Membangun Kembali Demokrasi dan Penegakan Hak ... - Journal

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Volume : 5 - No. 2 Terbit : 7--2012. Penulis : Kanyadibya Cendana Prasetyo -. Membangun Kembali Demokrasi dan Penegakan Hak Asasi Manusia di Myanmar.
Media Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Volume : 5 - No. 2 Terbit : 7--2012 Penulis : Kanyadibya Cendana Prasetyo -

Membangun Kembali Demokrasi dan Penegakan Hak Asasi Manusia di Myanmar Abstrak : In the agony of the world politics and economics, Myanmar has sparked at theinternational level in recent times. Critics and engagements have made Myanmarre-opened its closed door. The government changed from military junta to civiliangovernment led by retired general, Thein Sein. He made a lot of reforms during hispresidency. New parliament has been formed and its charismatic Nobel Peace Prizelaureate, Aung San Suu Kyi led her party, National League for Democracy (NLD)to gain considerable seats in parliament. But there is also growing concern on howMyanmar lives up the expectations and keeps the promise to springing democracyand human rights. Domestic conflicts are still a lot in Myanmar. Recently, MoslemRohingya has expelled from Western Myanmar due to its clash with majorityBuddhist. Conflicts that rooted on the clash between military junta government andcivil society has caused terrible human rights abuse. Since the rise of dictatorship inMyanmar in 1962 the government backed by military junta has conducted severalmilitary operations targeted ethnic minorities and oppositions. Keyword :

Daftar Pustaka : Phillip J. Eldridge The Politics of Human Rights in Southeast Asia Routledge 2002 New York International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance Challenges To Democratizaton In Burma IDEA 2001 Stockholm

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