with as its equilibrium distribution. In this paper we study a special Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, i.e., Metropolized independent sampling. This scheme is rst ...
Metropolized Independent Sampling with Comparisons to Rejection Sampling and Importance Sampling Jun S. Liu
Department of Statistics Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305
SUMMARY Although Markov chain Monte Carlo methods have been widely used in many disciplines, exact eigen analysis for such generated chains has been rare. In this paper, a special Metropolis-Hastings type algorithm, Metropolized independent sampling, proposed rstly in Hastings (1970), is studied in full detail. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the corresponding Markov chain, as well as a sharp bound for the total variation distance between the n-th updated distribution and the target distribution, are provided. Furthermore, the relationship between this scheme, rejection sampling, and importance sampling are studied with emphasizes on their relative eciencies. It is shown that Metropolized independent sampling is superior to rejection sampling in two aspects: asymptotic eciency and ease of computation. Key Words: Coupling, Delta method, Eigen analysis, Importance ratio.
1 Introduction Monte Carlo methods for evaluating integrals and simulating stochastic systems have been well understood and widely accepted for many years. More recently, people began to realize the potentials of Markov chain Monte Carlo, such as the Metropolis algorithm and the Gibbs sampler, in facilitating Bayesian inferences [Geman and Geman (1984), Tanner and Wong (1987), Gelfand and Smith (1990)]. Many results on theoretical properties and applications of these methods have been obtained. See Smith and Roberts (1993) for an overview. However, sharp quantitative bounds on the convergence rates of these methods and their eciency analyses are rare. An early eciency analysis of Metropolis-Hastings type algorithms is due to Peskun (1973). Lately, Liu, Wong and Kong (1994) and Liu (1994) provide eciency comparisons for dierent Gibbs sampling schemes. In special cases, Lovasz and Simonovits (1990) obtain good bounds on the rate of convergence for their Metropolis algorithm; and Rosenthal (1991) for some Gibbs samplers. One of the main tasks of sampling-based methods is to sample from a density or probability distribution function (x) that is usually complicated. Directly generating independent samples from such an arbitrary distribution is in general not possible. Several methods are available for indirect sampling. It is often the case that either the generated samples have to be dependent, or the distribution used to generate the sample has to be dierent from . Rejection sampling [von Neumann (1951)] and importance sampling [Marshall (1956)] are schemes that use independent samples generated from a trial distribution similar to . The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm [Metropolis et al. (1953), Hastings (1970)] is, however, the one that generates dependent samples from a Markov chain with as its equilibrium distribution. In this paper we study a special Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, i.e., Metropolized independent sampling. This scheme is rst discussed by Hastings (1970, Section 2.5) as one way to do importance sampling. Tierney (1991) generalizes the discussion under the heading \independence chains," establishing irreducibility and aperiodicity of the Metropolized independent sampling kernel under a necessary and sucient condition that the trial distribution p is positive almost everywhere. Tierney (1991) and Gelman and Rubin (1993) propose inserting a step of Metropolized independent sampling into Gibbs sampling iterations when correctly sampling from conditional distributions is impossible. The idea is potentially useful in many practical problems with complicated hierarchical structures. An alternative to their proposal is to use rejection sampling directly. Besag and Green (1993) men2
tion that a comparison of the two methods is of interest, but do not provide further analysis. Here we provide re ned results for the Metropolis sampling chain: its eigenvalues, the corresponding eigenvectors, and an upper bound for the L1 distance between the target and the updated distributions. As a byproduct, a study of relative eciency of the three sampling plans, i.e., rejection sampling, importance resampling, and Metropolized independent sampling, is conducted. Suppose we wish to generate samples from (x). What we have at hand, however, is a trial distribution p(x), believed to be \similar" to the target , from which we can generate independent samples easily. Assume that X is the state space on which both distributions and p are de ned. We call the target distribution, and p the trial distribution. Three schemes for generating samples from the target distribution through the use of a trial distribution, p(x), are described as follows. Metropolis-Hastings algorithm [Metropolis et al. (1953), Hastings (1970)]. The general scheme is described in Hastings (1970); here we concentrate on a special variation of the general algorithm, called Metropolized independent sampling. Suppose that (x) is known up to a norming constant, and we are able to draw independent samples from p(x). A Markov chain fX1; X2; : : :g can be constructed with the transition function 8 > < p(y ) minf1; ww((yx)) g; if y 6= x; K (x; y) = > R w ( z ) : 1 ? z6=x p(z ) minf1; w(x) gdz; if y = x;
where w(x) = (x)=p(x) is called the importance ratio (or importance weight). Intuitively, the transition from Xn = x to Xn+1 = y is accomplished by generating an independent sample from p(), and then \thinning" it down based on a comparison of the corresponding importance ratios w(y) and w(x). It can be shown that is an invariant distribution of the constructed Markov chain. Note that the above scheme is only a special example, that more serious MetropolisHastings algorithms most commonly make dependent local moves instead of independent global jumps. Rejection sampling [von Neumann (1951)]. Suppose (x) is computable, and we can nd a constant c such that the \envelope property", i.e., cp(x) (x), is satis ed. Then (a) draw a sample X from p(x) and compute the ratio r = (X )=fcp(X )g; (b) ip a coin with success probability r. If the head turns up, we accept the X ; and if the tail
turns up we reject the X . It can be shown that the accepted sample follows the target distribution . Importance sampling
(a) Draw N independent values X1 ; : : :; XN from the trial distribution p(). (b) Calculate the importance ratios wi / (Xi)=p(Xi) for each sampled value Xi in step (a). (c) If = E fh(X )g, for any function h(), is the quantity of interest, approximate it by ^ = w1h(Xw1) ++ ++ wwN h(XN ) : 1 N A detailed analysis of the Metropolized independent sampling chain, including its eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and bounds on variation distance, is provided in Section 2. In Section 3, a brief comparison between the Metropolis method and rejection sampling is made. Section 4 contains an eciency analysis for importance sampling. Section 5 concludes the paper with a brief discussion.
2 Eigen analysis for Metropolized independent sampling In this section, we assume that our sample space X is a nite set. Without loss of generality, we let X = f1; ; mg. Two probability measures () and p() are then abbreviated as i = (i), and pi = p(i), i = 1; : : :; m. We introduce the following four notations: F (k) = 1 + + k , S (k) = 1 ? F (k ? 1) = k + + m ; Fp (k) = p1 + + pk , and Sp (k) = 1 ? Fp (k ? 1). Independent samples are generated from the trial distribution p(), and thinned down by the Metropolis algorithm. More precisely, for any i; j 2 X , the transition probability from i to j for the Metropolis sampling can be written as 8 > < pj minf1; wwj g; if j 6= i; i K (i; j ) = > P w : pi + k pk maxf0; 1 ? wki g; if j = i:
where wi = i =pi is de ned as the importance ratio.
2.1 Solution for eigenvalues and eigenvectors Without loss of generality, we assume that the states are sorted according to the magnitudes of their importance ratios, i.e., the elements in X are labeled so that
w1 w2 wm: 4
The transition matrix can then be written as 2 66 p1 + 1 2 =w1 3=w1 66 p1 p2 + 2 3=w2 66 . . .. .. K = 66 .. . 66 p2 p3 64 p1
m? =w m? =w . . . ...
3 m=w1 7 7 m=w2 777 .. 77 . 77 m=wm?1 77 5
pm? + m? pm? pm 1
m X k = (pi ? i =wk ) = Sp(k) ? S (k)=wk ;
which is just the probability of being rejected in the next step if the chain is currently at state k. For any function f (x), we denote 8 > < f (x); if f (x) > 0; f + (x) = > : 0; if f (x) 0: Then it is noted that k has another expression, i.e., + X k = (i=wi ? i=wk) = E w(1X ) ? w1 ; k
where the expectation is taken with respect to X . Apparently, if two states i and i + 1 have equal importance ratios, then i = i+1 . Let p = (p1; ; pm)T denote the column vector of trial probabilities, and e = (1; : : :; 1)T . Then K can be expressed as
K = G + epT ; where G is an upper triangular matrix of the form 2 p2 (w2 ?w1 ) pm?1 (wm?1 ?w1 ) pm (wm ?w1 ) w1 w1 w1 66 .1 . . . .. . .. .. . . .. 66 .. . G = 66 pm (wm ?wm?1 ) 0 0 m?1 64 0 wm?1 0 0 0 0 0
3 77 77 77 75
It is noted that e is a common right eigenvector for both K and K ? G, corresponding to the largest eigenvalue 1. Since K ? G is of rank one, the rest of the eigenvalues of K and G have to be the same. Hence the eigenvalues for K are 1 > 1 2 m?1. When m is xed and the number 5
of iterations goes to in nity, the mixing rate of this Metropolis Markov chain is asymptotically dominated by the second largest eigenvalue 1, which equals 1 ? 1=w1. All the eigenvectors of G can be found explicitly. We rst note that the vector v~1 = (1; 0; : : :; 0)T is a right eigenvector corresponding to 1. Checking one more step, we nd that v~2 = (2; 1 ? 1; 0; : : :; 0)T is a right eigenvector of 2. Generalizing the result, we have
Lemma 2.1 The eigenvectors and eigenvalues of G are k , and v~k = (k ; : : :; k; S (k); 0; : : :; 0)T , for k = 1; : : :; m ? 1, where there are k nonzero entries in v~k . When j > k, it is obvious that j th element of the vector G v~k is zero. The kth element is clearly (G v~k )k = k S (k). For j < k, j +1 ? wj ) + + pk?1 (wk?1 ? wj ) + S (k) pk (wk ? wj ) (G v~k )j = k j + k pj +1 (ww k wj wj j ( ) = k j +1 + w + k?1 ? (pj +1 + + pk?1 ) + j + Sw(k) ? pk S (k)
Here we use the fact that wk pk = k . Moreover, by the fact that j = Sp (j ) ? S (j )=wj , we nd (G v~k )j = k Sp (k) ? pk S (k) = k k : Thus v~k is a right eigenvalue corresponding to k . 2
Theorem 2.1 For Metropolized independent sampling, all the eigenvalues for the transition matrix P are 1 > m? 0, where k = m i k (pi ? i =wk ) = E f1=w(X ) ? 1=wk g : The right eigenvector vk corresponding to k is 1
vk / (0; : : : 0; S (k + 1); ?k; : : :; ?k )T ; where there are k ? 1 zero entries. Proof:
Since K = G + epT , then K v~k = Gv~k + e(pT v~k ): It is further noted that
pT v~k = S (k)k + pk Sp(k) = k (1 ? k ): Hence K v~k = k v~k + k (1 ? k )e. Since e is a right eigenvector of K with eigenvalue 1, we have, for any t, t ? (1 ? ) k k K (v~k ? te) = k v~k ? e : k
Solving t = ft ? k (1 ? k )g=k , we nd that vk = v~k ? k e is a right eigenvector of K corresponding to k . 2 6
2.2 Total variation bound for convergence The total variation distance between two distributions, say, p and , is de ned as m X kp ? k = 12 jpi ? ij: i=1 A useful Cauchy-Schwarz type inequality to bound this distance between the target and the n-th updated distributions can be obtained by making use of all the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. The following lemma from Diaconis and Hanlon (1992) is useful.
Lemma 2.2 Let K (x; y) be the Markov transition function with () as its invariant measure. Then for any starting state x, the total variation 4kK n(x; ) ? ()k is bounded above by 2
mX ?1 y=1
2n 2yn fy2 (x) (1x)
where fy (x) is the x-th coordinate of the right eigenfunction fy for eigenvector y , and all fy () are assumed to form an orthonormal basis in L2( ).
When the chain is started from any state k > 1, an upper bound of 4kK n (k; ) ? ()k2 for the Metropolis chain can be obtained by renormalizing those eigenvectors obtained in Theorem 2.1:
bk = f S 1(2) ? S 1(1) g21n + + f S 1(k) ? S (k1? 1) g2kn?1 + f 1 ? S 1(k) g2kn k For k = 1, the above formula changes slightly:
b1 = f S 1(2) ? S 1(1) g21n + + f 1 ? S 1(2) g2mn?1 : 1 Hence, if the chain is started from a distribution p() instead of a point, an upper bound for the distance between the n-th updated distribution p(n) and the target distribution , is a weighted mixture of all bk 's. That is
Theorem 2.2 If, in running a Metropolized independent sampling chain, the starting distribution is p(), then the total variation distance between updated and target distributions has an upper bound 4kp n
( )
? k
mX ?1 S (k) S (k + 1) 1 p p ? S (k + 1) + w 2kn: pk bk = S ( k ) k k=1 k=1 m X
Since the eigenvalues have expressions as in Theorem 2.1, k = Sp (k) ? S (k)=wk , it is seen that large eigenvalues, k ; k k0 , can practically dominate the mixing rate of the Markov chain only when the associated masses k ; k k0 , and pk ; k k0 are substantially large.
Example 1. Consider the case when p() is uniform, i.e., pi = 1=m; and k = (2m + 1 ? 2k)=m . Then, Sp (k) = (m ? k + 1)=m, k = 1; ; m, S (k) = (m ? k + 1) =m , k = 1; ; m, and w(k) = (2m + 1 ? 2k)=m. Hence the eigenvalues are k = mm?km ?m?kk . Thus the upper bound for total 2
variation distance is
+1)( ) +1 2 )
(m ? k + 1)(m ? k) 2n m m m ? + ? k m(2m + 1 ? 2k) k=1 m ? k + 1 m ? k 2m + 1 ? 2k mX ?1 m ? k + 1 2n?1 2n 1 m ? k m ? k + 1 = m 2m + 1 ? 2k 2m + 1 ? 2k ? m ? k k=1 Z1 22n1+1 mx2n?1dx = n4mn+1 : 0 If we only use the second largest eigenvalue, however, the upper bound for 4kp(n) ? k2 computed according to Lemma 2.2 is in ated to m=4n with the starting state being [m=2]. 2
4kp n
( )
mX ?1
Example 2. Suppose the target distribution (x) is binomial, i.e., Bin(m; ), and p(x) = 1=(m + 1) is uniform. Then
w(x) = (m + 1) x!(mm?! x)! x (1 ? )m?x :
By standard normal approximation, we nd
max w(x) 2(1m? ) :
Hence the second largest eigenvalue 1 1 ? c0 = m. By Lemma 2.2, in order to make 4kK n(x; ) ? ()k2 small when x = [m=2], n = O(pm log(m)) iterations are needed. 2. The coupling method, invented by Doeblin and treated in many monographs and books, e.g., Diaconis (1988) and Lindvall (1992), can also be used to resolve the convergence rate problem for Metropolized independent sampling. Suppose that two such Metropolis chains fX0; X1; : : :g and fY0 ; Y1; : : :g are started, of which the X -chain starts from a xed point X0 = x0 (or a distribution), and the Y -chain starts from the equilibrium distribution . The transition for the two chains can be \coupled" in the following way: Suppose Xk = x and Yk = y , then at stage k + 1, a sample i is generated from the trial distribution 8
p() and its associated importance ratio wi is compared to wx and wy , respectively, to decide the values of Xk+1 and Yk+1 . Precisely, an independent sample u is generated from Uniform[0; 1]. If u minfwi=wx; wi=wy g, then both chains accept i as their next states, i.e., Xk+1 = Yk+1 = i; if, on the other hand, u maxfwi =wx; wi=wy g, then both chains reject so that Xt+1 = x and Yk+1 = y ;
otherwise the chain with larger ratio accepts, and the chain with smaller ratio rejects. It is clear that the rst time both chains accept a \move" simultaneously is their coupling time, the time from which the realizations of the chains are identical. For Xk = x, Yk = y , the probability of simultaneous acceptance in the next step is m m X X w w i i P (accept j Xk = x; Yk = y) = pi minf1; w ; w g = i minf w1 ; w1 ; w1 g w1 ; x
where w1 is the largest importance ratio. Hence from the Markov property the number of steps for the chains to be coupled is bounded by a geometric distribution
P (N n) (1 ? w1 )n: 1
From the coupling inequality, we have
jP (Xn = j ) ? P (Yn = j )j = jpjn ? j j P (N n) (1 ? w1 )n; ( )
and kp(n) ? k 2P (N n) 2(1 ? 1=w1)n . This result makes the eigenvalue solutions concrete. Note that for Example 1, the coupling method gives a bound kp(n) ? k 2[1 ? (m ? 1)=(2m ? 1)]n p 2?(n?1) , which, when n > m=64, is worse than mn?1 2?(n+2) , the bound we obtained previously using all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In Example 2 where we only used the largest eigenvalue, p however, the forgoing coupling argument gives a better bound (1 ? c0= m)n .
2.3 In nite state space and other extensions It is worth noting that extensions of the above results to an in nite state space are useful and relatively straightforward. 1. Countable state space. Without loss of generality, we assume that X = f1; 2; : : :; g. We also assume that p has a longer tail than , that is, there exists a i0 such that the importance ratio wi, i i0 , is monotone decreasing. Under this assumption, we can relabel the sample space so that the importance ratio is monotone decreasing: w1 w2 . Then the same argument as in the nite 9
state space case works and leads to the same answer. The coupling argument works as well, so the result kp(n) ? k 2(1 ? 1=w1)n still holds. 2. Continuous state space. Suppose p() and () are densities de ned on a compact region B in Rn , w(x) = (x)=p(x) is the importance ratio at x, and let w = supx2B (x)=p(x). It is conjectured that the spectral gap between the largest and the second largest eigenvalues of the Markovian transition operator K is 1=w, and the operator K has continuous spectrum + x = P fw(Y ) w(x)g ? fw(Y ) w(x)g=w(x) = E w(1Y ) ? w(1x) ; where the expectation is taken over Y . Since the coupling argument in Section 2.1 and the upper bound 2(1 ? 1=w1)n for kp(n) ? k does not depend on the number of states, this bound still holds for continuous state space case. Speci cally, one can approximate the two densities on the compact region B by discrete distributions and use a limiting argument. Recently, Smith (1994) obtains an exact expression for n-step transition probability of the Metropolized independent sampling by making use of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors provided in Section 2.1. He also extends his result to continuous state space case, making some of the arguments here more rigorous.
3 Comparing rejection sampling and Metropolized independent sampling Suppose that of interest is to estimate = E fh(X )g 1 by a Monte Carlo method, where it is assumed without loss of generality that var (h) = 1: We de ne the eciency of such a method as the reciprocal of the variance of the sample mean estimator of normalized by the size of the generated sample. For example, if N i.i.d. draws are generated from to estimate , its eciency is 1. In this section, we show that the eciency of rejection sampling is at best 1=w1, where w1 is the largest importance ratio de ned previously, while that of Metropolized independent sampling is at least 1=w1. Since (x) w1p(x), the \envelope condition" is satis ed by taking c = w1, and w1 is the best such constant. As was described in Section 1, to obtain samples from the target distribution we successively draw independent random samples, x from p(), and u from uniform (0; 1), until we rst 10
encounter a pair such that wx=w1 u. It is easily shown that such obtained samples follow the distribution . Therefore if N independent samples have been generated from the trial distribution p, the expected sample size remaining after the rejection treatment is
N (p1 ww1 + + pm wwm ) = wN : 1
Hence, the variance of the Monte Carlo estimate of the quantity by using rejection sampling is approximately var (^1 ) w1 :
On the other hand, the function h has a spectral expansion, h(x) = + a1f1 (x) + + am?1 fm?1 (x) where fi(x) / vi ; i = 2; : : :; m, are orthonormal eigenvectors corresponding to the set of eigenvalues fi; i = 1; : : :; m ? 1g. Hence 1 = var fh(X )g = a21 + + a2m?1 . Let X1 ; ; XN be samples obtained from a stationary Metropolized independent sampling chain, then ( m?1 ) h(X ) + + h(X ) mX ?1 mX ?1 X 2 1 1 N 2 N ? 1 2 N a + 2(N ? 1) a + + 2 a var =
i i
mX ?1 1 N (1 + 2i + + 2iN ?1)a2i i=1 mX ?1 1 +
i a2 2var fh(X )g = 2w1 ; i 1 ? N (1 ? 1) N i i=1 where the last \" is a strict inequality if and only if one of ai 6= 0 for some i < 1. Hence we have shown that the asymptotic eciency of rejection sampling is lower than Metropolis sampling. Since f1 / v1, it is interesting to see that r a1 = pE (v1h) = 1 ?1 fh(1) ? g; var (v1) 1 where h(1) is h(x) evaluated at x = 1. In this manner, we obtain a lower as well as an upper bound for the asymptotic variance of the Monte Carlo estimate using Metropolis sampling: w11 fh(1) ? g2 lim N var h(X1) + + h(XN ) 2w var (h): 1 N !1 1 ? 1 N
4 The \rule of thumb" for importance sampling Importance sampling suggests estimating
= E fh(X )g = 11
m X i=1
i h(i);
by rst generating independent samples X1 ; X2; : : :; XN from an easy-to-sample distribution, pT = (p1; : : :; pm), and then calculating N X Xk ) ^ = N1 h(Xk ) p((X k) k=1
to serve as an approximation. By properly choosing p(), one substantially decreases the variance of the estimate. A good candidate for p() is one that is close to the shape of h(x) (x). Therefore, the importance sampling method can be super-ecient, that is, the resulting variance of ^ can be smaller than that obtained using independent samples from . The method is generalized to the case of, say, evaluating E fh(X )g, where sampling from () directly is dicult, but generating from p() and computing the importance ratio w(X ) = (X )=p(X ) are easy. The eciency of such a method can be measured by a \rule of thumb": the eective sample size resulting from an importance sampling procedure is approximately
1 + varp fw(X )g : This approximation can be justi ed by the delta method, based on a note of Kong (1992), as follows. Note that Ep fw(X )g = 1, hence PN 1 Z ; =1 h(Xk )w (Xk ) N = ~ = 1 kP (3) N W N k=1 w(Xk ) where Z = h(X )w(X ), and W = w(X ), is also a possible estimate of . There can be advantages for choosing (3): the importance sampling ratios only need to be evaluated up to an unknown constant; and (3) may have smaller MSE than ^. The variance of ~ can be explored by using standard delta method for ratio statistics: (4) var (~) 1 f2var (W ) + var (Z ) ? 2cov (W; Z )g: p
Since covp (W; Z ) = E (HW ) ? = cov (W; H ) + E (W ) ? , where H = h(X ), and similarly varp (Z ) = E (WH 2) ? 2 E (W )E2(H ) + var (H )E(W ) + 2cov (W; H ) ? 2; where the approximation is made based on the delta method involving the rst two moments of W and H . It is easy to show that the remainder term in the above approximation is
E [fW ? E (W )g(H ? )2]: 12
By reformulating (4), we nd that varp (~) var (H )f1 + varp (W )g=N: P Roughly speaking, if were estimated by ^0 = Ni=1 h(Yi )=N where Yi , then the eciency of ~ relative to ^0 is, 1 var fh(Y )g varp fh(X )w(X )g 1 + varp fw(X )g : Thus if h(x) is relatively at, the above relative eciency can be approximated by the \rule of thumb." Obviously, the \rule of thumb" approximation can be substantially o if the remainder term (5) is large. The advantage of the \rule" is that it does not involve h(X ), which makes it particularly useful as a measure of the relative eciency of the method when many dierent h's are of potential interest. It is seen that the variance of importance ratios plays an important role in measuring eciency. Since 1 + varp (w) = w11 + w22 + + wm m w1, it is clear that
1; 1 1 + varp (w) w1 where the equality holds only if degenerates or p . Hence, importance sampling is asymptotically more ecient than rejection sampling in most situations.
5 Discussion The above analysis suggests that importance sampling performs dierently according to the function h(x) of interest, whereas Metropolized independent sampling is asymptotically comparable to rejection sampling, in terms of the eciency of estimation. The distribution of samples obtained from importance sampling is, however, always biased from the target, and the distribution of that obtained from Metropolized independent sampling theoretically converges to the target when sample sizes grow to in nity, but practically still diers from the target distribution. In contrast, the distribution of samples generated by rejection sampling is always the desired one. Nevertheless, a computational merit of both importance sampling and Metropolis sampling is that the envelop constant \c" need not be known, while rejection sampling requires knowing c in advance, which might be a substantial eort in some problems. 13
The author is very grateful to Professor Persi Diaconis for inspiring discussions, and to Professor Augustine Kong for providing his unpublished manuscript. Part of the manuscript was prepared when the author was Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Harvard University. This research was also partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-9404344.
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