Meeting of School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Coordinators.pdf. Meeting of School Disaster Risk Reduct
Republic of the Pltilippines Department of Education National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE
QUEZON CITY March 8,2017
DIVISION MEMORANDUM Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chiefs, SGOD and CID Education hogram Supervisorsi?ublic Sehool District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary School Principals School DRRM Coordinators
There will be a meeting of School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) coordinators on March 28,2017,8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Quezon City Science lnteractive Center. The agenda are the following:
r r o o o o o
SchoolDRRMAccomplishmentReports Reorganization of the Division SDRRM Monitoring and Evaluation Team Summer Training on Comprehensive School Safety Presentation of Winners and Participants of the 2016 Gawad Kalasag and 2016 National Disaster Consciousness Month Jingle-Making and Mascot Design Contests (Regional Level) Discussion on the Proposed Division Search for Best School DRRM Program Plans and Directions for School Year 2017-20L8 Other matters
Teachers concerned should make prior arrangement with the school principal to avoid
disruption of classes. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Mernorandum is desired.