Membership Form

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Membership Card earning you discounts for spirit wear,. Bingo, Fall Festival, and our Spring Basket Raffle. The cost of
Joining PTO is so easy! Along with helping make improvements to our school PTO membership provides you with discounts all through the year.

You’ll be given an Eagle PTO

Membership Card earning you discounts for spirit wear, Bingo, Fall Festival, and our Spring Basket Raffle. The cost of the PTO membership is only $7 per family. Please make your checks payable to WPES PTO.

Parent’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Home no. (___) _____________________ Cell no. (___) ____________________ Email address: ______________________________________________________ Would you like to be on the PTO email list? YES NO Would you be willing to help with PTO activities this year? YES NO #1 Child’s name: __________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name: ___________________________ Grade: _____________ #2 Child’s name: __________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name: ___________________________ Grade: _____________


Child’s name: __________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name: ___________________________ Grade: _____________

PTO USE ONLY: Payment Received on: __________________________, 2011 Paid By: _____Cash

_____ Check (No. _________)

PTO Member Number: ________