Mental rotation for spatial environment recognition

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Sirigu 20 where some patients had pure topographical disorientation with strokes that share the parahippocampic gyrus as a common area. These studies and ...
Cognitive Brain Research 9 Ž2000. 91–102 www.elsevier.comrlocaterbres

Research report

Mental rotation for spatial environment recognition Florence Gaunet ) , Alain Berthoz Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l’Action, College ` de France, 11 place Marcelin Berthelot 75005 Paris, France Accepted 3 August 1999

Abstract We investigated the importance of retinal and body inclination in the recognition of spatial environment. The paradigm involved the recognition, in body upright and tilted conditions, of tilted images —intervals of 158 from 08 to 908 leftward and rightward respective to head coordinates — of known spatial layouts encountered while walking in Paris. The analysis of reaction times was consistent with the subjects mentally rotating the spatial layout so that the environment was subjectively vertical before making their decisions. In contrast, when the body was roll-tilted Ž338., overall reaction time was not affected; however, reaction time and spatial layout tilt with respect to the head were correlated when the body was tilted but not when upright. Both results indicate that gravity was slightly important in performing the task. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Spatial environment; Verticality; Gravity; Mental rotation; Recognition

1. Introduction Visual, vestibular, proprioceptive and motor outflow information are combined to extract spatial invariants and to elaborate a spatial representation of the environment during navigation. A key concept in the field of spatial processing is that of defining the frames of reference used by the central nervous system to interpret sensory information and to localize items in space w5,35x. By the term reference frame we refer to the coordinate systems in which the central nervous system encodes the relative positions of objects in space, including that of the body itself. The present study is aimed at determining how the central nervous system combines information from a variety of different sensors to develop spatial layout representation and in what coordinate system the combined information is expressed. Many studies have been aimed at determining the frame of reference used for solving spatial tasks when the observer is moving in an environment, i.e., the horizontal plane w38x. This literature refers to place encoding — or localization of object — with respect to the body Žegocentric encoding. and with respect to other places Žexocentric encoding.. However, to our knowledge, no studies have been conducted to investigate what frames of refer) Corresponding author. Fax: q33-1-69 85 80 88; e-mail: [email protected]

ence are used for processing spatial relationships between places when the head or the body is misaligned with the spatial layout — side tilt of the head or the body — or when the spatial layout is rotated with respect to the subject’s head — side tilt of scene —. Indeed, the same question applies in this situation: are spatial layouts encoded with respect to the subject or to an external frame of reference, i.e., gravity. This question is crucial because gravity is the most constant, pervasive, and significant of all the features of man’s environment to which he orients himself. Under normal conditions it virtually constant, both in strength and direction, and affects practically every aspect of man’s overt behavior. Our visual world’s apparent orientation remains practically invariant under tilts of head and body. Obviously, the retinal coordinates which indicate the vertical in the upright head posture are somehow rotated in the opposite direction, and by the same amount, as the eye’s normally vertical meridians are rotated relative to the physical vertical Žgravity.. In order to perform such a coordinate transformation, angular information about this tilt is required. The information can be gained from retinal input, and from cues for verticality inherent in features of the visual world such as walls and floors of buildings, water surfaces, the horizon. Because the environmental and observer’s frames of reference coincide whenever the observer is upright, their independent influence may be very important for encoding spatial layouts. Their respective influence has

0926-6410r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 6 - 6 4 1 0 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 0 3 8 - 5


F. Gaunet, A. Berthozr CognitiÕe Brain Research 9 (2000) 91–102

been investigated by tilting the subject’s body and spatial layout images on the roll-axis in the present study. One possibility is that the frame of reference is viewer-centered w16,22,43x, so that one of the steps involved in shape identity or discrimination judgments is to determine how an object is aligned relative to the observer’s head Žor retina.. Computational difficulties thus arise as a function of angular discrepancies between the top of the head and the top of the object. A second possibility is that observers use an environmental reference frame w2,10,12x, so that difficulties arise as a function of angular discrepancies between the main Žvertical. axis of the object and the environmental Žvisual. or the representation of the gravitational upright w1x, irrespective of the position of the viewer’s head. The orientation of the head is usually considered as the principal frame of reference for the perception of the orientation of the visual world. Recent studies support this idea w19x. Receptors in the inner ear, neck and trunk play a crucial role in perceiving self orientation in space w14x. These receptor systems provide information concerning the degree of head tilt with respect to gravity. In spite of the difficulty of isolating proprioceptive information, it has been possible to determine its potential role in spatial perception. For instance, Yardley w50x showed that the estimation of the subjective vertical in a patient with a total loss of proprioceptive inflow below the neck differs from normal subjects when the body is submitted to tilted positions. In addition, scuba-divers, deprived of proprioception, are impaired in non-visual orientation w34,37x. The otolithic system also plays a role in the determination of the subjective visual vertical and of the subjectively horizontal body position w32,51x. When a person in a fixed seat on a human centrifuge is subjected to centripetal force, the direction of the resultant force is modified with respect to the subject. It is a means to stimulate the otolith apparatus. In such experimental situations, the subject feels tilted sideways, and a luminous line observed in the dark appears to tilt Žor rotate. showing the role of the vestibular system in the vertical perception w8,18,41x. Moreover, many studies have shown that adjustment of a visual line to the vertical is affected by the orientation of the visual background, suggesting the contribution of visual information in the perception of body orientation w6,7,29,32,49x. Finally, psychophysical studies by Matin and Li w30x showed that a visual pitch affected differently the visually perceived eye level and the visual vertical. A theoretical frame, the great circle model, is provided by the work of Matin and Li w28,30x to understand how the visual field generates a mental representation which specifies spatial coordinates for space perception. In the quoted study, separate mechanisms would underlie both perceptual abilities suggesting entanglements between the different perceptual cues. The present study is a preliminary attempt to determine the reference frame underlying the accuracy with which

observers recognize spatial layouts encoded during walking in an urban area. This paradigm differs substantially from paradigms used in experiments mentioned above in that it involves perception of the stimulus and of self orientation and, in addition, categorizing the stimulus — known or unknown — and matching it to a memorized stimulus. It focuses on classical studies on body orientation perception in an ecological and original visuo-spatial paradigm: the recognition of environments. Two experiments were conducted: a control and a main experiment. Both were composed of a learning phase of spatial layouts in the center of a town and a recognition phase in the lab, with presentation of scenes of spatial layouts on a computer screen, known and unknown, to be recognized. The two latter phases were divided into a training phase to familiarize the subject with experiment principles and a test phase. To ensure that the spatial layouts would be recognized, i.e., well known, and to evidence an effect of a role of the gravity on spatial layout recognition, places that had been visited many times and explored by walking were required for the learning phase. We thus chose long term stored places visited on foot, i.e., known areas of Paris. To this end, the present paradigm involves recognition of images taken from a previously experienced path in Paris among images of unknown environments. A control experiment was developed before the main experiment to ensure that spatial layouts were learned and recognized, with both spatial layout images and the body upright. Specifically, in the main experiment, we wished to determine whether the accuracy with which a subject can recognize spatial layouts depends on retinal inclination of the spatial layout and on body inclination. The role of spatial layout tilt was investigated by tilting the spatial layout images with respect to the head from 08 to 908 left and right. The role of body tilt was investigated by tilting the body of the subject on the roll-axis. In this preliminary attempt to determine the reference frame underlying the accuracy with which observers recognize spatial layouts, we were mainly interested in determining how any ecological disturbance was corrected by the central nervous system. We consequently deliberately choose a small angle of body tilt Ž338.. Indeed, 338 degrees corresponds to an ecological amount of tilt that the human subject often experiments when hisrher head is side tilted when walking or when hisrher body is tilted when driving. The protocol Žrecognition procedure. was based on previous spaceflight experiments performed in the MIR station and on the ground with astronauts w25,27x. 2. Material and method 2.1. Subjects Subjects were recruited from the University of Paris and were paid for participating in the experiment. They had

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lived in Paris for at least the last 5 years and were all familiar with the places in Paris they had to remember. Their vision was normal and not corrected. They were right handed. Five males and five females participated in the main experiment, ranging in age from 21 to 26. Another group, with 2 males and 2 females was used for the control experiment Žage, M s 22; S.D.s 1., and the other subjects participated in the main experiment Žage, M s 23.6; S.D.s 1.75.. Before both experiments, subjects were carefully informed of the overall goals of the experiment but were naive of the specific hypotheses. Experiments were undertaken with the understanding and written consent of each subject. 2.2. Equipment and experimental set up 2.2.1. Material for learning phase We chose well-known areas in Paris ŽThe Eiffel Tower, Trocadero square, Charles de Gaulle-Etoile square, Clemenceau square, Concorde square, Saint Michel square, ´ la Sorbonne, Luxembourg garden, Pantheon, etc.. that ´ subjects had already visited at least four times. A walking path connecting these places was planned out. 2.2.2. Material for recognition phase Apparatus. A tilting chair that was used Žsee Fig. 1.. It was composed of a body-restraint system in which the subject was seated with a computer screen at a distance of 60 cm from their eyes. The computer screen on which the

Fig. 1. Experimental setup. The subject is seated on the tilting chair, observes spatial layout images on the screen throughout the viewing tunnel and pushes one or the other button according to hisrher ability to recognize spatial layouts.


spatial layout images were displayed had a 800 = 600 pixel resolution. The mean luminance of the viewed images were 5.5 cdrm2 at 60 cm from the screen. It was fixated to the tilting chair. The center of the screen corresponded to the eye level fixation point. The screen was viewed through a form-fitting face-mask prolonged by a black cylindrical optical tube to avoid influence by any external reference frames. The head was supported by a head-rest such that the head remained aligned with the body axis, independent of the orientation of the chair. Stimuli were centered on the screen, surrounded by a circular frame and 17 cm in diameter, leading to a visual angle of 16.15. The distance of the eyes from the screen Ž60 cm. prevented from detecting the vertical alignment of pixels in the stimuli and from using it as a vertical visual cue. Moreover, to avoid the eventual use of vertical cues from pixels defining the black circular border, the stimulus faded gradually to black at the circular border. Two buttons Žsee Fig. 1. aligned in the sagital plane and 1.5 cm apart were used to record recognition responses. The subject had to push buttons with the right hand. They used the middle finger to push the distal button for knownrrecognized spatial layouts and the thumb for unknownrunrecognized spatial layouts using the proximal button. Latencies were recorded with a time resolution of 80 ms. During the control experiment, the chair was in the upright orientation. During the main experiment, it was upright, left tilted and right tilted. We chose an amount of body tilt sufficiently great to affect perception of space but still convenient for the subject, i.e., 338 ŽFig. 2.. Design of spatial layout images. Images of the known spatial layouts were chosen so that a salient object Žsuch as a famous monument or building of the known place. would not be the main attribute to recognize the place; rather, the spatial arrangement of the other constitutive items of the surroundings was the relevant information to solve the task. Only in few images Žless than 10%. a small part of a famous monument or building appeared Žsee for instance Fig. 2.. Unknown spatial layouts were chosen outside Paris. Images were taken along the path in the center of Paris and in other places outside of Paris with a camera. For both known and unknown images, it cannot excluded that some images could be processed, i.e., recognized, easier than some others. This possible effect was counteracted by counterbalancing images across conditions and time. These images were scanned and digitized with a PC computer. The number of spatial layout images used during recognition phases of both experiments is given in Table 1 below. During the control experiment and for both training Ž5 images total. and test Ž162 images total. phases, unknown and known images were upright with respect to the head. During the main experiment and for both training Ž5 images total. and test Ž189 images total. phases, each unknown and known image was tilted with respect to the head ŽFig. 2. according by one of the following angles: 0,


F. Gaunet, A. Berthozr CognitiÕe Brain Research 9 (2000) 91–102

Fig. 2. Body and image tilt. Spatial layout images are tilted according to an a angle with respect to the head wy90 to q90x; the subject is tilted according to b s 338 angle according to the gravity.

15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 left and right. During the training phase, tilts were randomly assigned to the 2 known and the 3 unknown images. During the test phase and for the pool of unknown images Ž72., each tilt Ž13 total. was presented and was randomly assigned to one image 5 to 6 times. During test phase and for the known images pool Ž117., each tilt Ž13 total. appeared 9 times and was randomly assigned to one image. 2.3. Experimental procedure 2.3.1. Learning phase The subject was led along the path and told to memorize the visual spatial layout experienced while walking. Before exploring the places, subjects were informed about the scene recognition task. Hershe was told to look around in all directions and pay attention to landscapes as much as possible while walking along the path, because they would be tested on their memory of these visual scenes. Each subject stayed the same amount of time in each place. No specific landmark was pointed out. This phase lasted about 2.5 h. The same path was used for all subjects. Environment learning was accomplished on a single walk. 2.3.2. Recognition phase After the learning phase, the subject was taken back to the lab and was submitted to training and test phases

consisting of the recognition of a succession of known and unknown images ŽFig. 3.. The appearance of one spatial layout image was triggered by pressing either of the two buttons. The subject was told to answer by pressing one of the two buttons as quickly as possible without sacrificing accuracy. Once the recognition trial was performed, the image disappeared and a distracter Ža set of many crossing lines at different orientations covering the same circular surface covered by the image. appeared to avoid persistence of the spatial layout image on the retina. The next trial was triggered by pressing one of the button. For the control experiment and for both training and test phases, one block contained all images. The order of appearance of unknown and known images was randomly defined and varied from subject to subject. The recognition phase lasted about 45 min. For the main experiment, one block contained all images for the training phase. For this phase, the order of appearance of unknown and known images and the orientation of images were randomly defined and varied from subject to subject. For the test phase, 9 blocks of 8 unknown and 13 known images were designed. In each block, tilts for unknown images were randomly chosen whereas all 13 different tilts of known images were presented during one block. The order of appearance of unknown and known images and of image tilts were randomly presented within a block and between blocks. Three different blocks were assigned to each of the chair tilt condition, allowing the recording of 3 repeated measures. The order of chair tilt presentation was counterbalanced across subjects. The recognition phase lasted about 60 min. 2.4. Data analysis For both experiments, responses given for the recognition of known spatial layout images were recorded and processed. We extracted two variables from the responses: percentage of correct response and mean latencies. When the subject responded that hershe did not recognize a known image, the missing latency was replaced by the mean latencies of the correct trial recorded in the same experimental condition. Percentages of recognition and mean latencies was computed for each specific experimental condition, 1 for Table 1 Number of spatial layout images during recognition phases of the control and main experiments

Training phase Test phase

Control experiment

Main experiment

Unknown images

Known images

Unknown images

Known images

2 45

3 117

2 72

3 117

F. Gaunet, A. Berthozr CognitiÕe Brain Research 9 (2000) 91–102 Fig. 3. Examples of images. The subject observes a spatial layout and decides whether it is known ŽK. or unknown ŽK. by pressing the distal button when recognized and the proximal button when it is not.


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Table 2 Percentages of correct responses during known spatial layouts recognition Images tilt with respect to the head Ždegrees.














Body upright Body left Body right

94.4 83.3 94.4

100 100 100

100 100 100

94.4 94.4 94.4

100 100 94.4

94.4 94.4 100

100 94.4 100

100 100 100

100 100 100

94.4 83.3 100

94.4 100 94.4

94.4 83.3 94.4

94.4 94.4 83.3

the control experiment, and 13 = 3 for the main experiment. These data are presented in the following section for both the control and the main experiments. Two statistical analyses were conducted on these data. Ø Comparison of the two dependent variables Žpercentage of correct response and mean latencies. between the control experiment and the condition of the main experiment during which both body and spatial layouts were upright: we respectively used a rank test and a t-test to compare percentages of correct responses and mean latencies; Ø Effect of body and spatial layout tilt on percentages of correct responses and on latencies: we respectively used a rank test and an analysis of variance to compare percentages of correct responses and latencies; a regression analysis study was also performed on mean latencies and spatial layout tilts with respect to the head.

3. Results 3.1. Control experiment 99.39% of the known spatial layouts were recognized and it took 2.32 s on the average ŽSE s 0.75. to recognize the known spatial layouts. 3.2. Main experiment Percentages of correct responses during both body and spatial layout tilt are shown in Table 2. Left tilt is signed ‘‘minus’’ and right tilt is signed ‘‘plus’’. Fig. 4 presents the latencies according to body tilt ŽFig. 4a: upright; b: body left; c: body right. and spatial layout tilt with respect to head Žy908 to 908., for all 6 subjects and all three repetitions. 3.2.1. Comparison of percentage of correct response and mean latencies between the control experiment and the condition of the main experiment during which both body and spatial layouts were upright Percentages of correct responses. During the main experiment, percentage of correct responses to recognize

upright known spatial layouts when the chair was upright is 100, see Table 2, seventh row and first line. A rank test did not reveal any differences in the percentage of recognized known spatial layouts between the control experiment Ž99.39. and the experiment when the subject and spatial layout image were upright. Latencies. Moreover, during the main experiment, when the subject is upright and spatial layout images are upright, the mean latency to recognize known images is 1.67 ŽS.D.s 0.68.. A t test analysis revealed that the latencies of the control experiment Ž M s 2.32 and S.D.s 0.4. did not significantly differ from the latencies recorded during the processing of upright spatial layouts when the subject performed the upright condition of the main experiment. 3.2.2. Effect of body and spatial layout tilt on percentages of correct responses and on latencies Percentages of correct responses. They are all close to 100%, see Table 2. Rank tests revealed no significant difference in the number of correct responses between body tilt conditions, and no significant effect of spatial layout tilt. Latencies. A qualitative inspection of Fig. 4 suggests that latencies depend on the tilt of the body, in particular on the left tilt Žsee Fig. 4a vs. b and c.. This observation is supported by the averaged latencies computed for all 13 image tilts and 3 repetitions: when the subject is upright the mean latency is 1.78 s ŽSE s 0.13., when the subject is tilted left, the mean latency is 1.88 s ŽSE s 0.1. and when the subject is tilted right, the mean latency is 1.79 s ŽSE s 0.12.. In addition, latencies do not seem to vary as a function of the direction of body tilt ŽFig. 4b vs. c. and spatial layout images tilt, left or right Žy908 to 08, or left side of the graphs, vs. 08 to 908, or right side of the graphs, for Fig. 4a, b and c.. Moreover, when the orientation discrepancy between the memorized and the current spatial layout images increases Žsee data plots for the 3 conditions of body tilt for images tilt from 0 to y908 and from 0 to 908., latencies are longer, especially for "75 and "908 tilt of the images and for body tilt conditions. We tested these above observations with a three-factor ANOVA analysis, Body tilt Žleft side, right side. = Spatial

Fig. 4. Mean latencies and standard errors as a function of spatial layout tilt with respect to the head wy90 to q90x. Top: body upright; middle: body tilted left; bottom: body tilted right.

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image tilt Ž15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90. = Repetition Ž1, 2, 3.. In contrast with the above observations, no effect on body tilt was found. However, the observations on the effect of images tilt with respect to the head on latencies were confirmed: the main effect for spatial layout image tilts with respect to the head in the range of y908 to 908 reaches significance, F w5, 50x s 4.4, p s 0.002. Fig. 5 presents the same data presented in Fig. 4, with the latencies for left and right body and spatial layout images tilts averaged. When the orientation discrepancy between the memorized and the current spatial layout images increases, latencies are longer; in addition, the latencies during the body upright condition is less affected by image tilt. These observations were tested with an ANOVA. A Body tilt Župright, side. = Spatial layout image tilt Ž0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90. analysis on the data was performed. The analysis only revealed a significant effect of the images tilt factor, F w6, 60x s 4.4, p s 0.009. This main effect is probably due to the overall increase of latency with image

tilt because of a significant difference between the 0 and 75 degrees tilts and the 0 and 90 degrees image tilts, p s 0.03 and p s 0.006 Žpost-hoc analysis: Tukey test.. The interaction of the two factors was not revealed by the analysis of variance, nor an effect of the body tilt factor. Finally, in order to analyze the effect of spatial layout image angle with respect to the head in a more detailed way, we computed a regression analysis Žangle of rotation of images with respect to head and latencies. for each body tilt condition Žin the upright and tilted conditions.. The linear regression was performed on mean reaction time for each orientation. The correlation coefficient was significant in both conditions Župright, r s 0.98, p - 0.001; 338, tilted s 0.94, p - 0.001.. The correlation analysis shows that the data fit the linear model for both conditions. For the upright and the tilt conditions, the mean intercept were 1.67 and 1.56, respectively and the mean slope were 0.002 and 0.006, respectively. The corresponding velocities of mental transformation were 500 degrs and 166 degrs, respectively.

Fig. 5. Mean latencies and standard errors as a function of spatial layout tilt with respect to the head w0 to q90x Žleft and right tilts averaged. for 0 and 338 body tilt Žleft and right tilts averaged..

F. Gaunet, A. Berthozr CognitiÕe Brain Research 9 (2000) 91–102

4. Discussion This experiment was aimed at determining which coordinate system is used to recognize spatial layouts encoded during walking with vision in natural environments. It shows that tilting the body up to 338 affect slightly spatial layout recognition suggesting that gravity is not a crucial factor in this experiment; however, the alignment of the spatial layout with respect to the subject’s head and retina is very important for scene recognition when encoded during walking. The preliminary experiment — recognition of spatial layout success rate after walking in urban areas — was important because, to our knowledge, such a paradigm has never been developed so far. The recognition success rate is very high suggesting that the present experimental conditions were adequate for recognizing spatial layouts. Moreover the mean latency we found Ž2.3 s. is in the same range —but slightly higher — of published values in the literature for recognizing stimuli distinct from spatial layouts. For instance, it takes 0.55 s to recognize upright alphanumeric symbols w9x, 0.5 s for 2D random shapes w26,40x, 0.8 s for 3D polygons w40x and 1.4 s for shaded objects composed of five 3D volumes w44x. All together, these data suggest that familiar spatial layouts, re-explored once for the purpose of the experiment, can be recognized on the computer screen we used. Finally, the rate of recognition success and latencies of the control experiment and of the condition in which spatial layout images and subjects were upright in the main experiment, were similar. Thus, the present paradigm is adequate for studying the recognition of spatial layouts acquired during travelling within walking space. We found that latencies to recognize a spatial layout were slightly longer, 2.32 s than the ones mentioned above. The encoding mode of the stimulus could account for this difference, i.e., glance vs. walking. It could also be that recognizing spatial layouts is a more complex process than object recognition Žbecause of the involvement of a specific spatial relation encoding process.. The fact that indeed spatial layout processing differs from faces, objects and words processing is supported by neuropsychological and pet-scan studies w3,13,46x. Indeed, fMRI studies have demonstrated selective activation within a region of cortex specialized for face perception during mental imagery of faces, and selective activation within a place-selective cortical region during imagery of places, the parahippocampal area w33x. The latter area weakly responded to single objects and not at all for faces w17x. The idea that a specific area would be specifically dedicated to spatial processing is also supported by a study of Habib and Sirigu w20x where some patients had pure topographical disorientation with strokes that share the parahippocampic gyrus as a common area. These studies and our result support the idea that a specific module would be involved in spatial processing.


Moreover, it seems that similar processing rules may apply to different categories of stimuli. Indeed, the important finding of this study is that a memorized 3D visual representation of the environment can be submitted to complex transformations, such as its transformation for recognition when the vertical axis of the subject does not coincide with the vertical axis of the visual scene: the perceivedrmemorized scene is transformed to match the memorizedrperceived scene. Indeed, the most important result is that a greater visual orientation discrepancy in the roll plane between the encoded environment and the perceived spatial layout leads to an increase in reaction time. As the discrepancy increases, the latencies range from 1.75 to 1.95 s when the chair is upright and from 1.7 to 2.25 s when the chair is tilted. The strong effect of the retinal frame of reference may be due to the fact that vertical and horizontal cues are present in the scene. The up-down polarity of the visual scene Žtop-bottom. contributes indeed to the sense of body orientation with respect to gravity and thus determines latencies for the recognition process as a function of discrepancy between two stimuli orientation. But even without any strong visual vertical and horizontal cues, this phenomenon appears during the processing of 2D or 3D shapes. An experimental demonstration of the influence of the orientation of external visual objects upon the time needed for their recognition has been reported by Shepard and Metzler w39x. The subjects were seated upright and were presented with perspective line drawings of two 3D objects that differed in orientation about either the line of sight or a vertical axis. The 3D shape of the object could also differ by subtle spatial features, and subjects were instructed to determine as quickly as possible, but without sacrificing accuracy, whether the two objects were identical or different. The time required to perform the discrimination task was proportional to the angle of the orientation differences. The same results have been confirmed for letter and object processing w9,21,31,43x. The orientation function is consistent with the notion that subjects mentally rotate the visual scene before making their judgment. It is thus suggested that, in the present study, the process to align the spatial scene encoded during walking in natural settings and a tilted image of a scene of the experienced environment involves mental rotation. A suggestive additional aspect of the results strengthening this conclusion is that the rate of mental rotation recorded in the present experiment Ž500 and 166 degrs. fit the rates recorded in the experiments involving one 2D object compared with an internal representation Ž327, 450, 369, 600, 621, degrs, 5 reported experiments, p. 4.. and one 3D object compared with an internal representation Ž343 degrs, p. 8.. w40x. The time dedicated to the recognition task when two figures are in the same orientation would differ according to the type of stimulus but the transformation process would be similar. Whereas this process has shown to be involved in letter and object recognition processes, i.e., intraobject process-


F. Gaunet, A. Berthozr CognitiÕe Brain Research 9 (2000) 91–102

ing, it is only recently that this process was found for the processing of spatial layout, i.e., interobject processing. For instance, Diwadkar and McNamara w15x investigated the viewpoint dependence of spatial memories. Participants learned a layout from a single study view and then learned to recognize the layout from three additional training views in the horizontal plane. A final recognition test showed that the study view and the training views were represented in memory, and that the latency was a linear function of the angular distance to the nearest study or training view. Here the mental rotation process applies in the horizontal plane involving, the rotation axis being the vertical axis. Our experiment shows the same result but involves a transformation into another plane, the roll plane and the axis of rotation is centered on the line of sight. These results support the idea that interobject spatial relations are encoded in a viewpoint-dependent manner, and that recognition of novel views requires normalization to the most similar representation in memory. These findings parallel recent results in visual object recognition w15,16, 24,42,45x. Thus, similar processing rules may apply to different categories of stimuli. Another important result we wish to raise is the absence of effect of side of tilt of the chair. Such an effect could have been expected because Bauermeister w4x found significant differences for deviations of apparent from true visual and tactual vertical between body tilt to the right vs. to the left. But the absence of such an effect in the present work may have been due to the absence of a more generalized effect of gravity on scene recognition. We expected its role because during encoding of space while walking, the body is submitted to a constantly present gravitational force. In addition, experiments conducted on earth decoupling the retinal and gravitary reference frames suggest that some types of stimuli would more likely involve one or the other coordinate system. For instance, in an experiment designed by Corballis and Roldan w11x subjects made rapid judgments as to whether dot patterns were or were not symmetrical about a line. The time reaction functions suggested that the subjects mentally rotated the patterns so that the line was vertical before making their decision. Corballis, Zbrodoff and Roldan repeated this experiment in 1976 and confirmed the previous results. In contrast, encoding novel figures w36x, identification of line slopes w2x and the processing of alphanumeric characters w12x seem to be accomplished with reference to gravitational rather than retinal coordinates. It can be concluded from these experiments that involvement of retinal or gravitational coordinates may depend on whether stimulus orientations are interpreted with respect to the body Žhead, retina. or to the external world. According to this hypothesis, recognition of spatial layouts could have partially relied upon a gravitational frame of reference. Two main reasons could explain the absence of influence of gravity in this task.

The first could be the duration of the body tilt before the subject performs recognition trials. It could be too long or too short. This hypothesis was rejected because in all experiments described above, similar duration of tilt before trials occur were used —and tilt effect showed up. In addition, a study of Cohen and Tepas reported by Howard and Templeton in 1966 Žp. 210. w23x. showed that the estimation of the vertical was not modified by exposures of 0, 4, 8 or 16 min, which is the range of the exposure time in each tilt condition in our and above experiments. It could also be argued that the tilt angle Ž338. is small. Although not statistically verified, we observed a tendency of latencies to be longer for greater angle of spatial layout image inclination with respect to head when the subject was tilted. Both results suggest that body tilt and upright conditions slightly differ. Furthermore, Corballis found gravity effects in condition in which the subject’s head was tilted by more than 308, i.e., 608. We consequently have some reason to think that a greater body tilt would affect recognition latencies. Ecological disturbance of use spatial knowledge does not impact significantly performances suggesting that some complex reorganisational mechanisms partially compensate for unusual situations. It may rely on the mechanisms set up for counterbalancing perceptual drawbacks of pitch and roll head movements during walking. Another reason could be that the whole body was tilted in this experiment whereas only the head was tilted in the above mentioned experiments. It has been shown that the perception of body in space differs according to whether the head or the body is tilted. For instance, ocular counterrolling was larger when only the head was tilted by 308 as compared to the same tilt of the head together with the body w48x. Head-only tilt values of the ocular counterrolling are from 110 to 200% of those of head and trunk tilt. In the first case it can be assumed that neck position receptors as well as the otolith system have been stimulated, whereas in the latter case the stimulation affected essentially only the otolith system. In addition, during body tilt, subjects perceive the visual vertical being more attracted in the direction of the tilt than during head tilt w47,48x. Neck receptors would tend to limit the attraction of the perceived vertical toward the tilt. It could be that for spatial layout recognition, the involvement of neck proprioception is more important than that of the otoliths; the underlying physiological and cognitive processes for spatial layout recognition could consequently more rely on the alignment of head upon trunk rather than on body upon gravity. In conclusion, the gravitary coordinates system seem to be only slightly used for spatial layout recognition when the whole body is tilted by 338. By contrast, the retinal coordinate system is very important in recognizing visual scenes and the mental rotation process is used to align the memorized and the perceived spatial layout to match them

F. Gaunet, A. Berthozr CognitiÕe Brain Research 9 (2000) 91–102

for recognition. This study contributes to asserting that mental rotation is a very robust process because it occurs for the coordinate transformation of dot patterns, objects, letters and spatial layouts.

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Acknowledgements We thank Jo McIntyre, Fred Mast, Didier Poquin and Marc Wexler for useful comments on earlier versions of this article, Olivier Kieken for computer support, France Maloumian for preparing illustrations, Michel Ehrette for technical support and Sara Boudet for her contribution to the experiment. This work was supported by the French space agency ŽCentre National des Etudes Spatiales, Life Science Comitee..

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