Mental Health and Wellbeing - Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

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This is a recovery based community mental health service ..... Humber Recovery & Wellbeing College ...... Orchard Ri
Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire What you can do to look after yourself Where to get help

Directory of advice, help and support Issue 3 : November 2017


Welcome! Mental Health 3

Do I have a mental health difficulty? 4 I think I need help. What can I do? 6 I am desperate! What should I do? 7 Telephone Helpline Support 9 Nobody’s listening! What can I do? 12 Talking things over 14 How can I look after my mental health? 15 I am recovering! How do I keep well?

Wellbeing Who can help me and where are they? 16 18 20 21 23 24 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 33 2

Abuse Activity and Social Groups Adult Learning Alcohol and Drugs Anxiety and Depression Benefits, Debts and Finance Bereavement Caring and Support Counselling and Talking Therapies Dementia Dementia – Information, Guidance and Standards Eating Habits End of Life Gambling Homeless Prevention Services and Housing Support LGBT

33 Local mental health organisations that provide health and treatment 34 Mindfulness and Meditation 34 National mental health websites and phone numbers 35 Offenders and Ex-offenders 36 Pregnancy and After - Mental Health 36 Relationships and Families 38 Retirement Age Plus 39 Self-Harm 40 Self Help and Stress Management 40 Sexual Health Services 41 Specific Illnesses and Conditions 42 Transport 44 Veterans 45 Work, Volunteering, Training and Support 46 Young People

Appendices 49 51 52 54

Appendix 1 Care Homes Appendix 2 Dentists Appendix 3 Doctors Appendix 4 Home Support Providers 56 Appendix 5 Opticians 57 Appendix 6 Pharmacies

Further Information 59 I can’t find what I’m looking for 59 Acknowledgements

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Do I have a mental health difficulty? Some of the problems that you or those around you may notice are:

• Low mood or feeling unhappy most of the time • Loss of enjoyment and interest in life • Feeling tired and lethargic • Inability to cope with things that used to be manageable • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions • Feeling listless and agitated • Loss of appetite or weight; or weight gain • Lack of sleep or too much sleep • Loss of libido • Thinking of death or suicide

We all have mental health. Just like our bodies, our minds can become unwell. At times we can struggle and our mental health is not as good as it should be. Help is at hand . This guide covers where you can go and what help and support there is in North Lincolnshire.

Are any of these long lasting, showing no sign of improvement or severe? Everyone will feel low from time to time and everyone has something that they feel anxious about. It’s when these very normal emotional experiences have unhelpful effects on day to day life that they can be termed a common mental health problem. Some of the problems people might want help and support with include: • Depression and low mood • Problems with anxiety (including social anxiety and generalised anxiety) • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) • Specific phobia • Panic disorder • Stress Website: mental-health-and-emotional-well-being

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


I think I need help. What can I do? Around 1 in 4 people will experience some kind of mental health difficulty in their lifetime. Most commonly these are depression or some form of anxiety. Mental Health affects us all. How we think and feel about ourselves and our lives impacts on our behaviour and how we cope in tough times. Realise you are not alone and you can be helped! Rotherham, Doncaster & South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) Trust Headquarters, Woodfield House, Tickhill Road Site, Balby, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN4 8QN Telephone: 01302 796000 (switchboard) Email: Twitter: @rdash_nhs Website:

RDaSH NHS Foundation Trust In North

Lincolnshire, the Trust provides a range of specialist mental health services for children, young people and adults as well as health services for adults with a Learning Disability. They have 2 acute inpatients wards based at Great Oaks as well as community services. 4

If you are aged 18 and over, you can access the RDaSH mental health services through their Single Point of Access (SPA) Service on 01724 382015 or by contacting your GP. You may also be referred by other health and social care professionals. When SPA receives your referral you will be offered a mental health triage and assessment to enable you to be directed to the most appropriate service to meet your needs. This may be provided by teams within the Trust. If a psychological need is identified by the SPA team, you will be referred to the most appropriate service for you.

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) in North Lincolnshire. IAPT are team of

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWPs) and Cognitive Behaviour Therapists (CBTs) who support people who are experiencing common mental health problems which are mostly anxiety and depression disorders. Included in this are: • • • •

Generalised anxiety disorders Obsessive compulsive disorders Post-traumatic stress disorders Panic disorders

You can either refer yourself to The Talking Shop, 19 Market Hill, Scunthorpe, Tele: 01724 867297 or be referred by your GP.

How do I access Adult Mental Health Services? The Single Point of Access Service provides a first point of contact for all people aged 18 and over who have been referred to adult and older people’s mental health services in North Lincolnshire.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

People can be referred by their GP or they can refer themselves by telephoning the number below. At times of mental health crisis, the service works closely with the intensive home treatment and early discharge team. Telephone: 01724 382015 (including crisis referrals) You will be signposted to the most appropriate service depending upon your level of need. This may include the out of hours GP, a voluntary organisation or the Access/Crisis Team.

The service also provides an Out-of-Hours Service across Scunthorpe, Doncaster & Rotherham 7 days a week for young people up to the age of 18 years who have attended A&E with mental health issues. This may be in the form of telephone consultation or face to face assessment. For young people aged 16 years 18 years this will be undertaken by the Local Adult Mental Health Service, under certain circumstances a joint consultation/assessment with a member of the CAMHS team may be undertaken.

What about services for people aged under 18?

The Community Eating Disorder Service is also based within CAMHS and offers support to children and young people experiencing moderate to severe eating disorders.

For children and young people there is a separate service. This is called CAMHS

(Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and is an NHS service. In line with

FIM (Future-In-Mind) the service provides consultation to Children Services, School Mental Health Champions, Youth Offending Service, GP’s (General Practitioners) Educational Services and other partner agencies. The service also undertakes Mental Health Assessment and Therapeutic Interventions for children and young people up to the age of 18 years and where required will support young people who are accessing therapy to transit into Adult Mental Health Services. Self-referrals can be made to the service by young people aged 13 years - 18 years, however self-referrals are not taken for Eating Disorders or Diagnostics e.g. ADHD & ASD. Referral for this service is via your GP or by self-referral through the North

Lincolnshire CAMHS on 01724 408460 RDaSH Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are

based at St Nicholas House, Shelford Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6NU and can be contacted from 9am until 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Tel: 01724 408460

Adult Community Mental Health Services This is a recovery based community mental health service for people who have enduring mental health problems. The service is provided in partnership with North Lincolnshire Council and in conjunction with other mental health services. The service works closely with service users and carers, their families, primary care services, and other local statutory and non-statutory agencies and is delivered by multi-disciplinary teams who are based at 344 Ashby Road. Telephone: 01724 275959.

Home Treatment Service Assertive Outreach

For people with severe and enduring mental health problems. Telephone: 01724 382000

Intensive Community Therapies

For service users with a diagnosis of severe depression or personality disorders where there is the telephone number 01724 275959 and includes Recovery Team.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


I am desperate. What should I do? Do something not nothing.

Samaritans Scunthorpe Branch

If you have these feelings it is better to do something now and stop things getting worse.

Telephone: 01724 860000 or Free national helpline: 116123 Text: 07725 909090 Email: National website:

If you are considering suicide speak to someone and get help now. It is important to speak to someone. Can you speak to someone you trust, such as someone in your family, friend, carer or key worker? If you have felt like this before has there been anything that helps? If you receive services what does your care plan say you should do when you feel like this? There are people who can help you. You are only one phone call away from help! The Samaritans and Papyrus have 24 hour helplines.

Lindum Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6QU

Samaritans is a totally confidential service which provides 24/7 emotional support for people suffering with feelings of despair and distress including those feelings which may lead to suicide. If you want someone to talk to you can call the Samaritans about anything that’s troubling you. The Samaritans can be contacted on their local or national help line numbers which are available around the clock (24/7), or call in to the branch detailed above to meet with a Samaritan Listener (opening hours vary please call first to check). Support can also be offered by email and text if that’s preferred.

Papyrus – prevention of young suicide HOPELineUK: 0800 068 41 41 Text: 07786 209697 Website: HOPELineUK is a confidential support and advice service for young people under the age of 35 who may be having thoughts of suicide and for anyone worried about a young person. Papyrus also helps others to prevent young suicide through training; and campaigns to change national policy.

Alternatively, you can always contact your GP or call 111. 6

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Telephone Helpline Support Rotherham, Doncaster & South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) If you, or someone you know has concerns about their immediate health and you or they are already registered with one of RDaSH services then please use the following contact methods to get the help needed: During office hours • Phone your GP • Phone your care coordinator/lead professional or other mental health worker • Phone Mental Health Access Team/Single Point of Contact – 01724 382015 Outside of office hours

These telephone helplines offer immediate help and support to somebody who needs a listening ear or practical advice about where to go next for help.

North Lincolnshire – 01724 382015 You will be signposted to the most appropriate service depending on your level of need. This may include your out of hours GP, a voluntary organisation or the Access/Crisis Team Website:

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Out of Hour’s Team

National Helplines

RDaSH NHS Foundation Trust

CALM Campaign against Living Miserably

If you, or someone you know has concerns about their immediate health there is also a CAMHS Out of Hours Team.

Telephone: 0800 58 58 58

You can contact the CAMHS Duty Team or your Care Coordinator (if you are already seeing someone in CAMHS). Telephone: 01724 408460 (9am - 5pm) Out of Hours is after 5pm and at weekends access to support is at your local Accident and Emergency department. If you are aged 16 years and over you can also contact the North Lincolnshire Access Team. Telephone: 01724 382015

This helpline is for men who are down or have hit a wall for any reason. Open from 5pm-midnight every day of the year, calls are confidential, anonymous and taken by trained and skilled helpline workers who provide support, information and signposting.


1st Floor Cityside House, 40 Adler Street, London E1 1EE Telephone: 0300 304 7000 Website: A mental health charity providing information, resources and emotional support.

111 For non-emergency advice on how to deal with a health related situation use the national 111 service.

The out-of-hours helpline is available from 6pm to 11pm.

999 If someone is at risk or harming themselves or somebody else the safest response is to dial 999 and ask for an ambulance or the police, as appropriate.

A&E If you have exhausted all other sources of help your nearest A&E department will be able to assess your needs and contact mental health services to arrange an assessment or hospitalisation if necessary.


Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Nobody’s listening. What can I do? Have you tried talking to friends, family, carers, or key workers? Talking things through with someone who knows you well can help in trying to find a way forward. Sometimes though, you may still need advice from an organisation that can help you by providing information and support on what you can do next, based on their expertise. Do you want to be heard? – An advocate could help you have your say. Cloverleaf Advocacy – North Lincolnshire

Ashby Clinic, Collum Lane, Scunthorpe, DN16 2SZ Telephone: 01724 854952 Email: Website:

Cloverleaf Advocacy Ltd deliver Advocacy services in North Lincolnshire. Advocates work with you as an equal partner to help you express your views, secure your rights and get the help you need.

Information on the types of Advocacy offered can be found via their website and includes details about General Advocacy, Care Act Advocacy, and Advocates for people in secure Mental Health Units. Further details about Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy and Independent Mental Health Advocacy is detailed below.

Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) An IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) is a specialist mental health advocate. The Service is 100% free and confidential and independent. You qualify for an IMHA if you are: • Detained under the Mental Health Act for assessment and treatment. (This does not include people detained on emergency short term sections, or detained in a place of safety). • A Conditionally Discharged restricted patient. • On a Supervised Community Treatment Order or Guardianship Order. • An informal/voluntary patient who is discussing the possibility of serious treatment for ‘mental disorder’ or ECT (if they are under 18 years of age). Referrals can be made between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, by calling 01724 854952 IMHAs must respond to requests to visit an eligible person if the request comes from the person themselves, their nearest relative, the responsible clinician or an approved mental health professional, but anyone can request support on behalf of a patient with their agreement.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


What can an IMHA do?

What can an IMCA do?

An IMHA can work alongside you and:

• Support the person who lacks capacity and represent their views and interests to the decision maker (e.g. the doctor or social worker). • Obtain and evaluate information about the decision to be made. • As far as possible, ascertain the person’s feelings, wishes, beliefs and values. • Ascertain if there are alternative courses of action. • Obtain a further medical opinion if necessary.

• Helps you obtain and understand information about Mental Health legislation, any conditions and restrictions on you, and your rights. • Help you to get information about and understand medical treatment (e.g. medication, therapies). • Support you to take part in care planning. • Support you to apply to, prepare for and attend Hospital Managers Hearings and Mental Health Review Tribunals and to understand the decisions that are made. • Discuss aftercare and access support and services.

Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) An IMCA must be involved if the person is deemed to lack capacity to make their own decision if: • The person has neither family members nor friends whom it is appropriate to consult on their behalf AND • The decision to be made is about serious medical treatment provided by the NHS • OR It is proposed that the person be moved into residential or nursing care for more than 8 weeks, or hospital for more than 28 days. • An IMCA may also be involved if there are safeguarding issues (regardless of the involvement of friends or family members) or in relation to care reviews.

Independent Complaints Advocacy (ICA) If you are considering making a complaint about a service which is delivered through the NHS, an advocate can also give you options and can work with you through the procedure. Free Self Help Information Packs are provided for those who want to make a complaint themselves or an experienced advocate can help complainants through the process. A referral form is also available online help-nhs-complaints

Referrals can be made by a health or social care professional between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, by calling 01724 854952


Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Healthwatch North Lincolnshire Write to us at:

Freepost HWNL

This is all that is needed on the envelope - no further address details are required by the Post Office to deliver post to us using the Freepost Service. Telephone: 01724 844986 Email: enquiries@ Website: www.healthwatchnorthlincolnshire. Twitter: @HealthwatchNL Healthwatch North Lincolnshire gives citizens and communities a stronger voice to influence and challenge how health and social care services are provided locally. We seek views from all sections of the community, working with a range of partner organisations so we can have maximum reach across the diversity of the local community. With your support Healthwatch North Lincolnshire can make a difference to the quality of local services. You can be involved in a number of ways: • Tell us about your experiences of local health and social care services, both good and not so good. • Sign up to receive our monthly newsletters as well as any relevant surveys and updates. • Become a Healthwatch volunteer. Information Service We also provide an Information Service which can help locate the right service or support groups for you. If you can’t find the information you are looking for, contact us by phone, email or via our website.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Talking Things Over Are you ready to talk to somebody? Talking therapy is for anyone who’s going through a bad time or has emotional problems they can’t sort out on their own. Talking therapies can help all sorts of people in lots of different situations. You may also hear them referred to as talking treatments or psychological therapies. Why talking therapy may help Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger than to relatives or friends. During talking therapy, a trained counsellor or therapist listens to you and helps you find your own answers to problems, without judging you. The therapist will give you time to talk, cry, shout or just think. It’s an opportunity to look at your problems in a different way with someone who will respect you and your opinions. Usually, you’ll talk one-to-one with the therapist. Sometimes talking treatments are held in groups or couples, such as relationship counselling. Talking therapies can help if you have: Depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, a phobia, or an addiction. They’re also often used if you’ve been diagnosed with a serious mental health condition, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. 12

The types of therapy The term ‘talking therapy’ covers all the psychological therapies that involve a person talking to a therapist about their problems. Although there are lots of different types of talking therapy, they all have a similar aim: to help you feel better. Some people say that talking therapies don’t make their problems go away, but they find it easier to cope with them and feel happier. For some problems and conditions, one type of talking therapy may be better than another. Different talking therapies also suit different people. Your GP or mental health worker can help you decide which one would be best for you.

A brief explanation of various talking treatments and how they can help: Counselling Probably the best-known talking therapy and the one most likely to be available on the NHS at your GP surgery. Counselling on the NHS usually consists of 6 to 12 sessions, each an hour long. You talk in confidence to a counsellor, who helps you to think about your situation. Counselling is ideal for people who are basically healthy, but need help coping with a current crisis, such as: anger, relationship issues, bereavement, redundancy, infertility, or the onset of serious illness.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) The aim of CBT is to help you think more positively about life and free yourself from unhelpful patterns of behaviour. Available on the NHS, you set goals with your therapist and may carry out tasks between sessions. A course typically involves around 6 to 15 sessions, which last about an hour each. Like counselling, CBT deals with current situations more than events in your past or childhood. CBT has been shown to work for a variety of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and some eating disorders, especially bulimia. There are also self-help books and computer courses which use the concepts of CBT to help you overcome common problems like depression.

Psychotherapy This involves talking more about how your past influences what happens in the present and the choices you make. It tends to last longer than CBT and counselling. Sessions are an hour long and can continue for a year or more. There are different types of psychotherapy, but they all aim to help you understand more about yourself, improve your relationships and get more out of life. Psychotherapy can be especially useful for people with long-term or recurring problems to find the cause of their difficulties.

Family Therapy

Family therapists deal with lots of different issues, including: child and adolescent behavioural problems; mental health conditions; illness and disability in the family; separation, divorce and step-family life; domestic violence; drug or alcohol addiction.

Couples Therapy

(Also known as Relationship counselling) Can help when a relationship is in crisis (after an affair, for example). Both partners talk in confidence to a counsellor or therapist to explore what has gone wrong in the relationship and how to change things for the better. It can help couples learn more about each other’s needs and communicate better. Ideally, both partners should attend the weekly hour-long sessions, but they can still help if just one person attends.

Group Therapy In group therapy, up to around 12 people meet, together with a therapist. It’s a useful way for people who share a common problem to get support and advice from each other. It can help you realise you’re not alone in your experiences, which is beneficial in itself. Some people prefer to be part of a group or find that it suits them better than individual therapy. Information in this section was sourced from: aspx

You may be offered family therapy if the whole family is in difficulty. This may be because one member of the family has a serious problem that’s affecting the rest of the family. Sessions can last from 45 minutes to an hourand-a-half, and usually take place several weeks apart. Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


How can I look after my mental health? The Mental Health Foundation stresses that it is important to take care of yourself and get the most from life.The Foundation recommends 10 practical ways to look after your mental health.

from whatever’s going on inside your own head. They can help keep you active, keep you grounded and help you solve practical problems.

Take a Break

See below and for more information.

A change of scene or a change of pace is good for your mental health. It could be a fiveminute pause from cleaning your kitchen, a half-hour lunch break at work or a weekend exploring somewhere new.

Talk about your feelings

Do something you’re good at

Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health and deal with times when you feel troubled.

Keep Active

Experts believe exercise releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. Regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and help you concentrate, sleep, look and feel better.

Accept who you are

We’re all different. It’s much healthier to accept that you’re unique than to wish you were more like someone else.

Care for others

Eat Well

Your brain needs a range of nutrients in order to stay healthy and function well, just like the other organs in your body. A diet that’s good for your physical health is also good for your mental health. See

Drink Sensibly

We often drink alcohol to change our mood. Some people drink to deal with fear or loneliness, but the effect is only temporary. When the drink wears off, you feel worse because of the way the alcohol has affected your brain and the rest of your body. Drinking is not a good way to manage difficult feelings.

Keep in touch

Strong family ties and supportive friends can help you deal with the stresses of life. Friends and family can make you feel included and cared for. They can offer different views


What do you love doing? What activities can you lose yourself in? What did you love doing in the past?

Helping others, for example by volunteering, can help improve our wellbeing.

Ask for Help

None of us are superhuman. We all sometimes get tired or overwhelmed by how we feel or when things don’t go to plan. If things are getting too much for you and you feel you can’t cope, ask for help. Your family or friends may be able to offer practical help or a listening ear. Local services are there to help you. This Directory will help you find self-help and support groups, local services and organisations which can help you make new contacts, share information and learn new techniques for coping.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

I am recovering. How do I keep well? Recovery is about building a meaningful and satisfying life, as defined by the individual, and rediscovering a sense of personal identity separate to their illness. Recovery is about small steps and positive outcomes to enrich life and build confidence.

Websites that have very useful information on well-being: Action for Happiness – national campaign to improve well-being (including 10 keys to happier living)

Five ways to well-being – Connect, Be active, Take notice, Learn, Give

Hope is central to recovery which can be enhanced by each person having the opportunity to take control over their lives. People are encouraged and supported to self-manage their illness. Recovery is best achieved through social inclusion rather than isolation. Recovery is supported by: 99 99 99 99 99 99

Good relationships Personal growth Environment Being believed in Being listened to Understanding past experiences

Top Tips for Good Mental Health ­­ Don’t be perfect ­­ You can’t be all things to all people ­­ It is OK to leave some things undone ­­ Don’t spread yourself too thinly ­­ Learn to say ‘no’ ­­ Make time for yourself and your support network ­­ Regularly switch off and do nothing ­­ Everyone is boring, inelegant and unattractive sometimes ­­ Don’t feel guilty and beat yourself up ­­ Treat yourself as you would a best friend, don’t be your own worst enemy

Sourced from: Humber Recovery & Wellbeing College Telephone: 01482 389124 Website: recovery-college.htm

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Who can help me with my general wellbeing? Abuse What is abuse? There are many different types of abuse and they all result in behaviour towards a person that deliberately or intentionally cause harm. It is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights and in the worst cases can result in death. Victims may suffer severe neglect, injury, distress and/or depression and people without capacity, such as those people with severe dementia, are particularly vulnerable. The ten types of abuse are:

In each section we have listed local organisations first followed by national organisations. If you can’t find what you are looking for or need further information, please contact the Information Service at Healthwatch North Lincolnshire on:

• • • • • • • • • •

Discriminatory Psychological Financial or material Organisational Neglect and acts of omission Physical Sexual Domestic Modern Slavery Self-Neglect

Telephone: 01724 844986 or email: enquiries@ 16

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Who do I report safeguarding concerns to? What should I do if I’m concerned about an adult? If you think a vulnerable adult is in danger, at risk, is being mistreated or you have concerns about them, you should contact the safeguarding adults’ team or the police as soon as possible.

North Lincolnshire Council Adult Protection Team

Church Square House, Scunthorpe Telephone: 01724 297000 Email: uk

North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board Hewson House, Station Road, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, DN20 8XJ

Telephone: 01724 297000 Email: SafeguardingAdultsBoard@northlincs. Website: people-health-and-care/information-forprofessionals/safeguarding/safeguardingadults-board/ The aim of the North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board is to ensure effective coordination of services to safeguard and promote the welfare of local adults who may be at risk of abuse and harm within North Lincolnshire. The Board aims to promote awareness and understanding of abuse and neglect among service users, carers, professionals, care providers and the wider community and works to generate community interest and engagement to ensure that Safeguarding is “Everyone’s Business”.

The three core duties of the Board are to: • Publish an annual strategic report • Publish an annual report • Conduct any safeguarding adult reviews

What should I do if I am concerned about a child? Everyone is responsible for helping to keep children safe. When anyone becomes aware that a child might be at risk of suffering from abuse or neglect, they have a duty to do something about it. It is important to act as quickly as possible if you think a child is being harmed.

North Lincolnshire Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Telephone: 01724 297240 Email: If you are concerned about a child/young person or think they may be at risk of harm, abuse or neglect you need to telephone Local

Children’s Safeguarding Board

During office hours (Monday to Friday 9am 5pm) 01724 296500 Outside normal office hours the telephone number is 01724 296555 Useful information such as ‘Prevent’ (stopping young people being groomed into extremism) can be accessed via www.northlincslscb.

If you think a child might be in danger If a child is suffering abuse and requires urgent attention because of immediate danger, call the Police Telephone: 999

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Further Guidance Guidance on Safeguarding children can be found on the North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board website: www.northlincslscb.

Who else may need to be informed? Police (emergency) Telephone: 999

Police (non-emergency) Telephone: 101

Care Quality Commission (CQC) Telephone: 03000 616161

The Blue Door

A confidential helpline for any man experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner (or ex-partner). Their focus is to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic violence (and the safety of their children) and help them reduce the risk. They can also help concerned friends and family. Men’s Advice Line is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. Call the advice line on freephone 0808 801 0327. Calls will not appear on BT landline phone bills. A voicemail service is available.

Activity and Social Clubs Keeping active and taking part in new interests can be good for your mental health. Here are some local options available.

Laneham Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6LJ

North Lincolnshire Council Wellbeing Hubs

Freephone: 0800 197 4787 Email: Website:

Activities in the hubs and local community will vary and may include:

Blue Door support victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence across North Lincolnshire. Blue Door offer outreach support, legal and practical advice drop ins, advocacy and counselling from their offices in Scunthorpe Town Centre. Blue Door are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding Bank holidays), but are happy to arrange evening appointments on request.

National Organisations Men’s Advice Line

• Support to access employment and meaningful activity • Activities and support for carers • Over 75 wellbeing check • Activities such as craft, reminiscence, healthy eating, chair based exercise, tabletop games, kurling, archery and discussion of current affairs • Targeted workshops on issues such as dementia, nutrition, home and personal safety • Access to services including bathing, podiatry and other health topics • Volunteering opportunities • Information and signposting to other services

Telephone: 0808 801 0327 Email: Website:


Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Contact details for North Lincolnshire Community Wellbeing Hubs Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub Alvingham Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2DP Telephone: 01724 277906

Barton Community Wellbeing Hub

Tofts Road, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5NF Telephone: 01652 634554

Brigg Community Wellbeing Hub

Horstead Avenue, Brigg, DN20 8PX Telephone: 01652 653384

Broughton Community Wellbeing Hub Brigg Road, Broughton, DN20 0JW Telephone: 01652 653384

Crowle Community Wellbeing Hub Market Place, Crowle, DN17 4LA Telephone: 01724 277906

Epworth Community Wellbeing and Youth Hub High Street, Epworth, DN9 1EP Telephone: 01724 297771

De Lacy Community Wellbeing Hub

Sir John Mason House, De Lacy Way, Winterton, DN15 9XS

NLC Adult Information Service (AIS)

Hewson House, PO Box 35, Station Road, Brigg, DN20 8XJ Telephone: 01724 296607 Email: A newsletter is available via online sign up at adult-information-service The Adult Information Service (AIS) provides free, impartial information, guidance on social care services, activities, local groups and what’s on for adults across North Lincolnshire. There is also a link through to Connect to Support, through which information about groups and activities can be accessed.

North Lincolnshire Council Libraries Please see Council website for contact details of your nearest library

Website: Libraries throughout North Lincolnshire host a range of activities, including ‘Knit and Natter’ Groups. Knitting groups offer improved health and wellbeing and a lively group of new friends for all ages and abilities. Did you know knitting has therapeutic qualities similar to meditation? Research shows it can help prevent and manage stress and pain. No need to book, just drop in.

Telephone: 01652 634554

Libraries also have a wealth of information about other local activities and social groups. Details of your local library can be found on the Council website.

Central Community Centre


Telephone: 01724 862639

Do you have something to say about the newspaper headlines? Would you enjoy talking about what is in the papers with other people? Newschat meets every Thursday at Central Library from 10.30am. No need to book.

26 Lindum Street, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 6QU

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Scunthorpe & Glanford Remedial Swimming Club Telephone: Christine 01724 346410 or Fran on 01652 651034 Scunthorpe PODS on Thursdays 6pm – 7pm Ancholme Leisure Centre, Brigg on Fridays 6pm – 7pm Non-swimmers welcome. Please telephone for more information.

The Islanders Telephone: 07927 500424 The Islanders is a day centre for adults with learning disabilities, facilitated by caring and experienced staff. Based in the Crowle Community Hall, The Islanders offers daytime care with plenty of activities for those attending. Activities and outings run from Crowle Community Centre on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9.30am – 3.30pm.

Winterton Seniors Forum Telephone: Jim Harding 01724 357291 or Chris Pick 01724 733372 Email: An over 55’s Older Peoples Community Group formed to discuss local, regional and national issues as well as organising social events. Transport can be arranged for elderly and disabled members. Meetings are held every second Thursday in the month in Winterton Trinity Methodist Chapel 1:30pm – 3:30pm with free refreshments.


Winterton Disabled Club Tel: 01724 733441 Website: Registered Charity set up in 1991, providing leisure activities and support to people with physical disabilities residing in Winteron or in 15 surrounding villages. Activities include fortnightly meetings, craft, assisted shopping fortnightly, weekly New Age Kurling, outings and theatre trips.

North Lincolnshire Healthwalks Partnership Tel: 01724 297631 Email: Walking for Health is a free scheme aimed at encouraging people to take up walking as a way of improving physical health and mental well-being. It is a series of free guided walks for all ages and abilities, aimed at anyone who has an interest in walking or wants to slowly introduce exercise into their daily routine as part of rehabilitation from illness. The walks range from 30 minutes to 2 hours. There are a number of weekly walks in all areas of the North Lincolnshire.

Adult Learning Adult Learning Service North Lincolnshire Telephone: 01724 862217 Email: Website:

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

The adult learning service offers a variety of different courses, in venues all around North Lincolnshire. Many of the courses will help you work towards a qualification or enable you to learn something new to help occupy your leisure time. You can enrol in person, by phone, or via the online form.

Options Recovery College (RDaSH)

Sandfield House, 297 Ashby High Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2RY (Until March 2018) Telephone: 01724 275959 Email: optionsrecoverycollege@rdash.nhs. net Website: options-recovery-college-north-lincolnshire A range of recovery-focussed educational courses and workshops are now available free of charge The Courses are held at a range of venues. Phone for details of what is available or look on the RDaSH website for more information.

Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) Yorkshire & Humber Telephone: 0300 303 3464 (local rate) 0114 242 3609 Website: The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) is the largest voluntary sector provider of adult education courses in the UK.

Alcohol and Drugs Step Forward

189-195 High Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6EA Telephone: 01724 857633 Website: step-forward Step Forward is a non-judgmental, recoveryfocused service which will work with people using drugs or alcohol. Services offered include assessment advice, information, needle exchange, health, harm reduction advice and treatment and support. The opening times are: Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm Evening appointments are available until 7pm on Monday and Wednesday.

National Organisations Alcohol Concern Drinkline: 0300 123 1110 Weekdays 9am – 8pm, weekends 11am – 4pm Website: A charity committed to reducing harm from alcohol-related problems. Works throughout England and Wales to help people understand the dangers of drinking too much and to fight for varied and effective treatment services for the people who need it. The Website contains a help and advice section, with Health factsheets and a directory of local services and a helpline.

WEA offer a broad ranging curriculum and you do not need any previous knowledge or qualifications to join most of their courses. Details of courses can be found on the website and you can enrol by phone or online.

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Alcoholics Anonymous

Further Help:

Helpline: 0800 9177 650 Website:

NHS Choices

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; the organisation is self-supporting through contributions. Its “12-step” programme involves getting sober with the help of regular support groups. The website provides details of local groups, currently at Scunthorpe and Brigg

Website: Includes pages on Drinking and Alcohol on such topics as: Calories in alcohol; Binge Drinking; Alcohol Units; Tips on cutting down; the risks of drinking too much; Caring for an alcoholic; personal case studies; and finding support services and groups.

Advice for family, carers and children affected by alcohol and drugs Empathy

Shelford Street, Scunthorpe

Frank Telephone: 0300 123 6600 TEXT 82111 a question and FRANK will text you back Website: Friendly, confidential drugs advice. If you want to talk, you can call FRANK, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Online chat 2-6pm any day of the year.

Telephone: 01724 488535 24 hour helpline 07592 395127 Email: Website: Support for families, friends, partners and carers of drug and alcohol users. Offers direct access, counselling, one to one, weekly group sessions, outreach, mediation and signposting.

National Organisations Narcotics Anonymous Telephone: 0300 999 1212 10am to midnight 7 days per week Website: The NA Helpline is often the first point of contact for people needing support and advice about the nature of drug addiction. Anyone from the using addict, their friends and family members through to drug workers and the press are welcome to call.


Adfam Email: Website: Adfam have a helpful website for carers. Find information, local support groups and helpline’s for anyone affected by someone else’s substance use.

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Al-Anon Family Groups

Anxiety and Depression

Helpline: 0207 403 0888 10am - 10pm 7 days per week Alateen: 020 7593 2070 Website:

National Organisations

Provides support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking, regardless of whether that person is still drinking or not. Al-Anon is an international organisation with over 800 support groups in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Al-Anon is a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience in order to solve their common problems. Alateen is part of Al-Anon and is for teenage relatives and friends of alcoholics.

National Association for Children of Alcoholics Telephone: 0800 358 3456 Email: Website: Provides information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking. Free confidential helpline, for all ages. There is no need to give your name and you can say as little or as much as you want. Your call won’t show up on a landline bill.

Anxiety UK Helpline: 08444 775 774 between 9am5.30pm, Monday-Friday (except bank holidays). Email: Text: 07537416905 Live Chat service is available between 9am-5.30pm, Monday-Friday (except bank holidays). Website: Anxiety is a type of fear usually associated with the thought of a threat or something going wrong in the future, but can also arise from something happening right now. Depression is a common mental disorder that causes people to experience depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low selfworth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. Source:

Works to relieve and support those living with anxiety and anxiety based depression by providing information, support and understanding via phone, email and website.

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Benefits, Debts and Finance

find a way forward, whatever problem they face.

Crosby Community Association

All of CAB services are free, confidential, independent and impartial.

105 – 107 Frodingham Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7JT

Telephone: 01724 330022 Email: Website: CCA support people with FREE Advice and Guidance in areas of Welfare Benefits, Housing issues and Debt. If you need advice on any of the following issues CCA could help: • • • • • • • • • • •

Advocacy at appeals and Tribunals Benefit Checks Benefit Reviews Completion of Forms Council Tax Issues Debt Advice & Dealing with different stages Disability Rights Housing Benefit Pension Credit Tax Credits Utility Debt

North Lincolnshire - Citizens Advice Bureau

Main office is 12 Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 7PT Outreach offices operate from Ashby, Barton, Brigg, Crowle, Kirton in Lindsey and Westcliff Telephone: 01724 870941 - Information line Advice Line: 03444 111444 (10am-4pm) Website: National Website: uk Citizens Advice North Lincolnshire is an independent charity and part of the Citizens Advice network across England and Wales. CAB provide advice to help people overcome their problems. CAB’s goal is to help everyone 24

Westcliff Drop-In Centre

12 The Precinct, Scunthorpe, DN17 1PS Telephone: 01724 861565 Email: Website: The Westcliff Drop-In Centre is a communityled organisation based in the Westcliff estate of Scunthorpe. Westcliff DIC vision is to help create a thriving, united, joyful community filled with inspiration; where residents have the opportunities and confidence to prosper and live happy and healthy lives. Open Mon – Thurs 9am till 4pm and Fridays 9am till 3pm.

Communities Advice Centre

115 Frodingham Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7JT Telephone: 01724 488 303 Email: communitiesadvicecentre@hotmail. com Communities Advice Centre was established in August 2012 as a social enterprise. Their main objectives are, to create support opportunities for communities in areas of employment and transferable skills through learning; to provide advice in employment and immigration law; to assist communities in their employment rights and responsibilities; help communities to communicate through interpretation and advocacy services or other means.

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North Lincolnshire Foodbanks


Scunthorpe: 01724 848388, Helen Armstrong Barton: 01652 632512, Margaret Siddall Email:


Scunthorpe Foodbank via Voucher only Scunthorpe Baptist Church, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe. DN16 1NR Mon: 1.00 – 2.30pm Thurs: 1.00 – 2.30pm Crosby One, Greeson Hall, Digby Street, Scunthorpe DN15 7LU Wed: 1.00 – 2.30pm Epworth Baptist Church, Station Road, Epworth. DN9 1JZ Thurs: 2.00 – 3.30 pm Barton Open to voucher holders every Tuesday & Friday 2.00 – 4.00pm Vouchers are available from multiple agencies for example the Job Centre, Community Health Visitors and Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

National Organisations The Money Advice Service Telephone: 0800 138 7777 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm; Saturday, 9am to 1pm; Sunday and Bank Holidays, closed Website: Free, unbiased and independent advice on all aspects of financial management. The Website includes advice on life events such as becoming ill or disabled, retirement and long term care, with detailed guidance on how to challenge LA decisions; Managing your Money, including benefits; Money Topics including Pensions and retirement; and Tools and Resources which includes template letters, calculators, plain English guides to download and videos.

Turn2us helps people in financial need gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help – online, by phone and face to face through partner organisations. The Turn2us website brings together an easy to use Benefits Calculator, a Grants Search database giving access to over 3,000 charitable funds, and up to date information about benefits, benefits system changes, grants and managing money.

Fightback 4 Justice Website: Not for profit community interest group offering expert welfare advice, help with advocacy and forms for PIP/ESA/PIP. Their mission is: To make welfare benefit advice and advocacy available to everyone and to help people help themselves with template letters, notes and face to face help through our buddy system and advocacy service. Fightback4Justice founder Michelle is qualified (LLB with Hons) in Law, with a wealth of Welfare Benefit and Advocacy experience, and is fantastically equipped to assist with Benefit and Appeal related queries. Furthermore, Michelle’s Employment Law and Debt experience includes having worked as a paid Legal Advisor at Citizens Advice Bureau specialising in Welfare Benefit Appeals and applications for over two years.

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Step Change Telephone: 0800 138 1111 Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 8am-4pm Website: Expert advice on how to deal with debt and how to get support needed to deal with debt. Advice is available online or over the phone, and Step Change are able to recommend a range of practical debt solutions based on personal situations.

Bereavement Cruse Bereavement – North Lincolnshire Telephone: 01724 281178 Email:

Grimsby, Cleethorpes & Louth Helpline: 01472 814455 Offers support, advice and information to children, young people and adults. Services are free of charge and support anyone who has been bereaved wherever or however the death has occurred. Cruse offer one-to-one support in your home or if you prefer, at an outside venue. Group support is also available. If you would like to speak to someone in person (at the Scunthorpe branch only) the Helpline is staffed at the following times: Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9 11am Tuesday afternoons 4.30 - 6.30pm. Cruse national FREEphone helpline is 0808 8081677


Bereavement Support for Young People Hope Again FREE phone helpline: 0808 808 1677 Monday and Friday 9:30am - 5:00pm and 9.30am - 8.00pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Email: Website: Hope Again is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care. It is a safe place, where young people who are facing grief can share their stories with others. Here you will find information about their services, a listening ear from other young people, and advice for anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one.

National Organisations The Compassionate Friends Helpline: 0845 123 2304 Website: An organisation of bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents dedicated to the support and care of other bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents who have suffered the death of a child/children. They recognise that many who have suffered the loss of a child feel a bond with others similarly bereaved and wish to extend the hand of friendship. Their helpline is open between 10am - 4pm and 7pm - 10pm daily. They have a range of leaflets, online forum and a section for bereaved siblings.

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Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide National Helpline: 0300 111 5065 9am to 9pm every day Email: Website: Scunthorpe Local Group meet on the third Wednesday of each month. For more details contact Nina on 07528 788823. SoBS exist to meet the needs and overcome the isolation experienced by people over 18 who have been bereaved by suicide. The Helpline provides an opportunity to talk confidentially with someone who has been bereaved by suicide and to know that you are not alone in your experience or you can contact them by email. The SoBS website also provides details of local support groups. Further information: Website: help-is-at-hand

Copies of this guide can also be requested by quoting 2901502/Help is at hand Website: Telephone: 0300 123 1002 Fax: 01623 724 524 Minicom: 0300 123 1003

Caring and Support Connect to Support North Lincolnshire Website: National Website: www.connecttosupport. org/s4s Connect to Support is a website for people needing support in North Lincolnshire. You can find everything you need to help you with your support here, from local to national products and services, plus information and advice and much more. Topics covered include:

If U Care Share Foundation Telephone: 0191 387 5661 Email: Twitter: @IFUCARESHARE Facebook: If U Care Share Foundation Instagram: @ifucareshare Website: If U Care Share Foundation has three main aims: prevention, intervention and support of those bereaved by suicide. You can also contact If U Care Share Foundation via a webform on their web page. Their website provides downloadable pdf copies of: The National Suicide Prevention Council and Public Health England Help is at hand: Support after someone may have died by suicide, September 2015

• • • • •

Information and advice How to stay independent Equipment Local groups and activities Request a Care Assessment

Carers Support

11 Redcombe Lane, Brigg, DN20 8AU Telephone: 01652 650585 Email: Website: Carers Support work with Carers to ensure they receive the right support and information at the right time, enabling Carers to carry on looking after their loved ones, friends and neighbours.

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Family Information Service (FIS)

Hewson House, P O Box 35, Station Road, Brigg, DN20 8XJ Telephone: 01724 296629 Email: Website: Services include: • help parents and carers make informed decisions about where to access quality childcare • offer an enhanced childcare brokerage service • give advice on obtaining help with childcare fees • provide information on activities for children and young people • provide information on local and national services offering support to families on a wide range of subjects • offers a monthly e-newsletter, Family Focus, to keep families informed on the issues that matter to them and local activities • Service available Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and 4.30pm on Fridays. Answer machine and email mean you can leave a message 24/7 and they will get back to you during office hours.

North Lincolnshire Council Website: Provides services for children and young people.

Counselling and Talking Therapies How do I access Talking Therapies in North Lincolnshire? Improving Access to Psycological Therapies (IAPT) is delivered through the RDaSH Team and helps people suffering with common mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety, providing advice and consultation and therapy to people over 18 and over. For more information, phone IAPT direct on 01724 867297, or drop in to the Talking Shop at 19 Market Hill, Scunthorpe, DN15 6SS.

Relate Telephone: 0300 003 2164 Email: Website: Relate provides a range of confidential relationship, family, and young people’s counselling, sex therapy and also separated parenting and youth counselling. Issues covered include communication and conflict, affairs, step families, major life changes, health and money problems, sexual relationships, and balancing work and home commitments.

Dementia Alzheimer’s Society – North Lincolnshire 21 Dudley Street, Grimsby. DN31 2AW Telephone: 01472 359247 Residents of North Lincolnshire can obtain support by telephoning Grimsby Office between 9am and 5pm – Monday to Friday. National Helpline: 0300 222 1122 Email: National Website:


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Sarah Baldwin supports residents in DN 9, 16 & 17 Clare Hebron supports residents in DN 15, 18, 19, 20, 39, 40 & 41

Dementia - Information, Guidance and Standards

North Lincolnshire Memory Cafes:

NHS Choices Dementia Information Service

• Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub, Alvingham Road, Scunthorpe on the first Friday of every month 10:00am till 12 noon. • Barton on Humber Community Wellbeing Hub, Tofts Road Barton on the third Tuesday of every month from 10:30am till 12:30pm • Winterton, Sir John Mason House, De Lacy Way, Winterton on the third Thursday of every month from 1:30pm till 3:30pm. • Epworth Community Wellbeing Hub (Youth Centre), High Street on the fourth Thursday of every month 10:00am till 12 noon. ‘Singing for the Brain’ sessions are held at Barton, Epworth and Brigg and there is a small charge for attendance at these. AGEUK run the Scunthorpe session and details can be obtained from 01724 849819 about charges and transport to the Scunthorpe session.

Website: These pages provide information about dementia including symptoms and diagnosis; living with dementia and care and support. Users can subscribe to a Dementia Information Service which provides six weekly emails.

Eating Habits The Community Eating Disorder Service Telephone: 01724 408460 Offers support to children and young people experiencing moderate to severe eating disorders and their families.

Peggy’s Place

National Organisations

Telephone: Tilly Brock, Admiral Nurse can be contacted on 01652 648335


Supports people and families with dementia and memory problems. Facilitated by Admiral Nursing, they are specialist nurses in dementia care. The service is open to all families living with dementia and not dependent on where they live. No booking required.

Website: Help for adults (18 and upwards) Parents, teachers or any concerned adults should call the adult helpline. Telephone: 0345 6341414 Email: Help for young (25 and under) Telephone: 0345 6347650 Email:

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Advice and support is provided for anyone concerned about any eating disorder, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and compulsive overeating. Separate adult and youth services are offered by telephone and email. The Beat’s Helpline and YouthLine are currently open from Monday to Wednesday 1pm to 4pm. Check the website for updates to opening time. The Website also includes comprehensive support and services via message boards and regular live chats.


19 Upton Avenue, Ainsdale, Southport, PR8 2PW, UK Telephone: 0303 300 0314 Email: Website: A national charity helping people overcome obesity problems

Macmillan Health Care Team

Community Nursing Team - Community and Therapy Services for North Lincolnshire Global House, Ridgeway, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN17 1BS Telephone: 03033 306935 Website: community-palliative-care-macmillan-nurses Community Nursing Team - Community and Therapy Services for North Lincolnshire. provides individual care, dependent on need, within the home. The Team offers services to enable people to remain in their own homes in the later stages of illnesses. The team also provides practical care and support for families and carers. Referrals to MHCT may come from any professional involved in a patients care, eg district nurse, GP or Macmillan Nurse.

Gambling National Organisations

End of Life

Gamblers Anonymous Website:

Lindsey Lodge Hospice

Burringham Road, Scunthorpe, DN17 2AA Switchboard & Patient Enquiries: 01724 270835 Email: Website: Provides care for patients with life limiting conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and heart or renal failure.

This is a programme that helps problem gamblers to free themselves from the clutches of gambling. Offering a twelve-stepprogramme to those who wish to be cured of compulsive gambling.

Gamcare Telephone: 0808 802 0133 Website: 8am to midnight, seven days a week. Information, advice, support and free counselling for the prevention and treatment of problem gambling.


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Gamcare operates the National Gambling Helpline, providing treatment for problem gamblers and their families, creates awareness about responsible gambling and treatment and encourages an effective approach to responsible gambling within the gambling industry.

Homeless Prevention Services and Housing Support North Lincolnshire Council - Home Assistance

Environmental Health & Housing – Operations Church Square House, Scunthorpe, DN15 6XQ Telephone: 01724 297000 Email: Website: There is an enquiry form available via: improvements-and-funding/affordablewarmth/ Financial help may be available in the form of grants or loans to qualifying households. To make an initial enquiry to confirm whether assistance is available to you ring 01724 297000 and ask for a Home Assistance Enquiry form.

Assistance Energy Improvements/ Affordable Warmth What financial help can be offered? In limited circumstances, NL Council can offer affordable warmth assistance to vulnerable qualifying owner occupiers who reside in a property that has a low energy rating. The assistance available is particularly targeted to those households suffering from fuel poverty and those suffering from a diagnosed cold related health condition.

Essential Repairs The assistance available is intended to: Remedy category 1 hazards under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) Examples of a situation where a Category 1 hazard might exist are as follows: • • • • •

Excess Cold (No heating or hot water) Severe Damp and Mould Faulty Electrics Food Safety Structural Collapse

Telecare Telephone: 01724 298408 Email: Websites:

What is Telecare? Telecare is the name given to a range of electronic sensor equipment that can support people to remain independent in their own homes. Equipment can help someone feel safe and secure and also offers family and carers peace of mind and reassurance. The equipment includes a sensor which once triggered will automatically alert a call centre who then alert an on site carer, identified responder and/or emergency services.

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When can Telecare help?


Telecare can help and support in a number of ways, for example, when someone feels vulnerable due to age, health issues or disability or support to someone who is at risk of wandering. Telecare can also offer reassurance and peace of mind to family and / or carers.

Anyone over 18 and who have at least three of the following criteria:

Who is eligible? Telecare could be offered as part of reablement and rehabilitation to gain confidence and independence. If you received a personal budget to support your care needs then telecare can be discussed with your representative (case worker or social worker). If you don’t meet the eligibility criteria needs but feel that telecare may help then you can purchase privately. Based locally, and provided by North Lincolnshire Council, the Care Call service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A comprehensive price list can be downloaded via: people-health-and-care/services-to-adults/ staying-independent/care-call Downloadable information sheets via: www. services-to-adults/staying-independent/ telecare

Community Responder Service Telephone: 01724 297212 during office hours. Monday – Thursday 9am to 5pm. Friday 9am to 4.30pm If after hours please leave a message. Email:


• • • • • • • • •

Living alone Socially isolated Learning disabilities Physical disabilities Mental health Dementia sufferer History of falls Over 65 Care and support services in place

The service provides prompt response to requests for support from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year by a team of staff based across North Lincolnshire. Services include support to: • Access befriending services. • Access activities provided by Community Wellbeing Hubs, local clubs, voluntary or community organisations. • Access other services, eg housing, benefits and health. • Access home safety equipment eg pendant alarms, key safes, aids and adaptations. • Understand correspondence and or enquiries regarding completion of forms to enable independence in own home.

Humbercare Hospital Avoidance and Home From Hospital Service Telephone: 07793241218 Email: Website: Humbercare’s Home from Hospital Service delivers housing related support for up to 6 weeks, which is tailored to meet individuals’ needs. The service is completely free of charge and is available 365 days per year, 7 days a week.

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The Forge


Telephone: 01724 276742 Email: Website:

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Awareness

Cottage Beck Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 1UB

Day Centre supporting homeless and vulnerable people in North Lincolnshire Opening times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9.30am to 12.45pm

New Life Church

The House, Brumby Wood Lane, Scunthorpe, DN17 1AB Telephone: 01724 280340 Email: Website: Projects such as Gifted operate from a base at The House. GIFTED is a home and programme for local women, launched and managed by local women. It provides a safe and supportive environment where women from across North Lincs with life-controlling issues can receive love, value and acceptance and begin living in a hopeful and positive way. Street Pastors is also based at The House A Street Pastor is a volunteer who will spend time on the streets of Scunthorpe on a Friday or Saturday night as part of a team who will be there to communicate with and care for people on a night out in the town.

Want to know more about LGBT issues? The North Lincolnshire Youth Council has listened to local issues and responded by developing an information resource which signposts young people to information, support and further resources in relation to LGBT issues. Website: services-for-young-people/young-voiceactivities/lgbt-awareness

Local mental health organisations that provide help and treatment North Lincolnshire Council The Council’s website provides information about who to speak to and where to go for every age of person where mental health issues are a concern. The Mental health pages provide a good overview of the range of mental health and social care support available in North Lincolnshire.

The Lighthouse

MIND Scunthorpe & District

Telephone: 01724 868196

Telephone: 01724 279500 Email: Website:

203-205 Frodingham Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7NH

The Lighthouse, is a Supported Housing Facility and works with people who are recognised as “hard to house” and offers support through training and life-skills.

Printer’s Yard, Fenton Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6QS

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Affiliated to the national charity Mind. Mind strive to ensure anyone affected by a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for support and respect. A series of programmes are available locally including Wellness Recovery Action Programme (WRAP), Mental Health First Aid & Coping With Life courses. Peer support and other helpful training is also available.

Mindfulness and Meditation The Northern Centre for Mindfulness and Compassion Telephone: 01904 634710 Email: Website: Forthcoming courses and events: Offers a range of courses and events across the region based upon mindfulness meditation. Take an active approach to looking after your mind by learning to meditate in a non-religious setting. Charges apply.

National Organisations The Mental Health Foundation Website: What is mindfulness and how can mindfulness help me? ‘Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

We may not always have full control over our lives, but with mindfulness we can work with our minds and bodies, learning how to live with more appreciation and less anxiety.’ See the website to learn more.

National mental health websites and phone numbers Details of national websites and contact numbers are also included under the relevant Section headings.

CALM Campaign against Living Miserably Telephone: 0800 58 58 58 Website: The CALM helpline is for men who are down or have hit a wall for any reason. Open from 5pm-midnight every day of the year, calls are confidential, anonymous and taken by trained and skilled helpline workers who provide support, information and signposting. The Campaign offers men help, information and advice via a phone and web service, and anyone, regardless of age, gender or geographic location can call the line.

Mental Health Foundation Website: This Charity’s website provides a wide range of information resources about all aspects of mental health and where to get help. Includes statistics, case studies, videos and podcasts.

By being fully present in this way – not forcing things or hiding from them, but actually being with them, we create space to respond in new ways to situations and make wise choices.


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Telephone Infoline: 0300 123 3393 Text: 86463 Legal Advice Email: Website:

Telephone: 0300 304 7000

Provides a huge range of information, advice and training about maintaining good mental health, mental health conditions, services, drugs, treatment and support and also legal advice on all aspects of law related to mental health.

The Out-of-hours helpline is available from 6pm to 11pm.

Their Infoline is open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays).

NSUN Network for Mental Health Telephone: 0207 820 8982 Email: Website: NSUN network for mental health is an independent, service-user-led charity that connects people with experience of mental health issues to give them a stronger voice in shaping policy and services. Membership is free and gives you: regular members’ magazine, emailed bulletin and on-line resources, invites to events and training, the chance to join others in shaping care and mutual support.

Royal College of Psychiatrists Website:

A mental health charity providing information, resources and emotional support.

Offenders and Ex-Offenders National Organisations Family Lives National Offenders’ Families Freephone Helpline: 0808 808 2003 Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm, and Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 3pm. It is closed on Bank Holidays. Website: Action for Prisoners’ and Offenders’ Families merged with Family Lives in 2014 and works for the benefit of prisoners’ and offenders’ families by supporting families who are affected by imprisonment. If you have a partner, child, friend or other relative in prison you will need to know what information and support is available to you, what you can do, and who can help. Contact the helpline, email or visit the website for more information and useful resources.

Website includes a Health advice section which provides information for the public about mental health and wellbeing, including treatment and services; information for young people and parents; mental health and work; and mental law.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Pregnancy and After Mental Health Breastfeeding Support Telephone: 07900 567052 (Peer Supporters) To find out more contact Peer Supporters or talk to your midwife or health visitor. Information on infant feeding workshops are available from your local children’s centre.

North Lincolnshire - Perinatal Service Telephone: 01724 867297 (IAPT) If you are expecting, or within 12 months of having had a baby, and feel anxious or low in mood around adapting to the changes a baby brings then you can contact Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) in the first instance.

• help parents and carers make informed decisions about where to access quality childcare • offer an enhanced childcare brokerage service • give advice on obtaining help with childcare fees • provide information on activities for children and young people • provide information on local and national services offering support to families on a wide range of subjects • offers a monthly e-newsletter, Family Focus,to keep families informed on the issues that matter to them and local activities Service available Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and 4.30pm on Fridays.

Family Foundations Telephone: 01724 845155 Email: Breaking the cycle of Substance Misuse.


Pre & post natal depression advice and support.

Family Foundations provide a tailored package of support based on the needs of the whole family. Families will have their own support plan which will be based on the expressed needs and goals of the family and the support needs identified by key professionals working with the family.

Relationships and Families


Family Information Service (FIS)

Hewson House, PO Box 35, Station Road, Brigg, DN20 8XJ

Telephone: 01724 277766 Email: Website: what-we-do

Telephone: 01724 296629 Email: Website:

Kaleidoscope is a purpose built centre on a site close to the town centre of Scunthorpe.

Telephone: 08843 2898 401 Website:


Dunstall Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6JZ

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Help with the following issues is available: • Welfare Benefits advice • Parent Involvement and Participation Forum • Parent Support Groups • Sibling Groups • Information Library and Toy Library • Family activities in school holidays • Parent workshops

The first session will involve discussing the things that you could do to improve your health, setting a health goal and developing a personal health plan to assist you in achieving your goal. This is then followed by further sessions to review your goal that you have set for yourself, and to provide you with continued support and guidance. All sessions are confidential and you only need to give information you feel comfortable sharing.

Magic Moments Telephone: 01724 848683 Email: Website:

National Organisations

Registered charity founded in 2002 providing support for children with autism and Asperger’s syndrome.

Telephone: 020 7608 8700 9.30am-5pm, Monday-Friday; free from UK landlines and UK mobiles Email: Facebook: Twitter: @contactafamily

North Lincolnshire Healthy Lifestyle Service Telephone: 01724 298212 A new service based throughout North Lincolnshire which support individuals through group work (one to one if required) to address lifestyle issues such as: • • • • •

Achieving a healthy weight Stopping smoking Reducing alcohol use Increasing physical activity Increasing wellbeing

The service is accessible from Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 8.00 pm and Saturday 9.00am to 12.00pm. Healthy Lifestyle Facilitators will support groups of people focusing on the above issues for 6 to 12 sessions, which will take place depending on your need and at a local venue convenient to you.

Contact a Family

Website and helpline provide information and advice on any aspect of looking after a disabled child; an SEN advice service; details of local support groups; an A-Z of medical conditions; patient rights and services; aids and equipment; returning to work; short breaks; benefits. The service also provides information, training and resources for professionals including e.g. statistics and research.


520 Highgate Studios, 53-79 Highgate Road, London, NW5 1TL Helpline: 0808 802 0925 Mondays: 10am to 6pm; Tuesdays/ Thursdays/Fridays: 10am to 4pm; Wednesdays: 10am-1pm and 5pm-7pm A national charity which provides resources on their website and also a helpline offering

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


expert advice for single parents about issues such as money, work and family life. Examples of topics include: • • • •

Help with relationships. Money advice. Child maintenance. Support for young people e.g. dealing with separation, tackling difficult behaviour, moving on from domestic abuse.

problems at home and in clinic settings, helping people to stay at home and manage their difficulties. Referral is by GP. A Memory Assessment and Therapy Service is also available, again referral through a GP is required.

Older People’s Inpatient Services Telephone: 01724 382000

Retirement Age Plus Age UK Lindsey

34a Crosby Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 6SF Telephone: 01724 849819

31 High Street, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5PD Telephone: 01652 636208 Email: Website: Age UK Lindsey provide practical and general support services for older people who live in the North Lincolnshire area to help them live independently in their own homes. AGE UK Lindsey work is supported by trained and valued volunteers and staff; some examples of our services are benefits advice & form filling, a handyman service, a transport service, a café, activity centre and wheelchair hire. Opening times Mon to Fri 9:00 – 3:30.

Older People’s Community Mental Health Team North Lincolnshire Telephone: 01724 270363 This service supports older people with mental 38

Laurel Ward is a 13 bedded acute mental health inpatient facility which provides hospital treatment to older people who need a short stay to recover from a significant period of illness. Based at Great Oaks in Ashby, Scunthorpe, the ward cares for people with a range of mental health needs, including depression, dementia or psychosis and will always have people at different stages of recovery.

The Poirier Foundation Telephone: 01724 733441 Website: Registered Charity set up in 2014, providing equipment, facilities and support services designed to relieve the needs of elderly people and people with disabilities residing permanently or temporarily in Winterton or in nine surrounding villages. Services include lunch club and activities and assisted transport service scheme, footcare clinics by Hugo (book direct on 01724 629838).

National Organisations Independent Age

6 Avonmore Road, London W14 8RL Telephone: 020 7605 4200 Email: Website: Helpline: 0800 319 6789

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, and Saturday to Sunday, 9am-5pm Email for advice to: • Free, impartial advice over the telephone for older people, their families and carers on issues such as care and support, money and also benefits, health and mobility. Advice can be given on complex issues such as social care funding. • Information on their website also provides in-depth free printed advice guides and leaflets. Topics include money, support and care, housing options, health, personal life and future planning. They have befriending and practical support services, to relieve loneliness and isolation. These are delivered through phone calls, visits, telephone discussion groups and more, enabling older people to feel more connected to their local community. Phone the helpline for details.

Self-Harm National Organisations Harmless

PO Box 10136, Nottingham NG1 9HL Email: Website: Harmless is a user led organisation that provides a range of services about self-harm including support, information, training and consultancy to people who self-harm, their friends and families and professionals. Postal and email self-harm support is provided through a counsellor and other volunteers that have personal, supportive and/or professional experience of self-harm.

National Self Harm Network Website: Supports individuals who self-harm to reduce emotional distress and improve their quality of life. Empowers and enables those that selfharm to seek alternatives and get further help where appropriate. The online support forum provides crisis support, information and resources, advice, discussions and distractions. Also provide support and information for family and carers of those who self-harm.

Self-Injury Support Helpline: 0808 800 8088 Monday to Thursday EVENINGS 7-10pm Text: 0780 047 2908 & Email and webchat available online Every evening 7-9pm except Saturdays Website: A national organisation that supports girls and women affected by self-injury or self-harm. Offers text and email support for girls and young women (age 24 years and under) and a national, non-judgemental, emotional support & listening service (Helpline) to women of all ages affected by self-injury and those who care about them. The service also signposts to other relevant services and sends out self-help information on request. The phone line given means that the Helpline can’t see the caller’s number and their number won’t show up on phone bills, and it is free from all landlines and mobiles.

Get Connected (Young People) Freephone: 0808 808 4994 Available 11am-11pm every day Website: Email, text 80849 and webchat options

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Get Connected is the UK’s free, confidential helpline service for young people under 25 who need help, but don’t know where to turn.

Foundation Trust’s services along with their carers/supporters, staff of the Trust and staff and volunteers from partnership organisations.

WebHelp 24/7 online directory.

The Courses are held in Scunthorpe and Brigg Community Wellbeing Hubs. Phone for details of what is available or look on the RDaSH website for more information.

Papyrus Hopeline UK

67 Bewsey Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA2 7JQ Telephone: 01925 572444 National Hopeline: 0800 068 4141 SMS: 07786 209697 Email: Confidential Young Suicide Prevention Advice.


74 Bute Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2EY Email: Website: Web based support

NHS Choices Website:

Self Help and Stress Management Options Recovery College (RDaSH) Sandfield House, 297 Ashby High Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2RY

Telephone: 01724 275959 Website: optionsrecoverycollege@rdash.nhs. net A range of recovery-focussed educational courses and workshops are now available free of charge for people who use RDaSH NHS 40

Sexual Health Services Street Outreach Project Telephone: 01724 845155 Anne-Marie Loader Email: Street-based sex workers are the most at risk sex workers, but are also vulnerable members of society for reasons other than their involvement in sex work. The project provides help and support to street sex workers in North Lincolnshire by delivering effective and robust psychosocial support and harm reduction interventions that include contraception, needle exchange, blood borne virus screening and testing. The project further aims to assertively link clients into wider health care via supported referrals and coordinate intelligence. The project will share this intelligence appropriately and safely with key partners. These interventions aim to target known ‘Kerb-Crawlers’, reduce victims of rape and child sexual exploitation. The project works closely with North Lincs CCTV to locate hot spots, maintain safety and obtain intelligence. Specifically the projects delivery aims are to: • Sustain ongoing relationships with people involved in sex work to ensure they have access to services • Deliver a wide range of frontline harm reduction, information, health and other initiatives/services, e.g. addressing violence against sex workers, raising awareness about legal rights

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

• Facilitate improvement in health and reduce the risks associated with sex work, working with sex workers to achieve this • Advertise and promote wider services • Provide a referral and support gateway to other services • Identify cases of sexual exploitation of young people, and other forms of exploitation • provide appropriate support and make appropriate referrals and interventions.

Specific Illnesses and Conditions

Virgin Healthcare

Hydrotherapy sessions are also available.

Ironstone Centre, West Street, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire DN15 6HX Telephone: 0300 330 1122 Website: services-near-you/north-lincolnshire Virgin Healthcare provide free, friendly and confidential sexual health advice, testing, treatment and contraception in North Lincolnshire. Their service is confidential, nonjudgmental and for people of all ages, genders and orientations. Everyone is welcome and you don’t need to see a GP first. You can attend one of their walk-in clinics or make an appointment at a time that suits you. Phone lines are open 24 hours a day Monday to Friday and from 9am to 5pm on Saturday. Services available include: • Counselling and advice • Contraception (all types) • Emergency contraception (the emergency IUD and emergency contraceptive pills) • Screening and treatment for all sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including people living with HIV • Hepatitis B vaccinations • Smear tests • Pregnancy testing • Coil and implant fitting and removal • Referral for termination of pregnancy

Arthritis Care Telephone: 01724 782238 or 01724 735262 Meet on the last Monday of each month at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub (Alvingham Road).

Multiple Sclerosis Society Telephone: Babs on 07592 598484 National helpline: 0808 800 8000 Website: Meets on a Monday (except bank holidays and adverse weather conditions) at Lodge Moor Community Centre, Minster Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7EP from 10am to 12.30pm.

Parkinson’s Society North Lincolnshire (Local Group) Telephone: Sheila Crowe: 01724 856 704 Rose Crawley, Volunteer Co-ordinator: 0344 225 3634 Emails: Meets on the second Wednesday of the month. Salvation Army Centre, Ashby High Street, Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire, DN16 2JT 7.15pm - 8.30pm, except in November, January and February when they meet at 2pm3pm

For smear tests, please visit your GP first. You can also access most contraception including first and repeat prescriptions at your GP. Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


National Organisations

Bipolar UK

Arthritis Research UK Website:

Telephone: 0333 323 3880 Email: Website:

Asthma UK

Offers practical information, advice and support by phone and email, as well as through information on their website.

18 Mansell Street, London, E1 8AA Telephone: 0300 222 5800 Email: Website: Please contact the Supporter Care Team Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm for general enquiries For independent, confidential advice and support call their asthma nurses Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on 0300 222 5800 (Option 1) Please note: Asthma UK are unable to answer any medical queries by email. If your asthma has been troubling you or you have questions about your medicines or inhalers, please call the asthma nurses instead

Diabetes UK / Diabetes UK Northern & Yorkshire

OCD Action Helpline: 0845 120 3778 This is usually open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm (subject to volunteer availability). Email: Website: Whether you are a sufferer, family member, friend or health professional, this website aims to educate you on the signs and symptoms, how and where to seek help and the recommended treatment needed to overcome OCD.

Personality Disorder Website Website:

Office 1.3 Business Central, 2 Union Square, Central Park, Darlington, DL1 1GL

National personality disorder development programme providing information and resources for support and preventive work.

Telephone: 01325 488606 Email: Website (national):


UK Fibromyalgia Website: FMS (fibromyalgia (fi-bro-my-Al-juh) syndrome) is a widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder for which the cause is still unknown. Fibromyalgia means pain in the fibrous tissues in the body. 42

Blue Badge Website: publications/blue-badge-can-i-get-one Eligibility can be established by downloading an information leaflet from the website. North Lincolnshire Council issue badges for people with disabilities or difficulties.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Call Connect Telephone: 0345 263 8139 Registration and Booking Line Website: OpenDRT/Account/LogOn CallConnect is a unique bus service in North Lincolnshire whose timetable is not fixed but responds to passenger requests. Routes are different each day depending on the bookings made by passengers. Journey requests can be made by telephone or online. The service is designed to improve transport opportunities in rural communities and some market towns where there is an infrequent conventional bus service. North Lincolnshire is split into five areas for CallConnect; • Barton, Burton upon Stather and Winterton (Area 1); • Isle of Axholme (Area 2); • Brigg, Caistor and the Ridge Ward (Area 3); • Ferry Ward (Area 4). Please note that East Butterwick (Area 5) will be included in the Gainsborough CallConnect area. Once registered you will then be issued with your membership number. When requesting a bus journey, have your membership number and journey details ready. You can also submit your travel requests online. You can make a booking up to seven days in advance and on the same day with a minimum of one hour’s notice.


Ground floor, Parishes multi-storey car park, Fenton Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6QX Telephone: 01724 297418 Email: All applicants must attend the Shopmobility Centre in Scunthorpe for an assessment before they are allowed to use the equipment. Assessments are carried out by appointment between Monday and Thursday. Please bear in mind that no-one is allowed out for the first time on a Friday or Saturday (Scunthorpe Market days) as the town centre is usually busy. The Scunthorpe Shopmobility Centre is located on the ground floor of the Parishes multi-storey car park on Fenton Street, Scunthorpe. Two hours free parking is available and parking is free after 2pm. Blue badge holders park free at all times. There is a maximum weight limit on the scooters. One has a maximum weight limit of 18 stone (115kg) and all others have a limit of 22 stone (139kg). To use the scooters in Ashby you must first be assessed at the Scunthorpe centre. The Ashby Shop mobility scheme is located at the Ashby Local Link office on Ashby Turn. Free parking is also available for users of the scheme.

The service operates between 7am to 7pm on Monday to Friday and from 8am to 5pm on Saturdays.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Voluntary Car Scheme

The Humber and Wolds Rural Community Council Head Office Address, 14 Market Place, Howden, DN14 7BJ Booking Line: 01652 637700 The booking line is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 12pm. (Answerphone facility outside of office hours) A minimum of 48 hours notice is required to arrange a journey. The Humber and Wolds Rural Community Council (HWRCC) operates a voluntary car service. The aim of the service is to provide a safe, reliable and affordable voluntary transport service to residents of rural North Lincolnshire with genuine transport difficulties. HWRCC have approximately 90 volunteers across North Lincolnshire who use their own cars to provide transport for things like health related appointments, shopping or social outings. They can be local or long distance. Transport can also be arranged for hospital appointments at Castle Hill, Hull Royal Infirmary and other hospitals in Hull. The customer pays the driver a mileage rate (currently 45p per mile) from the driver’s residence and return. Where possible HWRCC try to get a driver as close as possible to the passenger’s home. Drivers will wait for a passenger for up to one and a half hours for the return journey. If the waiting time is longer, the passenger is required to pay for two separate return journeys (depending on the availability of the driver) The scheme is always looking to recruit more volunteers. For more information about this contact their Barton upon Humber office on 01652 637700 or email


Veterans North Lincolnshire Veterans Community Hub CIC 31 Frances Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6NS Telephone: 01724 855333 Email: Website: The first point of contact for veterans seeking support. The service puts veterans and their families in touch with the organisations best placed to help them.


Lincolnshire Branch Telephone: 0800 731 4800 / 0115 957 3289 Email: Website: Support for those who are serving, or who have ever served, in the Armed Forces. ssafa provide practical, emotional and financial support for veterans and their family.

National Organisations Veterans Welfare Service Veterans UK Helpline: 0808 1914 218 Open Monday to Thursday: 7.30am to 6.30pm. Friday: 7.30am to 5pm Overseas callers: +44 1253 866043 Bereavement and Minicom Line: 0800 169 3458 Email: Website: Provides support to all veterans, their families and dependants. The Veterans Welfare Service focuses on providing assistance where a change in circumstances may have resulted in

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

a welfare need. One to one advice is provided by phone or home visit when needed Veterans UK helpline staff offer specific advice on war disablement pension and armed forces compensation scheme claims. The helpline also offers advice on other issues including benefits, pensions, loans and grants, emergency accommodation, finding a job, retraining, health issues, welfare concerns, service records and medals.

Work, Volunteering, Training and Support Voluntary Action North Lincolnshire

4-6 Robert Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6NG Telephone: 01724 845155 Email: Websites: VANL supports voluntary organisations across North Lincolnshire. VANL also offers a range of services to individuals, and other agencies including: • Payroll for people in receipt of Direct Payments/Personal Budgets to purchase care • Community Engagement and Research • Young Peoples Wellbeing support, including Smoking prevention and Sexual Health and other Choices • Wellbeing support for street based sex workers • Family Foundations – support for families with a parent/s in recovery from substance misuse • Employment support through Rise to Gain and the Move (including volunteering) • Volunteering opportunities Why Volunteer?

range of voluntary organisations. There are many reasons why people volunteer; here is just a small selection: Make a Difference Passionate about animals or human rights; interested in art, sport or music; frustrated by the housing crisis or the rubbish dumped in your local park? You can share your skills and experience working for causes that you are interested in, or assist in creating change in the areas that you care about. Gain New Skills Keen to learn new skills, or refresh old ones? Just a couple of hours a week can really enhance your job prospects and help to fill any gaps in your CV. Over 70% of employers from the leading 200 companies say they would hire a candidate with volunteering experience rather than someone who has never volunteered. Meet New People Volunteering offers you the chance to have amazing experiences and make friends with people from all walks of life. Build Confidence and Feel Good Volunteering can help you develop the confidence to try out different things. Knowing that your skills are valued and contributing to your community can improve your selfesteem. There is a great deal of satisfaction that comes from making a difference. Give Something Back Have you benefitted from the work of a charity or community group? By getting involved you can show appreciation for what you or others close to you have gained, using your experience to help others in similar circumstances.

People of all ages and all backgrounds get involved in many different tasks for a wide Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Young People Are you worried about your mental health and not sure of what to do or who to talk to? You are not alone and help is out there. It is important to talk to someone you can trust. This could be someone from your family, a friend, someone from school or your GP. There are also a lot of websites specifically for younger people which offer information, advice and support. In this section, local support organisations and contacts are given first. These are followed by trustworthy national websites and organisations. Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Crisis Team - Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust Telephone: 01724 408460 Website: The Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) crisis team covers North Lincolnshire and operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This service is for young people (under 18) who are experiencing emotional distress and are struggling to cope. 46

If you are young person (or are calling on behalf of a young person) needing our support and are already involved with CAMHS, please contact your key worker in the first instance.

CHOICES Clinics Telephone: 01724 845155 Contact Anne-Marie Loader Email: Choices Clinics provide advice to young people under 25 years on contraception, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, Chlamydia screening, STI testing and sexual health advice. They also offer general health information, and advice on issues such as bullying, weight problems and relationships. The service also provides registration and pick-up point for C-Card condom scheme.

National Organisations & Online Resources 7 Cups of Tea Website: php 7 Cups of Tea is an on-demand emotional health and well-being service. The service anonymously & securely connects real people to real listeners in one-on-one chat. Anyone who wants to talk about whatever is on their mind can quickly reach out to a trained, compassionate listener through their network. The service has hundreds of listeners who come from all walks of life and have diverse experiences. People connect with listeners on 7 Cups of Tea for all kinds of reasons, from big existential thoughts to small, day-to-day things that we all experience. Unlike talking to family or friends, a 7 Cups of Tea listener doesn’t judge or try to solve problems and say what to do.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

The listeners just listen, understand and give you the space you need to help you clear your head.

Anti-Bullying Alliance

National Children’s Bureau, 8 Wakley Street, London, EC1V 7QE Website: A membership organisation for organisations and individuals, who work together to stop bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. ABA is hosted by the National Children’s Bureau.

Bullying UK Telephone: 0800 800 222 Website: Offers advice and support to anyone affected by bullying, via the website, phone and online chat.

Caremonkeys App Website: This app provides young people with advice and support on common issues such as bullying, in a safe digital environment. Contains advice articles, top tips, videos and facilities to report issues in a safe environment so young people have no need to feel worried.

ChildLine Telephone: 0800 1111 Website:

about anything -no problem is too big or too small. Call free on 0800 1111 Calls are confidential. From a home phone they are free (even from mobiles) and won’t appear on a phone bill. You can also have a 1-2-1 chat or send an email online.

Fixers Website: Fixers are young people using their past to fix the future. They are motivated by personal experience to make positive change for themselves and those around them. They are motivated by a desire to act on an issue that is important to them or a strong desire to help other people. They also have a voice that they want to be heard, whether that’s on eating disorders, drugs, offending, cyberbullying or any other issue that is concerning them. Becoming a Fixer allows that to happen. Fixers choose the issue they want to fix and, using the skills of a team of creative experts, they work out how to make sure their message is heard by the right people, whether that’s through a unique film, a leaflet or poster campaign, a website, an event or workshop. See Website for details.

Get Connected (Young People) Freephone: 0808 808 4994 Available 11am-11pm every day Website: Email, text 80849 and webchat options Get Connected is the UK’s free, confidential helpline service for young people under 25 who need help, but don’t know where to turn. WebHelp 24/7 online directory.

ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Rise Above



Telephone: Parent Helpline – 0808 802 5544 Information and advice for parents worried about the mental health of a child or young person. (YoungMinds does not offer advice to young people).

Interactive web based resource for young people designed to help them address modern day life and the challenges it can throw at young people. Encourages young people to sign up to sharing their experiences with the site.

Support Line

PO Box 2860, Romford, Essex RM7 1JA Helpline: 01708 765200 (hours vary so ring for details) Email: Email: php SupportLine provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue. The Helpline is primarily a preventative service and aims to support people before they reach the point of crisis. It is particularly aimed at those who are socially isolated, vulnerable, at risk groups and victims of any form of abuse. SupportLine is a member of the Helplines Association and also provides support by email and post.

If you an adult worried about a child: Email: parents@youngminds, For general enquiries; Email: YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people. Young Minds exist so that young people have the strongest possible voice in improving their mental health. The organisation strives to make sure everything, from Government policy to practice in schools and services, is driven by young people’s experiences and aspirations. Young Minds support parents to help their children through difficult times, equips professionals to provide the best possible support to the young people that they work with, and empowers young people to change their world.

The Site Website: The Site aims to be the first place all young adults turn to when they need support and guidance through life. The Site believes all young people have the capacity to make their own decisions and life choices, provided they have access to high quality, impartial information and advice. They don’t tell anyone how to lead their lives - they just believe everybody should have all the information they need to make their own decisions.


Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Appendix 1 - Care Homes Care Homes



Abbey Village Althorpe Amber House Applegate House Ascot House

34 Wrawby Street, Brigg, DN20 8BP

01652 225548

3 Main Street, Althorpe, DN17 3HJ

01724 783363

12 Scawby Road, Broughton, Brigg, DN20 0AF

01652 408009

50 Holydyke, Barton on Humber, DN18 5PP

01652 636762

88 - 90 Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7PA

Balmoral House

Old Brumby Street, Old Brumby, Scunthorpe, DN16 2DB Wold Road, Barrow upon Humber, DN19 7DQ

01724 01724 01724 01724 01469

Normanby Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 6AR

01724 855410

Chapel Lane, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5PJ

01652 635049

1 Collywood Close, Westwoodside, Doncaster, DN9 2RD Bridgewater Road, Scunthorpe, DN17 1SN

01427 753393

DN17 2AA Brickhills, Broughton, Brigg, DN20 0BZ

01724 858381 (Admin) 01652 650613

Castlethorpe, Brigg, DN20 9LG

01652 654021

Collum Avenue, Ashby, Scunthorpe, DN16 2TF

01724 867879

Albert Street, Brigg, DN20 8HS

01652 650950

Market Place, Barrow upon Humber, DN19 7BW

01469 531767

Main Street, Graizelound, Haxey, Doncaster, DN9 2NB Fleetgate, Barton on Humber, DN18 5QD

01427 752309

98 - 108 Everest Road, Ashby, Scunthorpe, DN16 3EE 3 Bridge Street, Brigg, DN20 8LN

01724 844495

9 High Street, Winterton, DN15 9PU

01724 734824

157 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AQ

01724 289000

Fieldside, Crowle, Scunthorpe, DN17 4HL

01724 711661

255 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AB

01724 846504

Barrow Hall Baytree Court Beech House Beechcroft

867261 858381 (Admin) 854836 858381 (Admin) 531281

01724 847323 Bridgewater Park Carisbrooke Manor Carisbrooke Manor Lane, Old Barn, Scunthorpe, 01724 289555

Carseld Castlethorpe Cherry Tree House Clarence House Crosshill House Cumberworth Lodge Eagle House Edmund House Emerald House Gilby House Grafton House Greenacres Gresham Lodge Haverholme Holly House Holme Farm

01652 635440

01652 781710

Broughton Road, Appleby, Scunthorpe, DN15 01724 862722 0DA 124 High Street, Burringham, Scunthorpe, DN17 01724 782351 3LY 9 Church Street, Elsham, Brigg, DN20 0RG 01652 688755

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Keb House

Haytons Lane, Appleby, Scunthorpe, DN15 0AP

Lincolnshire House Lindum Court

Brumby Wood Lane, Scunthorpe, DN17 1AF

Lowfield House Nicholas House Norwood House Orchard Court Phoenix Park Randolph House Rathside Richden Park Roxby House Sir John Mason House Southfield House St Lawrence St Mary's

01724 01724 01724 01724 01427

733956 734800 844168 866691 728507

99 – 101 High Street, Owston Ferry, Doncaster, DN9 1RL 39 Cornwall Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4EH 01652 648835 11 Church Street, Haxey, Doncaster, DN9 2HY

01427 752862

15A Station Road, Gunness, Scunthorpe, DN15 8SU 7 Wrawby Road, Brigg, DN20 8DL

01724 784333

Phoenix Avenue, Off Phoenix Parkway, Scunthorpe, DN15 8NH Ferry Road West, Scunthorpe, DN15 8EA

01724 289885

41 Gainsborough Lane, Scawby, DN20 9BY

01652 652139

01652 653845

01724 272500

37-43 Old Brumby Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AJ 01724 280587 Winterton Road, Roxby, Scunthorpe, DN15 0BJ

01724 733777

North Lincolnshire Council Intermediate Care Centre, 42 DeLacy Way, Winterton, DN15 9XS Albert Street, Brigg, DN20 8HU

01724 298444

102 – 104 Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7PA

01724 847082

01652 653708

14 St Marys Court, Speedwell Crescent, 01724 865461 Scunthorpe, DN15 8UP 01724 844181 Sunningdale Court Albert Road, Ashby, Scunthorpe, DN16 2TN 2 Burringham Road, Ashby, Scunthorpe, DN17 2BB 01724 856963 Sycamore Lodge Grammar School Road, Brigg, DN20 8BB The Birches The Huntercombe The Huntercombe Centre – Redbourne, High

The Manor House The Mount The Valleys The Willows Thorpe House Warley House Watermill House Watermill Lodge Westbridge House Wrawby Hall

01652 652348 01652 648581

Street, Redbourne, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 4QU Whitton Road, Alkborough, Nr Scunthorpe, 01724 720742 DN15 9JG Palmer Lane, Barrow on Humber, DN19 7BS 01469 532897 Harpham Close, Scuntorpe, DN16 3AG

01724 854863

Willow Drive, Barton Upon Humber, DN18 5HR

01652 632110

Sawcliffe Hill, Dragonby, Scunthorpe, DN15 0BJ 01724 847788 Warley Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 1PL

01724 861507

Common Road, Wressle, Brigg, DN20 0DA

01652 652147

Common Road, Wressle, Brigg, DN20 0DA

01652 652147

1 Westfield Road, Barton Upon Humber, DN18 5AA 01652 632437 Vicarage Road, Wrawby, Brigg, DN20 8RP

01652 655311

Data Correct with North Lincolnshire Council - August 2017


Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Appendix 2 - Dentists Dentists



Barton Dental Care Limited Bottesford Dental Practice Campbell Dental Health Community Dental Service Parkview Dental Practice Scunthorpe Dental Care Dee Kay Dental The Willows Dental Practice Bigby Street Dental Practice Oasis Dental Care Ltd Pearl Smile Limited Scunthorpe Health Club Limited The Dental Design Studio The Limes Dental Practice Winterton Dental Practice Limited

Barton Dental Centre 34 – 38 High Street, Bar- 01652 633580 ton Upon Humber, DN18 5PD Bottesford Dental Practice 35 – 37 Queenswood 01724 868099 Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 3QS 36 Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7RQ 01724 842054 Ironstone Centre, West Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6HX 18 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 1NR

01724 292120

Dental Surgery, 191 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AQ 6 Sylvester Street, Kirton Lindsey, DN21 4HG

01724 843159

49 Westgate Road, Belton, DN9 1PY

01724 872106

Dental Surgery, 16 Bigby Street, Brigg, DN20 8ED Oasis Surgery, 2 Dudley Road, Brigg, DN20 8AE

01652 653163

7 Newbigg, Westwoodside, DN9 2AT

01427 753180

Dental Health Club, 37 – 39 Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7PN 215 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AA

01724 843168

The Limes Dental Practice, The Limes Church Walk, Epworth, DN9 1ES 10 King Street, Winterton, DN15 9RN

01427 874017

01724 843142

01652 640291

01652 652070

01724 865152

01724 735201

Data correct with NHS England - June 2016

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Appendix 3 - Doctors Doctors

Address & Website


Ancora Medical Practice Ancora Medical Practice - Detuyll St Ashby Turn Primary Care Partners Belton Branch Surgery* Bridge Street Surgery: Broughton Bridge Street Surgery Cambridge Avenue Medical Centre Cambridge Avenue Medical Centre: Messingham Cedar Medical Practice Cedar Medical Practice Dr Dwyer and Partners Central Surgery Ulceby

291 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AB 20 Detuyll Street, Scinthorpe, DN15 7LS The Link, Ashby, Scunthorpe, DN16 2UT 32 High Street, Belton, DN9 1LR 8 Brigg Road, Broughton, DN20 0JW 53 Bridge Street, Brigg, DN20 8NT Cambridge Avenue, Scunthorpe, DN16 3LG Wendover Road, Messingham, Scunthorpe, DN17 3SN 275 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AB Ironstone Centre, West Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6HX St Nicholas Primary School , Church Lane, Ulceby, DN39 6TB 1 Orchard Rise, Scunthorpe, DN15 7AN Scotton Road, Scotter, Gainsborough, DN21 3SB 30 Church Street, Haxey, DN9 2HY 11 Church Street, Hibaldstow, DN20 9ED

01724 842244

School Lane, West Butterwick, DN17 3LB Traingate, Kirton Lindsey, DN21 4PQ

01724 788020

Church Lane Medical Centre Hawthorn Surgery Haxey Branch Surgery* Hibaldstow Medical Practice Jubilee Surgery* Kirton Lindsey Surgery *


01724 747280 01724 842051 01427 871360 01652 656642 01652 657779 01724 842415 01724 763034

01724 843375 01724 292011

01652 636600

01724 853838 01724 700218 01427 757560 01652 650580

01652 648214

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Market Hill 8-8 Health Centre Pinfold Surgery Riverside Surgery Riverside Surgery: Broughton Skippingdale Health Centre South Axholme Practice The Birches Medical Practice The Birches Medical Practice

The Ironstone Centre, West Street, Scunthorp, DN15 6HX Station Road, Owston Ferry, DN9 1AW Barnard Avenue, Brigg, DN20 8AS 27 Brooklands Avenue, Broughton, DN20 0DY Ferry Road West, Scunthorpe, DN15 8EA 60-62 High Street, Epworth, DN9 1EP

Ashby Clinic, Collum Lane, Scunthorpe, DN16 2SZ Ironstone Centre, West Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6HX The Central Surgery King Street, Barton On Humber, DN18 5ER Barton Town Street, South Killingholme, DN40 3EL The Killingholme Surgery* The Medical Centre Victoria Road, Barnetby-Le-Wold, DN28 6HZ 78 Oswald Road , Scunthorpe, DN15 7PG The Oswald Road Medical Centre The Village Surgery Howe Lane, Goxhill, DN19 7JD Trent View Medical Chancery Lane, Crowle, DN17 4HN Practice: Crowle Trent View Medical 45 Trent View, Keadby, DN17 3DR Practice West Common Lane Dorchester Road, Scunthorpe, DN17 1YH Teaching Practice West Common Lane Collum Lane, Ashby, Scunthorpe, DN16 2SZ Practice: Ashby

Clinic West Town Surgery Winterton Medical Practice: Burton Winterton Medical Practice

80 High Street, Barton Upon Humber, DN18 5PU Burton On Stather, Scunthorpe, DN15 9EW Manlake Avenue, Winterton, DN15 9TA

01724 292000 01427 728900 01652 650131 01652 652685 01724 748730 01427 871380 01742 742400 01724 292022

01652 636600 01469 540786 01652 688203 01724 843168 01469 532617 01724 713920 01724 788000 01724 877744 01724 742300

01625 660041 01724 720202 01724 732202

Data correct with NHS Choices - August 2017 *Website details have been taken from the practices own website

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Appendix 4 - Home Support Providers Providers



Advanced Care Yorkshire Affinity Trust

8 Waterside Business Park, Livingstone Road, Hessle, HU13 0EG 8 Springwell Court, Holbeck, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS12 1AL Unit 4D Fields End Business Park, Thurnscoe, Rotherham, S63 0JF 1 Morley Yard, Old Courts Road, Brigg, DN20 8JZ

01482 01482 01132 07771 01302

Artemis House, 25 High Street, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4LX Kings Office Suite, 52a Queen Street, Market Rasen, LN8 3EN

01652 648335

Europa House, 1 Modder Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2SH 27 Wells Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6HL

01724 844534

3 Main Street, Althorpe, DN17 3HJ

01724 784588

35 Fleetgate, Barton Upon Humber, DN18 5QA

01652 634707

Suite 8, Concorde House, Limber Road, Kirmington, DN39 6YP 7-8 Blue Sky Way, Hebburn, Tyne & Wear, NE31 2EQ

01652 661985

Office F2, The Enterprise Village, Prince Albert Gardens, Grimsby, DN31 3AG

01472 351213

Suite 2, Unit 4 Park Square, Laneham Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6JH 15 Beechway, Scunthorpe, DN16 2HF

07973 948409

Unit 22, Queensway Business Centre, Dunlop Way, Scunthorpe, DN16 3RN

01724 846111

Sovereign House, Arkwright Way, Queensway Industrial Estate, Scunthorpe, DN16 1AL

01724 231100

West Tower, Brook Street, Liverpool, L3 9PJ

0151 255 2830

84 Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7PA

01724 897266

Allied Healthcare Allied Healthcare Amara Care Limited Amber Care (Lincolnshire) Limited Amphion Homecare Ann Tuplin Care Services (ATCS) Care Plus Care (Isle) Limited Care Plus Care (UK) Limited Chestnut Homecare Limited Comfort Call Craegmoor Supporting You in Lincolnshire Creative Support Elite Care Solutions Limited Emerald Care Services (North Lincs Ltd) Goodwin Healthcare Services Ltd Gray Healthcare Hales Group 54

219808 534258 421388 353737 304670

01707 254664

01673 308501 07590 006363

01724 270083

0191 495 9541

01724 855582

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

HICA Homecare

The Grange, Manor Road, Hatfield, Doncaster, DN7 6SB


Cavendish Court, South Parade, Doncaster, DN1 2DJ

HSS (Eden Futures) Ideal Community Care Solutions JME Lifeways

427 Grimsby Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 7LB

01302 846584 Ashby Meadows (01724 858664) 01302 376593

11 Redcombe Lane, Brigg, DN20 8AU

01472 690807 07392 31118 01652 650585

16 Kenneth Avenue, Dunsville, Doncaster, DN7 4DH

01302 886096

2 Nidd House, Richmond Business Park, Doncaster, DN4 5NL New Concept Care 9 – 11 Southgate, Market Weighton, YO43 3AF

01302 344255

& Nursing Oakhills

Peak Homecare Pulse Healthcare Ltd Royal Mencap RDaSH Skills Support Thera East Voyage (DCA) Rotherham Wider Options (Aalps) Willow Homecare

Crosshill House Residential Care Home & Home Care Services, Market Place, Barrow Upon Humber, DN19 7BW 2 The Shambles, Chesterfield, S40 1PX

01430 876000 01469 532139

01246 554321

5th Floor, Airedale House, Albion Street, Leeds, LS1 01132 885801 5AW KC Lightstream Stadium, Preston Road, Hull, HU9 5HE 01482 379510 Woodfield House, Tickhill Road Hospital, Tickhill Road, Balby, Doncaster, DN4 8QN Russell Graham, Askern House, High Street, Askern, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN6 0AA The West House, Alpha Court, Swingbridge Road, Grantham, NG31 7XT Moorgate Croft Business Centre, South Grove, Rotherham, S60 2DH Options Autism Outreach Support Service – North, Roxby House, Winterton Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 0BJ 4 Dudley Street, Grimsby, DN31 2AB

01302 796000 01302 725154 0300 303 1282 07515 609319 01724 733777 01472 344222

Data correct with North Lincolnshire Council - August 2017

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Appendix 5 - Opticians Opticians



Asda Vision Centre Boots Brigg Optical Charles Irvine Edwards & Mahal Kirton In Lindsey Opticians Norfolk Optics Limited O' Brien VG & MJ Peebles & Wayte Smith and Walker (Optometrists) Ltd Smith and Walker (Optometrists) Ltd Specsavers Opticians Stephens Opticians Ltd Sutherland Optical Associates Tesco Opticians

Burringham Road, Scunthorpe, DN17 2XF

01724 407220

103 High Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6LY

01724 847710

5 Chapel Court, Brigg, DN20 8JZ

01625 650400

295 Ashby High Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2RY

01724 842619

12 Church Street, Epworth, DN9 1ER

01427 873578

6 High Street, Kirton Lindsey, DN21 4LU

01652 649024

259 Ashby High Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2SD

01724 867117

43-44 Wrawby Street, Brigg, DN20 8BS

01652 653595

2 Robert Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6NG

01724 843528

1 High Street, Winterton, DN15 9PU

01724 733754

16 High Street, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5PD

01652 632315

54 High Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6SX

01724 271451

42 High Street, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5PD

01652 635997

123 Mary Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6LA

01724 865248

Gallagher Park, Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 8GR 78 High Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6SD

0845 6779664

Vision Express (UK) Ltd.

01724 276220

Data correct with NHS Choices - August 2017


Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

Appendix 6 - Pharmacies Pharmacies


Ancora Healthcare 291 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AB Limited Barrow Pharmacy High Street, Market Place, Barrow upon Humber, Boots Boots Boots Boots Boots Broughton Pharmacy Day Lewis Pharmacy Jhoots Pharmacy Kingston Pharmacy LloydsPharmacy Inside Sainsbury's Lloydspharmacy Lloydspharmacy Lloydspharmacy Lloydspharmacy Lloydspharmacy Lloydspharmacy Lloydspharmacy Morrisons Pharmacy Payne G (Chemists) Ltd Riverside Pharmacy Sedgemill Pharmacy Tesco Pharmacy

Telephone: 01724 877100

01469 535002 DN19 7AA Unit 2 North Lincolnshire Shopping Centre, Doncaster 01724 848176 Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 8TE 7 Wrawby Street, Brigg, DN20 8JH 01652 652269 11 George Street, Barton Upon Humber, DN18 5ES

01652 632393

43-47 High Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6SB

01724 864285

233-235 Ashby High Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2SQ

01724 864755

27 Brooklands Avenue, Broughton, DN20 0DY

01652 657770

72 - 74 Cottage Beck Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 1LE

01724 842429

26 Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7PT

01724 843398

18 High Street, Messingham, Scunthorpe, DN17 3RS

01724 761771

Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7DE

01724 852640

Orchard Rise, Church Lane, Scunthorpe, DN15 7AN

01724 281494

1 High Street, Barton Upon Humber, DN18 5PA

01652 632129

6 Asda Development, Scotter Road, Scunthorpe, DN17 01724 869902 2XG 10 Cambridge Avenue, Scunthorpe, DN16 3LG 01724 853160 29 Marsden Drive, Scunthorpe, DN15 8AL

01724 282821

85-87 Willoughby Road, Scunthorpe, DN17 2DJ

01724 865268

213 Ashby High Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2JP

01724 842581

Lakeside Parkway, Scunthorpe, DN16 3UA

01724 850669

8 High Street, Kirton Lindsey, DN21 4LU

01652 648244

Barnard Avenue , Brigg, DN20 8AS

01652 600301

38 Manlake Avenue, Winterton, DN15 9TA

01724 732369

Gallagher Park, Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 8GR

0345 6779664

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


Unity Pharmacy Weldricks Pharmacy Weldricks Pharmacy Weldricks Pharmacy Weldricks Pharmacy Weldricks Pharmacy (LPS) Well Ashby - Ashby PCC Well Ashby Collum Lane Clinic Westcliff Pharmacy Whitworth Chemists Limited Whitworth Chemists Limited Village Pharmacy

Cambridge Avenue Med Ctr, Cambridge Avenue, Bottesford, Scunthorpe, DN16 3LG Market Place, Crowle, DN17 4LB

01724 864138

5 Church Street, Epworth, DN9 1ER

01427 872235

30 Church Street, Haxey, DN9 2HY

01427 754614

160-164 Frodingham Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7JN

01724 276156

The Ironstone Centre, West Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6HX Ashby Primary Care Centre, The Link, Ashby High Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2UT Ashby Clinic and Childs Ctr, Collum Lane, Ashby, Scunthorpe, DN16 2SZ Westcliff Precinct, Dryden Road, Westcliff, Scunthorpe, DN17 1PS 8 Springs Parade, Brigg, DN20 8EQ

01724 851195

188 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AP

01724 843194

Howe Lane, Goxhill, Barrow on Humber, DN19 7JD

01469 532560

01724 710263

01724 865212 01724 865342 01724 844477 01652 652196

Data correct with NHS Choices - August 2017


Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire

I can’t find what I’m looking for Where can I get further information? Remember to also look at other sections in this Directory

For example: Are you a Young Carer? Look in the Caring and Support section on page 27 Are you interested in Volunteering? Look in the Work, Volunteering, Training and Support section on page 45 Having problems with alcohol? Look in the Alcohol and Drugs section on page 21

Still can’t find what you are looking for? Healthwatch North Lincolnshire’s Information Service Telephone: 01724 844986

Acknowledgements Wherever possible we have checked information with relevant organisations. This information may have been taken from organisation website entries or leaflets and confirmation that this is still extant and accurate has been verified by people employed by or associated with the entry. Any errors are entirely unintentional and if they exist will be amended in future editions of this publication. We would also like to acknowledge that this Directory was inspired by the Directories produced by our colleagues at Healthwatch York and Healthwatch East Riding Yorkshire.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in North Lincolnshire • Healthwatch North Lincolnshire



Other Formats

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that information contained in this Directory is accurate at the time of printing, Healthwatch North Lincolnshire cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions.

If you would like information in this Directory in an alternative format, please contact Healthwatch North Lincolnshire’s Information Service on: 01724 844986

Information is up to date as of August 2017

This Directory is available to download as a pdf from our website

Healthwatch North Lincolnshire Suite 36 & 37, Normanby Gateway Lysaghts Way, Scunthorpe, DN15 9YG Tel 01724 844986