Methane Emission, Nutrient Digestibility, Energy Metabolism and
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In an oral glucose tolerance test, mice fed the HF diet had a delay in the ...... A reductase activity in rat liver by insulin, glucagons, cyclic AMP and hydrocor-.
Dec 2, 2016 - cFaculty of Animal Sciance, Mataram University, Mataram, Indonesia. (Received 01-06-2016; Reviewed 06-09-2016; Accepted 23-11-2016).
ABSTRACT This study first examined whether urinary C-peptide (UCP), stored at ... In conclusion, UCP retrospectively measured with a 1-site ELISA remained ... However, it remains to be determined whether a ... called for explicitly (11,12). .... Thus
Girls Are Affected by Lipoprotein Lipase, but Not Apolipoprotein. CIII Polymorphism ... lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in Vietnamese girls. ..... Frohlich JJ.
Schmidt-Sommerfeld, E. & Penn, D. (1990) Carnitine and total par- aenteral nutrition of ... Bhuiyan, A.K.M.J., Jackson, S., Turnbull, D. M., Aynsley-Green, A., Leo-.
an intravenous dose of methionine in 6 piglets fed an adequate protein (AP) diet and 6 piglets fed a low protein (LP) diet with normal ... molar ratio of GSH is much lower than in whole proteins, ... The present study was undertaken to validate the m
The aim of this study was to determine in weaned piglets .... chloride, 0.06 iodate, 4.0 manganese oxide, 12.5 hydrated iron sulfate, 10.0 zinc oxide, ... in a 125 g/L acrylamide separating gel and a 45 g/L acrylamide ..... differ in the type and amo
d gestation) and fed total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or enteral sow's milk (ENT) for 6 d after .... dorsal aorta catheter as above, and an orogastric feeding tube (6F;.
Feb 27, 1997 - tween HL and LL groups were analyzed by Student's t test for indepen- ..... Insull, W., Hirsch, J., James, T. & Ahrens, E.H. (1959) The fatty acids of ... Steiner, P. M., Brady, D. & Glueck, C. J. (1979) Effects of varying maternal.
urine. Their relative abundance is compared to that of intact catechins (parent catechin and its tissular methylated ... Blood was drawn from the abdominal aorta into heparinized ..... Traces of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylpro-.
3 Cod liver oil with added vitamin A (all-trans retinol: 1,000 IU/g) and vitamin D (cholecalcipherol: .... For calcium, the difference in ADC between fish fed D5 and.
Feb 27, 1997 - the low lipid (LL) diet group was also studied in a separate experiment. Food intake, dam body weight and litter weight were recorded daily.
Methane Emission, Nutrient Digestibility, Energy Metabolism and
Furthermore, CH4 on combustion yield 892.6 kJ (25°C,. 1,013 hPa) per mole, .... dioxide (CO2) production were measured by using an open circuit respiration ...
Methane Emission, Nutrient Digestibility, Energy Metabolism and Blood Metabolites in Dairy Cows Fed Silages with and without Galacto-oligosaccharides Supplementation B. Santoso, S. Kume1, K. Nonaka1, K. Kimura2, H. Mizukoshi2, Y. Gamo and J. Takahashi* Department of Animal Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro 080-8555, Japan ABSTRACT : This study was conducted to investigate the effect of supplementation of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) on methane emission, nutrient digestibility, energy utilization and blood metabolites by Holstein cows fed silages. In two sequential digestion and respiratory trials, two non-lactating Holstein cows were arranged to a balanced incomplete block design. Experimental diets consisted of two silage types; orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) based silage (OS), mixed silage (orchardgrass based silage and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) silage) (MS), while two GOS levels were without supplementation (0) and 2% of dry matter intake supplementation (2). Four combination diets were OS-0, OS-2, MS-0 and MS-2. Significant effects of silage types and GOS supplementation levels were not observed for DM and OM intake. Whereas the digestibility of OM, NDF and ADF was significantly (p