Methods and measures used in primary care patient safety research

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incident reporting were used. We excluded studies ... seminal reports about patient safety in the US9 and ...... This analytic method was applied to data collected ...
  Be er knowledge for safer care  

Methods and Measures used in Primary Care PaƟent Safety Research Results of a literature review 2008

Better Knowledge for Safer Care

Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Results of a literature review Authors Meredith Makeham, University of Sydney, Australia Susan Dovey, University of Otago, New Zealand William Runciman, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Australia I Larizgoitia, World Health Organization, Switzerland On behalf of the Methods & Measures Working Group of the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety

Author for Correspondence Susan Dovey Department of General Practice Dunedin School of Medicine University of Otago PO Box 913 Dunedin New Zealand [email protected]

Page 1 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care ABSTRACT Background and Aims:

As most

patient safety research to date has focused on hospital-related issues, we aimed to determine the methods

sites of national patient safety organizations and the Englishlanguage websites of 92 international, national or provincial general practice/family medicine

used in patient safety research

organizations, and one international

conducted in primary care, their

and one national physician insurance

strengths and weaknesses, the


measures they produced, and research gaps.



retrospective studies, 34 concurrent

Review of MEDLINE,

We identified nine

or prospective or single method

in-process and PubMed-notMEDLINE, OLDMEDLINE, CINAHL and EMBASE records from 1966 to

studies and six mixed methods studies. The most common method was analysis of reports of patient

2007. Bibliographies of selected articles were scanned for additional publications. MeSH terms relating to

safety incidents made by primary care clinicians, practice staffs, or

patient safety, primary care and

patients (22 papers).

incident reporting were used. We

We indentified no primary care

excluded studies that examined only

patient safety research from

one type of patient safety incident or

developing countries. No studies

only one primary care process, and

comparable to hospital-based

studies based on hospital data only.

retrospective record reviews or

We included research using both

autopsy research were found.

primary care and hospital data and

Patients’ perspectives were poorly

research about community-based


complementary or alternative

Estimates of patient safety incidents

medicine. We searched the internet

in primary care were 0.004-240.0 per

Page 2 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care 1000 primary care consultations and

per 1000 treatments to 4% of

45%-76% of all “errors” were

incidents resulting in death, 17%–

preventable. Many studies included

39% resulting in harm, and 70%–

measures of the relative frequency of

76% had potential for harm.

different types of patient safety


incident: 26%-57% of incidents involved diagnostic “errors”; 7%-52%

Much useful work has been done but the study of patient safety in primary

involved treatment; 13%-47%

care is still in its infancy. More

involved investigations; 9%-56% involved office administration; 5%-

rigorous methods need to be used and clearer and more consistent

72% were communication errors. Harm from safety incidents ranged from 1.3 significant minor incidents

definitions of common terms would assist comparability of results.

Page 3 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care

INTRODUCTION The internationally agreed definition

research in acute hospital settings

of primary health care is provided in

(focusing on higher income

point VI of the Declaration of Alma-

countries),4 and in transitional and

Ata.1 Although each country

developing countries.5 In addition

interprets the concept slightly

there are papers on the ontology,6

differently, overall, primary health

epistemology,7 and scope of patient

care describes the activity of health

safety research8 that set the context

care providers who are the first point

for these three reviews.

of health system contact for patients

To date concern about the safety of

and who are based in a community, rather than in a hospital.2

patients in hospital settings has driven most research in the field. The

The purpose of this paper is to

seminal reports about patient safety

critically appraise the methods used

in the US9 and the UK10 excluded

to research patient safety in primary

primary care from their discussions.

health care studies and the metrics

The UK report was specific about

(measures) this research uses and

this exclusion and it was implicit in

produces. This document has been

the US report. Hospitals were the

developed as part of a of a series of

focus of attention and have remained

reviews proposed by the World

so to date.

Health Organisation (WHO) World

A stronger emphasis on primary care

Alliance for Patient Safety aiming at understanding the tools available for conducting research on patient

patient safety research is important because the overwhelming majority of healthcare is delivered outside

safety in various settings.3

hospitals, in primary care settings.11

Companion papers review methods

Many safety incidents identified in

and measures used for patient Page 4 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care hospitals originate elsewhere, often 12-14

in primary care

and most burden

with immediate or close observable consequences should be defined

on health systems arises not from

within the safety paradigm but

rare mistakes with drastic

incidents with delayed effects should

consequences, but from the more

be regarded as primarily a quality

mundane incidents that have effects

issue.6 From a primary care

that are magnified by frequent

perspective this distinction based on

repetitions and exposure of a large

time is problematic, but there remain

number of people.15

challenges in identifying and measuring patient safety incidents

Primary care may hold different threats to patient safety from hospital settings due to both the health care delivery environment and the type of

that are associated with lengthy latency, and where incomplete records may mask complete

health services provided. Primary

understanding of contributing factors.

care providers often have less

Further complicating patient safety

control over care management and

research in primary care are the

delivery than in the more

characteristics of patients who

continuously monitored hospital

commonly present in primary care

admissions, and more than one site

with undifferentiated problems,

is often required for an episode of

uncertain diagnoses and multiple co-

care (having implications for patient

morbidities.16 Appropriate and

and information transfer). Primary

inappropriate delays in protecting

care sites are not necessarily

their safety by making a correct

designed for this purpose (for

diagnosis must be subjectively

example: patients’ homes, providers’

assessed. There are also substantial

cars, or on roads). As well, episodes

challenges in protecting patients’

of primary care may extend over very

safety where the systems to support

long time frames – sometimes years.

safe care may be poorly defined and

There is an argument that incidents


Page 5 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care There is one notable exception to the

Indexed Citations”, Ovid's collection

overall dearth of patient safety

of non-indexed National Library of

research in primary care. Because of

Medicine records, both the in-

the need to test the safety of

process and PubMed-not-MEDLINE

pharmaceutical products before they

records, and OLDMEDLINE (the

are released onto the market, and to

National Library of Medicine's online

regulate their use after release, the

database of approximately 1,700,000

pharmacovigilance literature has

citations to articles from international

generated a great deal of knowledge

biomedical journals covering the

about drug safety and much of this is

fields of medicine, preclinical

primary care-based (see, for

sciences and allied health sciences).

example17-25). This paper reviews the

The same Medical Subject Headings

methods and measures used for

(MeSH terms) relating to patient

patient safety research conducted in,

safety, primary care and incident

about, and for primary care patients

reporting (shown in Table 1) were

and providers. We excluded papers

also used to search the Cumulative

concentrating on one particular

Index to Nursing and Allied Health

primary care process or function

Literature (CINAHL) and Excerpta

(such as prescribing) and we focus

Medica (EMBASE). The reference

instead on research aimed at

lists of selected articles were

investigating the full spectrum of

scanned for any additional relevant

patient safety issues in primary care.

publications. We excluded articles that did not


report original research, studies that

A review of the published scientific

examined only one type of patient

literature was undertaken using

safety incident or only one primary

OVID Medline from 1966 to

care process, and studies based on

December 2007. This database

hospital data only. We included

includes “In-Process and Other Non-

research about patient safety

Page 6 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care incidents where both primary care

language websites of 92

and hospital data were used and we

international, national or provincial

included research about community-

general practice or family medicine

based complementary or alternative

organizations, and one international

medicine that met other review

and one national physician insurance


agency. The search strategy for

We also searched the internet sites

Medline (repeated for searches of the CINAHL and EMBASE

of national patient safety organizations in Australia, Europe

databases) is shown in Table 1.

and North America and the English-

Table 1. Search strategy used for OVID Medline Search #1

Family practice OR primary care OR primary health care OR general practice


Medical error* OR medication error* OR diagnostic error* OR iatrogenic disease OR malpractice OR safety culture OR near failure OR near miss OR patient safety method* OR patient safety indicator* OR patient safety measure* OR patient safety report* OR safety event report* OR safety manage* OR risk manage* OR adverse drug reaction


#1 AND #2


LIMIT: Abstracts


LIMIT: English language


LIMIT: clinical trial OR meta-analysis OR randomized controlled trial OR review OR case report OR classical article OR comparative study OR evaluation studies OR controlled clinical trial

Page 7 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care RESULTS Search results The Ovid Medline search returned

excluded the peripherally related

1057 titles and abstracts and the

papers because their data were

CINAHL and EMBASE searches

derived hospitals only (8 papers),

returned 773 potentially relevant

their subject matter was not directly


related to patient safety (8 papers),

We reviewed the titles of all papers

or they were focused on individual

and if the title suggested eligibility we also reviewed the abstract. Titles and abstracts suggested the eligibility of 126 papers and we read the full text of these. Eliminating duplicates,

process (13 papers). The number of papers reporting patient safety research in primary care increased rapidly over the

discussion papers and letters, we found 49 articles reporting original research of direct relevance to the objectives of this paper, and 29 that were peripherally related. We

types of safety incident or care

period of the review. Figure 1 shows the publication year of the 49 research reports included in this review and Table 2 shows the research methods used in each of the three general types of research approach.

Page 8 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care

Figure 1:

Review-eligible papers by publication year 14

number of papers

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1995




















Publication year

reported in real-time, the Methods used in primary care patient safety research

research involving databases of audits was completed

The 49 articles directly related to


patient safety research in primary

2. Concurrent or prospective or

care were of three main types:

single method studies using

1. Retrospective studies,

data analyzed either

including literature reviews

qualitatively or

and studies using medical

quantitatively.35-68 We

records and malpractice

included reporting systems

databases as their data

studies in this category



We included

because, although reported

studies of significant event

incidents may have happened

audits in the retrospective

in the past (retrospectively),

category because although

reports used in these studies

the audits themselves were Page 9 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care were made especially for the

patient safety incident happen in

research, or in “real-time”.

primary care?”29, 30, 32, 33, 36-39, 41, 42, 46, 48-54, 58-63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71

3. Mixed methods studies reporting research that used two or more different

Reported research was grouped according to the following generic



reasons for the study:

Within these three main research

1. To establish the types (and

approaches, 10 different methods

sometimes frequency) of patient

were used. Forty-eight studies used

safety incidents happening in

only one main method but the six

primary care.

remaining studies used two69-72, 74

2. To propose and/or test

and four73 different methods. The

interventions to make primary

most common method was analysis

care safer for patients.

of reports of patient safety incidents

3. To propose and/or test methods

made by primary care clinicians, practice staffs, or patients 45, 48-50, 53, 54, 57-61, 63-66, 68

for patient safety research in

36, 37, 39-42,

primary care settings.

and the

research question most often addressed was: “what types of

Page 10 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care Table 2:









designs/methods Research Design Research Aim


Concurrent or Prospective

To establish the types (and/or frequency) of patient safety events happening in primary care

Systematic literature 29, 33 reviews Studies of malpractice claims and risk management 30, 34 databases

Interview studies 46, 52, 62 Surveys 36, 37, Reporting systems

To propose and/or test methods for patient safety research in primary care settings

Systematic literature 26 reviews Studies of Significant Event 31 Audit databases Studies of malpractice claims and risk management 32 databases

Surveys 45 Reporting systems

To propose and/or test interventions to make primary care safer for patients

Studies of significant event 27, 28 audit databases

Interview studies 43, 55 Focus group 40, 44, Reporting systems


38, 51

39-42, 48-50, 53, 54, 57-61, 63-66,

Mixed methods Survey + Interview 71 study Survey + Systematic 70 literature review

68 47, 56

35, 44

57, 58, 64, 67

Systematic literature review + Focus group 72 study Study of Significant Event Audit database + 74 Survey Delphi study + Interview 69 study Systematic literature review + Interview study + Focus group 73 study

Strengths and weaknesses

of retrospective research methods Retrospective research methods are generally used to find out what has happened in the past in order to plan

care patient incidents, followed by another in 200333 that aimed to both describe incidents and estimate their frequency. In 200670, 72 and 200726, 73 four more literature review papers

improvements for the future.

were published. Where a literature Systematic reviews of the

review is reported in combination

literature have been published both as a stand-alone research method26, 29, 33

and in combination with other 70, 72, 73


The first literature 29

review appeared in 2002

aimed at

with other research methods, it was used in advance of other methods to develop a tentative definition,70 proposal,72 or method73 that was then tested by the other methods.

developing a way to describe primary Page 11 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care The strengths of literature reviews lie

Organizations,70 the National Patient

in their being able to summarize

Safety Foundation,29, 33 the Institute

existing knowledge and identify

for Healthcare Improvement,29 the

knowledge gaps. Results of a

American Academy of Family

literature review crucially depend on

Physicians,29 the American College

the literature being reviewed, the

of Physicians-American Society of

means by which it is identified, and

Internal Medicine,29 the Institute of

how it is interpreted. Medline was

Medicine,29 and the Medical

accessed for all primary care patient

Protection Society.33

safety literature reviews although

Measures of primary care patient

one paper was silent on their search

safety incidents from literature



Medline excludes many

journals that publish primary care


All literature reviews

concentrated on qualitative analyses

research so used alone it is unlikely

of prior research, producing

to provide a complete picture. Most

definitions of “medical error”29, 70 and

searches were limited to English

“preventable adverse events”,29

language reports and this would also limit their comprehensiveness.

identification of factors impeding or facilitating disclosure of “medical

Most literature reviews used more

errors”,72 ways that mortality data are

than one citation database, and

used in general practice,26 and a

included searches of EMBASE,26, 29,

measure of patient safety culture in


CINAHL,26, 73 the Cochrane

primary care organizations.73

Library,29 E-PIC (Pharmacy 73


One review found 25 different

the Health

definitions of “medical error”.70

Management Information Circular 73


and the websites or

measures of “medical errors” in

bibliography collections of WHO,70 the Joint Commission for the

Another derived quantitative primary care (5-80 per 100,000 consultations), “errors in diagnosis”

Accreditation of Healthcare Page 12 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care (26-78% of all “errors”), and

These studies were descriptive,

“treatment errors” (11-42% of all

small, and not designed for



This study also estimated

epidemiological generalizeability: the

that 60-83% of all “errors” were

2003 study reviewed only 56


significant event reports31 although 33727 and 66228 reports were

Studies of significant event audits are limited to the United Kingdom, where since 2004 the Quality and Outcomes Framework has rewarded general practices for carrying out analyses of significant occurrences (not necessarily involving negative patient outcomes) in an effort to

included in the later studies. Significant events described in these studies tended to be serious, with events that may threaten patient safety but not pose an immediate risk to life regarded as not significant enough to warrant inclusion. A limitation of significant event audit as

improve care. One paper was

a method for researching patient

published shortly before conducting such audits was associated with

safety in primary care is that so far it has been reported only in the UK.

payment.31 Three studies used significant event audits alone27, 28, 31 and in one study a significant event audit was used in combination with a survey.74 The former three studies aimed to describe the content of

We could find no evidence of its having been used for research in other countries. However, in the UK it is now a compulsory activity for general practices and in the future, outcome measures for patient safety

general practices’ significant event audits while the latter study used the quality of significant event audits as an outcome measure for an

research may possibly be derived from significant event reports. Furthermore, if other countries adopt the same technique, it may provide a

intervention aiming to improve risk management in general practice.

means of making international comparisons.

Page 13 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care Measures of primary care patient

health care providers,34 and the third

safety incidents from significant

analyzed 49,345 US primary care

event audits: The main measures

malpractice claims.32 This method

produced by three studies were

was not used in any mixed-method

descriptions of the significant events


reported in general practice.27, 28, 31

The study by Fischer et al30 is the

These descriptions grouped events according to classifications derived from reporting system studies. 60

earliest quantitative study of patient safety incidents in primary care we

39, 53,

found. Quantitative analyses make

Other measures used in significant

event audit research were reasons for significant event reports being “unsatisfactory”27, 28 and severity of patient safety event outcomes.

an important contribution to the field of patient safety because they highlight common problems that can then be used to prioritize interventions. The main weakness of

Serious or life-threatening events were 6.5% of reports in one study28 and 22% of reports in another.31

studies involving malpractice claims or risk management databases is that they provide a limited view of

Studies of malpractice claims and

patients’ experiences with patient

risk management databases are

safety incidents. Most incidents do

currently not a mainstream approach

not prompt a malpractice claim and many claims do not arise from

in primary care patient safety

preventable incidents.75 However,

research. We identified three relevant studies.30, 32, 34 One was a study of incidents reported to a risk

they do give access to data about incidents that patients have found

management database at one US

unsatisfactory and, as in two of the

academic medical centre,30 one was

studies we identified, data can be

a case series (N = 94) of criminal cases in Hungary that involved

found for entire countries.32, 34 Another strength, demonstrated in the study by Phillips et al,32 is that by

Page 14 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care linking malpractice and other

disability (34.5%30 and 26%32 of

databases, additional information

“errors”), and low severity or

can be derived about the

emotional outcome only (48.3%30

characteristics of these incidents.

and 18%32 of “errors” ).

Measures of primary care patient


safety incidents from malpractice

Strengths and weaknesses of concurrent and

databases: The main measures were the prevalence of incidents that

prospective research Concurrent and prospective primary

resulted in an injury, potential injury, or financial liability (5.4 per 100,000 clinic visits30) and the distributions of incidents of different types. Patient safety incidents described in these malpractice and risk management databases were due to treatment 30

care patient safety research methods are generally used to find out what is currently happening and the qualitative methods often used in concurrent and prospective primary care patient safety research are particularly important for providing in-


(31% ) or medication errors (8% ), diagnostic mishaps (26%,


depth analyses of why patient safety



incidents happen.


and 34% ), failure to supervise or monitor (16%32), improper

Interview studies have been used

performance (15%32), failure or delay

as a method for studying patient

in referral (4%32), ‘other’ errors

safety in primary care for more than

(26%30) or no error, such as known

a decade. They have been used as

complications (17%30).

both a stand-alone method35, 38, 44, 51

Severity of outcome was measured as death (3.4%30 and 37%32 of “errors”), severe or permanent 30

disability (13.8%


and 19%


“errors”), moderate or temporary

and in mixed-methods studies.69, 71, 73 They have been used to describe patient safety incidents in primary care38, 51, 71 and to develop ways to make primary care safer.35, 44, 69 They have involved primary care

Page 15 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care clinicans35, 44, 69, 71, 73 and trainees,38 academics, personnel,



35, 69

hospital staff

69, 73




35, 69

35, 51, 69

and patients.

assessing severity of harm, and estimating incidence that are not assessable from other studies producing these measures. The

Methods used to enroll study

privacy of the interview allows

participants included “snowballing”,35

exploration of topics such as anxiety

purposive sampling of physicians,

and guilt about incidents. Interview

patients, practices, or

studies can be economical because

organizations,38, 69, 71, 73 and random

participants are ideally purposively

sampling from physician44 and

sampled, ensuring that every

general51 populations. These studies

interview makes a meaningful

used interviews lasting between 25

contribution to the study’s goals.

minutes44 and 2 hours.35 Most

Random sampling, used in two of the

interviews were conducted according

identified studies,44, 51 is often

to an interview guide and

considered wasteful in qualitative

recorded,35, 51, 69, 71, 73 and the

research because it may cause

verbatim transcripts were analyzed

some unnecessary interviews to be

together with field notes.35, 73

conducted at the cost of potentially useful interviews not being carried

Interview studies and other


qualitative research techniques are especially valuable for their ability to

Conversely, interview studies (and

derive new information that have not

other qualitative research

been anticipated by researchers.76

approaches) are sometimes considered uneconomical, because

Data from individual interviews provides information on non-factual data that is difficult to obtain by other

they are labour-intensive and timeconsuming. They are difficult to integrate into regular routines for

means. One study highlighted difficulties with classifying errors,

patient safety research, although some reporting systems include

Page 16 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care capacity for interviews in their confidential reporting processes.

physician-related errors (8%), patient 77

communication errors (5%), and

Some participants may also be

preventable adverse events (4%))71

reluctant to fully disclose some

or encountered by trainee doctors

issues as there is no anonymity of

(shortfalls in interpersonal skills,

participants from investigators.

diagnostic skills, and management

Recall bias also plays an important

skills).38 Prevalence of observed

part in colouring the discussions held

“errors” was 24% of consultations in

during interviews. Interview studies

primary care office practice (3% to

tend to be less familiar to healthcare

60% of encounters per physician).71

planners and providers than

Two studies identified the type of

quantitative or epidemiological

safety incident patients are

research and may sometimes be

concerned about.51, 69 These were

less valued because of the inevitably

access restriction (29% of “problem

small numbers of study participants

incidents”), communication

(relative to the large numbers of

breakdown, relationship failure

participants possible in some study

(37%), technical error and

designs – especially database

inefficiency (24%)51 and issues

studies), the usual lack of random

relating to the interface between

sampling and the contextual

primary and hospital care.69

specificity of study groups.

Consequences of observed “errors”

Measures of primary care patient

in office practice included “harm”

safety incidents from interview

(24% of consultations) and “potential

studies: Measures produced by

harm” (70% of consultations).71

interview studies included the type of

Patients spoke of anger, frustration,

safety incident primary care

belittlement, and loss of relationship

physicians notice while seeing

with and trust in their physician as

patients in their offices (office

consequences of safety events.51

administration errors (17%),

Consequences of patient safety Page 17 of 49

Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care events that were memorable to

The strengths and weaknesses of

family physicians included patient

focus group studies are similar to

death (47% of memorable events),

those of interview studies. Personally

no adverse outcome (26%) and

sensitive data are less likely to be 44

malpractice suits (4 of 53 “errors”).

divulged in focus groups than in

One study identified deficiencies in

personal interviews, but focus groups

computer systems, focusing on drug

take advantage of group dynamics to

alerts, and proposed ways to rectify

spark new ideas that may be less

these deficiencies35 and another

likely to arise from individual

used interviews to test theories about

interviews. They are therefore an

patient safety culture in the process

ideal method for exploring factors

of developing an instrument to

contributing to patient safety

measure safety culture in general

incidents because they promote


discussion among group members,

Focus group studies were reported

who are usually chosen because

in two studies as a stand-alone

they share common experiences.

method43, 55 and in another two

Measures of primary care patient

72, 73

alongside other methods.


studies reported on three 73



safety incidents from focus group studies: Patients identified issues in


focus groups involving

primary care that were classified as

2143 to 3855 participants. In both

relating to both quality (access to

mixed methods studies the focus

care, coordination of care, system

group component was the final part,

resources, and ability to pay) and

carried out to determine whether the

safety (“errors”).43 “Errors” were

tool developed by other methods

classified as medication errors,

would be useful. All studies analyzed

errors of inattention, or technical

recorded discussions and field notes.

errors. One multi-method study produced a tool describing factors facilitating physician disclosure of

Page 18 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care patient safety incidents

patient safety risks to patients with

(responsibilities to patients, the

COPD. A Failure Modes and Effects

profession, self, and to the

Analysis (FMEA)79 was tested.

community) and barriers to

Measures of primary care patient

disclosure (attitudinal barriers,

safety incidents from the Delphi

helplessness, uncertainty, and fears

study: Patient safety risks ranked

and anxieties).


No new measures

came from the other two focus group investigations although the overall product of one study was the Assessment Framework,

difficulties with access to patient records post-discharge leads to decisions being made without

Manchester Patient Safety 78

most important were “routine

adequate background information” a

and “information about discharged

framework for exploring ways of

patients sometimes does not reach

improving patient safety culture in

relevant primary care staff”.69

primary care teams. Surveys were used as the only A Delphi study was reported in one

research method in six papers46, 47,

paper as part of a mixed-method

52, 56, 62, 67

study aimed at testing a method to

method in a further three papers.70,

research patient safety events

71, 74

occurring at the hospital-primary care

included random47 and non-

interface.69 The Delphi component

and as a complementary

Participants in these studies

random56, 62, 70, 71 samples of primary

followed an interview study phase

care clinicians46, 47, 52, 56, 62 and

that identified quality of care and

staff,46, 52, 62 and complementary care

patient safety issues associated with

providers.53 Response rates were

the total healthcare of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

reported in five papers and ranged from 29%70 to 76%.56 Only one56 had

Disease (COPD). A two-stage

a response rate greater than 50%.

process was used to identify specific

Surveys were used to describe

Page 19 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care it has rarely been used in primary

patient safety events in primary 46, 52, 62, 70, 71


and they

care settings because it is a labour-

contributed to the development of

intensive process that provides

both interventions to improve

information specific to the institution



and research tools.

47, 56, 74

in which it is conducted. Primary care practices are in general too small to

Surveys are a strong research

support the infrastructure needed to

design for estimating prevalence (for example, prevalence of safety events in primary care) but to be effective in this function survey participants must be a randomly selected sample of

conduct FMEAs. The technique involves studying one task in detail, identifying steps where failure might occur and designing interventions to avoid failure at these points.

sufficient size to produce results that are generalizeable to the population

Measures of primary care patient

from which the sample was drawn.

safety incidents from survey studies:

Only one of the studies in this group

Despite the above design concerns,

used a random sample,47 although

the surveys reviewed produced

this design strategy appears to have

measures of factors contributing to

been possible for at least two

deaths among primary care patients

others.52, 56 Response rates were

(patient behaviors (40% of deaths),

also very low (compromising

general practice teams (5%),

generalizeability of results) and only

hospitals (6%), and the environment

one study reported efforts to improve

(3%)),46, 52, 62 the type and frequency

response rates by follow-up of initial

of adverse events encountered by


patients of acupuncturists,53 factors influencing clinical educators’

One of these surveys was used to develop an FMEA.62 Although this is a relatively common approach to use

responses to “medical errors” (trainees’ prior history, clinical knowledge levels, receptivity to

on safety data collected in hospitals, Page 20 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care feedback, training level, emotional

primary care, but we excluded these

reaction, and whether they

studies from the current review. 55,

apologized or offered an excuse), 67

and attitudes to reporting

Participants in reporting system studies included primary care

significant patient safety events (18% favored mandatory reporting,47, 56 6%70-41%47, 56 had difficulty defining a significant patient safety event).

doctors,36, 37, 39, 41, 42, 45, 48-50, 53, 54, 57-61, 63-66, 68

practice staff57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66

and patients.58 Reporting systems have been designed for anonymity

Other surveys did not aim to produce

(where reporters can never be

any outcome measures other than a

identified),39, 53, 58 and confidentiality

contribution to a larger research

(where reporters can be identified for

47, 56 46, 52, 62


as long as it takes to correctly record

Patient Safety Incident Reporting

the event)45, 50, 65 and have used

System studies dominate the

(alone or in combination) paper,36, 37, 39, 58, 60

research on patient safety in primary care settings. We defined surveys as

electronic,39, 58, 59, 65, 68 and

telephone reporting.66 They have involved regional,54, 57, 60, 65, 66

restricted pieces of research, in

national,39, 58, 61 and international53, 59,

contrast to reporting systems

64, 68

studies, where the method of data


collection was intended to generate

The earliest patient safety event

research data to address a number

reporting study was the Australian

of different questions. Sometimes

study of Incident Monitoring in

more than one included study was

General Practice, involving data

produced by a single patient safety

collected between 1993 and 1995.36,

event reporting system. Reporting


systems have also been used to

sponsored National Patient Safety

study individual processes used in

Agency opened an anonymous on-

In 2004 the UK government-

line web-based reporting route for Page 21 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care any healthcare staff. This system can

paper has been published in

be viewed at:


The main strengths of reporting

reporting/reportanincident. Shaw et al


reported an analysis of 28,998

safety incidents reported to this

healthcare providers and they are a

(including one primary care Trust). One study was designed as a

systems are embedded in the

aimed to compare paper and

institutional processes of many

computer reporting of patient safety events but has only ever been

hospital systems. The problem with patient safety incident reporting

published as a reporting system

systems for primary care research is

study.40 Along with many other

that many primary care providers

reporting system studies36, 37, 54, 58, 60, it aimed to develop a way to

describe the patient safety events encountered in primary care. There was one international study that

work outside the organized systems with established incident reporting. In many hospitals reporting systems are part of continuous quality improvement processes and data are

involved participation from primary care doctors in Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, New

routinely collected that can later be used to address specific research questions. Primary care practices are

Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Only the Englishlanguage papers from this reporting system study are included in this review

well-established method in the patient safety literature, as reporting

randomized controlled trial that

48, 53, 59, 64, 68

robust indication of the types of patient safety incidents observed by

system from 18 NHS Trusts

61, 63

systems studies are that they give a

but an additional

usually much smaller institutions and unable to support either the routine collection of patient safety data or the infrastructure to use these data for research. Therefore, most of the studies we found related to reporting

Page 22 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care systems set up in universities,

suited for calculating epidemiological

specifically for research. Report

statistics (such as incident

providers contributed their data on

prevalence). As well, data from

the understanding that they were

reporting systems are difficult to

participating in a time-limited

generalize because contributors are

research project, rather than

seldom statistically representative.

engaging in an ongoing quality

We identified only one study where

improvement programme. This

representativeness was a concern

means that most studies were

and a random selection of doctors

relatively small and the reporting

contributed to the study.55 A further

systems had no long-term life

limitation of reporting systems is that

expectancy. The exception is the

over time they accumulate massive

UK’s national reporting system,

amounts of complex data that can be

which is available to all healthcare

very difficult to extract meaningful

providers, including those working in

information from. So far this has not

primary care. To date, contributions

been a problem for primary care

to the system from primary care have

reporting systems because they

been very small relative to the

have been specifically designed for

contribution from hospitals but this

research. As incident reporting

may change now that the patient

becomes a routine activity for

safety agenda is moving to

primary care providers this issue is

incorporate primary care.

likely to become increasingly

A well-recognised, important, and


inevitable limitation of reporting

Measures of primary care patient

systems is under-reporting.81, 82

safety incidents from reporting

Runciman et al have estimated that

system studies: Most reporting

as few as 5% of incidents are notified

system studies developed a way to

to reporting systems.83 They cannot,

describe the patient safety incidents

in general, be treated as databases

reported, often in an hierarchical

Page 23 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care taxonomy and according to

categories such as: office

my. Other ways of classifying 63

administration (between 15% 39


reported events were: adverse


events (21%51 of reports) and near

of reports) including

appointments (2%63 to 14%58 of

misses (64%51). One paper reported

reports), investigations (6%58 to

remedial strategies.64

33%67 of reports), treatments 61

(including medication (8% 37

The “error” report rate was calculated 36,

to 52%

at 75.6 per 1000 appointments60 and

of reports), communication (4%58

2 per 1000 patients seen per year. 55

to 80%68 of reports), payment mistakes, clinical mistakes (3%60 to

Strengths and weaknesses of mixed-methods research

10%63 of reports), wrong diagnosis (4%39 to 34%36 of reports), wrong

Mixed-methods studies are where a

treatment decisions, and equipment

single main research aim is

36, 37



to 16% of reports). Causes

addressed progressively using

or contributing factors (work

different research methods to either

organization, excessive task

develop the tools to answer the

demands, and fragmentation),

research question definitively, or to

prevention strategies and

build different perspectives to a 50

consequences (harm (17% 68



research issue by approaching it in

of reports) and potential for 36

serious harm (27%


to 76%


is sometimes called “triangulation”.

reports)) and other consequences 37

and contributing factors

different ways. This latter approach


We identified six mixed-methods studies in this review. They methods

sometimes also classified. Some of

they used included combinations of

these descriptions have been

surveys,70, 71, 74 interview

published electronically:

studies,69,71,73 systematic literature

reviews,70,72,73 focus group

taxonomy/aafp and

studies,72,73 significant event audits,74 Page 24 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

Better Knowledge for Safer Care and a Delphi study.69 Four studies

data collected from interviews and a

took the approach of successive tool

Delphi process69 and concentrated

development69,70,72,73 and the other

on in-depth analyses that produced

two adopted a triangulation

outcomes with practical application.



Measures of primary care patient safety incidents derived from mixed-

Each mixed-method study

method studies are reported above,

incorporates the strengths and

as part of the review of their

weaknesses of their individual methods (as above). Additionally, however, they develop the science of

individual methods. Overview

patient safety research by creating new multi-faceted processes, such as “care process mapping”.69 Care process mapping identified key care decisions on the care pathway (from primary care to hospital and back to primary care), aiming to identify and remedy processes and problems that adversely affected patient safety.

Table 3 in the Appendix summarizes the retrospective, concurrent or prospective, and mixed-method primary care patient safety studies included in this review. Their aims, methods, measures, and high-level conclusions are shown with a note of the design limitations of the study.

This analytic method was applied to of patient safety events in primary DISCUSSION

care have been developed.

Compared to hospital-based

Methods used in primary care

research, qualitative methods for

patient safety research:

researching safety incidents in primary care are relatively common, the body of quantitative research is immature, and few robust measures

We identified research that used one of three general methodological approaches: retrospective,

Page 25 of 49 Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research Makeham, Dovey et al

concurrent or prospective, and

safety incident might be spread over

mixed-methods. Retrospective

several different health care

methods included systematic

providers in different locations -

literature reviews

26, 29, 33


unlike a hospital record, where

retrospective analyses of significant

multiple providers contribute to a

incident,27, 28, 31 risk management,

single set of patient notes. However,

and malpractice claims30, 32, 34

a study of this type has the potential

databases. Concurrent and

to draw some comparisons with

prospective methods included the

hospital-based studies using this

qualitative approaches of

method and may warrant further

interviews,35, 38, 44, 51 focus groups,43,

exploration. We also found no


and safety incident reporting36, 37,

39-42, 45, 48-50, 53, 54, 57-61, 63-68

and the

primary care research comparable to the hospital-based research that

quantitative approach of surveys.46,

uses autopsy reports,86-88 although

47, 52, 56, 62

mortality databases have been

Mixed-method studies

used combinations of two,69-72, 74 or

identified as a potentially important

three73 of these methods.

source of safety information and one

Although almost all of the methods

that primary care researchers are

employed in hospital-based research

prepared to use.26

have also been used in primary care,

There is a dearth of research on the

some are missing from the primary

types of methods that may better

care literature. No studies were

engage patients in safety research in

found that were directly comparable

primary care, and the value of their

to the retrospective record reviews

input in addressing different aspects

used in hospital-based patient safety

of patient safety is poorly

studies84, 85 and the measures that

understood. Patients have engaged

might arise from such reviews.

successfully in qualitative research in

Numerous barriers to using this

community settings about perceived

method could apply in primary care

harm,51 but not in other types of

settings, where a record of the

patient safety research.58 This should

breakdown in care that leads to a


be considered in future research

included measures of the relative


frequency of different types of patient safety incident. Most commonly

Measures used in primary care patient safety research: The terms most often used to describe patient safety incidents in primary care settings were “error”, “medical error” and “preventable adverse events”. There was no standard definition of these terms. One literature review found 25 different definitions of “medical error”.70

these were “errors” in: diagnosis (26%30-57%44 of all incidents), treatment (7%43-52%37 of all incidents), investigating (13%5347%45 of incidents), office administration (9%64-56%58), and communication (5%71-72%65 of incidents). Two studies43, 51 investigated the type of safety incident patients are concerned about. These were mainly

Estimates of the rate of patient safety

relationship (37%43-77%51 of

incidents occurring in primary care

concerns) and access problems

varied enormously, ranging from

(29%51 of concerns).

0.00430 to 24071 per 1000 primary care consultations. Estimates of preventability ranged from 45%7136, 37


of all “errors”.

Causes or contributing factors to patient safety incidents included: environmental hazards (3%46-14%30) including work organization,

The types of participants involved

physician factors (5%46-91%44)

primary care patient safety incidents

including excessive task demands

were primary care physicians and

and fragmentation, patient factors


29, 30, 32, 34-42, 44-46, 48, 50, 53-62, 64-

66, 68-73, 89, 90

patients,43, 51 nurses and

other practice staff,45, 47, 57, 58, 65, 66, 69, 73

paramedics,34 pharmacists,34

computer suppliers,35 academics,35 acupuncturists,52 optometrists, 63 and 35, 69


Many studies

(40%46-72%44), and hospital factors (6%46). Reported harm arising from patient safety incidents ranged from 1.3 significant minor incidents per 1000 treatments52 to 4% of incidents resulting in death,36, 37 17%50–39%42 27

of incidents resulting in harm, and 71


70% –76%

of incidents having

Patient Safety Assessment Framework,78 a tool for developing

potential for harm. Patients spoke of

improvements in patient safety

anger, frustration, belittlement, and

culture in primary care teams.

loss of relationship with and trust in their physician as consequences of

Limitations of this review:

safety incidents. Consequences of

The primary care patient safety

patient safety incidents that were

research in this review generally

memorable to family physicians44

spans little more than a decade,

included patient death (47% of

although there is an older and more

memorable incidents), no adverse

extensive literature interpretable as

outcome (26%) and malpractice suits

relevant to patient safety in bounded


areas such as medications use and

Factors influencing clinical educators’ responses to “medical errors” were trainees’ prior history, clinical knowledge levels, receptivity to feedback, training level, emotional reaction, apologizing, and offering an excuse.55 A taxonomy of factors enabling and inhibiting voluntary disclosure of “errors” was also developed.72 Attitudes to reporting significant patient safety incidents were measured in one study:56 18% favored mandatory reporting.

diagnosis. The scope of the current research did not include an analysis of these specific safety topics, which may provide further insight into methods and measures of relevance to patient safety incidents in community settings. We included only research publications investigating a wide view of primary healthcare activity and its risks for patient safety. We excluded studies focused on a single bounded activity or cluster of activities, such as medications use or diagnosis. There

Other studies did not aim to produce any outcome measures other than a contribution to a larger research 47, 73


They contributed to

are many studies in both of these general areas, usually focusing on particular drugs or drug classes and particular diagnoses. Because of the

products such as the Manchester 28

broad scope of primary care, it was

to develop new methods and this

not possible to review this literature.

process is already starting. We

We included patient safety research

included in this review some papers

at the interface between hospital and

that used the approaches of hazards

primary care only if it involved data

or Failure Modes and Effects

derived from both settings. We

Analysis in primary care.62, 66, 69

included only English-language

These new methods have recently

papers. For these reasons it is

started to be reported in the

unlikely that we have identified all

literature. However, there is also a

relevant literature but our search

need to use older methods (such as

methods have likely captured the

survey research) with greater

essence of the literature as a whole.

attention to designing in research

This review appraised research conducted mainly in the USA, the UK, and Australia. We caution that because the overwhelming body of published research about patient safety in primary care comes from this limited set of countries, it is unlikely to address issues of importance to many other countries – especially in the developing world. More appropriate methods and

elements to enhance scientific robustness. Greater use of random samples and more attention to increasing response rates are obvious early targets for improving this type of research. All measures of primary care safety incidents identified in this review require further refinement in other primary care settings to test their reliability and validity.

measures need to be found for

In the absence of a definitive and

patient safety research in a wider

internationally understood set of

range of countries.

terms and definitions the need to create classification systems,

Recommendations for further research:

descriptions, and definitions has been compelling for researchers of

It is becoming clear that patient

patient safety in primary care

safety research in all settings needs

settings. Point estimates were


calculated for many types of safety

patient safety research. We

incident but the difficulty with

recommend that such research

measurement is reflected in the fact

should be on the agendas of all

that these estimates varied by more

countries because of the likely

than 1000-fold between studies. This

opportunities for improvement of

may be due to different research

patient safety in the most widely

data and methods, or different

used sector of any health system.

interpretations of the same terms (in two studies 6%70 and 41%56 of


participants had difficulty defining a

Primary care patient safety research

“significant patient safety event”).

is at an early stage of development,

Several studies grouped safety

with research efforts concentrating

incidents according to classifications

on describing the safety environment

derived from incident reporting

rather than intervening to improve it.

systems.39, 53, 60 The WHO’s

As recently as five years ago,

International Classification for Patient

primary health care providers were

Safety (beta version released July

more or less exempt from

2007)91 is an international tool

considerations about patient safety

designed to facilitate understanding

and they were excluded from the

about patient safety across health

seminal patient safety reports from

sectors and between countries.

the US9 and the UK.10 Since that

Refinement and use of this

time there has been a growing

classification system may obviate the

recognition of the increasingly urgent

need for further development of

need to reduce patient safety threats

taxonomies in primary care patient

in primary care settings.

safety research.

The methods of primary care patient

While Australia, the US, and the UK

safety research are well recognized

have started to build research

and replicable so it is likely that they

programs about patient safety in

will become more widely used,

primary care settings, most countries

refined, and ultimately deliver more

have not yet engaged in primary care

useful knowledge than is currently


available. The methods tend to be

Only a small amount of research has

mainly pragmatic, dominated by

investigated patient safety in primary

studies using reporting systems that

care from the perspective of patients.

have been set up specifically for

To date patients’ views have been

research purposes. These studies

heard only through small-scale

have not yet resulted in national

qualitative studies or in the analysis

patient safety strategies appropriate

of complaints and risk management

for primary care. However, they

systems. An early challenge to

provide a form of anticipatory testing

address is how to incorporate

and show that primary health care

patients’ perspectives on patient

providers are generally receptive to

safety using valid methods that are

the idea of identifying and rectifying

devoid of medico-legal threats to

risks to patient safety. An integrated

clinicians. The sustainable methods

information and incident

of reporting that have identified

management system is probably

threats to patient safety from

ideal for managing threats to patient

providers’ perspectives have been

safety in both primary and other

far less successful in eliciting

health care settings.92 To develop

patients’ experiences of patient

the study, measurement, and

safety threats. There is a need to

improvement of patient safety in

develop methods that allow patients

primary care settings, there is a

more voice in researching the patient

pressing need to address the rigor

safety agenda in primary care (and

with which research is designed in

other) settings. Involving patients in

order to make their results

this type of research is likely to result

generalizeable. Researchers need to

in measures of patient safety that are

consider methods that will address

different from the current metrics, all

the internal validity of the measures

of which are focused on the provider

produced by their research, as well


as maintaining the current concern

Measures of primary care patient

for external validity.

safety are still under development and there are no agreed outcome


measures of “safer” care. Identifying

consider ways to engage a broader

and measuring harms related to

range of communities and health

primary care patient safety incidents

care settings, including developing

is a research gap. Some harms such

countries and different cultural

as death may be applicable across


health care settings but others, such

Much useful work has been done but

as wrong side surgery, are not relevant to primary care research.

the study of patient safety in primary care is still in its infancy.

Barriers to healthcare access, extended waiting times and emotional disaffection, generally not considered serious harms in hospital-based research, may turn out to be important outcomes of patient safety incidents in primary care because of their long-term consequences in terms of reducing trust in the health system, consequent low use of preventive care and resultant higher need for emergency and acute care. The debate currently is whether these outcomes relate to quality or safety. More research is needed. Relatively few countries appear to be engaged in primary care patient safety research. This review shows the dominantly western nature of the published scientific literature. Attempts to increase the efforts at an international level should ideally



The authors wish to thank Dr David Bates of the Division of General Internal Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and External Research Lead of the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety for his contribution and leadership. The members of the Methods & Measurement working group of the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety are: Ross Baker, William B Runciman, Carlos Aibar, Susan Dovey, Rhona Flin, Richard Lilford, Philippe Michel, Santawat Asavaroengchai, Claudia Travassos, and William Weeks.


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Appendix: Table 3: Studies measuring patient safety events in primary care settings identified in the literature Systematic Literature Reviews Study Research aim

Research methods

Research measures

Elder and Dovey 29 (2002)

Searches of Medline and the Cochrane Library

Preventable adverse events (diagnostic, treatment, preventive care incidents); Process errors (clinician, communication, administration, “blunt end” factors)

Searches of Medline, Embase and NPSF database

5-80 “medical errors” per 100,000 consultations: 26-78% of “errors” relate to diagnosis 11-42% of “errors” relate to treatment