Meeting ProceedingS Cosmetic Bootcamp
The Unique Value of Core-only Continuing Medical Education Mary P. Lupo, MD, FAAD*; Vic Narurkar, MD, FAAD†
Summary: The importance of training in minimally invasive cosmetic procedures is essential to insure safe outcomes for patients. Board certification in the appropriate specialty is one way to improve aesthetic outcomes. Meetings that consider appropriate residency training for admission can help achieve this goal. (Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2016;4:e1163; doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000001163; Published online 14 December 2016.)
n April 2005, Dr. Kenneth Beer and I realized the unmet need for education of core aesthetic specialists in minimally invasive procedures as there were tremendous advances in injectables, energy-based devices, and skin care and not a single educational activity that focused on core aesthetic specialty education. We invited our colleague Dr. Vic Narurkar to join us, and the Cosmetic Boot Camp was introduced in Jackson Hole Wyoming to educate core aesthetic specialists in the rapidly evolving field of minimally invasive aesthetic medicine. The core specialists had the unique understanding of anatomy and physiology and unparalleled education in their respective American Board of Medical Examiners-recognized residency programs and were the pioneers of the advances in minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Hence, a forum that brought together these innovators in educating the core was essential. Ten years later, the Cosmetic Boot Camp has evolved into premier education with multiple avenues for education for ABMS core aesthetic specialty physicians, residents, and fellows and their extenders in practice management. It remains the only such educational venue, with the program requiring proof of ABMS board certification and board eligibility for residents and fellows in the core aesthetic specialties to attend the educational venues. The importance of core aesthetic specialties is especially important for patient safety and optimal outcomes. Many noncore physicians and nonphysicians outside of core aesthetic specialty practices have embraced aesthet-
From the *Department of Dermatology, Tulane Medical School, New Orleans, La.; and †Department of Dermatology, California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, Calif. Presented at the The Cosmetic Bootcamp meeting, Aspen, Colo., July 8-11, 2016. Received for publication April 12, 2016; accepted October 12, 2016. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons. All rights reserved. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal. DOI: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000001163
ics, both invasive and noninvasive, in the rapidly changing healthcare environment. Many of these “providers” lack the appropriate training and expertise in their educational background, and many non-ABMS–recognized boards claiming specialization in cosmetic medicine have emerged. This compromises patient safety and outcomes. At the Cosmetic Boot Camp, we recognize the importance of ABMS-recognized core specialties and create an environment where the exchange of ideas is at a higher level, embracing the expertise of core aesthetic specialists. The resounding success of Cosmetic Boot Camp speaks for itself, with the initial intimate meeting of 90 attendees in 2005 growing to the main meeting of over 400 attendees, a unique cadaver dissection program with simultaneous live injections, the introduction of Cosmetic Boot Camp University in 2010, which has trained over 1,000 residents and fellows in core aesthetic specialties and the practice management, and physician extender meeting for core aesthetic specialty practices. Now more than ever is it critical to embrace core aesthetic education to ensure patient safety and outcomes. We are honored to share highlights from the 2015 tenth anniversary meeting of the Cosmetic Boot Camp in this supplement to plastic and reconstructive surgery. Mary P. Lupo, MD, FAAD Department of Dermatology Tulane Medical School New Orleans, La. E-mail:
[email protected]
Disclosure: Drs. Lupo and Narukar are the cofounders of Cosmetic Boot Camp. The Article Processing Charge for this proceeding was paid for by Allergan plc, as part of an unrestricted educational grant to support the entire Cosmetic Boot Camp 2016 Supplement. Allergan plc had no involvement in the production, selection, or review of this proceeding supplement.
Cosmetic Bootcamp: PRS Global Open proudly publishes the proceedings from The Cosmetic Bootcamp July 2016 meeting that was held in the St Regis Resort in Aspen, Colorado on July 8-11th, 2016.