International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Kanyadi S et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Oct;4(10):3640-3644
Original Research Article
pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040
Menstruation: gap in knowledge, belief and practice among adolescent girls in an urban area of Belagavi Suhasini Kanyadi1*, Chandra S. Metgud2 Department of Community Medicine, 1S. N. Medical College, Bagalkot, 2J. N. Medical College, Belagavi, Karnataka, India Received: 18 July 2017 Revised: 13 August 2017 Accepted: 16 August 2017 *Correspondence: Dr. Suhasini Kanyadi, E-mail:
[email protected] Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
ABSTRACT Background: The period of adolescence, beginning with the onset of puberty, is a crucial transition into adulthood. There is a substantial lacuna in the knowledge, belief and practice about menstruation. This study addresses the gap in knowledge, belief and practice regarding menstruation among adolescent girls. Methods: A community based cross sectional study was conducted over a period of one year, in an urban area of Belagavi among 625 adolescent girls in the age group of 16–19 years. Data was collected by house to house visit using a predesigned, pretested questionnaire. Results: The mean age (±SD) at menarche was found to be 12.8±1.73 years. Our study showed that as the knowledge increased, there was increase in the use of sanitary pad (p