Microfacies and cycle stacking pattern in Liassic peritidal carbonate ...

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Apr 16, 2008 - result of the extensional tectonics (Bernoulli 1972; Chan- nell et al. 1979 .... Goldhammer RK, Dunn PA, Hardie LA (1990) Depositional cycles,.
Facies (2008) 54:417–431 DOI 10.1007/s10347-008-0142-8


Microfacies and cycle stacking pattern in Liassic peritidal carbonate platform strata, Gavrovo-Tripolitza platform, Peloponnesus, Greece Fotini Pomoni-Papaioannou · Vassiliki Kostopoulou

Received: 15 August 2007 / Accepted: 27 March 2008 / Published online: 16 April 2008 © Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract Platform carbonate sediments of Liassic age cropping out in the area of the Pigadi-Fokianos Gulf (SE of Leonidion, Peloponnesus) have been investigated in order to determine their depositional environment. Facies analysis allowed the recognition of several microfacies types and their cyclic stacking pattern. The carbonates were deposited in a restricted inner platform environment (lagoon-peritidal domain) and are arranged into small-scale shallowingupward cycles. Palaeosol horizons containing typical pedogenic features are developed on the top of the peritidal facies or are directly superimposed on subtidal deposits, forming diagenetic caps. This implies repeated sea-level Xuctuations and periodic emersion episodes. The presence of orbitally forced cyclicity though is mostly probable, cannot be clearly documented by the available data. The studied carbonates are comparable with other coeval analogous peritidal cycles of the same age along the southern margin of the Tethys. Keywords Early Jurassic · Peritidal carbonates · Microfacies analysis · Cycle stacking pattern · Subaerial exposure · Palaeosols · Gavrovo-Tripolitza platform · Greece

Introduction and geological setting A thick Triassic to Jurassic carbonate platform succession that geotectonically belongs to the Gavrovo-Tripolitza F. Pomoni-Papaioannou (&) · V. Kostopoulou Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, Section of Historical Geology and Palaeontology, National University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, 157 84 Athens, Greece e-mail: [email protected]

Zone (GTZ) of the external Hellenides, crops out along the eastern coast of Peloponnesus (Greece). The Gavrovo-Tripolitza platform is one of the most signiWcant platforms of the Tethyan realm. Palaeogeographically, it was a part of the passive margin of the Apulian continent from the Triassic to Early Cenozoic period. It lies west of the Pindos nappe bearing deep-water sedimentary units that formed in an oceanic basin which was formed by rifting in the Early– Middle Triassic (Robertson et al. 1991). During the Early Cenozoic, the Pindos nappe overthrusted the Apulian continental margin (Fleury 1980). The GTZ is underlain by the “Tyros beds” that are considered to be its original basement (Thiebault 1982). The stratigraphic column of the GTZ comprises from bottom to the top: the “Tyros beds” (bearing Permian carbonates and volcano-sedimentary formations of Early Triassic age), Triassic to Late Eocene platform carbonates (shallow-water limestones, dolomitic limestones, dolomites) and Late Eocene siliciclastic Xysch. The basal sequence of the “Tyros beds” is related to the Triassic rifting of the northern Gondwanian margin (Robertson et al. 1991; Papanikolaou 1997). In an alternative model, the “Tyros beds” are interpreted as a Triassic fore-arc basin of the Palaeotethyan active margin (StampXi et al. 2003). In the Pigadi-Fokianos Gulf area (SE of Leonidion), only the Triassic to Jurassic carbonate platform succession of the GTZ occurs. The carbonate platform sediments begin at the base with massive dolomite and banded dolomitic limestone of Middle to Late Triassic age and are followed by Early Jurassic dolomitic limestones and limestones with dolomitic intercalations. However, the exact position of the Triassic–Jurassic boundary is diYcult to be placed. In the above-mentioned area, a well-exposed peritidal (“Lofertype”) carbonate succession of Liassic age has been detected. Peritidal carbonates form in an environment around the tidal zone (Wright 1984) and are commonly


418 recorded arranged in stacked shallowing-upward sedimentary cycles (James 1984). Peritidal carbonates are documented from a variety of modern and ancient settings (e.g. Hardie and Shinn 1986). The studied Liassic carbonate succession is situated along a rural road near the Amigdalia and Pigadi villages (Fig. 1). Careful sedimentological analysis enabled us to recognize several microfacies types (MF) and their stacking pattern, allowing also a tentative interpretation of the mechanisms that forced their cyclical arrangement (Kostopoulou 2007).

Biostratigraphy Micropalaeontological analysis of the shallow-water carbonate sediments discussed in this study has revealed a rich content in green algae and benthic foraminifera. Benthic foraminifers are represented by Glomospira sp., Glomospirella sp., Textularia sp., and Valvulina sp. Dasycladacean green algae include Paleodasycladus sp. and Paleodasycladus mediterraneus (Pia). Mollusc shell-fragments (rare gastropods

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and pelecypods) and incertae sedis organisms such as Thaumatoporella parvovesiculifera (Raineri), Thaumatoporella sp., Aeolisaccus sp., Tubiphytes sp. are also present. Based on the occurrence of these fossils, an Early Jurassic (Early–Middle Liassic) age for the studied sediments can be accepted (Flügel 1982; Flügel 1983; Sokab 2001). According to Sokab (2001), P. mediterraneus characterizes the Early–Middle Liassic platform sediments of the southern Tethyan realm and is particularly frequent in the periMediterranean area. Similar coeval strata and facies have been described from the same platform in South Peloponnesus (Thiebault 1973; Kalpakis and Lekkas 1982; Zambetakis-Lekkas 1995; Zambetakis-Lekkas and Alexopoulos 2007) and from Crete (Karakitsios 1979; SkourtsisCoroneou et al. 1993; Zambetakis-Lekkas et al. 1996).

Microfacies types and depositional environments Four vertical proWles were systematically sampled for sedimentological analysis, using thin sections stained with

Fig. 1 Geological map of the studied area. “Leonidion Sheet” 1:50,000 (after IGME 1978; Athens). Dots indicate the location of sections 1–4. The insert map shows the location of the study area (asterisk)


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Alizarin Red-S. The carbonate classiWcation follows the scheme of Dunham (1962) and of Folk (1959, 1962). Microfacies analysis is based on Wilson (1975) and Flügel (1972, 1982). The petrographic observations lead to the deWnition of fourteen depositional and early diagenetic MF (Table 1) which can be attributed to three facies associations (Figs. 2 and 3). Lagoonal-shallow subtidal facies association Description. The subtidal facies association consists of packstones-grainstones containing peloids (fecal pellets, algal peloids, microbial peloids), bioclasts, subangular intraclasts, aggregate lumps, calcareous green algae, benthic foraminifera (Ammodiscidae, Valvulinidae and Textulariidae), incertae sedis organisms and mollusc shellfragments (Megalodon). Bioclasts having a thin micritic envelope (cortoids sensu Flügel 1982) can be observed too. The foraminiferal, dasycladacean algal packstone/grainstone or boundstone microfacies (corresponding to SMF-18 sensu Wilson 1975 and Flügel 1972, 1982) appears as the most frequent. It is characterized by abundant dasycladacean skeletal elements, thaumatoporellids and several benthic foraminifers (Fig. 4a–c). Peloidal packstones to grainstones (SMF-16), bioclast-bearing peloidal mudstones and aggregate grain grainstones (SMF-17) are poorly represented (Fig. 4d). Few scattered small-sized intraclasts and bioclasts also occur. Environmental interpretation. The depositional textures, the fauna and Xora and the lack in general of features indicative of emergent conditions support the interpretation of this association as deposited in warm, euphotic, shallow water under low to moderate energy conditions, in a normal marine, inner carbonate platform setting. A protected lagoonal depositional environment is indicated by the cooccurrence of the P. mediterraneus and T. parvovesiculifera (Barattolo and Bigozzi 1996). Aggregate grains are interpreted as having been deposited in a shallow subtidal environment with restricted circulation (Flügel 1982; Enos 1983). Tidal Xat (intertidal to supratidal) facies association Intertidal facies Description. The intertidal facies association consists of fenestral microbial laminites/fenestral algal bindstones (corresponding to SMF-20 sensu Wilson 1975 and Flügel 1972, 1982) with Wne planar and/or slightly wavy horizontal lamination, formed by alternation of dark micritic laminae and sparitic laminae (Fig. 4e). Irregular and amalgamated fenestral pores and solution vugs are common. Sparry cement (blocky or granular) is the most fre-


quent pore-Wlling material. Geopetal structures are common. Among these facies, intraformational breccia microfacies has been recognized, though it is very rare. It is composed of poorly rounded micritic intraclasts, texturally similar to the surrounding groundmass. Some large solution cavities are present. In places, intraclasts with root traces occur, as well. Environmental interpretation. Fenestral structures characterize tidal Xat deposition and are typical products of desiccation-shrinkage or gas bubble formation (Shinn 1968; Hardie and Shinn 1986). Fenestral bindstones of algal/ microbial origin are formed mainly in tidal Xat environments (Hardie and Shinn 1986), where microbial mats trap and bind Wne carbonate particles. Microbial laminites are described from many ancient (e.g. Triassic Lofer cyclothems; Fischer 1964; Pomoni-Papaioannou et al. 1986; Haas 2004) and modern (e.g. Persian Gulf sabkha; Hardie and Shinn 1986) carbonate tidal Xats. The intraformational breccia is interpreted as a reworked deposit (lag deposit) originated in an intertidal-shallow subtidal environment probably by desiccation, fracturing and erosion of semilithiWed carbonate mud from the underlying substrate or from horizons that underwent subaerial exposure. Supratidal facies Description. The supratidal facies association generally comprises homogeneous unfossiliferous dolomitic mudstones (dolomicrite-dolomicrosparite) corresponding to SMF-23 sensu Wilson (1975) and Flügel (1972, 1982). This is one of the most widespread facies in the studied sections. The microfacies are unlaminated and characterized by the occurrence of patches or spot-like structures chaotically dispersed in a light-grey microcrystalline (microspar) dolomitized matrix (Fig. 4g). The spot-like structures are composed of coarse brown baroque/saddle dolomite crystals (Radke and Mathis 1980). In places, tiny black stringers (organic matter?) are observed. Sparse euhedral authigenic quartz crystals with matrix inclusions occur locally (Flügel 1982). In addition, the following MF are found: peloidal dolomitized mudstone (SMF-21) made up of Wne, oval peloids probably related to microbial activity. The peloids are compacted, deformed, and concavo–convex contacts are developed between them (Fig. 4f); fenestral dolomicrite (SMF-21) characterized by small irregular fenestrae interpreted as shrinkage-desiccation products; microbrecciated dolomitized mudstones consisting of angular to subrounded dolomitic mudstone clasts of variable sizes set in a groundmass of the same composition as the fragments (Fig. 4h). Some sparse small saddle dolomites occur. Breccia clasts show a Wtted fabric suggesting in situ brecciation. In places, microstylolites of insoluble residue developed along the well-Wtting clast boundaries. Finally,


123 Rare small bioclasts, sparse saddle dolomite crystals (Microbial?) peloids, sparse-scattered saddle dolomite crystals, rare Wne bioclasts and intraclasts Subangular-subspherical clasts of dolomudstone, sparse saddle dolomite crystals, rare microbial mat (?) intraclasts Sparse small ostracodes, authigenic quartz crystals None Vadoids Dark grey-black microlaminated micritic or microbrecciated layers, coated grains, peloids, pisoids, nodules, intraclasts, oomolds, Microcodium Planar-slightly wavy algal laminations Dark-grey poorly rounded micritic intraclasts of various size Peloids (algal, microbial), algal (?) micritized intraclasts, rare bioclasts Peloids, small benthic forams Micritized composite grains of irregular shape, rare bioclasts “Symbiosis ” P. mediterraneus and thaumatoporellids, peloids, cortoids, benthic forams, mollusc fragments

MF-3: peloidal dolomitized mudstone

MF-4: microbrecciated dolomitized mudstone

MF-5: dolomitized mudstone

MF-6: recrystallized dolomitic microfacies

MF-7: vadolitic microfacies

MF-8: pedogenic carbonate microfacies

MF-9: fenestral microbial laminites/ fenestral algal bindstones

MF-10: intraformational breccia

MF-11: peloidal pack-grainstone

MF-12: bioclast-bearing peloidal mudstones

MF-13: aggregate grain grain stones

MF-14: Foram-green algae packstone/ grainstone or boundstone

Patches or spot-like structures of saddle dolomite, unfossiliferous, authigenic quartz crystals

MF-1: dolomitic mudstones

MF-2: fenestral dolomicrite

Components and biota

Microfacies type (MF)

Rare small-sized fenestrae and traces of desiccation

Lump-dominated light-grey sparite

Dark-grey mudstones, small-sized fenestrae, traces of shrinkage-desiccation

Locally clotted fabric, rare fenestrae

Numerous ruptured-removed fragments in micritic matrix, fenestral/solution pores, desiccation and subaerial weathering traces, inverse grading, lag deposit

Fine-laminated fenestral fabric, desiccation-shrinkage structures

Early diagenetic facies, irregular fenestrae/solution cavities, circumgranular cracking, rhizobrecciation, alveolar-septal structure, rhizoliths, mechanical geopetal Wllings, vadose cement, blackened angular clasts, inverse grading

Subspherical vadoids, well-distinct nucleus and coatings of alternating micritic and microsparitic laminae

Xenotopic fabric

Shallow subtidal/restricted-protected lagoon, low-energy

Shallow subtidal, slight-intermediate energy conditions

Shallow subtidal–intertidal, restricted lagoon, low-energy

Shallow subtidal- intertidal, slight-intermediate energy conditions

Intertidal/shallow subtidal


Terrestrial (palaeosol) semi-arid to arid climate

Supratidal/sabkha (hypersaline vadose conditions)

Arid supratidal-meteoric water inXuence

Stressed supratidal-evaporitic

Arid supratidal—temporary subaerially exposed

Light-medium grey clasts with Wtted fabric, microstylolites, diagenetically produced fabrics, in situ brecciation fabrics Light-medium grey microsparite

Arid supratidal-meteoric inXuence

Arid supratidal environment

Stressed supratidal/evaporitic conditions—temporary subaerial exposure

Depositional setting and interpretation

Medium/dark-grey mudstones, small-sized fenestrae, early diagenetic structures-vadose compaction

Light-grey dolomicrite, fenestral fabric, desiccation traces

Light grey homogenized/massive dolomicrite-dolomicrosparite, diagenetically produced fabrics


Table 1 Summary of microfacies types (MF), deWned in the platform carbonates of the studied area, descriptions and environmental interpretations

420 Facies (2008) 54:417–431

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Fig. 2 Microfacies types and lateral sequence of depositional environments in the studied area

these microfacies are sporadically associated with grey dolomitized mudstones containing scattered ostracodes; recrystallized dolomitic microfacies showing a xenotopic fabric of unimodal anhedral dolomite crystals, and vadolitic microfacies characteristically composed of spheroidal vadoids sensu Peryt (1983), displaying nuclei of substratum fragments or aggregates of peloids, coated by several, thin, more or less, isopachous alternating micritic and microsparitic laminae (Fig. 5h). Environmental interpretation. These MF and their association indicate sedimentation in supratidal settings that were exposed to intermittent subaerial conditions (Sattler et al. 2005). Although, saddle dolomite usually forms at late-stage diagenesis, indicating higher temperatures and elevated salinity (Radke and Mathis 1980; Warren 2000), the patches of saddle dolomite observed in the supratidal facies are interpreted as pseudomorphic early replacement after evaporite minerals suggesting hypersaline conditions (Assereto and Folk 1980; Pomoni-Papaioannou and Kara-

kitsios 2002). The almost total absence of fauna and the presence of authigenic idiomorphic quartz crystals support increased salinity conditions as well. The vadoids originated in a hypersaline, periodically subaerially exposed environment (Peryt 1983; Wright 1994). Sabkhas of the Persian Gulf are a modern analogue of the environment in which vadoids are forming (Scholle and Kinsman 1974; Assereto and Kendall 1977). Furthermore, early diagenetic features such as cracking and in situ brecciation caused from desiccation-shrinkage processes and concavo–convex contacts between grains are interpreted as resulting from vadose dissolution-compaction in a meteoric regime (Knox 1977; Braithwaite 1983) and reveal that the sediments were frequently subaerially exposed. Pedogenic microfacies association Description. These microfacies exhibit a variable microstructure comprising fenestral, laminated, massive or microbrecci-



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Fig. 3 Representative section of the platform carbonates in the studied area showing lithology, texture, microfacies types, stacking pattern and the depositional environments as exempliWed in section 1 (for location see Fig. 1 and for legend see Fig. 6b)

ated fabric. Laminar micritic layers are composed of dark grey/black dense micritic, Wne laminae with abundant fenestrae of various size and shape (ovoid, elongated, irregular). Generally, fenestrae lack any preferred orientation and commonly are Wlled with coarse spar crystals (blocky or drusy cement) or geopetal Wll. Moreover, several cylindrical to irregular spar-Wlled cavities occur, surrounded by concentric coatings of micro-laminated dark micrite and sometimes


associated with alveolar-septal structures (Fig. 5a). Due to fragmentation and dissolution phenomena, micritic laminae have locally been brecciated. The breccia clasts are angular to rounded and show inverse grading (rip-up breccia, Fig. 5b). In places, micritic coatings have developed on coarse peloidal-shaped sediment grains (Fig. 5c). Coatings are made up of a single dark micritic layer, and they are irregular in thickness, displaying protuberances and/or

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micritic Wlaments which often connect grains. In addition, sporadically, small black angular clasts occur. Massive layers mainly consist of a dolomitized, unfossiliferous, inhomogeneous, clotted micritic groundmass, showing a network of irregular cavities and elongate pores, enlarged by dissolution, probably corresponding to root systems. Abundant spar/microspar-Wlled microfractures related to desiccation-shrinkage processes occur as well. Locally, the matrix contains abundant glaebules forming lenses. The glaebules are often surrounded by spar-Wlled circum-granular cracks (Fig. 5e). Most of the glaebules are single micritic grains of oval or irregular shape lacking an internal structure and exhibiting more or less distinct boundaries (Fig. 5d, g). However, several glaebules appear more elongated, being composed of a nucleus (breccia fragments) and a cortex made up of a single, discontinuous micritic/microsparitic envelope or of few vaguely concentric laminae (Fig. 5f). Thus, they resemble pisoids. In places, a structure consisting of small aggregates of concentrically arranged cell-like crystals, is preserved, resembling the problematic fossil Microcodium (Esteban 1974; Klappa 1978). Reddish-brownish clay cutans can be also observed. Environmental interpretation. The laminated and fenestral micrites resemble laminar calcretes described by Wright et al. (1988). Their black colour is related to the presence of organic matter. Many of the larger-sized irregular fenestrae resulted from shrinkage and/or dissolution (irregular vugs sensu Castellarin and Sartori 1973, solution vugs sensu Wright 1982). Fenestrae display corroded and darkened boundaries and are Wlled with geopetal crystal silt. Crystal silt is common in vadose conditions (Dunham 1969; Aissaoui and Purser 1983; Flügel 1982; James and Choquette 1990). Some of the cylindrical fenestrae are associated with alveolar-septal fabrics, considered to represent rhizoliths or rhizocretions. Alveolar-septal fabric consists of curved micritic septae appearing within cavities such as root voids or intergranular pore spaces (Esteban 1974). Similar biogenic features have been described and reported by a number of authors from ancient and recent carbonate palaeosols (e.g. Harrison and Steinen 1978; Adams 1980; Klappa 1980; Wright 1986; Wright et al. 1988; Pomoni-Papaioannou and Dornsiepen 1987; Goldstein 1988; Pomoni-Papaioannou and Galeos 1989; Wright 1994). Glaebules (Braithwaite 1983; Esteban and Klappa 1983), clay cutans and the enigmatic Microcodium represent diagnostic features for subaerial exposure (Esteban and Klappa 1983). The irregular micritic coats around grains resemble microbial-controlled pedogenic features (fungal biomineralization; Calvet and Julia 1983; Wright 1986). Moreover, the blackened clasts can be compared to the black pebbles that are typical in pedogenic settings (Strasser and Davaud 1983; Esteban and Klappa 1983), whereas the inverse grading of the breccia fragments (rip-


up breccia) is a typical feature of Recent carbonate crusts (Dunham 1969; Bernoulli and Wagner 1971). The features which indicate plant activity and vadose conditions point to prolonged subaerial exposure and suggest palaeosol formation in a semi-arid to arid climate (Esteban and Klappa 1983; Wright 1994; Alonso-Zarza 2003).

Cycle stacking pattern: discussion Microfacies analysis of the studied carbonate succession leads to the recognition of a cyclic pattern of sedimentation. Generally, the recognized cycles, 6–7 m thick in average, exhibit a shallowing-upward trend, suggested by the vertical evolution of MF and early diagenetic overprint. This testiWes to oscillations in environmental conditions and palaeobathymetry including emersion episodes. Analogous small-scale shallowing-upward cycles (James 1984) were reported from many shallow-water platform carbonate settings throughout the geological record (e.g. Fischer 1964; Wilson 1975; Goldhammer and Elmore 1984; Bosellini and Hardie 1985; Hardie and Shinn 1986; Grotzinger 1986; Strasser 1988; Elrick 1995). The identiWed shallowing-upward peritidal cycles commonly start with shallow subtidal/lagoonal facies passing upwards into supratidal-hypersaline deposits forming a peritidal incomplete cycle (Fig. 6). More rarely, shallow subtidal facies pass upwards into intertidal to supratidal sediments, forming a complete peritidal cycle. Well-deWned exposure surfaces and palaeosols showing a vertical succession of diVerent morphologically pedogenic facies are commonly developed on the tops of the peritidal cycles. Such surfaces and diagenetic caps suggest relatively longlasting exposure episodes (Strasser 1991; Wright 1994; Sattler et al. 2005). Diagenetic caps are also observed directly superimposed on subtidal deposits forming “diagenetic cycles” as described by Bosellini and Hardie (1985) or “exposed subtidal cycles” sensu Elrick (1995). The absence of transgressive sediments and the presence of only shallowing-up facies evolution create strongly asymmetrical cycles (Wright 1984). Asymmetric small-scale, shallowingupward peritidal successions/cycles are common on many ancient carbonate platforms (e.g. Wright 1984; Pratt et al. 1992). Peritidal shallowing-upward cycles can be generated either by autocyclic or allocyclic control mechanisms (Strasser 1991). Autocyclic processes operating within the sedimentary basin involve progradation of tidal Xat or lateral migration of tidal channels (Ginsburg 1971; Pratt et al. 1992; Satterley 1996a). Allocyclic control mechanisms are independent of the depositional processes and include eustatic sea-level Xuctuations (e.g. Grotzinger 1986; Strasser 1988; Koerschner and Read 1989; Elrick 1995) or




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䉳 Fig. 4 Liassic microfacies (Gavrovo-Tripolitza carbonate platform,

Peloponnesus, Greece). a–c Foraminifer-green algae pack/grainstone (MF-14), rich in dasycladacean, thaumatoporellids, small benthic foraminifers and gastropods. Shallow subtidal/shallow restricted-protected lagoon. d Aggregate-grain grainstone (MF-13). Shallow subtidal environment. e Fenestral algal bindstone. Abundant fenestrae with geopetal inWllings in some of them (MF-9). Intertidal environment. f Dolomitized mudstone with peloids which can be slightly compacted and/or are surrounded by a thin microsparitic rim cement (MF-3). Supratidal, meteoric inXuence. g Patches or spot-like structures of saddle dolomite (MF-1). They are chaotically arranged in a dolomicritic/microsparitic matrix. Supratidal, evaporitic conditions. h Microbreccia composed of numerous angular-subrounded dolomitic mudstone clasts. In situ brecciation with Wtted-fabric (MF-4). Supratidal, subaerial exposure

repeated synsedimentary tectonic downfaulting events, e.g. yo–yo tectonics model proposed by Cisne (1986). The cyclic sedimentary record present in the studied Liassic carbonate platform sediments, display changing facies patterns that might have been produced by an autocyclic process and/or in response to Xuctuations in sea level, caused by tectonism or eustasy. An allocyclic process of high-frequency and low-amplitude eustatic sea-level oscillations under greenhouse conditions, analogous to those prevailing during the Liassic, could be a probable controlling mechanism for the formation of the studied metre-scale shallowing-upward cycles. Emersion surfaces and palaeosols at the top of these cyclic sequences suggest that eustatic control played dominant role on the cyclicity, since their development requires a relative sea-level lowering below the platform top and below the depositional surface of lagoonal sediments (Strasser 1988, 1991; Balog et al. 1997; Strasser and Hillgärtner 1998). A tectonic origin (multiple episodes of fault-related subsidence and uplift) for these cycles is rather unlikely, given the passive margin setting of the Gavrovo-Tripolitza platform and its continuous subsidence during the Mesozoic (D’Argenio 1974; Channell et al. 1979; Bernier and Fleury 1980). However, an attempt to determine allocyclic or autocyclic control mechanisms for the origin of these cyclic deposits and whether or not the observed cyclicity is orbitally driven, goes beyond the aim of this study.

Dolomitization and cyclic peritidal carbonates The studied cyclic carbonate sediments were formed during the Liassic in a shallow marine sedimentary environment, characterized by low-water energy and restricted circulation, leading to conditions of elevated salinity (inner carbonate platform/lagoonal-sabkha type environment), as suggested by the occurrence of pseudomorphs after evaporite crystals, and the presence of authigenic quartz.


Although originally deposited as lime mud, they have undergone penecontemporaneous dolomitization. Finegrained crystalline dolomite that constitutes the matrix occurs more rarely within the subtidal and predominantly within the inter/supratidal facies and is characterized by a dense mosaic of sub to anhedral crystals (planar-s texture). There is evidence of former evaporites (void-Wlling saddleshaped dolomite, euhedral quartz crystals) in the dolomitic facies. Coarser crystalline dolomite (dolomicrospar/dolopseudospar) composed of anhedral crystals, with xenotopic fabric (unimodal, nonplanar texture) has been observed only locally and rarely. In this case, the enlarged crystal sizes may indicate syngenetic/early diagenetic alteration (under meteoric inXuence) due to neomorphism processes (Sibley and Gregg 1987). Medium to coarse subhedral dolomite crystals represent pore-Wllings. The Wne-grained dolomite matrix, associated with shallowing-up cycles and features reXecting arid conditions and prolonged subaerial exposure of the peritidal sediments, suggest early diagenetic dolomitization. Hypersaline, Mgrich Xuids, that percolated through the sediment caused syngenetic to early diagenetic dolomitization of the carbonate muds. The Wne crystalline dolomites bear resemblance to those reported from modern arid tidal Xat and sabkha settings of the Persian Gulf (Warren 2000). Furthermore, a relationship between peneconteporaneous dolomitization and eustatic control is possible (Montañez and Read 1992; Sun 1994). Studies on early dolomitization of Late Triassic to Early Jurassic peritidal rocks within Tethyan carbonate platforms, report high-frequency eustatic sea-level changes as a control mechanism that possibly inXuenced the regional dolomitization patterns (Balog et al. 1999; Bosence et al. 2000; Qing et al. 2001; Haas and Demény 2002).

Similar facies in Western Tethys Peritidal platform carbonates of Liassic age, that tend to be arranged as small-scale shallowing-upward cycles have been reported from diVerent areas of the western peri-Tethyan region: Italy (Appenines, Calcare Massiccio Formation; Colacicchi et al. 1975; Barattolo and Bigozzi 1996), Slovenia (External Dinarides, Krka limestones; Dozet 1993), Spain (Betic Cordillera, Cavilán Formation; Ray 1997), Gibraltar (Bosence et al. 2000), Morocco (High Atlas; Crevello 1991). Comparison of the Liassic peritidal cycles around the western Mediterranean area indicates remarkable analogies in rhythmic sedimentation, cycle thickness, biota, grain types and facies, suggesting a possible similar origin (Bosence et al. 2000). The peritidal cycles in our study area displays analogies especially with the high-frequency carbonate cycles from the Calcare Massiccio Fm in Italy. These cycles are formed




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䉳 Fig. 5 Liassic microfacies (Gavrovo-Tripolitza carbonate platform,

Peloponnesus, Greece). a Microlaminated black/dark grey micritic layers of pedogenic origin (MF-8). Alveolar-septal structure and irregular spar-Wlled fenestrae. Vadose environment, subaerial exposure. b Numerous micritic intraclasts showing inverse graded bedding (MF8). Vadose environment, subaerial exposure. c Sediment grains displaying dark micritic coatings (MF-8). Coats are non-isopachous and display protuberances and/or micritic Wlaments that locally connect grains. Vadose environment, subaerial exposure. d Pellet-pisolitic fabric. Circum-granular cracks. Vadose environment, subaerial exposure. e Glaebules surrounded by spar-Wlled circum-granular cracks (MF-8). Vadose environment, subaerial exposure. f Homogeneous pisoids of variable size and spar-Wlled circum-granular cracks (MF-8). Vadose conditions, prolonged subaerial exposure. g Glaebules (MF-8). Some relic bioclasts from a pre-existing subtidal facies are present. Vadose conditions, prolonged subaerial exposure. h Spheroidal vadoids of large size are the main components of the vadolitic microfacies (MF7). Supratidal, hypersaline vadose conditions

by a subtidal unit consisting of inner platform facies with benthic foraminifers, gastropods, calcareous algae that may or may not grade upward into an intertidal unit, followed by supratidal pedogenetic caps (Bigozzi 1990; Barattolo and Bigozzi 1996). According to Bernoulli (1972), D’Argenio (1974), Channell et al. (1979), Fleury (1980), Dercourt et al. (1985) and Zappaterra (1990), the Mesozoic carbonate platforms of the Periadriatic region (southern Tethyan realm) extending from the Maghrebides to the Dinarides and Hellenides, reXect a similarity in their sedimentary and tectonic evolution. The Gavrovo-Tripolitza platform seems to correspond to the Abruzzi-Campania one (D’Argenio 1974; Fleury


1980), having comparable characteristics and a quite analogous development during the Mesozoic, as both of them formed part of the Apulian plate.

Comparison with the Late Triassic Lofer-cyclicity The Lofer cyclothems were Wrst recognized in the Late Triassic Dachstein Limestone Formation (type-locality Loferer Steinberge, Austria) of the Northern Calcareous Alps by Sander (1936) and have been well studied by many authors since then (e.g. Schwarzacher 1954; Fischer 1964; Haas 1982, 2004; Satterley 1996b; Enos and Samankassou 1998; Haas et al. 2007). The typical-idealized Lofer cycle described by Fischer (1964) is an upward-deepening ABCd sequence, where d is a disconformity at the base, member A is a basal argillaceous member indicative of subaerial exposure and member B and C are peritidal and shallow subtidal deposits respectively. However, subsequent studies propose a modiWed basic pattern and support the reinterpretation of the Lofer cyclothem as a shallowing-upward cycle (e.g. Haas 1982, 1994; Goldhammer et al. 1990; Satterley 1996b). Lofer cycles are attributed to orbital forcing (e.g. Fischer 1964; Schwarzacher and Haas 1986; Haas 1982, 1994, 2004) or are interpreted to be autocycles (e.g. Satterley and Brandner 1995; Satterley 1996b). Thick stacks of lagoonal-peritidal metre-scale cycles (Lofer cycles) are a common feature in platform carbonate formations on the western margins of the Late Triassic

Fig. 6 a A representative portion of section 3 (for location see Fig. 1), showing the well-developed pedogenic horizons (diagenetic cap) directly superimposed on subtidal deposits (legend in b). b Legend for Figs. 3 and 6a



Tethys and the cyclothems that have been investigated in diVerent areas (e.g. Transdanubian Range, Southern Alps, Dinarides, Hellenides) are well correlative with those observed in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Haas 1991; Haas and Balog 1995; Haas and Demény 2002; Haas et al. 2007). In the Hellenides, loferitic facies have been studied in Late Triassic carbonates of Hydra Island (Richter and Füchtbauer 1981) and in the Pigadakia area of Peloponnesus (Kalpakis and Lekkas 1982). Late Triassic distinctive cyclothems have been described by Pomoni-Papaioannou et al. (1986) in the sequence of Olympus Mt, showing many common features with the Fischer’s ideal Lofer cycle, as well as in the Didhima area of Argolis Peninsula—Subpelagonian zone (Pomoni-Papaioannou and Photiades 2007; Pomoni-Papaioannou 2008). An Upper Triassic carbonate succession has been also studied in the Mari area, Parnon Mountain of SE Peloponnesus (Kati et al. 2007). Furthermore, a comparison between the Late Triassic loferites of the Pelagonian zone s.l. in the Hellenides and those of the Transdanubian Central Range in Hungary has revealed strong similarities in both regions (Haas and Skourtsis-Coroneou 1995). The drowning of the extensive Dachstein-type platforms, in the Alpine segment of the Tethys passive margin, took generally place at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary as a result of the extensional tectonics (Bernoulli 1972; Channell et al. 1979; Zappaterra 1990). On the contrary, persistent Mesozoic carbonate platform sedimentation is recorded in the Dinaric-Hellenic region (e.g. GTZ, Dalmatian zone) (Channell et al. 1979; Robertson et al. 1991). The Gavrovo-Tripolitza platform, in the Hellenides, developed in the Late Triassic-Liassic and persisted throughout the rest of the Mesozoic on the passive continental margin of the southern Tethys. The evolution of this platform was quite similar to other carbonate platforms of the Periadriatic region (D’Argenio 1974; Channell et al. 1979; Bernier and Fleury 1980). In the studied Early–Middle Liassic carbonate succession of the GTZ, the observed basic facies pattern and metre-scale cyclicity, resemble that of the Late Triassic peritidal-lagoonal cyclic successions in the Dachstein Limestone Formation (Lofer cycles). This observation suggests that the post-Triassic development of a Dachsteintype platform continued in the Early Jurassic under similar conditions. Furthermore, well-developed Early Liassic Lofer cyclothems have been investigated in the Outer Dinarides (Southern Slovenia) by Dozet (1993).

Conclusions – Fourteen depositional and early diagenetic MF can be distinguished on the basis of biogenic and abiogenic


Facies (2008) 54:417–431

components, texture, sedimentary structures, and early diagnetic features. The microfacies are grouped in to three associations. Almost all MF observed, can be classiWed according to the Standard Microfacies Types (SMF-types) present in Facies Belts 8–9 (FZ 8 to FZ 9) sensu Wilson (1975), representing the inner-platform area (restricted lagoon and tidal-Xat). The Early–Middle Liassic carbonate succession deposited in a warm shallow-marine environment contains a number of well-developed subaerial exposure surfaces and palaeosols that display strong evidence of vadose diagenesis and terrestrial conditions. Small-scale cycles, formed in a low-energy peritidal environment, are characterized by the repetitive stacking of the facies types. The cycles exhibit a shallowingupward trend (shallow subtidal to inter-supratidal and hypersaline facies). The palaeosols commonly occur on tops of peritidal cycles or are directly superimposed upon subtidal deposits (“diagenetic cycles”). They form emergent diagenetic caps indicative for relative sea-level lowering. The cyclic sedimentary record present in the studied carbonate platform deposits display changing facies patterns that might have caused in response to Xuctuations in eustatic sea level. Peritidal cycles are commonly dolomitized (completely or partially). A relationship between early dolomitization in a sabkha environment and eustatic sea-level oscillations is probable. Analogous peritidal platform carbonates of Early Jurassic age that tend to be arranged in metre-scale shallowing-upward cycles have been reported from diVerent areas of the western peri-Tethyan area. Moreover, the observed basic facies pattern and cyclicity resemble that of the Late Triassic peritidal-lagoonal cyclic successions of the Dachstein Limestone Formation (Lofer cycles).

Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the thorough reviews of Prof. A. Strasser (University of Fribourg) and Prof. J. Haas (Eötvös Lonárd University of Sciences) and the careful revision of the Facies editor Prof. Dr. A. Freiwald (Institute of Palaeontology, Erlangen), whose constructive criticism, meaningful suggestions and useful comments helped considerably to improve our original manuscript. We are grateful to Dr. Adonis Photiades (Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Athens, Greece) for his signiWcant contribution to the Weldwork.

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