Kilometers x 0.62137 = Miles. Miles x 1.60935 = Kilometers. Area. Square Centimeters x 0.155 = Square Inches. Square Inc
Metric to U.S. Customary - Conversion Chart Distance or Length Millimeters x 0.03937 = Inches Inches x 25.4 = Millimeters Meters x 3.28084 = Feet Feet x 0.3048 = Meters Kilometers x 0.62137 = Miles Miles x 1.60935 = Kilometers Area Square Centimeters x 0.155 = Square Inches Square Inches x 6.45159 = Square Centimeters Volume Cubic Centimeters x 0.06103 = Cubic Inches Cubic Inches x 16.38703 = Cubic Centimeters Liters x 61.025 = Cubic Inches Cubic Inches x .01639 = Liters Liters x 1.05672 = Quarts Quarts x 0.94633 = Liters Pints x .47317 = Liters Liters x 33.81497 = Ounces Ounces x 0.02957 = Liters Weight Grams x 0.03527 = Ounces Ounces x 28.34953 = Grams Kilograms x 2.20462 = Pounds Pounds x 0.45359 = Kilograms Torque Centimeter Kilograms x 0.8676 = Inch Pounds Inch Pounds x 1.15262 = Centimeter Kilograms Newton Meters x 0.737572 = Foot Pounds Foot Pounds x 1.3558 = Newton Meters Pressure Kilograms per Square Centimeter x 14.22334 = Pounds per Square Inch Pounds per Square Inch x 0.07031 = Kilograms per Square Centimeter Bar x 14.504 = Pounds per Square Inch Pounds per Square Inch x 0.06895 = Bar Temperature Centigrade to Fahrenheit (°C x 9/5) + 32 = °F Fahrenheit to Centigrade (°F - 32) x 5/9= °F