MGMT 321: Principles of Management. Fall Semester 2010. Dr. Keith J. Benson.
Course Description. Comprehensive survey of the basic principles of ...
MGMT 321: Principles of Management
Course Description Comprehensive survey of the basic principles of management Applicable to all types of business
Fall Semester 2010 Dr. Keith J. Benson
Course & Learning Objectives
Course & Learning Objectives
The management process and the manager’s role Understand the critical importance of management to organizational success
Understand the four primary management functions: – Planning – Leading g – Organizing – Controlling Develop problem solving and analytical abilities in solving complex managerial problems
Course & Learning Objectives Discuss the managerial concepts of – – – – – – –
Leadership Motivation Globalization Ethi and Ethics d social i l responsibility ibilit Communication Cultural diversity Teams and teamwork
Quotes “I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top but it should get you pretty near top, near.” Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Great Britain
Managers Say Students Need (in Order) Interpersonal skills Communication skills – both oral and written communication C iti l thi Critical thinking ki skills kill Ethical behavior skills Team or group skills Computer/Technology skills Management (course content skills)
Quotes “Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. E Expect t the th best b t off yourself, lf and d then th do d what is necessary to make it a reality ” Ralph Marston. Marston.
Quotes “Education is not knowing all the answers but how to find them.” Anonymous “No one ever learned to swim by reading a book” book James Hunter
Learning and Retention 10% Read 20% Hear 30% See 50% See & Hear 70% Say & Write 90% What We Do From: Jensen, Brian 1996 and Schiller, Pam 1999
Course Requirements You earn your grade, the professor does not give you a grade. Your final grade is a reflection of your q y of output, p , skill development, p , effort,, quality and attitude. “Remember the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary” – Vidal Sassoon
Manager--inManager in-training (MIT) After entering the classroom, students are expected to take an active role in their learning. Examples include asking questions, offering statements of p position, and p providing g feedback on the course. MIT’’s are expected to provide input on class MIT structure and course content. In other words, MIT’’s are encouraged to become “co MIT co--owners owners”” of MGMT 321.
Professionalism Examples of professionalism – Arriving to class on time, – Not watching the clock, – Participating in classroom exercises exercises, and – Valuing and respecting your peers.
Professionalism Because the classroom is considered a professional environment, students are not allowed to wear caps, hats, scarves, or dodorags while class is in session session. Religious headgear that is worn everyday is permissible.
Grading Criteria
Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers when class starts. If you have an emergency situation, please notify me and I will hold your cellular phone for you you. Your cell phone – two point reduction. reduction. Texting – four point reduction. My cell phone – two point bonus.
An A is extraordinary work that significantly exceeds the requirements of the assignment. A B is above above--average work and exceeds the requirements of the assignment.
Grading Criteria A C is average work that meets the requirements of the assignment. A D is below average work that shows some promise but does not fully meet the requirements of the assignment assignment. An F is substantially below average or inadequate work that fails to meet the requirements of the assignment (Used with permission from the English Department at Winthrop University).
Grading Scale A=91 or above, A A-- = 90 B-=80 B=81B=81-87, B+=88B+=88-89 C-=70 C=71 C=71--77, C+=78C+=78-79 D=60--69.9 F 59.9 or below D=60
Grading Exams - (3 @ 10% each) Management Team Project Comprehensive Final Management Journal Professional Development
30 30% % 20% 15% 20% 20%
Syllabus Please take note of my office hours – I can also be reached by email email..