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Nov 17, 2015 - SEM EDS ESCA AUGER FTIR. XRF XRD XRR ... these companies for their ongoing support. 2014- .... Best wishe
Metro NY-NJ Chapter

 November, 2015 This Issue: 2. Next Meeting: (Tuesday) November 17, 2015

“Thermochemical Surface Engineering of Steels and Titanium using Plasma Nitriding” Speaker: Dr. Edward Rolinski, Senior Scientist Advanced Heat Treat Corp. Meeting Location:

Meson Madrid, Palisades Park, NJ


3. 11/17 Abstract continued View from the 9/21 Meeting 4. Dr. Rolinski’s Bio Coming Events Directions to 11/17 meeting

Membership Hotline 800-336-5152

Mon - Fri. 8:30am - 5:00pm Please report any changes to your address, phone number, e-mail, etc. ASM International Web Site: http://www.asminternational.org ASM Metro New York-New Jersey Chapter Web Site: http://www.asminternational.org/web/ metro-nynj-chapter/home

Bulletin Info This newslettern is the official publication of ASM International Metro New York/New Jersey Chapter. ASM Int’l, the Metro NY-NJ Chapter and the publisher do not assume any responsibility for statements of claims made by manufacturers, advertisers, or their agents. Please direct all editorial correspondence to the publisher: e-mail: [email protected] © 2015 PKG Business Promotion

Chair’s Message Warm greetings from the ASM Metro NY-NJ Chapter, now that Fall has fallen, leaves have changed, and I have planted vegetables that can survive the winter for next year harvest. This applies to our Metro NY NJ ASM chapter too, as we have to plan ahead and be prepared.


Our October Speaker will speak next week, as I am required to write this a month beforehand. The speaker was the ASM President Dr. Jon Tirpak, FASM, and he spoke on additive manufacturing, which involved digital manufacturing. Digital processes are entering all aspects of manufacturing and his talk may be about future methods. Our speaker this month is Dr. Edward Rolinski of Advanced Heat Treating. His talk is on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at Meson Madrid. The technical meeting is early in the month to avoid interference with Thanksgiving. His talk is “Thermochemical Surface Engineering of Steels and Titanium using Plasma Nitriding”. We are always pleased with heat treating seminars, as heat treating is one of the oldest practices in metallurgy. However, this field is changing with the times, and the future will always involve heat treating, be it more energy efficient, new atmospheres and processes, and heat treatment of new alloys. I recall from my education, nitriding was always for steels. I guess the world has changed since my education and work experience. I have not worked on a titanium alloy in over 30 years, and was surprised to see nitriding atmospheres in use. I hope to learn much about this process. I urge you all to attend. One quite interesting part of the abstract was for titanium, “the nitriding process is mainly used for improving tribological properties.” I am quite intrigued what the mechanism is for this change. This brings out the surface scientist in me. Modern metallurgy evolved from the old blacksmith methods of heat and beat a part in order to shape it and have proper strength and toughness. The combination of these two talks show what was ancient is still being investigated and improved for better materials. Dr. Robert Sherman, Applied Surface Technologies Chairman, ASM Metro NY-NJ Chapter [email protected]

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PHONE: (302) 998-1184 Fax: (302) 998-1836

E-mail [email protected]


Metro NY-NJ Chapter 

794th Meeting

November 17, 2015 Sustaining Members Alcoa Howmet Belmont Metals Bolt Tech Mannings Central Wire Industries Copper Development Association Columbia University Excel Technologies, Inc. ExxonMobil Research & Eng. G. Cotter Enterprises Instru-Met Ironbound Heat Treating Div. of Metal Improvement Co.

McWilliams Forge Co. Praxair Electronics Temperature Processing Co. The Metro NY-NJ Chapter thanks these companies for their ongoing support.

Program: 6:15 pm Networking 7:00 pm Dinner 8:00 pm Presentation




Meson Madrid, Palisades Park, NJ

Directions are on page 4

Cost: Members & Guests: Students

$30.00 Free

Thermochemical Surface Engineering of Steels and Titanium using Plasma Nitriding Dr. Edward Rolinski, Senior Scientist, Advanced Heat Treat Corp. Corrosion, wear and fatigue failures are the most important mechanisms tat lead to materials degradation, which, eventually, leads to failure of components. Those involve chemical and/or mechanical interaction of material component considered with loads imposed by the environment. Hence, material performance and service life rely in many cases to a high degree on the properties of a material in its surface region. Accordingly, engineering the intrinsic properties of the surface region is desired and can be realized by application of various thermochemical treatments (TCT). TCT modifies surface composition as well ad microstructure of the component. TCT is dominated by nitriding/nitrocarburizing as well as carburizing (Ref.1). Plasma assisted methods offer significant environmental benefits and have been used for multiple purposes of surface engineering for ferrous and titanium alloys (Ref.2-3). The main advantage of plasma methods versus gas methods is activation of the most difficult alloys such as stainless steels, nickel and titanium alloys by ion bombardment leading to surface sputtering and removal of the passive layers. Plasma processes are carried out under vacuum and therefore the layers produced are never too rich in nitrogen and/or carbon, not brittle and therefore perfectly suited for multiple applications especially those involving mechanical fatigue. Because of the nature of plasma processes they are the main methods for surface treating a low-density PM products. A simple mechanical masking allowing for interruption of the plasma shield around the part, allows for selective hardening of the components and an easy protection of certain area, such as for example threads and blind holes from the hardening. (Abstract continued on page 3)

Metro NY-NJ Chapter 

Treatments with post oxidizing are designated for significant improvement of the corrosion and cavitation resistance of treated parts especially those subjected at the same time to surface wear either by abrasion, or adhesion. Allover treatment of the components is realized by treatment carried out in the atmosphere of ammonia and other gases controlled by the superior software and instrumentation of the equipment and allowing for producing any phases from the Fe -N-C phase diagram, The treatment can be combined with the post oxidizing and sealing steps to enhanced further properties of the products. A development of recent years is ‘low temperature surface hardening of stainless steels’. The process can be applied to austenitic, duplex as well as martensitic and precipitation hardenable steels to improve their already high corrosion resistance

November 17th Presentation

with the simultaneous significant increase of hardness. The process can be carried out using plasma as well as the gas methods at temperature not exceeding 400 C (752 F). Those processes include low temperature nitriding, carburizing and combinations of both. In regards to titanium, the nitriding process is mainly used for improving tribological properties of the alloy although high corrosion resistance of titanium is also often increased at the same. The titanium has a great chemical affinity not only for nitrogen but also for oxygen and carbon. Those elements; N,C,O and H form thermodynamically stable compounds within a broad range of temperatures used for nitriding. These elements are likely to occur in the processing atmospheres and they also play an important role in the growth of the nitrided layer. Significant solubility of nitrogen in titanium

View from the September 21st Meeting III Amici Ristoranti Linden, NJ Graduate Student Research Presentations

(Continued from page 2)

hexagonal lattice allows for forming compound and diffusion layers with excellent adherence ot the base metal, with a very high hardness and comparatively smooth transition to the core. Nitrided titanium has a yellow/gold color characteristic of titanium nitride TiN, which always forms in the surface during nitriding. Presence of TiN additionally enhances aesthetic appearance of nitrided titanium. Compare to ferrous alloys, nitriding of titanium alloys is difficult in the sense of the requirements for clean atmospheres as well as for much higher temperature needed for the process. Plasma/ion nitriding of titanium alloys is carried out at temperature exceeding 680 C. References 1. Thermochemical Surface Engineering of Steels, Ed. E.J. Mittemeijer ad M.A.J. Somers, 2014, Woodhead Publishing, 1-792. 2. E. Rolinski, Plasma-assisted nitriding and nitrocarburizing of steels and other ferrous alloys, Chapter in Thermochemical Surface Engineering of Steels, 413-457. 3. E. Rolinski, Nitriding of titanium alloys, ASM Metals Handbook, in editing.

ASM Metro NY-NJ Chapter

2015-2016 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman:


(‘02 ‘03)

Applied Surface Technologies

Vice Chairman: LARRY ABERNETHY BASF Catalysts, LLC Secretary: Treasurer:


Retired - Praxair


VHAM Associates

Immediate Past Chairman: Dr. NIKHIL GUPTA (‘13, ’14) N Y University, Polytechnic

DIRECTORS Term through 2016

Term through 2017 (Cont.)

Dr. Richard F. Lynch (‘00, ‘01)

Pierre Taubenblat (‘93)

Lynch & Associates

A. Daniel Zumaran

Port of NY & NJ Authority

Promet Associates

Term through 2018

Satish Punj (‘12, ’13) Consultant

Term through 2017

Michael Gershkovich Bodycote

Term through 2019

Colin McCaul (‘08)

Herbert Goldenberg (‘79, ‘80) AEIS NDT

Retired Consultant

Dr. Roumiana Petrova (’09) N.J.I.T.

Dr. Veljko Samardzic (‘11, ’12) Consultant

Krishnakant Patel

ADVISORY BOARD Kim Benson-Worth…………………..…General Magnaplace Corp James G. Bielenberg (‘94) ...........................................Consultant Dr. Edward R. Buchanan (‘06, ‘07)…....Buchanan Metallurgical Assoc Stephen G. Fogle (‘86) ........................................................................

Please Support Your ASM Metro NY-NJ Chapter Bulletin Advertisers

Directions to the 11/17 Meeting

Meson Madrid

343 Bergen Boulevard, Palisades Park, NJ 07650 www.mesonmadrid.com 201-947-1038

Meson Madrid is located about five blocks east of Routes 1/9/46 at the junction of Bergen Blvd (US Hwy 63) and E. Palisades Blvd. There is a direct link to Google® maps on the Meson Madrid website that will provide you with customized directions from anywhere. Go to: www.mesonmadrid.com click on the “Directions” button at left, then look above the map and click on “Directions from anywhere Click Here”

Bio Dr. Edward Rolinski, Senior Scientist, Heat Treat Corp. Edward Rolinski graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology, Department of Manufacturing Technology with a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and specialization in the Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals. He received his Doctorate of Philosophy in 1978 and Doctor of Science degrees in 1989 for his theses and scientific work on the application of the cold plasma/glow discharges to the surface treatment of solids. Before moving to the United States, Rolinski worked as an Associate Professor at the Warsaw University of Technology. During his academic career, he took three sabbatical leaves, which he spent conducting research on the plasma nitriding of titanium alloys at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working on the plasma and gas nitriding of various iron alloys at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England. He also taught Physical Metallurgy at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He was awarded a main group prize of the Polish Main Technical Organization for implementation of the ion nitriding technology into the industry. His industrial experience in the United States includes working as Manager of the Heat Treating Department for Peterson Engineering Company, Plant Manager and Director of Research and Quality Control for Advanced Metallurgical Corp. Rolinski joined Advanced Heat Treat Corp. in 1994 and worked as plant Manager in Monroe, Michigan and the Vice President of Technology for the Corporation. Currently he holds the position of Senior Scientist. He has published over 50 scientific papers, coauthored patents and two books.

NOTE: The additional article and photos from the 2015 Teachers Materials Camp that were originally scheduled to appear in this issue will be presented in a subsequent issue of the newsletter.

Coming Events

ASM Metro NY-NJ Chapter

11/17/15 (Tuesday)


ASM Metro NY-NJ Meeting Meson Madrid, Palisades Park, NJ

“Thermochemical Surface Engineering of Steels and Titanium using Plasma Nitriding” Dr. Edward Rolinski Advanced Heat Treating No technical meetings are held during December and January

Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season 2/23/16 (Tuesday)


ASM Metro NY-NJ Meeting Meson Madrid, Palisades Park, NJ

“Failure Analysis” Brian Holmann, LPI, Inc.

3/15/16 (Tuesday)


ASM Metro NY-NJ Meeting Meson Madrid, Palisades Park, NJ

“Building the 9/11 Memorial Monument” Joe Moretti, Co-Owner Service Metal Fabricating

Events and speakers are subject to change. Please check the Chapter website for updates & information.

We are experts

