megacities alliance for water under climate change - ARCEAU IdF

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Megacities in India are somewhat better off than its villages in attainment of ... Follow us on Twitter : @eaumega2015.

the creation of the platform

During this process, two temporary structures will be at work in a collaborative way:

1 A UNESCO-IHP taskforce: This taskforce is the follow-up of UNESCO’s commitment to address the issue as mentioned in the Declaration for Eaumega2015. It will function according to UNESCO-IHP rules. The main objective of the taskforce is to create an enabling environment for the creation of the Platform and to propose mechanisms for promoting synergies between Megacities (represented by the Platform) at the local level and Member States (represented by the taskforce) at the national level.

2 A support unit This unit will work for two years on the implementation of the Platform, by i) identifying Megacities, raising their awareness about water and climate change and encouraging them to join the network; ii) defining the governance model and the terms of reference for the Platform; iii) implementing appropriate communication and information tools, including a website; and iv) creating and managing a network of stakeholders interested in the Platform.

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The taskforce and the support unit will both be actively involved in fundraising for the future Platform.


Megacities in India are somewhat better off than its villages in attainment of Sustainable Development Goal Number 6, ‘Clean Water and Sanitation’, although significant work is necessary to improve quality of water distribution in poorer areas and slums. The peripheral growth on the outskirts of Megacities causes more concern from water supply and sanitation angle. Megacities in India have more reason to worry about implications of Goal 13 about Climate Change since these can cause unpredictable high tides, floods and tsunamis. Mumbai will be happy to join the ‘Megacities Alliance for Water under Climate Change’ since it will be useful to exchange experience and expertise of various Megacities. Mrs. Snehal S. Ambekar, Mayor of Mumbai With nearly 30 million inhabitants, the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City faces one of the major water challenges on the planet. Climate change and water shortage will have significant impact on economic development and the quality of life of our population. Participating in the UNESCO Megacities’ Alliance to exchange experiences, and taking part of a collaborative platform for mega-cities water management, will be paramount not only to learn and replicate successful experiences, but also to generate strategic partnerships among cities and international institutions. Mrs. Martha Delgado, General Director, Global Cities Covenant on Climate Secretariat, Mexico City

Paris Chicago







Manila Ho-Chi-Minh

Lagos Jakarta Sao Paulo Buenos Aires

The conference “Water, Megacities and Global Change” held at UNESCO in Paris, December 2015, sent a clear message to the world -- cities are where the battle for sustainable development must be won. The new Sustainable Development Goals -especially Goal 6 on universal access to water and sanitation services -- will only be achieved with the involvement of the world’s largest cities. This is why the creation of a platform for megacities to exchange experience and know-how on water related issues is so essential today. Mrs. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO

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New York

Los Angeles

Création & réalisation : id bleue - Crédit photo : Shutterstock. Ne pas jeter sur la voie publique.

Over a period of two years (2016-2018), the Platform will be established while the network is extended to new members, and the project takes its final shape.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

International Hydrological Programme

the international context By 2030, over a billion people will live in approximately 100 very large cities and 60 % of the world’s population will live in urban areas. Today, the urban population ratio in some regions surpasses 70% and it is projected that population growth in the coming decades will be higher in urban centers, and particularly in Megacities or Metropolitan areas. On 25 September 2015, the UN adopted the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), charting out a framework of sustainable development for people and the planet by 2030. Goal number 6 “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” is a key action area for this Megacities alliance.

The UN-Habitat III conference will take place from 17 to 20 October 2016, in Quito, Ecuador. It has the ambition to rethink and implement the new urban agenda.

The COP22 in Marrakech (7 to 18 November 2016) will pursue actions defined during the COP21 on adaptation to climate change, in particular actions in the domain of water.

a platform for cooperation

Around the world, Megacities are facing huge issues in relation with water because of urban growth and climate change. SIAAP, as the greater Paris sanitation utility, is convinced that many experiences have to be shared between megacities for a better adaptation. Besides, sanitation is becoming the core of many challenges and at the same time the solutions. That’s why SIAAP supports the establishment of a platform dedicated to large urban scale and will pay special attention to the sanitation aspects. Mr. Belaïde Bedreddine, President of SIAAP (Sanitation Operator for the Paris Region)

In December 2015, the Water, Megacities and Global Change International Conference (Eaumega2015) held in Paris focused on climate change impacts on water resources and risks in Megacities. The rationale for this focus lies in the high economic and social values of Megacities, and in the extreme risks to which they are exposed in terms of the negative impacts of climate change on water and sanitation infrastructure and services. Here we consider Megacities as large urban centers with more than 10 million inhabitants, or those growing rapidly.

Within the international context of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, a Declaration was framed and a new Alliance was launched during the Eaumega2015 Conference by its organizers UNESCO-IHP (International Hydrological Programme), ARCEAU-IdF (the Alliance of Water Stakeholders from the Paris Region), and ICLEI (the Global Association of Local Governments Addressing Sustainability). The main message of the Declaration is: “climate change is water change; water is a key resource for the sustainable development of megacities and a key factor of their resilience”.


The three partners for Eaumega2015 announced in the Declaration the establishment within two years of an International Platform for Cooperation to facilitate a dialogue on water, with the aim of helping Megacities adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. Through this Platform, Megacities will learn from each other’s experience, exchange best practices, partner with appropriate technical, academic, and financial institutions, as well as design and implement their individual responses to the challenges of climate change.

The Platform will benefit technically and politically from UNESCO’s water family (IHP Secretariat, Regional and Cluster Offices, Water-related Chairs, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Water-related Institutes and Centers and the World Water Assessment Programme), and from UNESCO’s Intergovernmental framework (Member States), as well as from ICLEI’s network of Local Governments, and finally from the innovative model of ARCEAU connecting researchers, operators, NGOs and decision makers. It is envisioned that the Platform will also be open to relevant International Institutions such as other UN agencies, cooperation financing institutions, NGOs.

Access to safe water and sanitation constitutes a major challenge for large global capitals. During the Cop 21 held in Paris, the local governments of all countries have pointed to a strong willingness to provide safe water in sufficient quantity and quality to each inhabitant of the planet. The development of an international exchange platform between large metropolises represents a genuine step forward, possibly improving the living conditions of billions of men and women and translating our commitment to a more unified and equitable world into action and results.

Mrs. Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris

Of the projected additional 2.4 billion to the global population between 2015 and 2050, Africa’s share is estimated at 1.3 billion and the difficulties African cities currently face in providing sustainable water services will be exacerbated. At African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW), we are thinking ahead, providing the necessary political leadership, policy direction and advocacy in bringing about sustainable management of water resources. AMCOW therefore welcomes the UNESCO Megacities Alliance for Water as the initiative aligns with Africa Water Vision 2025 which envisions an Africa where there is equitable and sustainable use and management of water resources for poverty alleviation, socioeconomic development, regional cooperation and environment. Mr. Bai Mass Taal, AMCOW Executive Secretary

The objectives of the platform will be to :

 ollect and disseminate information at a C worldwide scale on strategies and operational plans developed by local authorities and their water operators as well as results achieved by their implementation;  acilitate experience sharing between the F academic community and water operators in improving adaptation through best practices assessments; Identify means and mechanisms for funding the adaptation of Megacities to the impacts of climate change on urban water. The governance and terms of reference outlining how the Platform will work and operate will be defined by its members. To ensure cultural, legal and institutional diversity among its members, and to follow UN rules and practices, it is proposed that the Platform adopt a regional approach and establish regional secretariats.