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Mental Health Disorders Training for Rural Practitioners
The ACRRM Mental Health Disorders Training for Rural Practitioners Course is delivered online and face-to-face throughout the year. This ACRRM course addresses the need for relevant, practical, and evidence-based training in mental health for rural practitioners who work in a primary care setting with limited external resources. The course is accredited for ACRRM PDP and MHST MOPS points, and successful completion allows the practitioner access to Medicare Items 2715 and 2717. The online module consists of six sessions of one hour duration, held over six weeks, and is presented via Blackboard Collaborate (virtual classroom). Each session consists of a self-directed activity and peer discussion and is facilitated by an experienced GP Mental Health trainer. An ACRRM face-to-face full day (6 hours) MHST training course is also held each year in conjunction with the ACRRM/RDAA annual conference. This course is PDP and MHST MOPS accredited as per the online course, with full participation giving access to Medicare Items 2715 and 2717. Both courses address the skills required for effective treatment in mental health, and are focused around the three tasks of mental health care: • Assessment • Planning • Review For further information on this program and to apply for the next course, visit the Mental Health program page on the College website.
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