optional subject in the coming semester if the institution and the lecturer ...
berkempok kecil dalam belajar di kelas, sebagaian besar dari para ... utama
untuk pangajaran bahasa Inggris III sebagai mata kuliah pilihan untuk ... this
institution as location of the research based on several reasons : 1. this ..... 11
Mainframes. 1.
Maria Leonorna Suparti, M. L. Manda, Noer Jihad Saleh. ELS, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Correspondent: STMIK Dipanegara Makassar Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10 Makassar South Sulawesi,Indonesia SMA Katolik Sto. Dominicus.Jln S, Kelara Lr. 96A Makassar
[email protected] Mobile number: 081242161836
Abstract This research is for computer and technology needs for their English III as optional subject and how the syllabus should be designed to.Thus, the purpose of this research was to find out the students’ needs of computer and technology for their English III and to design the syllabus of English for computer and technology as optional subject. This research was descriptive qualitative but the data were interpreted quantitatively. The findings based on the data analyzed are that the respondents have very basic, basic and lower intermediate level, but they have a very high motivsation because they study in that institution based on their own choice, they prefer to have small group and pairs work for the class’activity, the most of the respondents claimed that they need English to have communicative competence,thus they expect to be developed in speaking and writing skills to support them in getting a better job.This research used the combination of three approaches,language-centered approach;skills-centered approach and learning-centered approach to syllabus design.The concept of these approaches to cover the three focuses of Hutchinson and Waters.Thus, the syllabus has been designed based on the students’needs by using the three of the approaches.The findings of this research becomes the main consideration for having English III as optional subject in the coming semester if the institution and the lecturer could apply the suggested syllabus.
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi kebutuhan bahasa Inggris III untuk mahasiswa komputer dan teknologi dan juga untuk merancang silabus yang berdasarkan kebutuhan mahasiswa tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskritif kwalitatif tetapi data yang diperoleh diolah secara kwantitatif. Penemuan yang didasarkan pada olah data mendapatkan hasil bahwa para mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan yang tingkat rendah, dasar dan menengah, tetapi para mahasiswa tersebut memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dalam belajar karena mereka kuliah di lembaga pendidikan ini atas pilihan utama mereka sendiri, para mahasiswa lebih suka dengan bekerja berpasangan dan berkempok kecil dalam belajar di kelas, sebagaian besar dari para responden atau para mahasiswa menyatakan bahwa mereka mengharapkan dikembangkannya keterampilan bertutur dan menulis untuk mendukungnya dalam memperoleh pekerjaan yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini menerapkan tiga (3) kombinasi pendekatan pembelajaran, yaitu pendekatan berbasis bahasa, pendekatan berbasis keterampilan dan pendekatan berbasis pembelajaran merujuk pada rancangan silabus. Konsep dari penerapan ketiga pendekatan mencangkup keseluruhan pokok bahasan dari teori-teori dari Hutchinson dan Waters. Jadi, rancangan silabus yang sudah disusun berdasarkan kebutuhan mahasiswa telah menggunakan ketiga pendekatan tersebut. Penemuan dalam penelitian ini menjadi pertimbangan utama untuk pangajaran bahasa Inggris III sebagai mata kuliah pilihan untuk semester berikutnya apabila lembaga pendidikan dan para dosennya bersedia menerapkan silabus yang disarankan. Key words: students’needs, analysis, English, communicative competence,
INTRODUCTION As we know, in Indonesia, English is a foreign language and it is a compulsory subject for junior high schools and senior high schools. But, now, it is being taught from elementary schools until university. In elementary schools, English is as local content of that school. While in university, English is general essential subject, as we call it in Indonesian Mata Kuliah Dasar Umum (MKDU). The expansion of English as world’s written information of technology and computer and English is international language make the need of English is more important. And the expasion of teaching and learning English does not limit in General English(GE) only, but also in English for Specific Purposes (ESP)(Wello and Nur:2004).English is compulsory subject in junior high schools and senior high schools, right now on, English also compulsory subject for university level, as general essential subject.In Indonesian, it is called Mata Kuliah Dasar Umum (MKDU) Richard(2001) stated that needs analysis has a vital role in the process of designing and carrying out any language course, whether it is ESP or GE course and its centrality has been acknowledged by several scholars and authors.The aim of this research is to find out the students’needs of computer science the to desing of the syllabus its self.
METHOD Location and Research Design This research is conducted at Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Dipanegara Makassar that lies on Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar. The researcher chose this institution as location of the research based on several reasons : 1. this institution has not conducted needs analysis in the previous designing syllabus yet; 2. This institution has autonomy in designing of curriculum, such as other institutions. 3. the exist of the syllabus is not fulfill the students’needs,it is just in GE not ESP . This research is descriptive qualitative research. Arikunto(2006) stated that descriptive research is conducted to gather information about the status of phenomenon, which is the real conditon that happened naturally.Moreover she said that descriptive research is not conducted to check out of the reliability of a hypothesis,but only describe the condition that would be found in the area of the research.
Richard stated that target population in needs analysis refers to people from whom information will be gathered. In language programs, the target population is the learners who have potential in their academic studies.However, other participants can be involved in needs analysis. For instance, lecturer/teacher, former students, stake holder and employer as long as they can provide the useful information that related to needs analysis. There are four categories of population who are involved in this research: target group, audience, the need analyst and resourse group (Brown 2005) Population and Sample The population is the students of STMIK Dipanegara in academic year 2012-2013,there are 1.027 students. To limit the time and cost, the researcher limited the sample by using 20% of population as the method suggested by Gay L.R..(1981) It has been decided the number of sample, the researcher used random class sampling. Method of Data Collection Instrument and
procedures of data collection concerning of the students’need and
material evaluation, the researcher used the instrument proposed by Richard and Gravatt, Richards, and Lewis(1997). Arikunto(2009) stated that the instrument of data collection is a system that will help a researcher of conducting research in collecting data in order the process of collecting data systematically. Data collection procedures are devided into three steps:first is prepared and piloted the questionnaires,then distributed it to the respondents, second is the researcher collected and analyzed the data, third is as last step,after data were processed and the finding in hands, the researcher created a syllabus that based on the respondents’needs The Technique of Data Analysis This research is descriptive qualitative, but the data collected were interpreted quantitativly,thus, the researcher had to use percentage system and rating scale as the technique of data analysis of this research. Situmorang(2004) stated that this rating scale allows the researcher to sort the respondents’level of the lowest to the level of highest based on the certain atributes. This scale is used to measure attitudes,opinions and perception of the respondents.
FINDING Table 2 is the reason why the material is not fit to the students’needs. It must be the main consideration that the learners need the better material in English III. Table 3 is the
respondents’response for the ability of their English. They have difficulties in almost of all skills. It indicates that they have limited English proficiency. The teacher should give more attention in this case.. Table 4. The respondents claimed that they are very difficult in Speaking skill and writing skill. The respondents expect that they are given material that could improve in speaking and writing skills. Based on table 5, it shows us that the respondents have very high motivation,The lasttable in this article stated that their opinion of ESP subject is very important subject. Based on the table 2, twenty seven (27) out of 88 students that answer”no” stated that they were notsatisfied to English subject because of boring materials, fifty one (51) stated that because of the material is not fit to the need, just two (2) of them claimed that no variety of material/teaching,the last respondents. Eight(8) they have no reason. The next table 3 is about the students’weakness of English skills:”how often do you have difficulty in these skills?” Based on the table 3, the four (4) of skills,generally, the respondents stated that it is difficult. There are about a one-third percent (1/3%) of the respondents who claimed that the four skills are very difficult. It needs to be paid attention that it can be stated that they have just a very limited English proficiency. The next case is about the students’level of English, it can be seen that fourteen (14) out of respondents are very basic, thirty five are basic, seventeen (17) out of respondents lower intermediate, three (3) of respondents stated that they have advance level, the last is that thirty nine (39) out of respondents are unknown level. This respondents can be said that they are included in basic level,it is based on the small discussion to the lecturers directly. The
discussion about learning situation analysis, it reveals to involve personal analysis,it related to the reason for being the students of this institution,their expectation of learning thelanguage. “According to your opinion, what is your reason to study in this departement ?” The next, it can be said that the most of the respondents, fifty three(53) out of the respondents stated that they have their own choice or main choice,thirty two(32) out of respondents is to get a better job,it means that they have a good reason to study hard. Twelve(12) respondents are because of their parents’suggestion, then it is just six(6) respondents who have no other choice.It indicates that they have the best reason.
“how do you like if your material of English focus on computer science (ESP)?” Most of the respondents sixty (60) or 58% claimed that study English refers to ESP subject is very important,fourty two (42) or 41% claimed that it is important. This condition is supported by stake holders three*3( or 100$ that they also claimed that it is very important, another choice ic supported by the graduated that ststed it is important. DISCUSSION This research found that the students’needs of English are to be able to communicative and to write material of computer to support their future. Thus, the last one is desinged the syllabus based on the students’needs. The different of this research to another one is Hasanuddin (1995) is to find the similarity and the different of the English sound and Gorontalonese.And Kaimuddin (2009) is to find out the role of English for Vocacional Schools,not to design the syllabus. This discussing is to analyze the present situation,the learning situation, and the target situation of the respondents. The present situation, it reveals to the response of the questionnaires which related to the students’present situation before taking the course, English III as optional subject.Dudley-Evan and St.John stated that present situation analysis estimates strengths and weakness in language learning skills and experiences. This part is about the students’perception toward English I and English II materials, on their weakness of English skills and their English level, the table is as follow: ”Are your English materials ( I&II) that you have studied suitable to your need?” Based on the table, fifteen (15) out of 103 respondents claimed that they meet their needs, but eigthy eight (88) out of 103 respondents claimed that they don’t meet their needs.This response needs to be considered that English material should meet the needs. Hutchinson et al (2007) said that the teaching of ESP is to meet the students’ needs.
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION The conclusion based on the discusion and finding, For the students’ present situation that they have very basic,basic and lower intermediate English level,they have high intrinsic motivation because they study at STMIK Dipanegara based on their own choice, the most of the respondents claimed that their weakness or lacks are speaking and writing skills.Then,the students’learning situation,they prefer to work in pairs, fifty one (51) or 50% out of the
respondents and in small group, thirty five (35) or 34% out of the respondents.These two types of working class activity can help the students to encourage and to develop their speaking ability.The last part of the students situation is the students’target situation.Based on the discusion and finding, the most of respondents claimed that they need English to be able to communicate in relating to computer and technology science, office activity and write material to improve their study. The syllabus that has been proposed by the researcher in this research is based on the finding or the needs of the students of STMIK Dipanegara.is the integrated of several type of syllabus that are topicall syllabus,situational syllabus and skill syllabus.The suggested syllabus is created to help the students in English for computer science course. Based on the discusion and finding,the researcher proposed several suggetions as follows:- the decision maker of this institution that has had a plan to add extra ESP subject,it is time to make it in reality, thus the students have chances to learn the subject as soon as possible. –before designing the course, the syllabus designer should identify every single aspect that is involved in learning and teaching process to meet the students’needs as well as the lecturer. – although, the suggested syllabus in this research is far from being complete syllabus because it needs to be evaluated, the suggested syllabus can be used as reference for the institution of Dipanegara. It is based on the students’needs. The suggested syllabus is in the appendix.
BIBLIOGRAFI Arikunto. S.(2006). Prosedur Penelitian,Yogyakarta, RinekaCipta Arikunto. S (2009). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarata. Bumi Aksara. Brown, J.D. (2005). The Element of Language Currikulum: A Systimatic Approach to program --Development. Boston, MA: Heinie and Heinie Publishers Brown. Charles.P.and Mullen. N.D. (2009). English for Computer Science. Oxford University Press.(Suggested syllabus) Dudley-Evan and St.John.(1998). Development in English for Specific Purposes.Canbrigde University Press. Gay.L. R (1981).Educational Research. Charles. E. Merill Publishing Co: Columbus Ohio
Gravatt. B. J. Richads and M Lewis (1997). Language Needs in Tertiory Studies. Auckland :Occasional School PaPer Number 10. University of Auckland Institute of Language and Learning Hutchinson and Waters (2007) English for specific Purposes. Cambridge University Press Hasanuddin (1995). Syllabus Design Based on Constractive Analysis : A Case Study of English & Gorontalonese Segmental Phonemes. Thesis-Post Graduated Program Hasanuddin University. Kaimuddin (2009). Syllabus Design Toward The Role of English for Technic Vocational Schools. Thesis Post Graduated Program Hasanuddin University. Richard J.C. (2001).Curriculum Development in Language Teaching.Cambridge University Press Situmorang. (2010). Prosedur Analisi Data. Jakarta Bumi Aksara. Sugiyono. (2012). MetodePenelitian Kombinasi. Alfabeta, Bandung. Wello,M.B. and Nur. H.A .(2004). An Introduction to English for Specific Purposes. MakassarState University Press. -----------------2008,Task Based Syllabus: http://Langue.hyper.Chubu.ac.jp
Lampiran 1 Table 1:The student doesn’t meet the need NO ANSWER 1 2
STUDENT GRADUATE FREQ % FREQ % 15 14,56% 4 40% 88 85,44% 6 60% 103
LECTURER FREQ % 0 0% 2 100% 2
Table 2:Why the materials are not Suitable NO ANSWER 1 a.Boring material b.The material is not fit to the 2 need c.No variety of 3 material/teaching 4
d.No reason TOTAL
FREQ % 27 30.68 % 51
57.95 %
2.28 %
9.09 %
Table 3 The students’reason to study at computer science NO ANSWER
Parents' suggestion 12 B Main choice 53 C To get a better job 32 D No choice 6 TOTAL 103
31% 6%
8 2
80% 20%
100% 10
100% 2
SUGGESTED SYLLABUS English III for Computer and Technology Students College/Institution
: STMIK Dipanegara Makassar
Level/Program: Strata1/ IT-IS Semester
: 3rd
Course description: This course is designed for fulfilling the students’ needs in concerning of computer and technology area. This course engages to apply English language skills that combine in listening, speaking, reading and writing in relating to computer and technology area. After finishing this
study, the learners are expected to be able to have communicative competence in the context of English for computer & technology area. Course Goal: This English III subject is aimed to enrich students’ skills and to develop the learners’ communicative competence to apply in a narrow range of English for basic communication in this area.
No Topics 1
What is a computer
History of computer
1. Reading & understanding a text 2. Duscussing the theme given :how to use computer 3. Write a short paragraph of the function of computer in general & individual 1. Reading & understanding a text 2. Grammatical function of present tense in our activity 3. Focus "word formation" 1. Understanding & reading text. 2. Understanding words.
Input/ Text type
1. The contract of lecturing 2. Rule of class 1. Individual
-giving idea about what the class will be
2. Group/ pair work 3. Writing exercises
1. Group in discussing 2. Orally exercises
1. Passage/ question 2. Oral, developing speaking skill 3. Written, developing writing skill
1. Passage 2. Orally
3. Written 3. Doing exercises 1. Individual
1. Passage/ question
2. Individual Exercises
2. Written
Organizing information
1. How to arrange idea in paragraph. 2. Write paragraph
1. Individual
1. Written, developing writing skill
Computer capabilities & limitations.
1. Reading & understanding text. 2. Grammatical
1. Individual
1. Passage/ question
2. Orally
2. Orally
Hardware & software
Orall-mid test
exercises 3. Doing exercises/ written 1. Reading skills. 1. Individually 2. Vocabulary study. 2. Individually 3. Duscussing the theme 3. Small group Given: What program you like most.
3. Written
1. Developing speaking skills 2. Presentation
1. Oral
Written mid test
Kinds of computers
Write paragraph
1. Reading & understanding text. 2. Write short paragraph. 3. Discussing the theme given: “good laptop”
Officer relationship
1. Pre test • Oral • Written
1. Individual
1. Passage 2. Orally
2. Pair work Doing test in written Looking for information via internet
1. Passage/ question 2. Writing
1. Individual
1. Passage/ question
2. Individual
2. Develop writing skill 3. Oral
3. Pair work
1. Developing speaking 1. Individual/ skill pair work 2. Presentation/ 2. Small group Discussing the theme Given: “partnerships”
1. Oral
1. Reading & 1. Individual understanding test. 2. Write short paragraph 2. Individual 3. Doing exercises
1. Passage/ question
1. Reading & understanding text. 2. Grammatical function "making comparison 1. Developing speaking Skill, and writing
1. Individual
1. Passage/ question
1. Small group/ pair work
1. Oral and written
2. Oral
2. Written 3. Written
Final test semester