Metrolinx Design Excellence

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5 Dec 2013 - design does not cost more. Investment in design: • Catalyzes urban growth. • Increases building sustain
Metrolinx Design Excellence December 5, 2013 Beth Kapusta, Chief Design Excellence Officer


What is Design Excellence? Good Design inspires people and communities, and builds pride of place. It involves the interplay of functionality, resiliency, beauty and value. It seeks to ensure that public dollars produce thoughtful and cost-effective results.

Train Shed Roof at Union Station


What is Design Excellence? • For Metrolinx, design excellence is driven by functionality, and informed by durability, sustainability, accessibility, beauty, value, cost and economic viability. • Design excellence supports a focus on the customer experience.

Image: DTAH

Union Station GO Bus Terminal – National Post Design Exchange Awards 2004 Urban Design Category, Honorable Mention

Green roof being installed at the Streetsville GO Bus Facility to improve environmental sustainability. 3

The Value of Design Excellence

• Catalyzes urban growth • Increases building sustainability, durability, and vital lifespan • Increases ridership • Improves passenger comfort, safety and pride in transit • Reduces maintenance costs

Early Diminishing Influence on life cycle costs

• Over the life of transit buildings, good design does not cost more. Investment in design:

Late Typical building costs over a 35-year life-cycle – the smaller earlier costs greatly influence the larger later costs. (Adapted from Consulting Engineers of BC via DTAH)


Building upon Design Quality Union Station Train Shed

2012 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence

UP Express

2013 Global Air-Rail Awards – Project of the Year 5

Metrolinx Design Review Panel (MDRP) External panel membership is drawn from leading experts and respected professionals in the design community: FUNG LEE Principal, PMA BLA (UofT), OALA, CSLA

ROBERT LEVIT Professor, University of Toronto / Partner, Khoury Levit Fong

MIKE MELNYK Partner, Brandscape

BA (Columbia), MArch (Harvard)

JEANNETTE HANNA Vice President, Trajectory

MARC RYAN Partner, Public Work

BA (Rutgers)

STEVEN BELL Manager, Downtown Collaborative – City of Mississauga

ANDREW JONES Andrew Jones Design

B.Arch (Waterloo), MUD (Toronto)

B.Arch (Toronto), MA (London)

B.E.S. B.Arch. (Waterloo) OAA MRAIC

ANDREW MCALPINE Principal, ARUP Toronto Office

MARK BEREST Principal, B+H

RENÉE DAOUST Associate, Daoust-Lestage

B.Arch (Waterloo)


B.Arch., M.Urb.

KIM SPENCER Principal, HH Angus & Associates


ROBERT DAVIES Principal, Montgomery Sisam

B.Sc.E. (Honours, Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University), P.Eng., LEED AP BD+C


BLA (Guelph)

CHERYL ATKINSON Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Science, Ryerson University

B.Arch. (Toronto), OAA MRAIC


Design Review Process • Panel reviews projects $10M+, mobility hubs or highly public-facing location • Panel reviews most projects twice • Panel offers unified direction and constructive comments with support, support with conditions or reject recommendation • Expanded panel includes five staff panelists, chaired by Chief Design Excellence Officer, plus external panelists • Review of panel impact and results will be provided annually


Design Review Example: Renforth Gateway

At first presentation

After design review

Comments: • •

Improve public realm and pedestrian circulation in the entrance plaza Align the façade of the bridge and entrances to create a simplified plan and volume Simplify colours

Results: • • •

Improved and expanded public realm at entrance plaza Simplified use of materials and a more clean expression of the building Subtle, organized use of colour aligned with brand 8

Design Review Example: Crosstown Principles and Requirements of Design Excellence document • • •

Providing a set of concrete design principles and requirements on which to assess bid compliance Guidance through demonstration designs Final draft completed for incorporation with RFP release

Precedent: Quartier International de Montreal

Design Excellence in the Proponent selection process • • •

Representation at Design Review Meetings Special Crosstown Design Compliance Review Panel to evaluate Checklist of requirements for design compliance as PASS/FAIL criteria through Open Bid Period

Precedent: Vancouver Millennium Line

Precedent: Geneva Tramway


Next Steps • Development and implementation of GO Transit Urban, Architectural and Landscape Design Excellence Guidelines • Integration of Design Excellence into procurement specifications including Eglinton Crosstown, Sheppard East and Finch • Enhanced tracking of design review panel recommendations and results • Outreach to design professionals



Beth Kapusta Chief Design Excellence Officer [email protected]