May 10, 2017 - Royal College of General Practitioners ... problems, study shows (Guardian, April 2017) ... health proble
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Mental Health in the UK (2017 – latest reports) Wednesday, 10 May 2017 A quick overview of the latest guidance and evidence on current issues such as smoking, sexual health, health inequalities, mental health, obesity, substance abuse, women’s health – in fact anything that you ask for! If you have a topic suggestion, please email it to Rachel Posaner. Previous searches can be found at:
Mental Health Foundation
HSMC Library (Snappy Searches)
Mental Health Awareness Week
Devolution and mental health (January 2017)
Surviving or Thriving? The state of the UK's mental health (May 2017)
Mental health services (Australia) (March 2017) Young people's mental health (February 2017)
Food for thought: Mental health and nutrition briefing
Faculty of Public Health Better Mental Health For All : A public health approach to mental health improvement
NHS Evidence Supporting carers: mental health carers’ assessments in policy and practice Immigration Removal Centres in England. A mental health needs analysis
Royal College of Psychiatrists Employment and Mental Health STP regions reducing mental health spend School is bad for your Mental Health
The performance of the NHS in England in transforming children’s mental health services Fatherhood: the impact of fathers on children's mental health Gender-sensitive approaches to addressing children and young people’s emotional and mental health and wellbeing
Royal College of General Practitioners Report highlights extra resources GPs need to carry out further training in managing suicide risk, says RCGP GPs are trained in all aspects of mental health, including eating disorders, says RCGP Perinatal mental health is a clinical priority for the College, says RCGP
Social Care Online The Government's response to the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health Treat as one: bridging the gap between mental and physical healthcare in general hospitals
Urgent action needed to make aspirations for mental health care a reality, says RCGP
Socioeconomic disadvantage and suicidal behaviour: full report The impact of housing problems on mental health
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Maternal Mental Health – Women’s Voices
Mental health, mental capacity: my human rights
HSJ PM pledges to scrap Mental Health Act in major reform package
Maternal Mental Health Alliance New survey by RCOG highlights the urgent need to improve maternal mental healthcare Commissioning in Perinatal Mental Health: Everyone’s Business Establishing a Lead Commissioner in Perinatal Mental Health
Money and Mental Health
Mental health trust launches review of deaths in custody Patient death reveals 'no coordination' between mental health services New guidance on police support for incidents on mental health wards From good to great: what the Forward View must do next Reflections on transforming mental health
The money and mental health manifesto Seeing through the fog: how mental health problems affect financial capability
The Guardian: Mental health challenges series
Fear and foul play – The case for bailiff reform to limit psychological harm
Loneliness among older people: a new epidemic
Making mental health a strategic priority
Designed by patients: the mental health centre saving the NHS £300,000 a year
Mental health and gambling
Parliament UK
Mental health nurses in short supply as NHS struggles to fill vacancies Gardening, art, sport – 'prescriptions' for mental health that don't involve pills
Children and young people's mental health - role of education inquiry (includes link to final report) Mental Health and Deaths in Prison inquiry (includes link to final report) Suicide prevention inquiry (includes link to final report) Mental health problems: statistics on prevalence and services Statement on mental health and NHS performance update: 9 January 2017 Mental Health: Written statement - HCWS397
Blogs and other news Theresa May wants to scrap the Mental Health Act. Here’s what should replace it (Guardian, May 2017) What can the UK learn from Finland's approach to mental health? (Guardian, April 2017) One in four young women in UK report mental health problems, study shows (Guardian, April 2017) Britain needs a strategy for mental health care (Telegraph, April 2017) Businesses woefully ill-equipped to deal with Britain's
Department of Health Prime Minister unveils plans to transform mental health support
NHS England Next steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View: Mental health
rapidly growing mental health crisis (Independent, March 2017) On the nature of happiness: mental health and the environment (World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), March 2017) Cat ownership not linked to mental health problems (UCL, Feb. 2017) Poverty has devastating impact on children’s mental health (University of Liverpool, Feb. 2017)
Five Year Forward View for Mental Health: one year on
Pregnant Women And New Mums Should Receive Mental Health Support From GPs, NICE Advises (Huffington Post, Feb. 2017)
NHS Confederation
Mental illness is at last getting the attention, if not the money, it needs (The Economist, Jan. 2017)
Manifesto for Better Mental Health 2017
Care Quality Commission Monitoring the Mental Health Act report
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Checks needed every year for people with a mental health problem in the criminal justice system, says NICE NICE seeks to support new mothers with mental health problems Everyone with learning disabilities should have their mental health checked annually, NICE says, as fears thousands may be undiagnosed
Medical Research Council MRC launches new mental health strategy
World Health Organization (WHO) Mental health: strengthening our response (fact sheet, updated April 2016) Mental health in emergencies (Fact sheet, updated March 2017)
The King's Fund Bringing together physical and mental health: A new frontier for integrated care Funds for mental health must reach the front line if Prime Minister’s vision is to be realised Looking to the future with quality improvement in mental health Tackling culture change to transform mental health services
University of Birmingham Time for a new paradigm in mental health? Closing the Mental Health Care Treatment Gap Poor mental health in the West Midlands region costs more than £3000 per person, study finds (the report can be accessed directly here)
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