Meeting Minutes June 25 2014.pdf - Google Drive

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Gail reported that we have a confirmed list of all Beth Judah members, list of local clergy,. local, state, federal poli
BJ Kehilla 2014 LTP & Centennial Meeting Minutes, June 25, 2014 Present: Pauline, Karen, Michael, Jessica, Gail (Larry had another meeting and Joe was out of town). Karen reported on the first focus group meeting held on June 8th. The topic was “Based on current customs & practices, what changes in leadership & governance can be made to shift from hierarchical to collaborative leadership? Karen, Brian, Pauline, June Senekoff/Bogushefsky and Sharon Pullman attended. While the group was small, the addition of two people who did not get a chance to offer their input at the retreat, was very helpful. Their basic observations were that there was a real lack of communication and leadership and there were many incidents where members were treated poorly but there was no formal grievance procedure so issues were never resolved. The group discussed possible solutions and these specific details will be included in the strategic plan. Pauline reported on the second focus group meeting held on June 12th. The topic was “How can we creatively generate revenues to make Beth Judah financially viable for the next five/ten years?” Michael, Larry, Pauline, Arlene, Arlene Rose, Henry, Scott, Michelle Fleischer, Irv and Gerry Fruchtman, Gail and Kirk Wisemayer (Jewish Federation of Atlantic and Cape May Counties) attended. It was a lively discussion and there were many viable ideas and solutions presented all of which will be reviewed and added to the findings of the strategic plan. A special thank you was given to Larry who hosted the meeting with wine, cheese and all the trimmings! Due to timing, it was decided to combine the following two focus groups into one and that meeting is scheduled to take place on June 26 at Pauline Levy’s house at 6:30. The topics are: (1) Promoting change while honoring traditions. How can we balance tradition and change to make Beth Judah and Judaism relevant to the lives we life today? (2)How can Beth Judah create a vibrant, diverse & welcoming community for its members, potential members, and non-members? Gail reported that the membership surveys were completed and copied and ready for distribution. Gail and Pauline volunteered to distribute surveys to those living in Wildwood Crest and Karen took some surveys to distribute. Michael generously offered to pay for the mailing of the rest of the surveys. We are hoping to get these surveys back in the next few weeks. We will send out email reminders as well as have some volunteers make phone calls to make sure that everyone received a survey. The next step in the strategic planning process is to collate the information from the focus groups and surveys. Gail will put together an outline for the strategic plan. When the information is collected, we will call a working meeting of the committee.

CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The following decisions were made: • Jessica and Karen had reached out to Rabbi Miller for Friday night. She responded and asked them some questions which they answered but they have not yet heard from her. (She was expecting a baby at the end of the month). However, they confirmed that they will have a Rabbi and music at the Friday night service. • It was confirmed to honor Rita Best for her commitment to Beth Judah at the Friday night service. Karen will communicate this to her. • Arlene met with Paula Goodman but her commitment to rally the Baker Family as a founding family to honor at the Centennial was not clear. While all founding families will be honored, the committee decided to specifically honor both the Baker Family and the Gidding Family as a well to personalize the event and create momentum for attendance. Pauline will communicate with Sam. Pauline reported that Arlene is going to meet again with Paula Goodman. • We discussed doing a Havdalah service and asking Joshua Nelson to do it. While the general consensus was that it was a good idea, we will hold off on that decision until we have the timing of the events worked out. The concern was that there is a lot going on Saturday and we did not want to overbook. • Gail put together a sponsorship package based on information from the meeting between Larry and Arlene. Things are still not confirmed on sponsorship issues although donation numbers and a possible donor list have been compiled. • Gail has completed a grant proposal for the City of Wildwood and it was submitted. She is working on a Federation grant proposal as well as checking out a few other possibilities. • Karen and Michael talked to Brian about what “products” he is working on in terms of “history” so we will have an idea of where and when to present them. Brian was not too specific but it seems as though he is working on a power point presentation. • Gail and her husband put together a photo family tree poster as an example of what each family with historic ties to the synagogue can do individually. The poster will be put in the synagogue for anyone to check out. Our goal is to get at least 10 to 15 families to participate • The Hester Street Troupe (recommended by Kirk Wisemayer) is free the centennial week-end and has agreed to play for the block party/dedication. They also sent a proposal that includes Friday night services, Saturday services, back up music for Saturday lunch. While we will consider these options, no decision can be made until other decisions are confirmed.

• Gail reported that Pary Tell (Cape May Division of Culture and Heritage), confirmed the use of the County Library’s exhibit space in October to Beth Judah as a way of showcasing our history and marketing the centennial. Gail and Pauline are working on a display. • Michael is still working on plaque options, insurance and is getting information about a liquor license. • Gail made a list of all local, state, and federal political representatives as well as the clergy in Wildwood. A “Save the Date” blurb about the centennial was written and will be sent out from the office. • Once specific information is developed for marketing, we are going to need a point person or persons to respond to media requests in order to make sure that information is consistent. Michael and Pauline volunteered to take on this responsibility. • Gail read an overview of the specific events for the week-end as a basis for communication and marketing. Everyone agreed to go with this basic overview. It will be communicated to all members as soon as everything is confirmed. • As soon as specific details are confirmed, it was suggested that we hold a congregational meeting to bring everyone up to date and to get members to volunteer for specific tasks. Gail reported that we have a confirmed list of all Beth Judah members, list of local clergy, local, state, federal political people and a list of synagogues in Atlantic County. We need to confirm our unaffiliated/former member and alumni list so that we have all the information we need on hand to send out invitations and emails. We then confirmed the following schedule for the Centennial:


FRIDAY NIGHT SERVICES: a chance to warmly welcome Shabbat together with a unique, spiritual and musical service in the Sanctuary led by members of the congregation under the guidance of a guest Rabbi and honoring Rita Best for her years of service to Beth Judah and the community. Everyone is invited to attend this service.

FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER: A delicious specially catered Asian style dinner will follow in the Social Hall along with an historic program. This is a ticketed event.*

SATURDAY MORNING: Our Shabbat celebration continues on Saturday mornings with a warm, participatory community service led by alumni members and members of the congregation under the guidance of our Rabbi and honoring all of the founding families as well as the memorialized people written on the walls and windows of the synagogue who contributed to Beth Judah throughout the century. Everyone is invited to come and help us pay tribute to all those people who have given so much to our Synagogue and our community.

SATURDAY LUNCH: A catered lunch will follow in the Social Hall giving special tribute to The Bakers and The Giddings/Siris, founding families of the synagogue. This is a ticketed event.*

SATURDAY AFTERNOON BLOCK PARTY: At 2pm, VIP’s, Dignitaries of Cape May County, Invited guests, members and alumni and their families are invited to participate in unveiling a plaque outside the synagogue commemorating the 100th Anniversary and the rededication of Beth Judah to the tune of The Hester Street Troupe, a Klezmer Band. Klezmer Music is a style of music that is inherently Jewish in nature. The word Klezmer comes from two Hebrew words, Kleh and Zemer, meaning vessel of music or song. The idea is that the instrument (the violin, clarinet), takes on human characteristics like laughing and crying with a joyous exuberance or a soulful wailing. Come dance to the music and explore “Wildwood” memories through the exhibits at the Wildwood Historical Museum. This event is also a chance to connect with and thank the community in which we all live, which has been a wonderful place to develop over the past 100 years! Light refreshments will be served.

• SATURDAY EVENING: A very unique, celebratory, hand clapping experience not to be missed: A special catered dinner & dessert at Beth Judah with a concert featuring JOSHUA NELSON. Nelson, a black Jew, who grew up inspired by Mahalia Jackson, goes by the nickname “the prince of kosher gospel.” He’s given credit for the idea of combining two parts of his own heritage, African-American and Jewish, and creating a new style that combines Jewish meaning and gospel sounds. To quote Nelson: “It was a fusion of life happenings and revelations about what being Jewish really is. Some people see Jews as a tribe of a perceived race. I don’t really believe in races. I see Judaism as a people with a shared culture and heritage that can be translated in different ways. Being Jewish is broad.” Check out Kosher Gospel Music-Joshua Nelson or Joshua Nelson & T.H. E. on u tube! This is a ticket event.*

SUNDAY MORNING BRUNCH: To conclude our fun and inspirational week-end, we will hold a catered brunch featuring loads of exquisite Jewish food treats and the formal presentation of Beth Judah Kehilla 2014, a strategic plan of action that will define who we are as a congregation, who we want to be, our ideas and dreams that will secure our future as a vital Jewish community in Wildwood.

*Ticketed events: The event packet includes all ticketed events and will cost $195 per person. Saturday Dinner & Concert ($100) perperson. For further information call Beth Judah Temple at 609-522-7541 or email [email protected] We decided that our next steps need to include the following: • • • • •

Focus on event confirmations Focus on updated mailing and email lists Focus on a marketing plan Focus on a sponsorship plan and time line Focus on getting specific information out to Beth Judah Members

Our next meeting date will be in July at a date to be announced.