1,000 included in base proposal). 8. Review and comment on the Construction Documents for LEED® compliance. 9. Provide a template for Construction Waste Management Protocol (to be implemented by General Contractor’s site staff) and assist in sourcing waste management vendors. 10. Provide a template for Construction Indoor Air Quality Protocol (to be implemented by the Mechanical Contractor and managed by contractor’s site staff). 11. Participate in contractor coordination concerning the LEED® certification process. 12. Participate in contractor post-bid meetings. 13. Provide a template for LEED® Action Plans (to be implemented by contractor’s staff). 14. Provide a template for LEED® Progress Reports (to be implemented by contractor’s staff). 15. Act as a resource for LEED® informal credit rating interpretations. 16. Review contractor LEED® submittals and prepare a compliance report for the project staff: a. Review applicable contractor’s LEED® compliance as a part of payment request and review. We recommend this activity be performed monthly as a part of the contractor’s application for payment. 17. Suggest contract language used by the owner, to ensure LEED® compliance from the contractor base. 18. Collect LEED® action plans and progress reports. 19. Coordinate and send initial LEED® Certification submission package to U.S. Green Building Council for review. 20. Management of appeals after U.S. Green Building Council preliminary rating during certification process. Successful LEED® certification will require a combination of sustainable strategies and activities, document control, and an application for certification to the U.S. Green Building Council. Successful LEED® rating occurs as a result of a process involving every member of the project team. Building owner, architects, engineers, and contractors all have an equal responsibility in this quest. Parties will be identified to lead this effort, make recommendations, guide design and construction, and collect and submit all LEED® documentation, but it should be understood they will require the involved consent of the entire team. 1. Legat Architects will recommend strategies throughout the certification process that are critical to the success of LEED® certification. The owner should understand the ramifications of choosing not to pursue certain strategies, up to and including failure to achieve LEED® certification. 2. The LEED® certification team will make every attempt to recommend reasonable and cost effective strategies to assure the highest level of LEED® certification of the project. If approved, these strategies become a permanent deliverable that, if abandoned for whatever reason, may jeopardize LEED® certification.
Niles West HS Six Classroom Addition: ® LEED -SC Certification Services Proposal Thursday, July 31, 2008 . . . .Page 3 of 4
3. We attempt to meet the owner’s intent fully and consistently, however there may be instances when the intent is counter to a specific sustainable strategy. The recommended strategy must be evaluated, but it should be understood that these strategies are part of the overall list of measures leading to LEED® certification. 4. Actual LEED® Certification level will be reviewed throughout the project as more information is made available. 5. Management of contractors and trade’s personnel working on building site will not be the responsibility of Legat Architects and/or their consultants. 6. Legat Architects offers no guarantee of result. Legat Architects does not guarantee the project will attain LEED® certification rating. 7. Legat Architect’s liability for damages, claims or losses of any type arising out of the services provided by Legat Architects under this Agreement shall be limited to the actual cost of damages, claims or losses or Legat Architects’ fee, whichever is less. 8. Legat Architects shall not be liable, and owner waives all claims against Legat Architects for consequential damages arising out of the services provided under this Agreement. 9. Payment is due net 30 days from date of invoice with no retainage withheld. 10. In the event that you decide to terminate the services of Legat Architects, Legat Architects shall be paid for services rendered to the date of such termination. The following professional fees are part of our base fee proposal: A. Professional Services Schedule Fees 1. USGBC Project Registration Fees: Registration Certification (based on the current building area) USGBC Project Registration Fees:
$ $ $
450 1,750 2,200
2. LEED Certification Administration Costs - A/E Team: LEED project registration and initial processing Incremental LEED-based design and coordination Design Document review for LEED compliance LEED Pre-construction manual (specification manual) Construction Waste Management protocol Construction Indoor Air Quality protocol Contractor pre-bid and pre-construction meetings LEED coordination during construction Contractor LEED Submittal compliance reviews LEED Certification package collection and submittal LEED Certification Administration Costs - A/E Team:
3. LEED Prerequisites - A/E Team: Building Energy Modeling Fundamental Building Commissioning Coordination Enhanced Building Commissioning Coordination LEED Prerequisites - A/E Team:
$ $ $ $
13,750 2,000 1,000 16,750
Niles West HS Six Classroom Addition: ® LEED -SC Certification Services Proposal Thursday, July 31, 2008 . . . .Page 4 of 4
The following fees and hourly rates will be applicable to any services not covered under the base fee proposal: B. Additional Services Schedule a. Time and Material per attached schedule of billable rates. b. Reimbursable expenses including travel at 1.1 of the actual cost. C. Schedule of Billable Rates Using Agency: Date of Issuance:
Niles Township High School District 219 January 1, 2008
Classification: Rate: Principal......................................................................................................................................... $200.00 Staff Architect................................................................................................................................ $180.00 LEED Consultant........................................................................................................................... $160.00 LEED Document Coordinator ....................................................................................................... $140.00 Associate Architect........................................................................................................................ $115.00 Intern Architect ................................................................................................................................ $75.00 Student / Clerical............................................................................................................................. $55.00 Please indicate your acceptance of our proposal by signing this agreement and returning one signed copy of the document. An initial payment of $5,000 shall be made upon execution of this agreement. We thank you for this opportunity to serve Niles Township High School District 219 and look forward to the successful completion of all work. Sincerely, LEGATArchitects Signature: Print Name /Title: Date: Paul Babski, AIA, LEED AP Project Manager / Design Director
PB/slb L:\SD 219 - Niles\208036.10 Niles West 6 Classroom Addition\Design Files\B_Project Communications\B2_Architect Correspondence\208036.10 LEED-SC 2007 Fee Proposal 073108.doc
August 21, 2008
Dr. Nanciann Gatta Board of Education
Paul O’Malley
LEED® Certification for Six Classroom Addition at Niles West
Legat Architects has provided us with a Registered Project Checklist spreadsheet entailing the certification and point system applicable to LEED® certification. The Facility Committee is considering the items under the categories of Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy & Atmosphere, Materials & Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Innovation & Design Process as follows: Create bio-swale and implement BMP’s Provide SRI compliant material (white roof) Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems Use input from occupancy sensor to schedule HVAC Enhanced Commissioning Provide metering devices - (Requires energy model) Rapidly Renewable Materials, 2.5% of materials cost Provide CO2 sensors (Can contribute to Energy Credit 1) Daylight harvesting with dimming ballasts Solar Shades Provide metering display monitors Additional Project Cost
$ 30,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 17,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 27,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $149,000.00
Legat estimates the additional construction costs for these sustainable features to be approximately $149,000. Again, the intention of these enhancements is to promote sustainability practices among students and staff while emphasizing prudent practices of energy conservation.
MOTION: I move the Board authorize Administration to approve the attached options for incorporating “green” features into the construction design cost in the amount of $149,000.
August 14, 2008
VIA U.S. MAIL & FACSIMILE (847.626.3070) 1 Page Inclusive
Mr. Paul O’Malley Niles Township High School District 219 7700 Gross Point Road Skokie, Illinois 60077 Re:
Niles West Classroom Addition – LEED Certification
Dear Paul: We are excited that Niles D219 desires to promote sustainable, high-performance facilities with the goals of improving energy performance, conserving resources, and visibly promoting sustainable practices among students and staff. With the efficient systems installed during the referendum project, the District is off to a good start to realizing these goals. Niles D219 asked Legat Architects to develop design options that would enable the six-classroom addition at Niles West to pursue LEED Certification. We presented to the Facilities Committee options for sustainable, high-performance design enhancements based on the prerequisite and credit requirements for LEED Certification (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) as established by the US Green Building Council. As you know, LEED Certification is a third-party verification of the sustainable performance of the design, and is a recognized benchmark for sustainable design.
After review of the options and associated costs, the Facilities Committee recommended incorporating “green” features into the design that would meet the criteria for a certification level of LEED Silver or LEED Certified and to pursue LEED Certification of the addition. The intent of these enhancements is to visibly promote sustainable practices among students and staff, while integrating sustainable features in a smaller scale construction project. Recommended enhancements include the extensive use of recycled materials and educational displays for students. Energy efficient features include lighting controls (daylight harvesting), occupancy sensors, heat-reflective “white” roofing, exterior sun shades, and energy modeling. Building systems would be commissioned as required by USGBC. We estimate the construction cost for the recommended sustainable features to be approximately $149,000 and estimate administration fees for LEED Certification at a not-to-exceed fee of $60,450. As you know, we seek direction from Niles D219 regarding LEED certification in order to complete the bidding documents and to maintain the current project schedule. Please contact me at (815) 444-4615 if you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you for the opportunity to serve Niles Township High School District 219. Sincerely, LEGATArchitects
Paul A. Babski, AIA Project Manager / Design Director PB/slb L:\SD 219 - Green Master Plans /Memo Green Master Plan 081408.doc 80 N. Virginia – Suite C, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Phone: 815.477.4545 Fax: 815.477.4550
LEED for Schools 2007 Registered Project Checklist Project Name: Niles West Six Classroom Addition Project Address: Skokie, Illinois Yes
Y Y 1
Sustainable Sites Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Credit 1
1 Credit 2 1 Credit 3 1 1 1
Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 4.3
Credit 4.4
1 Credit 5.1 1 1 1
Credit 5.2 Credit 6.1 Credit 6.2
1 Credit 7.1 1 1
Credit 7.2 Credit 8
Credit 9
1 Credit 10 Yes
1 1
Water Efficiency Credit 1.1 Credit 1.2
1 1 1 1 1
Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Environmental Site Assessment Site Selection Development Density & Community Connectivity Brownfield Redevelopment Alternative Transportation, Public Transportation Access Alternative Transportation, Bicycle Use Alternative Transportation, Low-Emitting & Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Alternative Transportation, Parking Capacity Site Development, Protect or Restore Habitat Site Development, Maximize Open Space Stormwater Design, Quantity Control Stormwater Design, Quality Control Heat Island Effect, Non-Roof Heat Island Effect, Roof Light Pollution Reduction Site Master Plan Joint Use of Facilities
Credit 2 Credit 3.1 Credit 3.2 Credit 3.3 Credit 4
Water Efficient Landscaping, Reduce by 50% Water Efficient Landscaping, No Potable Use or No Irrigation Innovative Wastewater Technologies Water Use Reduction, 20% Reduction Water Use Reduction, 30% Reduction Water Use Reduction, 40% Reduction Process Water Use Reduction
16 Points Required Required 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Requirements Prepare sediment and erosion control plan Prepare Phase 1 environmental Verify compliance Verify compliance Not applicable Verify compliance Designate bike racks & showers within 200 yds Designate preferred parking for 5% of the site Provide no new parking Not feasible Designate open space equal to the footprint Verify capacity of stormwater system Create bio-swale and implement BMP's Not applicable Provide SRI compliant material (white roof) Verify compliance with interior & exterior lights Verify compliance with 4 credits & master plan Not applicable
7 Points
No irrigation or use captured rainwater No irrigation Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
1 1 1 1 1 1
Construction Design Design Design
Civil D219 Civil Civil
Design Design Design Design
D219 / Civil D219 / Civil D219 / Civil Civil
Design Design Design
Civil Civil Civil
Design Design Design
Legat Electrical Civil
Legat Legat
5 Y Y Y 2
Energy & Atmosphere
7 Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Prereq 3
6 Credit 1
1 Credit 2
1 1
Credit 3 Credit 4
1 1
Credit 5 Credit 6
Materials & Resources Prereq 1
1 Credit 1.1 1 Credit 1.2 1 Credit 1.3 1 1
Credit 2.1 Credit 2.2
1 Credit 3.1 1 Credit 3.2 1 1 1 1
Credit 4.1 Credit 4.2 Credit 5.1 Credit 5.2
Credit 6
1 Yes
Credit 7 ?
Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems Minimum Energy Performance Fundamental Refrigerant Management Optimize Energy Performance (2 pt minimum) 1 10.5% New Buildings or 3.5% Existing Building Renovations 1 14% New Buildings or 7% Existing Building Renovations 1 17.5% New Buildings or 10.5% Existing Building Renovations 1 21% New Buildings or 14% Existing Building Renovations 24.5% New Buildings or 17.5% Existing Building Renovations 28% New Buildings or 21% Existing Building Renovations 31.5% New Buildings or 24.5% Existing Building Renovations 35% New Buildings or 28% Existing Building Renovations 38.5% New Buildings or 31.5% Existing Building Renovations 42% New Buildings or 35% Existing Building Renovations On-Site Renewable Energy 1 2.5% Renewable Energy 1 7.5% Renewable Energy 12.5% Renewable Energy Enhanced Commissioning Enhanced Refrigerant Management Measurement & Verification Green Power
17 Points
ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Required Verify compliance with zero CFC refrigerants 1 to 10 Provide energy model Required
Construction Design Design Design
see proposal
Construction Design Design Construction
Construction Construction
Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction
1 2 3 4
Use input from occupancy sensor to schedule HVAC Use CO2 sensor to schedule HVAC. See IEQ credit 1
5 6 7 8 9 10 1 to 3
PV system for one classroom lighting (1.4kW) PV system for all lighting (9kW) 3 Wind turbine for all lighting load (10kW) 1
2 1
Verify compliance 1 Provide metering devices. Requires energy model 1 Contract for green power 1
13 Points
Required Develop recycling program / locate containers Storage & Collection of Recyclables 1 Not applicable Building Reuse, Maintain 75% of Existing Walls, Floors & Roof 1 Not applicable Building Reuse, Maintain 100% of Existing Walls, Floors & Roof 1 Not applicable Building Reuse, Maintain 50% of Interior Non-Structural Elements 1 Complete calculation and provide narrative Construction Waste Management, Divert 50% from Disposal 1 Complete calculation and provide narrative Construction Waste Management, Divert 75% from Disposal 1 Not applicable Materials Reuse, 5% 1 Not applicable Materials Reuse,10% 1 Complete calculation Recycled Content, 10% (post-consumer + ½ pre-consumer) 1 Complete calculation Recycled Content, 20% (post-consumer + ½ pre-consumer) 1 Complete calculation Regional Materials, 10% Extracted, Processed & Manufactured Regionally 1 Complete calculation Regional Materials, 20% Extracted, Processed & Manufactured Regionally 1 2.5% of materials cost Rapidly Renewable Materials 1 50% of wood to be FSC-certified Certified Wood
$4,000 $10,000
TBD TBD $17,000 Alternate
12 4
Indoor Environmental Quality
Y Y Y 1
Prereq 1 Prereq 2 Prereq 3 Credit 1
1 Credit 2 1 1
Credit 3.1 Credit 3.2
Credit 4
1 Credit 5 1
Credit 6.1
1 1 1
Credit 6.2 Credit 7.1 Credit 7.2
1 Credit 8.1
Credit 8.2
1 Credit 9
Credit 10
Minimum IAQ Performance Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Minimum Acoustical Performance Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring Increased Ventilation Construction IAQ Management Plan, During Construction Construction IAQ Management Plan, Before Occupancy
Low-Emitting Materials
Credit 2
Credit 3
School As A Teaching Tool
Credit 1.2 Credit 1.3
Credit 1.4
1 1
1 to 4
Mold Prevention
Design Design Design Design
Construction Construction
Controllability of Systems, Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort, Design Thermal Comfort, Verification Daylight & Views, Daylighting 1 75% of classrooms (required for either points below) 1 90% of classrooms 0 75% of other spaces
Innovation & Design Process Credit 1.1
Comply with ASHRAE 62.1-2004 Prohibit smoking Required Show compliance 1 Provide CO2 sensors. Can contribute to Energy Credit 1 Required
Daylight & Views, Views for 90% of Spaces Enhanced Acoustical Performance
Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control Controllability of Systems, Lighting
Innovation in Design: Green Cleaning Program Innovation in Design: Recycled Content 30% Innovation in Design: Regional Materials 40% Innovation in Design: Construction Waste Recycle 95% LEED® Accredited Professional
1 1 1
20 Points
1 1
Adhesives and sealants (1 point) Paints and coatings (1 point) Flooring systems - composite wood & agrifiber products (1 point). Use in lieu of rapidly renewable floors Ceiling and wall systems (1 point) Furniture (1 point) Not applicable Provide lighting with 2 modes Occupancy sensors Daylight harvesting with dimming ballasts Provide comfort system controls Comply with ASHRAE 55 2004, thermal comfort Thermal comfort survey after occupancy
Legat / D219 Construction Design Design Design Design Design Design
Design Design
Legat Legat
Design Design Design
Legat Legat KJWW / Legat
Design Construction Construction Construction Construction
D219 IHC IHC IHC Legat
D219 / KJWW
1 to 3 1 2 3 1 1 to 2 1
Complete calculation Complete calculation Not applicable Solar shades Complete calculation Show compliance Provide HVAC systems to limit RH to 60% and IAQ management plan
6 Points 1
Exemplary Performance 1 Exemplary Performance 1 Exemplary Performance 1
Curriculum 10hrs/yr based on performance features of the building. Provide metering display monitors.
38 15 26
79 Points Project Totals (pre-certification estimates) Certified: 29-36 points, Silver: 37-43 points, Gold: 44-57 points, Platinum: 58-79 points
Nanciann Gatta Board of Education
Paul O’Malley Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
August 21, 2008
Sophomore Baseball Field at Niles West
On June 30, 2008, a contract was awarded to Tony Carolan (Carolan Builders and Excavating, Inc.) for the excavation of the sophomore baseball field at Niles West in the amount of $9,760. After the contract was awarded, it was determined that additional specifications were not included such as accommodations for poor drainage, grade of the entire infield and proper alignment for the first and third baseline cutouts to fit within the guidelines of IHSA standards. Therefore, the project was re-bid with the assistance of Legat Architects and Gewalt-Hamilton engineers to ensure quality craftsmanship. The sealed bids, duly advertised, were received and opened on Thursday, August 14, 2008 for improvements for the Niles West ball field. Five bids were solicited, three vendors responded. The bid results are as follows:
VENDOR Cooling Land Concepts Sportsfield Lenny Hoffman Excavating
$29,480 $46,990 $49,244
$5,760 Included $7,078
$35,240 $46,990 $56,322
Alternate #2 included improvements of the freshmen baseball field. MOTION: I move we award the contract for the Niles West High School Ball field Improvements to Cooling Land Concepts, the lowest responsible bidder meeting specification in the amount of $35,240 which includes Alternate #2.
August 14, 2008
VIA U.S. MAIL & EMAIL (1) Page(s) Inclusive
Mr. Paul O’Malley Niles Township High School District 219 7700 Gross Point Road Skokie, IL 60077 Re:
Niles West High School Ballfield Improvements Architect’s Project Number: 208094.00 Letter of Recommendation to Award a Construction Contract
Dear Paul: Bids were received for the above referenced project in the District Administration Building at 10:00am on August 14, 2008. Five (5) bidders were Bidders of Record and three (3) bids were received. Legat Architects, Inc. has reviewed the qualifications and references of the low bid contractor, Cooling Land Concepts and have found no evidence which would disqualify them from being awarded the contract for this work. Legat Architects, therefore, recommends that the Board of Education, Niles Township High School District 219 consider awarding the contract for construction, inclusive of the Base Bid and Alternate Number 2 only, to: Cooling Land Concepts 4400 Wheeler Road Cherry Valley, IL 61016
If you have any questions concerning the bidding of the Niles West High School Ballfield Improvements project, please do not hesitate to call. Legat Architects, and myself specifically, look forward to working with Niles Township High School District 219 toward a successful completion of this project. Sincerely,
Paul A. Babski, AIA LEED AP Project Manager / Design Director slb/pb Bid Tabulation Form
cc: File: 208094.0:C4 L:\SD 219 - Niles\208094.00 Niles West Ballfield Improvements\Design Negotiations\C4_Negotiations-Recommendation\208094.00 LOR 081408.doc
80 North Virginia Street, Suite C, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Phone: 815.477.4545 Fax: 815.477.4550
for the total contract amount of $35,240. Work to be substantially complete by October 15, 2008. Also, please find the attached Bid Tabulation Form for your review.
*BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $25,448,753 $8,210,723 $5,679,675 $3,505,874 $3,486,579 $10,519,481 $20,164,419 $7,880,523 $3,504,155
YEAR TO DATE REVENUE $1,927,188 $34,659 $18,700 $780,707 $11,487 $34,635 $66,391 $25,965 $13,458
YEAR TO DATE EXPENDITURES ($2,675,812) ($839,540) $0 ($127,275) ($124,665) $0 $0 ($119,725) ($583,282)
ENDING FUND BALANCE $24,700,129 $7,405,842 $5,698,375 $4,159,306 $3,373,401 $10,554,116 $20,230,810 $7,786,763 $2,934,331
PURCHASE ORDERS OUTSTANDING $1,248,664 $4,842,519 $0 $534,631 $0 $0 $0 $2,209,669 $467,384
CASH & INVESTMENTS $25,383,627 $7,632,888 $5,698,375 $4,256,010 $3,373,401 $10,554,116 $20,230,810 $7,790,420 $3,517,613
OTHER ASSETS $50,507 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
LIABILITIES ($734,005) ($227,046) $0 ($96,704) $0 $0 $0 ($3,657) ($583,282)
FUND BALANCE $24,700,129 $7,405,842 $5,698,375 $4,159,306 $3,373,401 $10,554,116 $20,230,810 $7,786,763 $2,934,331
**FY 09 ANNUAL BUDGET (INCLUDES OPERATING TRANSFERS) REVENUE EXPENDITURES $94,999,581 $81,797,312 $13,272,436 $13,805,616 $6,261,557 $5,865,256 $4,649,947 $4,683,795 $2,476,882 $2,877,092 $445,000 $2,590,000 $3,109,538 $860,000 $3,938,580 $3,540,728 $677,386 $1,320,000 $129,830,907
MONTH MONTH MONTH TO DATE TO DATE TO DATE REVENUE EXPENDITURES PO'S CREATED $1,927,188 $2,675,812 $2,213,883 $34,659 $839,540 $5,572,103 $18,700 $0 $0 $780,707 $127,275 $649,901 $11,487 $124,665 $0 $34,635 $0 $0 $66,391 $0 $0 $25,965 $119,725 $2,303,016 $13,458 $583,282 $1,050,666 $2,913,190
$26,000,000 $24,000,000 BEG. FUND BALANCE $22,000,000 YTD REVENUE $20,000,000 YTD EXPENDITURES $18,000,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000
. R
I & B
M & O
Memorandum To:
Dr. Nanciann Gatta, Superintendent
Dr. Lara Cummings, Niles North Assistant Principal for PPS Dr. Paula Insley Miller, Niles West Assistant Principal for PPS
Electronic Transcripts
Niles North and Niles West are instituting an electronic transcript program for the 2008-2009 school year. This program is called Secure Transcript™, which is provided by Docufide, Inc. Docufide will provide students and alumni a way to request and send transcripts in a secure, confidential and paperless manner. Students will login to Docufide through the Naviance/Family Connection link on the ILP. Alumni will access Docufide through the Alumni drop down menu on each school’s website. Students/Alumni will submit a request for a transcript which will be electronically transmitted, along with the school’s profile, to the selected destination. The initial registration and ordering process will only take a few minutes to complete. Once the transcript is transmitted, the request may be tracked. An email confirmation will be sent to the requestor indicating the arrival of the transcript. Prior to the start of the 2008-2009 school year, a letter will be mailed to all District 219 families (see attached). This letter details the introduction and cost for electronic transcripts. On September 2, 2008, all District 219 juniors and seniors will be given detailed instructions regarding registering and ordering electronic transcripts through Naviance/Family Connections. We are very excited to have Docufide available to our students and alumni. At the end of the 2008-2009 school year, we will evaluate the electronic transcript program to plan for the following school year.
September 1, 2008 Dear Niles West Parent/Guardian, As we enter the 2008-09 school year, I’m pleased to let you know about a new program that will make the college admissions process easier for our students. Now, students will request their high school transcripts online through our school’s website. Students specify which colleges or scholarship funds they are applying to, and the service will send out official transcripts that have been checked and approved by Niles West. The service, which is called Secure Transcript™ and provided by Docufide, Inc., offers several notable advantages: • • •
Students can request their records online any time of day, 7 days a week. Many colleges prefer receiving student transcripts electronically. Docufide sends an email confirmation to let students know when the transcript has been sent, so students have one less thing to worry about.
Each Niles West student may request up to 5 transcripts at no charge. Any student who would like more than that can order them for a fee of $5 per additional transcript. Students can request the records from Docufide by logging in to the Naviance program that helps them with the college selection process. All juniors and seniors will receive detailed instruction about the new electronic transcript system this fall, during special class assemblies. If your child is a freshman or sophomore and you are wondering why we are sending you this letter, it’s because it is never too early to start planning for life after high school. Your child’s guidance counselor is available and eager to help him or her start evaluating options for what comes next. Mr. Dan Gin, Niles West College/Career Counselor, is also available in the College/Career Resource Center to both you and your child. Whether your child goes on to college, university or vocational school, or decides to enter the work force after graduating from Niles West, a large part of our responsibility in educating your child is to provide the tools and resources to help him or her consider and evaluate all the options for life after high school. Please encourage your child to meet with and learn from his or her guidance counselor as well as the College/Career counselor. The College/Career Resource Center is open during the school day and evenings by appointment. To schedule an appointment with Mr. Gin, please call 847-626-2682. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at 847-626-2510. Kaine Osburn Principal, Niles West
September 1, 2008 Dear Niles North Parent/Guardian, As we enter the 2008-09 school year, I’m pleased to let you know about a new program that will make the college admissions process easier for our students. Now, students will request their high school transcripts online through our school’s website. Students specify which colleges or scholarship funds they are applying to, and the service will send out official transcripts that have been checked and approved by Niles North. The service, which is called Secure Transcript™ and provided by Docufide, Inc., offers several notable advantages: • Students can request their records online any time of day, 7 days a week. • Many colleges prefer receiving student transcripts electronically. • Docufide sends an email confirmation to let students know when the transcript has been sent, so students have one less thing to worry about. • The process is electronic therefore completely “green” Each Niles North student may request up to 5 transcripts at no charge. Any student who would like more than that can order them for a fee of $5 per additional transcript. Students can request the records from Docufide by logging in to the Naviance program that helps them with the college selection process. All juniors and seniors will receive detailed instruction about the new electronic transcript system this fall, during special class assemblies. If your child is a freshman or sophomore and you are wondering why we are sending you this letter, it’s because it is never too early to start planning for life after high school. Your child’s guidance counselor is available and eager to help him or her start evaluating options for what comes next. Ms Donna Virklan, Niles North College/Career Counselor, is also available in the College/Career Resource Center to both you and your child. Whether your child goes on to college, university or vocational school, or decides to enter the work force after graduating from Niles North, a large part of our responsibility in educating your child is to provide the tools and resources to help him or her consider and evaluate all the options for life after high school. Please encourage your child to meet with and learn from his or her guidance counselor as well as the College/Career counselor. The College/Career Resource Center is open during the school day and evenings by appointment. To schedule an appointment with Ms. Virklan, please call 847-626-2170. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at 847-626-2011. Sincerely,
Robert Freeman Principal, Niles North