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Feb 6, 2018 - ... Dolores Williams, Sylvia Mangubat, Sharon Pearce,. Paula Whitsell, Elizabeth Hall ... Judge Steven Bai
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING CHULA VISTA BONITA REPUBLICAN WOMEN FEDERATED February 6, 2018 1894 Gamay Terrace Chula Vista, CA 91913 Quorum Present. Call to Order. President Patty O’Mara called the meeting to order at 10:23am. The Agenda, Treasurer’s Report and Minutes were distributed. Present: Patty O’Mara, Mary Gale Hinrichsen, Barbara Todd, Bernadette Jaccard, Cheryl Perez, Kathy Smith, Nimpa Akana, Suzanne Santos, Dolores Williams, Sylvia Mangubat, Sharon Pearce, Paula Whitsell, Elizabeth Hall OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Approval of Minutes. There being no other correction(s), the Minutes were approved. In the absence of Nimpa Akana, Cheryl Perez will take the Minutes at the February general meeting. Newsletter. The following committee chairpersons will submit articles by Saturday, February 10, 2018 to Sharon Pearce: President’s Message, Programs, Ways & Means, Americanism, Legislation, and Membership. Pearce will be given Google access so that she could email newsletters to members. We need a Media Director for the CVBRW. Programs. • We will now recognize birthdays during the general meetings. • The board meeting on July 3 will be changed to July 10th. • The August meeting will be CANCELLED. • Christmas meeting is on December 5th. Dolores Williams will perform for the December Christmas Meeting. February March April May June Sept

Mark Meuser (Secretary of State), Glen Googins (City Attorney), Rebekah Bason (Membership Director) Judge Steven Bailey Denis Janz, author of World Christianity and Marxism. We will pay him a $50 stipend and allow him to sell his books. Travis Allen, running for Governor ??? Carl DeMaio, Stop The Gas Tax

We may invite Chris Harris to discuss how the border patrol is dealing with illegal immigrants.


The Casual Saturday breakfast - February 10, 2018. Sunset by the Park on third Ave, Chula Vista, CA Treasurer’s Report. $9838.14 Balance. Suzanne Santos made motion to ratify checks #1509-1513. Barbara Todd made the 2nd motion. Approved. Mary Gale Hinrichsen made motion to request only dollar bills in the change jar during the general meeting. Cheryl Perez made the 2 nd motion. Motion did NOT pass. Disapproved. We will streamline table and declutter. 2018 Budget. Without dues, Net Income is estimated at - $1,159.00. Suzanne Santos made motion to accept budget. Approved. We will do a midyear review. Membership. • We plan to only send about 10 membership dues to San Diego County. • Sylvia Mangubat is creating New Member Packets to include the calendar, roster, etc. • She will take pictures of all members to create a Membership Book. • New Member Brunch. Sylvia Mangubat will host. June 9, 2018, 10AM in lieu of the Saturday Breakfast. • We have deleted “Federated” from the new badges. Ways & Means Report. Feb – Pegboard Highway. Meeting adjourned. 12:15pm. Next Board Meeting: March 6, 2018, Tuesday10AM. 1894 Gamay Terrace, Chula Vista, CA home of Mary Gale Hinrichsen. Submitted by: Nimpa V. Akana, Recording Secretary Correction(s):__________________________________________________________ Approved:___________________________________________________________