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MS-Excel is an advanced Worksheet (or spreadsheet) product for IBM AT or PS/2 compatibles ... A MS-Excel formula always begins with an equal sign (=).
MICROSOFT - EXCEL: AN OVERVIEW Anshu Dixit I.A.S.R.I., Library Avenue, New Delhi-110012 SPREADSHEET A spreadsheet is generic term for a software package that simulates a paper worksheet often used by people in management. A spreadsheet supports fast calculations, what-if-analysis, data-graph, auto recalculation, etc. It is combination of worksheets that comprise of data arranged in rows and columns. The first spreadsheet ever to be created was the VisiCalc by Can Bricklin of Harvard University. In the market there are a lot of spreadsheet packages available like Lotus 12-3, SuperCalc, VPP 3D, etc. but the most popular Spreadsheet in Windows environment is The MS-EXCEL of MS-OFFICE. MS-EXCEL MS-Excel is an advanced Worksheet (or spreadsheet) product for IBM AT or PS/2 compatibles that also supports database, graphic and presentation features. Excel incorporates all the userfriendly features of Windows. Like most of the Windows application in Excel you can minimize or maximize worksheets. FEATURES OF MS-Excel There are two main features of MS-Excel 1. Analysis features. 2. Presentation features. Analysis Features • The windows interface includes windows, pull down menus, dialog boxes and mouse support. Linking of worksheets. • Repetitive tasks can be automated with MS-Excel. Easy to use macros and user defined functions. • Full featured graphing and charting facilities. • Supports on screen databases with querying, extracting and sorting functions. • Permits the user to add, edit, delete and find database records. Presentation Features • Individual cells and chart text can be formatted to any font and font size supported by Windows. • Variations in font size, style and alignment control can be determined. • The user can add legends, text, pattern, scaling and symbols to charts. • Worksheets can be printed horizontally or vertically. Getting started with worksheet • Click on the Start button. • Select Program menu. • Select Excel icon from the icon list. Now a blank worksheet labeled Sheet 1 will be displayed and ready for use.

MS-Excel: An Overview

Quitting MS-Excel To Exit from MS-Excel • Click on File menu and select the Exit option otherwise press the Alt Key and Function Key F4 together. • You can also press the X button that appears in the right hand corner to exit from Excel. Introduction of a worksheet The primary document you use in Microsoft Excel to store and work with data. A worksheet consists of cells organized into columns and rows and is always part of a workbook, also called as a spreadsheet. In Microsoft Excel, a workbook is a file in which you can store your data. Since each workbook can contain many sheets, you can organize various kinds of related information in a single file. Rows Rows are horizontally defined lines, numbered from top to bottom along the left edge of the worksheet. The first row is numbered 1, the second 2 and so on. There are 65,536 rows. Columns Columns are vertical lines labeled from left to right with letters. The first column is A, the second is B and so on until the user reaches Z. Then comes AA through IV. The last column of the worksheet is the 256th column. Cells A cell is an intersection of a row and a column. This is the box shaped work area where you can put your data of any format. These cells also have their specific address with the combination of row number and column label. For example, Cell E6 is the intersection of column E and row 6. Menus The Menu bars have the option for creating, editing, intersecting charts or graphs and providing the same features as in MS-Word. Each menu is accessed by either clicking on it with the mouse pointer or by pressing the ALT Key to activate the menu bar and then typing the underscored letter. This pulls down the corresponding menu. Press Escape key to cancel down the last selection. Formula Bar Formula Bar is the blank line that appears on the top of the sheet. This area is used to write formula to manipulate the data. Instead of that a box also appears along with the formula bar that displays the address of every cell. MS-Excel Standard Toolbar A number of icon are available under the MS-Excel Standard Toolbar, description of the symbols are given below



Data Entry in Worksheet To enter the data in a worksheet, the following steps are to be followed. • Activate the cell by moving the MS-Excel cursor (rectangular box) or by clicking with the left mouse button. • Enter the data from the keyboard. • Lock the data by pressing the Enter key. Use Formula to Analyze Data A formula is a relationship between cells. It specifies what operations are to be performed on the values of the cells it relates to. It usually contains arithmetic values, expressions cell addresses or ranges. Using a formula can help you analyze data on a worksheet. These are required to do mathematical functions like sum, average, maximum and minimum with in a range of cells. For example, to add the value of cell B4 to B13 in cell B15 and type the formulae = B4 + B5 + B6 + B7 + B8 + B9 + B10 + B11 + B12 + B13 and press Entry key. Use a formula when you want to calculate values on a worksheet. • A MS-Excel formula always begins with an equal sign (=) • A constant is a numeric or text value that you type directly into a cell A simple formula combines constant values with operators, such as plus sign or minus sign or other operators in a cell to produce a new value from existing values. Entering Formulae To enter formula in a cell: • Place the cursor in the cell where you want to write the formula • Write the formula starting with equal (=) sign and then press enter key. Example: To get the sum of cell B4 and B5 in cell B15 • Place the cursor in cell B15 • Type the formula =B4+B5 then press enter key. Cell Referencing There are three types of references: relative reference, absolute reference, and mixed reference. Relative References: A reference to a cell or a group of cells located relative to others on a worksheet. Example: A1: B5. Using a relative reference is like giving someone directions that explain where to go from where that person started. Absolute References: An absolute cell reference always points to the same cell coordinate. This lets the user to copy it to several cells without changing the absolute reference of the cell where the constant value is stored. Ex: $A$1: $B$5. Using an absolute reference is like to giving someone a street address “ A-6/51 Krishi Niketan, Paschim Vihar “. Mixed References: A reference such as A$ or $A1 tells MS-Excel how to find another cell by combining a reference of an exact column or row with a relative row or column. A mixed reference is designed by adding a dollar sign ($) before either the column reference or the row number.


MS-Excel: An Overview

Understanding Reference Operators There are three types of reference operators: • Range (colon) Produces one reference to all the cells between and including the two references • Union (comma) Produces one reference that includes the two references. • Intersection (space) Produces one reference to cells common to the two references A range is specified by a colon, for example, B2:D2

A union is specified by a comma, for example, B4, D4 An intersection is specified by a space, for example B8: D8; C7: C9. Cell C8 is the intersection

when using a range reference operator to refer to entire columns, rows or a range of entire column or rows, use the following abbreviated forms of the references. To refer to All of column A All of row 1 All of row 1 through 3 Entire worksheet

Type A: A 1:1 1:3 A: IV or 1:16384

Understanding 3-D references A 3-D reference is a range that spans two or more sheets in a workbook. The following illustration shows a formula using a reference to a range of cells on a range of sheets in a workbook. Name Makes References Easier to user A name is an easy - to - remember identifier you create to cell, a group of cells, a value, or a formula. Advantages • Each workbook can share a single set of names. It eliminates the need to re-create name for each new work sheet or to type worksheet reference. • Formula that use name easier to read and remember than formula using references. • You can paste name into the formula quickly using the name box. How to define a name • Select the cell or range. • Select Insert →Name →define • Write the name • Select OK



Rules for specifying name Follow these guidelines for defining a name • Valid characters: The first character must be a letter or an underscore character; other character can be letters, numbers, periods and underscore characters. The name can not look like reference (such as A$1) • Separators: Spaces are not allowed. • Length: A name can be upto 255 characters long. • Capitalization: You can use uppercase or lowercase letters. MS-Excel records the name exactly as entered. However it does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters when reading names in formula. Series Command This command fills the selected range of cells with one or more series of numbers or dates. The contents of the first cell or cells in each row or each column of the selection are used as the starting values for the series. The user can also create a series of numbers or dates directly on the worksheet using the Auto Fill feature. Series in- Fills series across rows or down columns Type Linear- Adds a step value to each cell value in turn. Growth- Multiplies the value of each cell in turn using the values entered in the Step Value box. Date- Calculates a series of dates according to the selected option under date unit. AutoFill- Fills blank cells in a selection with a series based on data included in the selection. Date Unit- Determines whether a series of dates will increase by days, weeks, month or years. Step Value - The magnitude by which a series increases or decreases. A positive number causes the series to increase; a negative number causes it to decrease. Stop Value - It is the value at which the user requires the series to end. If the selection is filled before the series reaches the stop value, the series stops at that point. Spell Check The Spell check facility is available in MS-Excel. To use the spell checker Choose Tool→ Spelling...... The spell checker dialog box appears. The user has to respond in the following manner to make changes or otherwise • Click change to accept the new spelling in the change to box and continue. • Choose the correct word in the list by clicking the word to indicate change. • Choose ignore to ignore the word and make no changes. Type the correct spelling in the Change To box and choose change if the word is not listed in the dialog box. Note To A Cell • Select the cell. • Choose Insert→ Note... • Type the note in the cell note dialog box. • Press enter key only after completing the note and choose OK. • The cell will be marked with a star (*) on the upper right corner.


MS-Excel: An Overview

To view the note • Choose Insert →Note. • The note will be displayed. Arranging Windows Open both the files by using File → Open. Choose Window → Arrange. Select the required way a user would like to arrange worksheets on the screen. Activate Window Only one window can be activate at a time a window can be activated by either of the two ways. • Choose Window → Select any file from the popup. The scroll bars will be visible on the activated worksheet. • Press Ctrl + F6 to toggle between the worksheets on the screen Opening Windows of The Same Document • Open a document • Make the window smaller by dragging the right edge of the window. • Choose Window → New window. • Make the second window smaller also. Closing Windows To close a window, double click on the control box and select close. Linking Worksheets Using DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) Linking of worksheet is the powerful feature provided by Excel. Let’s say if you have the entry of products in two different worksheet and you want that if any changes occur the second sheet will modify automatically. To link two worksheets • Activate worksheet window PROD.XLS. Select cell A4:A13 (Year data). • Choose Edit → Copy or press Ctrl + C. • Activate window worksheet AREA.XLS. • Place the cursor on cell where you ant to paste, suppose A4. • Choose Edit→ Paste Special → Paste Link. A Dynamic data link has now been established between the two worksheets. Changes in the value of cell A4 of PROD.XLS this will affect the value in cell A4 of AREA.XLS file. Removing Document Links To remove the link in the dependent document (AREA.XLS) the Absolute reference formula is to be changed. Select the cell or cell range in AREA.XLS Choose Edit → Copy Choose Edit → Paste Special Select the value button and click OK.



CREATING GRAPHIC OBJECTS ON WORKSHEET You can draw graphic objects by using buttons on the drawing tool bar. Different buttons on drawing tool bar as follows. Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Arc, Freeform button

Bring to front, Send to back, Group object, Ungroup object and Reshape button

Arrow and Freehand

Text Box

Create Button

Drawing selection Drop Shadow, Arc, and Freehand button

Filled Rectangle, Ellipse, Arc, Freeform b

• • •

To draw a simple shape, click on the buttons on the drawing tool bar and drag from one corner of the area where you want the shape to appear to the diagonally opposite corner. Double - click the button to draw more than one shape in succession. To stop drawing shape, click the button again.

To delete the graphic object • Click it to select • Then press DEL Key. To change the shape of polygon • Select the drawing and then click the reshape button. • To move a vertex, click on the vertex and drag it. • To delete a vertex, hold down CTRL Key and click Selecting Graphic Object • First click the drawing selection button this changes the mouse pointer to an arrow • Then click the objects to be selected • To select a group of object, drag mouse pointer to draw a rectangle around the objects you want to select. Grouping and Ungrouping • Select the group of objects • Click the group object button Note: - You can format the group and move, size or, copy or delete as it were a single object. Ungroup Objects • Select the grouped Object • Click on ungroup object button. Overlapping Graphic Objects You can place an object in front of or behind another object. • Select the object. • Click Bring to Front or Send to Back button.


MS-Excel: An Overview

Sizing Moving and Copying object Sizing • Select the object and position the mouse pointer over a selection handle. • Drag to the new size. • Release the mouse button. Moving an object • Position the mouse pointer over the object so that it changes to an arrow. • Drag to new position. • Release the mouse button. Copying an object • Position the mouse pointer over the object so that it changes to an arrow. • Hold down the CTRL Key and drag to required position. Formatting a Graphic Object • Select the object. • Choose Format →Object You can also use the button in the following list. Button



Drop shadow Drawing tool bar Colour

Formatting tool bar


Drawing tool bar

Hiding Graphic Object • Chose Tool →Option • Select one of the options under objects on the View tab. Printing and not Printing Object • Select object • Select Format →Object. • Select or clear the Print Object check box on the properties tab.

CHARTS AND GRAPHS A chart is a graphic representation of worksheet data. The dimension of a chart depends upon the range of the data selected. Charts are created on a worksheet or as a separate document that is saved with an extension XLS. MS-Excel automatically scales the axes, creates columns categories and labels the columns. Values from worksheet cells or data points are displayed as bars, lines, columns, pie slices, or other shapes in the chart. Data points are grouped into data series, which are distinguished by different colors or patterns. Showing our data in a chart can make it clearer, more interesting, and easier to read. Charts can also help us evaluate our data and make comparisons between different worksheet values.



Chart Wizard The chart wizard is a series of dialog boxes that simplifies creating a chart. The Chart Wizard guides us through the process step by step; we verify our data selection, select a chart type, and decide whether to add items such as titles and a legend. A sample of the chart is displayed so that we can make changes before we finish working in the Chart Wizard. Embedded Chart and Chart Sheet • Chart created as an object on a worksheet along with the associated data is called embedded chart. • Chart created as a sheet in a workbook is called chart sheet • Whether you create a embedded chart or a chart sheet your chart data is automatically linked to the worksheet, you created it from. Creating Chart • Select the worksheet data • Choose Insert→Chart • Choose As New Sheet or On This Worksheet

• Then click mouse pointer in the worksheet area • Different Chart Wizard Dialog boxes will appear. There you will give data range, select Chart type, chart sub type, titles, legends etc. In the last, select FINISH Activating Chart to modify it To activate a chart, double click the chart on the worksheet. The Chart border changes from a thin line to a thicker gray border, indicating that the chart is active.


MS-Excel: An Overview

Selecting an Embedded chart To move, size or delete an embedded chart, select it by clicking it anywhere in the chart on the worksheet. At this time chart is not active, you cannot make any change in it except moving sizing and deleting. Selecting Items in the Chart • •

To modify an item in a chart: Activate the chart by double clicking it. Click on the item to be selected.

The Part of a Chart Y-axis title Y-axis (value)

Chart title

Data marker


Chart area

Plot area

Legend area

Category name X-axis title

Selecting Data Series • Activate the chart by double clicking it • Click a data marker once Selecting data points • Activate the chart by double clicking it • Click a data marker once • Click the marker to be selected again Selecting Plot Area • Activate the chart by double clicking it • Click once in the chart area Selecting Legend Area • Activate the chart by double clicking it • Click once in the legend area



Adding Data labels • Select the data marker of the data series • Choose Insert→ Title • In the dialog box specify, kind of data label you want Adding Chart Title and axis Title • Activate the chart • Choose Insert→Title • Select each title and type the text you want Adding Legend • Select the data series • Select Insert→Legend Adding Grid Lines • Select the Plot area • Select Insert→Gridlines • Specify which line you want, major, minor, horizontal, vertical or any combination of these Adding Other Items You can add other items text boxes, arrows, and other graphic objects to the Chart for more information Changing Chart Type • Activate the chart • Choose Format→Chart Type • Select the Chart type Displaying Data Series as a Different Chart type • Select the data series • Select Format →Chart Type • Select the Chart Type Plotting Data Along Different Axis When the average value of different series vary very widely or you have mixed type of data such as price and volume, you can plot one or more data on a secondary value axis values instead of primary axis value. Plotting One Data Series along a Secondary Axis • Select the series • Select Format→ Selected Series • Select Axis Tab→Secondary Axis Plotting a group of Data Series Along Secondary axis • Select Format→ Chart Type Group • Select Format→ Selected Series Guidelines for combining Chart Types and Assigning Series to axes Because different chart types use axes differently, there are some limitations on how you can combine chart type.


MS-Excel: An Overview

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You can create any combination of area, column, line, and XY (Scatter) Chart. You can have one group assigned as a bar, pi, doughnut, or radar chart along with any combination of area, column, line and XY (Scatter) chart. A bar chart group must have secondary axis assigned because the axes are rotated, that is, the category axis is vertical and the value axis is horizontal You can not combine chart when using 3-D chart

Adding Data Series and Data Points There are two ways you can add data to an embedded chart on a worksheet • Select the data on the worksheet • Drag it into the chart OR • Select Insert->New Data Deleting a data series from Chart • Select the data series • Press DEL key Summary Table For Changing Chart To Change Chart title Axis Title Text Box Data Label Contents Data Label Type Category or series tick marks Value Tick Mark Label Legend Entry

Use This Method Select and edit in place Select and edit in place Select and edit in place Select and edit in place Double click the data series or data point and select the Data Label tab Double click the first data series and select the X-Value tab Double click the axis and select the Scale tab Double click the data series and select the Name and Value tab

Linking Chart text to the Worksheet To link a chart title, axis title or text box to a worksheet cell • Select the title or text box • In formula bar type = • Select the worksheet cell Reversing the Plot Order You can display categories or values in reverse order along a Chart axis • Double click the axis • Select the Scale tab • Select the category In Reverse Order. Changing the Plot Order in the series You can change the order in which the series are plotted • Select the Chart • Choose Format→ Selected Chart



• •

Select the Series Order tab Specify the order you want by moving up and down in the box

Formatting the Chart area • Double click outside the plot area to display the format chart area dialog box • Make the changes you want to the area and border in the Pattern tab Formatting the Plot Area • Double click the plot area to display the format chart area dialog box • Make the changes you want to the plot area and border in the Pattern tab Changing Spacing between Column or Bar Data Marker You can change the gap between cluster of data markers and bar overlaps • Choose Format→ Bar Group or Column Group Command • In the Option tab select Change Spacing and Overlap Creating Picture Markers in a Chart To add visual interest to your chart, you can use pictures in place of plain data markers. You can copy existing picture, or you can create graphic objects using MS-Excel drawing tools or another application. Creating Picture markers • Create Picture Marker • Copy the picture marker or graphic object • Select the data series in the chart where you want to place the image • Chose edit→pase command from edit menu Stocking or Stretching Picture Markers • After pasting picture marker in the chart, • Double click the data series you want to format • In the Format Data Series Dialog box select the Pattern tab • Select Stock and Scale To • Type the number of units each picture should represent. Adding Trend Line to the Data Series • Select the data series that you want the trend line associated with • Choose Insert→ Trend line • Select the Type tab • Select the type of trend line • On the Option tab you can give the trend line name and specify other options

SORTING AND FILTERING How sorting and Filtering works MS-Excel makes it easy for you to organize, find and create report from data stored in a list. •


to organize data in a list alphabetically, numerically, or chronologically.


to quickly find and work with a subset of your data without moving or sorting it. 23

MS-Excel: An Overview

How Sorting works When you sort a list, MS-Excel rearranges rows according to the contents of one or more column. Sorting places rows with identical items together. How Filtering works Filtering is a quick and easy way to find and work with a subset of data in a list. When you filter a list, MS-Excel displays only those rows that contain a certain value or that meet a set of search conditions called criteria. There are two ways to filter a list in MS-Excel: • Use autofilter to filter your list quickly by matching cell contents or using simple comparison criteria. • Use Advanced Filter to filter data based on complex or computed criteria. When MS-Excel filters rows your worksheet is placed in filter mode. When you are in filter mode, you can edit, format, chart and print your list subset without rearranging and moving it. Sorting Data in a list To sort your entire list, 1. Select a single cell in the list. 2. Choose Data->Sort MS-Excel automatically selects the whole list for you. If your list has column labels in the first row, MS-Excel excludes them from sort and uses them to help you to choose Sort by Column. If MS-Excel does not automatically select the data you want to sort, manually select the data choose the sort command again.

Sorting column from left to right With the sort command, you can sort column instead of rows • Choose the Option button in the sort dialog box • In the sort option dialog box select Sort left to Right • Choose OK



Select the rows you want to sort (row 1, row 2 and so on) in the sort by and then by boxes. Filtering a list using Autofilter • Choose Data→ Filter → Auto filter • MS-Excel place a drop down arrow directly on the column labels of your list • Clicking an arrow displays a list of all the unique items in the column. By selecting an item from a list for a specific column you can instantly hide all rows, except those rows that contain the selected value.

Finding Rows with empty cells or field To find a row with blank cell in a column select blank from the drop down list for the column. Finding rows with non-blank cells To Display all rows that contains data in a specified column, select the non-blank option from the drop-down list for that column. Removing filter To remove filter criteria for a single column • Select all from the column drop-down list • Choose Data → Filter → Show all To Display all hidden rows • Select Data → Filter • and then clear the AutoFilter command Displaying Automatic Subtotal in a list • Sort the list on the column at which you want subtotal by using Data → Sort commands. • Choose Data → Subtotals. • Following dialog box will be appear on the screen.


MS-Excel: An Overview

Choosing More than one column to summarize You can display subtotals for more than one column in the same subtotal row, by selecting more than one column label in the Add subtotal To box. Displaying Nested Subtotals You can insert subtotals for smaller groups within existing subtotal group. • Display subtotal on the main field. • Select another column name in At Each Change In box • Clear the Replace current subtotals check box. Choosing More than one summary To use more than one summary function. • Choose subtotal command and select one function in the Use Function box. Then choose OK button. • Again choose subtotal command select another function and clear the Replace current subtotal check box. Note: You can use subtotal command on your filtered list also. Hiding and Showing Detail Data in a subtotal list MS-Excel displays the outline symbol. So you can see the organization of the list and you can quickly hide and show detail data. Clicking row Label symbol you can hide all rows except the subtotal rows and grand total row.

Pivot Table A pivot table is an interactive worksheet table that quickly summarizes large amount of data using a format and calculation methods you choose. It is called pivot table because you can rotate its row and column heading around the core data area to give you different views of the source data. A pivot table provides an easy way for you to display and analyze summary information about data already created in MS-Excel or other application. What Data can be used for Pivot Table • A single MS-Excel list, database or any worksheet range that has labeled column. • A collection of MS-Excel ranges that contain the data you want to consolidate. This range must have labeled rows and labeled column. 26


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A data base file or table created in an external application or data base management system. Such as MS-Access, Fox-pro, dbase, Oracle, or SQL-solver. Data from an existing pivot table

Step to creating a simple Pivot table • Choose Data -> Pivot Table This displays step of Pivot table Wizard. • In step-1 of the Pivot Table Wizard tell MS-Excel what type of source data you want to use, The option you choose determine which screen will be displayed next. • In step 2 pivot Table wizard identify the location of the source data. For example, If you select MS-Excel list or Data base option button, specify the worksheet range you want to use. Help provides specific instruction completing step 2 • In step 3 create a layout for the pivot table, you can easily change this layout later using the mouse. If you move a field in the page area the resulting pivot table displays data for only one item in that field at a time. • In step 4 the Pivot table wizard specify where you want the pivot table to appear Creating a Pivot Table from a MS-Excel list or Data base • Choose Data → Pivot Table • Select the MS-Excel list or Database option buttons in step 1 of the Pivot table wizard. • Using a list that is filtered and contains automatic subtotal • MS-Excel automatically includes grand total and subtotal in the Pivot table. So remove filters and subtotals from the list before creating pivot table. Using External Data to create Pivot table • Choose Data → Pivot Table • Select the External Data source option in step 1 of the Pivot table wizard. • Choose get Data button in step 2 • Using MS-Quarry; create a Quarry that a set of search instruction use to extract internal Data set. To create a Quarry you must. 1. Specify the Data source you want to use. e.g. a set of Boxfiles and the Directory that contains them. 2. Specify the labels or files from the Data source you want to access. 3. Display, sort, filter or Joint data from the selected tables using MS-Quarry •

Return the Data to the pivot table wizard by choosing File → Return data to MS-Excel command.