Jan 26, 2016 - May 2016: GTTC Board Meeting, La Madeline's Restaurant, Westheimer Road and BW 8W, 6 PM to 8 PM - West. O
Meeting Notice !!!Tuesday!!!, 26 Jan 2016
ASME South Texas Section Gas Turbine Technical Chapter Houston, Texas, U.S.A. www.asmegttc.org
Gas Turbine Technical Chapter Meetings/Events for 2015 - 2016: 26 Jan 16: Gas Turbine 101, Andrew Bromley, Cyrus Meher-Homji, Monument Inn, La Porte TX - East 14 Mar 16: Gas Turbines for Power Generation, Rakesh Bhargava, Houston, TX – WorleyParsons, I-10W / Eldridge Parkway) – 2016-2017 Officer Nominations 25 Apr 16: Open – Central to West location? – 2016-2017 Officer Elections May 2016: GTTC Board Meeting, La Madeline’s Restaurant, Westheimer Road and BW 8W, 6 PM to 8 PM - West
Other Events:
29-31 Mar 16: 5th International Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles Symposium, San Antonio, TX http://www.swri.org/4org/d18/sCO2/
Meeting Notice - ASME Gas Turbine Technical Chapter The Houston area ASME-International Gas Turbine Technical Chapter is dedicated to the design, manufacture, operation, maintenance and business of gas turbine based technologies. Every individual and organization with an interest in this technology is encouraged to participate (ASME membership is not required, but encouraged). Meetings are generally from 6 PM to 9 PM. We welcome everyone. Come as you are, we are a NOMEX/FRC friendly organization!
Date: Program: Speaker(s): Further information: Location:
Tuesday, 26 January 2016 Gas Turbine 101 Cyrus Meher-Homji, Bechtel Corporation and Andrew Bromley, Turbotect USA Inc
[email protected] or
[email protected] Monument Inn, 281-479-1521 4406 Independence Parkway South (Formerly Battleground Road) La Porte, TX 77571
Meeting Summary: The presentation provides an overview of gas turbine design, operation and maintenance issues. Introduction to GTs – history, types, cycles, future trends Performance, performance deterioration Fuels and Combustion Operating issues and case studies, LNG mechanical drive applications Meeting Agenda: 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:45 PM 9:00 PM
and Networking Plated Dinner Business & Announcements Presentation Adjourn
Speakers' Biography: Cyrus B. Meher-Homji is an Engineering Fellow and Turbomachinery Technology Manager at Bechtel Corporation working with the LNG Technology Group. He serves as a turbomachinery advisor to ongoing studies, FEEDS and LNG Projects. His 35 years of industrial experience covers gas turbine and compressor development, application engineering and troubleshooting. Cyrus is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, a Fellow of ASME and is active on several committees of ASME’s International Gas Turbine Institute. Cyrus is a member of the Texas A&M University Turbomachinery Symposium Advisory Committee.
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Meeting Notice !!!Tuesday!!!, 26 Jan 2016
ASME South Texas Section Gas Turbine Technical Chapter Houston, Texas, U.S.A. www.asmegttc.org
Andrew Bromley is Vice President of Operations for Turbotect (USA) Inc. where he is responsible for Turbotect’s U.S. activities in the areas of gas turbine fuel treatment and compressor cleaning technology. Andrew has 35 years of experience with gas turbines and has specialized in the areas of high temperature corrosion, fuel chemistry, fuel treatment, hot gas path and compressor fouling, compressor washing, and other chemical applications associated with gas turbine performance. Mr. Bromley holds a diploma in Chemistry and a Master of Science degree in Corrosion Science & Engineering from City of London Polytechnic, UK. He is an ASME Fellow, a chartered professional member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institute of Metallurgy & Materials (UK), and an active member of the ASME/IGTI Division.
Dinner Cost: Cash or Check at the Door - $30 with RSVP by noon, Friday, 22 Jan, $35 after, 22 Jan, Students - $5.
Reservations: E-mail:
[email protected] (preferred) or Voice Mail: 713 797 2737
Directions: Monument Inn, 4406 Independence Parkway South La Porte, TX 77571 Please note this is on the South side of the Houston Ship Channel, so please check your navigation with the below directions!!!!! Directions to Monument Inn From Downtown: - Take I-45 Gulf Freeway South to Loop 610 East - Take the 610 Loop to Hwy 225 East - Take Hwy 225 East and exit Independence Parkway (Old Battleground Blvd), Approximately 10 miles - Turn Left/North onto Battleground and proceed approximately 2-1/2miles to the end of the road - The restaurant is on the right. We meet on the first floor
Traffic in Houston can be extremely heavy; a great tool to use any time you are travelling is the Houston Real Time Traffic map: http://traffic.houstontranstar.org/layers/
Career Opportunity Notes: Please contact Richard Sessions at:
[email protected] - In order to help the networking opportunities for attendees, GTTC is looking for 1 to 2 volunteers to help staff the sign-in table and meet the other attendees. Please advise if you are interested in this opportunity for some "face" time. - For individuals or companies with open positions please attend the meeting with your position announcements or send them or a link to GTTC and we will advise. www.asmegttc.org Additional Jobs - See meeting notice if applicable. See our Reference Page on the website for a list of resources: www.asmegttc.org ASME’s Mechanical Engineering Magazine Drive! Looking for a good home for those gently used copies of your Mechanical Engineering magazine? Bring them to a meeting and we will get them to George Rissky in the South Texas Section to hand out in the schools! Feel free to do that yourself as well. If you are looking to become involved at any level, we can help you contact George for a great program experience.
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Meeting Notice !!!Tuesday!!!, 26 Jan 2016
ASME South Texas Section Gas Turbine Technical Chapter Houston, Texas, U.S.A. www.asmegttc.org
Gas Turbine Technical Chapter Officers for 2015 - 2016: Chair: Vice Chair: Treasurer: Secretary:
Daniel Petty, WorleyParsons, 281 796 9443 Bill Hoffman, Burckhardt Compressors Jason Hampton, Ethos Energy, 281 441 5905 Doug Carroll, MPR Associates
[email protected]
Programs: Web Page: Student Liaison:
Richard Sessions, WorleyParsons, 713 797 2737 Ali Moharrer, Solar Power Consultant, 832 212 1917 Anusha Bhattacharya, Student – UT Dallas
[email protected] [email protected]
Board Members At Large: Robert Petty Independent Consultant Andrew Bromley TurboTect Rakesh Bhargava Independent Rotating Equipment Consultant Cyrus Meher-Homji Bechtel
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Please update e-mail information or to sponsor an event contact Richard Sessions (
[email protected])
GT Tech Chapter Web Page: http://asmegttc.org ASME South Texas: www.asmesouthtexas.org
ASME-International: www.asme.org
Please forward this meeting invitation to any interested parties!
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