Other symptoms of menopause include mood changes, such as anxiety or depression. Urogenital symptoms, such as vaginal dr
trogen, has need for contraception, and other factors (see Chapter 3). Hot Flashes. The most widely acknowledged symptom of menopause is the hot flash, oc-.
Feb 9, 2017 - Quality statement 1: Diagnosing perimenopause and menopause . ..... NICE has developed guidance and a qual
If you are like most women today, you will live a third of your life after menopause.
PacifiCare urges ...... What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause:.
Product prices on the internet, ii) Mobile phone location data, iii) Twitter text ..... hashtag containing messages as a training set and the hashtag as a label.
Oct 19, 2015 - factor distribution of each of the BL Lac and Flat Spectrum Radio Quasar ... limits to the true jet Doppler factors; in other cases, differ- ... We assumed single power law distributions for the ... model for which the Kolmogorov-Smirn
... and Sexuality Books, The Pulitzer Prize Menopause: Menopause and Sexuality Books, Hugo & Nebula Awards Menopause
May 24, 2013 - Centre, Kings College Hospital, London. Corresponding author: Nick Panay, Queen Charlotte's Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, W12.
inclusive fitness calculations are justified for effects on fertility only when ..... (8) for menopause provided that oo. 1 < At 2 (c~A*g + ~gBg) g=l where x 1 .... Pennington, R. (1991) Child fostering as a reproductive strategy among southern Afric
Jun 1, 2009 - disease (CHD), is the leading cause of death of women in developed countries. .... by the findings of the Million Women Study (MWS).12.
Letters to the Editor the Family Practitioner ... pany to patent the micro-organism. Streptomyces ... not conform to the United States' patent law categories.
Menopause Statistics: ⢠There are about 37.5 million women reaching or currently at menopause.1. ⢠The average age o
Menopause Statistics:
There are about 37.5 million women reaching or currently at menopause.1
The average age of menopause is 51 years, however there is a wide age distribution that ranges from 40 years to 58 years.2
The average life expectancy for US women today is 84 years which means that many women spend around 50% of their adult life as a post-menopausal female.2
The menopausal transition takes around four years for most women.2
Up to 10% of women simply stop menstruating without any prior menstrual irregularity or symptoms that are common during menopause.2
Women who are malnourished begin the process of menopause up to 4 years earlier than women who are well nourished.2
Women who smoke typically reach menopause 1.5 years earlier than they would if they didn’t smoke.2
Studies have shown that only 57% of women suffer with more than one symptom of menopause and that the remaining 43% experience nothing more than irregular periods.2
About 75% of women experiencing menopause will have hot flashes.3
Of the 57% of women who do suffer with menopause symptoms, 22% report that they affect their lives in a major way and that they couldn’t cope without medication.2
Hormone Replacement Therapy is thought to reduce the risk of heart disease in menopausal women by up to 50%, however, it may increase the risk of breast cancer by the same degree.2
Sources 1
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Menopause: Women’s Reproductive Health http://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/WomensRH/Menopause.htm 2