MHF4U: Take-Home Assignment - mrblakely

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Jul 22, 2009 ... Complete one of the Chapter Tasks from the textbook and submit it with a full, clearly explained, logical solution. Part B: Applications of ...
MHF4U: Take-Home Assignment Category: Performance Tasks & Assignments Due Date: Wednesday July 22, 2009, 8:30am Part A: Chapter Task (Evaluation Criteria: T1, C1) Complete one of the Chapter Tasks from the textbook and submit it with a full, clearly explained, logical solution. Part B: Applications of Function Modelling (Evaluation Criteria: T2, C2) Research uses of function modelling in one of the fields supplied below. If you wish to research a different field you must first clear this with the teacher. Your report will include: a. examples of the kinds of phenomena in that field that are modelled with functions b. reasons why it is advantageous to be able to model various phenomena in this field c. an example of an actual case study in which functions were / are used to model a particular phenomenon d. a full accounting of the consequences of being able to model this phenomenon e. any other information or commentary you deem necessary or useful f. references, if any Available fields include: Biology & Ecology: ecosystems; medicine Business & Economics: supply and demand; revenue, expenses and profit Physical Sciences: chemistry; astronomy; physics Statistics: population models; trends in data Computer Science: the cost of algorithms Important Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. Consequences for plagiarism are outlined in the policy document that was distributed on the first day of class.

Method of Evaluation BL1

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Criteria T1 Criteria T2 Criteria C1 Criteria C2 Thinking / Inquiry Criteria T1: Relates mathematical ideas to situations drawn from other contexts. Level 1:

Transfers ideas to other contexts and makes limited connections

Level 2: Level 3: Level 4:

Transfers idea to other contexts and makes simple connections Transfers ideas to other contexts and makes appropriate connections Transfers ideas to other contexts and makes unique or insightful connections

Criteria T2: Case study provided is appropriate and relevant to the field of study Level 1:

Case study has minimal relevance and is barely appropriate

Level 2: Level 3: Level 4:

Case study is somewhat relevant and appropriate Case study is relevant and appropriate Case study is particularly relevant and appropriate

Communication Criteria C1: The student uses clear language to make presentations, and to explain and justify solutions or responses when reporting for various purposes and different audiences. Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4:

Uses unclear language Uses language that is somewhat unclear Uses clear language Uses clear and precise language

Criteria C2: Uses mathematical vocabulary appropriately. Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4:

Uses common language in place of mathematical vocabulary Uses mathematical vocabulary with minimal errors Uses mathematical language appropriately Consistently uses mathematical vocabulary with great insight