and all that is in them; and for You is all Praise - you are the Lord of the Heavens and the. Earth and all that is in t
Mashary Rashid Dua Qunoot
Mashary Rashid Dua Qunoot
ِِّ َْ َاُ ََ اَُْ أََْ ُرُ اََّوَاتِ وَاَرْضِ و ِِ َْ َوَََ اَُْ أََْ "َ!ُ اَوَاتِ وَاَرْضِ و ِِ َْ َوَََ اَُْ أََْ رَب اََّوَاتِ وَاَرْضِ و Allāh noorus--samaawaati walAll humma lakallakal-hamdu anta noorus wal-ardi wa man feehinna, wa lakallakalhamdu anta qayyimusqayyimus-samaawaati walwal-ardi wa man feehinna, wa lakallakal-hamdu anta rabbusrabbussamaawaati walwal-ardi wa man feehinna. O Allāh, for You is all Praise - You are the Light of the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in them; and for You is all Praise – You are the Guardian of the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in them; and for You is all Praise – you are the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in them.
'&َ( ََؤُك%َُِْكَ اَ& وَ"ََُْ اَ& و+َأََْ اَ& وَو '&َ( ُ,َ+رُ (َ&' وا-ُ (َ&' وَا,-َ.وَا '&َ( ٌَُ َِّنَ (َ&' و1-وا Antal--Haqqu wa waÊwadukalAntal waÊwadukal-haqqu wa qawlukalqawlukal-haqqu wa liqaaÊuka haqqun, walwal-jannatu haqqun wanwan-naaru haqqun, waswas-saaÊatu haqqun, wanwan-nabiyyoona haqqun wa Muhammadun haqq. O Allāh You are the Truth, Your Promise is True, Your Speech is True, Your Meeting is True, Paradise is True, the Hellfire is True, the Hour is True, the Prophets are True and Muhammad is True. --َْوَإََِْ َ(آ
َ-َْ7َ8 َِ3ََ و-ََْآ5 َََْ+َ و-َ 2 َِ3ََ و-َْْ9َاُ ََ أ -َْ+ََرَْ وَ أ:ْ9ََْ وَ َ أ:8ََ وَ َ أ-ْ َ" َ َ-َ ْ:ِ;َْ إِ= أ:!8َ?َُ!مُ وَأََْ ا%ُأََْ ا
Allaahumma laka aslamnaa, aslamnaa, wa bika aamannaa, wa Âalayka tawakkalnaa, wa bika khaasamnaa, wa ilayka haakamnaa, faghfir lanaa maa qaddamnaa wa maa akhkharnaa, wa maa asrarnaa wa maa aÊlannaa, antalantal-muqaddimu wa antalantal-muÊakhkhiru laa ilaaha illaa ant. O Allāh, to You have we submitted our souls, in You have we believed, upon You have we relied, for You have we argued, to You have we taken our judgment, so forgive us all that we have done and what we have not done, what we have hidden and what we have disclosed. You are the Promoter, and You are the Delayer, there is no God but You.
ِ.َ ٌَِ( َََِاهَِ إ:ْ3ِل إ2 Cَ+ََاهَِ و:ْ3ِ إCََ+ ََْ7 ََل ٍَُ آ2 Cََ+َ ٍَُ وCَ+ !Eَ7 ُا
Mashary Rashid Dua Qunoot
ِ.َ ٌَِ( َََِاهَِ إ:ْ3ِل إ2 Cَ+ََاهَِ و:ْ3ِ إCََ+ ََْرَآ3 ََل ٍَُ آ2 Cََ+َ ٍَُ وCَ+ َْرِك3َو Allaahumma salli Âalaa Muhammadin wa Âalaa Muhammad, kamaa sallayta Âalaa Ibraaheema wa Âalaa aali Ibraaheem, Innaka hameedun majeed. Wa baarik Âalaa Muhammadin wa Âalaa aali Muhammad, kamaa baarakta Âalaa Ibraaheema wa Âalaa aali Ibraaheem, Innaka hameedun hameedun majeed. O Allāh, send prayers upon Muhammad and upon the followers Muhammad, just as you sent prayers upon Ibrahîm and upon the followers of Ibrahîm. Verily, you are full of praise and Majesty. And O Allāh, send blessings upon Muhammad and upon the followers Muhammad, just as you sent blessings upon Ibrahîm and upon the followers of Ibrahîm. Verily, you are full of praise and Majesty.
َُِِْمَ وَاFْ9ِG اHِ+َ اُ أ,َُِِْمَ وَاFْ9ِG اHِ+َاُ أ ِL!ءَ ا2ْ+َْ أ:! َِآَِ وَد:ْKُْكَ وَا:!Kوَأَذِلّ ا َََِNَ رَب اL ِمFْ9Gوَا(ِْ (َْزَةَ ا Allaahumma aÊizzal-Islaama wal-Muslimeen, Allaahumma aÊizzal-Islaama wal-Muslimeen, wa adhillash-shirka wal-Mushrikeen, wa dammir aÊdaaÊad-deen, wahmi hawzatal-Islaami yaa rabbal-Âaalameen. O Allāh raise the standing of Islam and the Muslims, O Allāh raise the standing and the Muslims, and degrade the standing of disbelief and the disbelievers, and Shirk and the pagans. Destroy the enemies of the Deen, and protect the lands of Islam, O Lord of the Worlds.
L!(َُدَكَ ا1ِ+َِ!َ و1َ َ,-ُ9َََ و3َQََِ وَآ-Lِْ د:ُRْاُ ا Allāhummansur deenaka wa kitaabaka wa sunnata nabiyyika wa ‘ibaadakalMuwahhideen. O Allāh, grant Victory to Your religion, Your Book, and the Sunnah of Your Prophet, and Your monotheist slaves.
،َََْن ََ اَُْ = إِ>َ إِ= أTِ3 ََُTَْ ِاُ إ َِ اَوَاتِ وَاَرْضULَِ3 َL ،ُن-َ ا،ََ َLِ:َV = َوَ(َْك َُ "َمL Wَ( َL ِ،ِام:ِْآGلِ وَاFَ.َ ذَا اL
Mashary Rashid Dua Qunoot
Allāh All humma innaa innaa nasÊaluka bi anna lakallakal-hamd, laa ilaaha illaa ant, wahdaka laa shareeka laka, alal-mannaan, yaa badeeÊasbadeeÊas-samaawaati walwal-ardi, yaa dhaldhal-jalaali walwal-ikraam, yaa hayyu yaa qayyoom. O Allāh, we ask of You, by virtue of all praise being to You, there is no God worthy of worship but You alone, there is no partner for You, the Beneficent, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, O Lord of Majesty and Bounty, O Alive Self-Subsisting One.
،ََُْ = إِ>َ إ= أXَُْ أََ أََْ اKَ -َTِ3 ََُTََ َ(َُْ َ>ُ آُ;ُاً أZَL َََُْْ وL َََِْْ وL َْ َُ ا\يRاَ(َُ ا ،ٍَنZَ !Eُ آWِ ُ>َْمَ وَأَهFْ9ِGَ ا:ُRْ-َ5 ْأَن ،ٍَنZَ !Eُ آWِ ُ>َْمَ وَأَهFْ9ِGِ ا:ُRَْاُ ا ٍَنZَ !Eُ آWِ ُ>َْمَ وَأَهFْ9ِGِ ا:ُRَْاُ ا NasÊaluka bi annanaa nash nash--hadu annaka antallaah, laa ilaaha illaa ant, alal-ahadusahadus-samadusamaduladhdhee lam yalid wa lam yoolad wa lam yakulyakul-lahoo kufuwan ahad, an tansuraltansural-Islaama wa ahlahoo fee kulli makaan, AllaahummaAllaahumma-nsurilnsuril-Islaama wa ahlahoo fee kulli makaan, makaan, AllaahummaAllaahumma-nsurilnsuril-Islaama wa ahlahoo fee kulli makaan, We ask You - by virtue of bearing witness that You are Allāh, there is no God worthy of worship but You, the One, the Self-Sufficient, Who begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none who is comparable to Him - [we ask You] to grant victory to Islam and the Muslims everywhere, O Allāh, grant victory to Islam and the Muslims everywhere, O Allāh grant victory to Islam and the Muslims everywhere.
ِس- اCََ+ -َ وَهََا-ِQَِ( َ,ِ"ََ و-ِ5ُ" َ^ْNَ_ ُZْKَ ََِْإ ،َِ;َNْ`َQُْ أََْ رَب ا،َِِ(ا:َ أَرْ(ََ اL Ilayka nashkoo daÊfa quwwatinaa, Âalan--naas, yaa quwwatinaa, wa qillata heelatinaa, wa hawaananaa Âalan arhamararhamar-raahimeen, anta rabbulrabbul-mustadÊafeen To You we complain of our weakness, our failure, our shame before the people, O Most Merciful, You are the Lord of the weak and oppressed.
،ََ:ْ ََ>ُ أQْZَ aَُو+ Cَِ أَوْ إ،َُ:َ.َQَL ٍِNَ3 Cَِ إ،َ-ُِZَ5 ْ َ Cَِ إ،َ-3َوَأََْ ر َ-َ ُUَ9َْ أَوWََِ هQََِ+ أَن:َ َْ< ،Wَِ1ُ Fَ َ-ََْ+ ٌbَ`َ< َِ3 ُْZَL َْ ْإِن Wa anta rabbunaa, ilaa man takilunaa, ilaa baÊeedin baÊeedin yatajahharunaa, wa ilaa Âaduwwin mallaktahoo amranaa, in lam yakun bika ghadabun Âalaynaa falaa nubaalee, ghayra ghayra anna Âaafiyataka hiya awsau awsau lanaa.
Mashary Rashid Dua Qunoot
And You are our Lord, to whom will you entrust us? To a distant person who will treat us with enmity or to an enemy You have made over us. If You are not angry at us, we would not care, for Your pardon is greater for us.
،َِة:ِ8cُ اَْ وَا:ْ َََْ>ِ أ+ َdَُ7َ و،َُُتeَ"َْ َ>ُ ا:ْVََِْ ا\ي أfَُرِ و-ِ3 ُُذNَ Cَ_ْ:َ5 CQَ( Cَ1ْQُN ََ ا،َُgَhَ9 َ-ِ3 َِلHْ-َL ْأوْأَن،َُ1َ`َ< َ-ََْ+ EَِL ْأَن َِ3 =ِوَ= (َْلَ وَ= "ُةَ إ NaÊoodhu bi noori noori wajhikalwajhikal-ladhee ashraqat lahudhlahudh-dhulumaat, wa saluha Âalayhi amrudamruddunyaa walwal-aakhirah, ayay-yahilla Âalaynaa ghadabuk, wa ayay-yanzila binaa sakhatuk, lakallakalÂutbaa hattaa tardaa, wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa bik. We seek refuge in the Light of Your Face for which darkness shine, and with which the affairs of this life and the Hereafter become good, from Your anger or displeasure fall upon us. You have the right to admonish until You are pleased, and there is no power and no might except in You.
َ-َ;ْNَ_ ُZْKَ ََِْiَ ،َ-َ;ْNَ_ ُZْKَ ََِْiَ Fa ilayka nashkoo daÊ daÊfanaa, fa ilayka nashkoo daÊfanaa daÊfanaa So to You we complain of our weakness, to You we complain of our weakness.
ََُدك5 َْءتf ،ِه:ْhََُِْ وeِ3 ،ِهLَِ(ََِ وKَْ.ِ3 َْkَf ِ9ِ رُوjِ\َاُ ه نK!K اWِ َ-ِ ْ?َُ;َِ َِ اNْ`َQُُْ اE!Qَ%ُ5َ و،ََُ9ََ\!بُ رZُ5َو Allaahumma haadhihi roosiyaa jaaÊat bi jayshihaa wa hadeedihaa, bi dhulmihaa wa fakhrihaa, jaaÊat tuhaadduka wa tukadhdhibu rasoolaka, wa tuqattilultuqattilul-mustadafeena minalminalmuÊmineena fishfish-sheeshaan. O Allāh, Russia came with her army and iron, with her oppression and arrogance, she came to challenge You and deny Your Messenger, and to slaughter the weak and oppressed believers in Chechnya.
،َُْ5َْ+َْ َُْ َ وHِ.َْ اُ أ،َُْ5َْ+َْ َُْ َ وHِ.َْاُ أ َِ3َQِ آWِ ْ َُ5َْ+َْ َُْ َ وHِ.َْاُ أ Allaahumma anjiz lahum maa waÊadtahum, Allaahumma anjiz lahum maa waÊadtahum, Allaahumma anjiz lahum maa waÊadtahum waÊadtahum fee kitaabik.
Mashary Rashid Dua Qunoot
O Allāh, bring about what You promised them, O Allāh bring about what You promised them, O Allāh bring about what You promised them in Your Book.
،ََِكLTَ5ََكَ و:ْRَ ِْلHَْ اُ أ،ََْك+َََْكَ وَو+ َُُكKْ-َ اُ إِن َُِن5َ%ُL. َِ3َ و،ُُْه:ِRَ َََْ`ُِهُْ وَأ+ ََْأ Allaahumma innanaa nanshudu Âahdaka wa waÊdak, Allaahumma anzil nasraka wa taÊyeedak, anta Âadeeduhum, wa anta naseeruhum, wa bika yuqaatiloon. O Allāh, we seek Your protection and Your promise, O Allāh, bring down Your Help and Support, You are their Helper and Supporter, and for You they will fight.
َُْ ْ:ِRَQَْ َُن3ُْlَ ُِْاُ إ Allaahumma innahum maghlooboona fantasir lahum. O Allāh, they are helpless, so help them.
َLِ:َِZَْمِ ا% اCََ+ ُْْه:ُRْ!ْ أَ"َْا َُْ وَا1َmَاً و:ْ1َ7 ََِْْ+ ِْغ:ََْ أ-3َر Rabbanaa afrigh Âalayhim sabran wa thabbit aqdaamahum wansurhum Âalalalal-qawmilqawmilkaafireen. Our Lord, pour upon them patience, make them steadfast, and grant them victory over the Disbelievers.
َُْ َbَِ< Fَ ُْْه:ُRْ-5َ َْْ إِنoِV َِ3 ِِْ;ْ وَاآ،َُْ ْ:!Zَ ُا َِْكNَ3 ِْ ُُْه:ُRْ-َL ْ\ُُْْ ََْ ذَا ا\يhَ5 ْوَإِن Allaahumma makkir lahum, wakfihim bimaa shiÊt. In tansurhum falaa falaa ghaaliba lahum, wa in takhdhulhum fa man dhaldhal-ladhee yansurhum min baÊdika. O Allāh, plot for them, and suffice them with what You please, if You support them then nobody can overpower them, and if You forsake them, then who will be able to support them after You?
Mashary Rashid Dua Qunoot
،ِِeَNْشِ ا:َNُ رَب اX = إِ>َ إِ= ا،َُ اeَNُ اX= إ>َ إِ= ا ِLِ:َZْشِ ا:َNُ رَب اَوَتِ وَرَب اَرْضِ وَرَب اX= إ>َ إِ= ا Laa ilaaha illalillal-laah, alal-Âadheemuladheemul-haleem. Laa ilaaha illalillal-laah, rabbulrabbul-Arshilrshil-Âadheem. Laa ilaaha illalillal-laahu rabbusrabbus-samaawaati wa rabbulrabbul-ardi wa rabbulrabbul-Arshilrshil-kareem. There is no God worthy of worship but Allāh, the Mighty the Forbearing, there is no God worthy of worship but Allāh, Lord of the Mighty Throne, There is no God worthy of worship but Allāh, Lord of the Heavens and Lord of the Earth and Lord of the Noble Throne.
،نK!K اWِ َِ-ِ ?َُ;َ َِ اNْ`َQُِْ اqَْاُ أ ،نK!K اWِ َِ-ِ ?َُ;َ َِ اNْ`َQُِْ اqَْاُ أ ،نK!K اWِ َِ-ِ ?َُ;َ َِ اNْ`َQُِْ اqَْاُ أ ،ِ9 رُوCََ+ ََ5َTَrَُْدْ وVاُ ا ،^ُ9ُL ِ-ََِِ آ-ِ9 ََِْْ+ ََْNْfاُ ا Allaahumma anjilminal--muÊmineena fishanjil-mustadÊafeena minal fish-sheeshaan, Allaahumma anjilanjilmustadÊafeena minalminal-muÊmineena muÊmineena fishfish-sheeshaan, Allaahumma anjilanjil-mustadÊafeena minalminalmuÊmineena fishfish-sheeshaan, AllaahummashAllaahummash-dud wataÊataka Âalaa roosiyaa, AllaahummajAllaahummajÂalhaa Âalayhim sineena ka sineeni yoosuf O Allāh, help the weak and oppressed believers in Chechnya, O Allāh, help the weak and oppressed believers in Chechnya, O Allāh, help the weak and oppressed believers in Chechnya, O Allāh, increase Your force against Russia.
ََِْْ+ ََة:ِkِ ااEَNْf اُ ا،َِرQْ% ٍHLِHَ+ ُ\ْ8َُ\ْهُْ أ8 ُا ،ًَْدا9ََْ ً أL ِِِْ َِاُ أَر Allaahumma khudhkhudh-um akhdha Âazeezin muqtadir, AllaahummajAllaahummaj-Âal idid-daaÊirata Âalayhim, Allaahumma arinaa feehim yawman aswadaa O Allāh, annihilate them with Your authority and power, O Allāh, let all they have done be done to them, O Allāh, show us their black day.
،َُْQَِْ9َْ أ:! َ وَد،َُْرَهLِ!بْ د:َ8َ و، َُْNَْf ْ!قHَ َ و،ََُْْV ْ!QَV ُا َ,َآQَ;َاضَ ا:ْ َ وَا،ََة:! ََُ ا:7َ+َََُِْ ا+ ِْلHَْاُ أ
Mashary Rashid Dua Qunoot
Allaahumma shattit shamlahum, wa mazziq jamÊahum, wa kharrib diyaarahum, wa dammir aslihatahum, Allaahumma anzil ÂalayhimulÂalayhimul-aÊaaseeralaÊaaseeral-mudammira walwal-amraadalamraadalfattaaka O Allāh disperse their gatherings and shatter their unity, demolish their houses, destroy their weapons, O Allāh, send upon them destructive hurricanes, and fatal diseases.
،ًُْْ أَ(َا-ِ َْدِرlُ5 =َ و،ًََدا3 ُُْْQْ" وَا،ًََدا+ ِِْRْ(َاُ أ َ Lِ:ِ