Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe 2015
University of Belgrade, Fac. of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11035 Belgrade, Serbia 2 Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, PO Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia 3 IC Fac. of Mech. Engineering, University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, 11035 Belgrade, Serbia 4 Messer Tehnogas a.d., Batajnicki put 62, Belgrade, Serbia
[email protected]
Abstract Numerous mechanical structures and assemblies have frequent outages because of wear of machine parts due to the effects of abrasion and erosion. There are several methods to protect parts from wear and one of them is by applying a protective coating on the endangered area. It is well known that the coatings with carbide distributed in a metallic matrix have an excellent wear resistance. In this paper characterization of three coatings were carried out: coating with tungsten carbide (WC) in NiBSiFe matrix, coating with chromium carbides (CrC) in FeNiSi matrix deposited by plasma transferred arc method (PTA), as well as, coating with WC carbide in CrNiBSi matrix deposited by oxy-acetylene thermal spray process. The above mentioned alloys, before application to the base material, were in a powder state. This paper describes applied coating technologies on a substrate - S235JR steel, powders characteristics, microstructure and properties of coatings, phase composition, and micro hardness of different microconstituents. Key words: PTA, tungsten carbide, chromium carbide, wear resistance
Introduction Numerous mechanical structures and assemblies have frequent outages because of wear of machine parts due to the effects of abrasion and erosion. There are several methods to protect parts from wear and one of them is by applying a protective coating on the endangered area. It is well known that the coatings with carbide distributed in a metallic matrix have an excellent wear resistance [1,2]. Research has shown that abrasion resistance increase with an increase of carbon content in the matrix of metal. The composition of the matrix of metal also has a significant influence, therefore softer and ductile matrix have a higher impact resistance in comparison to the matrix that have a higher hardness and brittleness [3]. There are different methods of thermal spraying, as well as, welding methods which can be used in order to apply protective coatings onto different substrates 195
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[4]. Due to its outstanding characteristics, but also because of the low-cost filler materials, plasma transferred arc process (PTA) is widely used to protect surfaces from wear [3]. PTA process was developed during the 1960s, as a modification of the already used plasma welding process [5], for the production of high quality welded layers on the surfaces of components of nuclear power plants [6]. PTA process, in comparison with conventional methods of welding, provides the deposition of the larger amounts of filler material per unit of time, the relatively small depth of penetration, lower heat input and relatively small degree of mixing between the filler and the base metal [7-9]. Coatings that consist of a metal matrix with dispersed tungsten carbides (WC) or chromium carbides (CrC) have proved to be an excellent for protection against abrasion and erosion. WC particles in a NiBSi matrix belong to a group of composite materials and have a high resistance to abrasion and erosion at temperatures up to 650°C [10]. The high carbon ferro-chromium (FeCrCo) filler material is a composite material which is characterized by resistance to abrasion and erosion caused by the action of abrasive mineral substances, as well as, high impact loads and it is recommended to be used at temperatures below 600°C [11]. In this paper characterization of three coatings were carried out: coating with tungsten carbide (WC) in a NiBSiFe matrix and coating with chromium carbide (CrC) in a FeNiSi matrix applied by PTA process and the coating with WC carbide in a CrNiBSi matrix applied by oxy-acetylene thermal spray process with a subsequent heating.
Material and experiment In order to characterize the coating for protection against wear samples were made from: a coating with tungsten carbide (WC) in a NiBSiFe matrix and a coating with chromium carbide (CrC) in a FeNiSi matrix, applied by PTA process, as well as, a coating which consists of the WC carbide in a CrNiBSi matrix that has been deposited on the substrate by oxy-acetylene thermal spray process with subsequent heating. The above mentioned alloys, before application to the base material, were in a powder state. This paper describes applied coating technologies on a substrate - S235JR steel, powders characteristics, microstructure and properties of coatings, phase composition, and micro hardness of different microconstituents. Powders and processes As a filler material different powders, with different chemical composition, were used, table 1. Commercial alloys produced by Castolin Eutectic were used. As a base material – substrate, a structural steel S235JR (EN 10025) in the form of plates with dimensions: 100x100x10mm, with an average hardness ∼150HV, was used. For plasma powder surfacing, powder which contain 60% of tungsten carbide with a matrix based on nickel (Ni) alloyed with a boron (B) and silicon (Si), with a small amount of a carbon (C), chromium (Cr) and iron (Fe) (WC/NiBSi), as well as, iron-based powder with a higher content of Cr and C, with an addition of a Ni and Si (FeCrC) were used. For oxy-acetylene thermal spray process, a powder which contain 35% WC and Ni based matrix, with an addition of a Cr, B and Si 196
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(WC/NiCrBSi) was used. Surface preparation for PTA process consisted of grinding up to a metallic shine, while preparation for oxy-acetylene thermal spray process consisted of sand blasting of surface, in the aim of removing impurities and oxides, with an additional shot peening in order to increase surface area for bonding. Table 1. Chemical composition of the powders Filler material WC/NiBSi FeCrC WC/NiCrBSi
C 0,1 3,9 0,83
Cr 0,20 32,5 15,6
Chemical composition (wt %) Ni B Si Mn Fe Residue 2,47 3,47 0,69 4,5 1,1 0,25 Residue Residue 3,29 4,25 4,0
Mo 0,5
WC 60 35
In the case of WC/NiBSi powder, coating is formed due to melting of a Ni based matrix without WC changes. In the case of FeCrC powder, coating is formed by melting in an electric arc or plasma, while during the solidification and subsequent cooling on the surface, hard phase, based on chromium carbide (CrC), was precipitated. Morphology of filler materials - powders are shown in Fig. 1(a-c). Tungsten carbides in WC/NiBSi coating are produced by the process of enrichment of tungsten with carbon at high temperatures and its subsequent grinding to obtain the desired granulation, Fig. 1a. Unlike tungsten carbide in the WC/NiBSi powder, tungsten carbide in the WC/NiCrBSi powder is obtained during the process of agglomeration, which results in porous structure of carbides, Fig. 1c. The matrix for these two coatings (the first ~ 40 wt% and the second ~ 65 wt%) was obtained by the process of atomization which is characterized by spherical shape of particles. The same process was used during the production of FeCrC powder, Fig. 1b.
b) FeCrC (SEM-BSE)
Fig. 1. Morphology of the powders Powders used for making coating samples by PTA process have a different chemical composition, table 1. Also, WC/NiBSi powder containing carbide phase before applying to the substrate, which remain unchanged in the coating, while in the case of FeCrC powder, carbides are formed in the process of surfacing. For this reason, powders feeding during PTA process were not identical - the supply of WC/NiBSi powder, which has already formed carbide phase, is behind the plasma 197
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arc, thus preventing combustion of WC carbide, Fig. 2a, while the FeCrC powder is added in the front of the plasma arc in order to foster the development of the carbide phase, Fig. 2b.
Fig. 2. Cross section of the PTA torch: a) WC/NiBSi filler material; b) FeCrC filler material PTA surfacing was carried out by Eutronic Gap 3001 DC device (Castolin Eutectic). For both coatings, argon (2 l/min) as a plasma gas was used and a gas mixture of 95%Ar + 5%H2 (14 l/min + 3 l/min), as shielding and transport gas, was used. The addition of hydrogen significantly increases the volume of molten material in the weld pool due to the higher thermal conductivity of argon-hydrogen mixtures, and prevents the oxide formation on the surface of the layer of the weld. Hydrogen solubility in molten metals is very high and may produce gas bubbles and cracks [12]. During the process of PTA surfacing of both alloys, most of the parameters were identical: torch speed in the longitudinal direction: 0,11 mm/s; oscillation width: 100 mm; oscillation velocity: 7 mm/s; arc voltage 27,5 V; deposition rate: 33 g/min. The only parameter that was different is the welding current: 70 A (WC/NiBSi) and 90A (FeCrC), because this material (FeCrC) requires more heat in order to melt completely. WC/NiCrBSi coating is applied by oxyacetylene thermal spray process using a CastoDyn 8000 device (Castolin Eutectic). The process parameters were: the oxygen pressure: 4 bar, acetylene pressure: 0,7 bar and the distance from the gun to the substrate: 150 mm. After applying of a coating to a substrate, the coating was subjected to post-heating at 1040° C, which results in more complete melting of the coating matrix based on Ni and the reduction of porosity. After surfacing the coating, the samples were cut from the specimens for microstructural examination and hardness measurements. The microstructure of the coatings was examined by scanning electron microscope SEM JEOL JSM 5800LV, while microhardness was measured by Buehler Micromet 5101 Vickers device, with a load of 50gf. Microhardness was measured in different zones of coatings, including matrix and carbides (coatings with WC), as well as, the base material near the weld metal.
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe 2015
Results and analysis The microstructure of the samples is given in Figs. 3-5. During plasma cladding, melting and solidification occur at very high rates. Because of the small dimension of the molten pool and fast rate of heat transfer, the process exhibits phenomena that are far from equilibrium [13]. For all three coatings, the bright strip represents the bonding zone between the coating and substrate. This thin layer on the interface indicates good structural bonding between the deposited coating and the substrate [14]. Tungsten carbides (WC) in the NiBSi metallic matrix are shown in Fig. 3a. Matrix is composed of γ-Ni dendrites and γNi + Ni3B lamellar eutectic in the interdendritic region. Blocky precipitates formed both near and away from the WCmatrix interface β-W2C type with some Cr [15]. Fe based alloy with 35%Cr and 4%C is expected to be hypoeutectic (eutectic for FeCrC ternary system is app. at 30%Cr) and consisted of M7C3 primary carbides and γ(Fe+Cr) + M7C3 eutectic, Fig. 4 [16]. The diffusion coefficient of carbon in the matrix is usually higher than the diffusion coefficient of the carbide-forming metal. Thus, carbon diffuses much faster out of the carbide, allowing it to form mixed carbides [15]. Microstructure of WC/NiCrBSi coating consists of a nickel-rich dendrite matrix containing borides and carbides with large tungsten carbides agglomerates particles, Fig 5a. Heat treatment promotes growth of precipitates, Cr7C3 and CrB type [17]. The coating process has a direct impact on the porosity: both coatings, made by PTA process, have significantly lower porosity than the coating made by oxy-acetylene thermal spray process, regardless of the similarity between WC/NiBSi and WC/NiCrBSi coating matrix. The microhardness values of the alloys, which contain tungsten carbides (WC), are shown in Figure 3b and 5b. For both of these coatings, lower hardness values were measured in the bonding zone, then in the rest of the coating with a characteristic single-phase structure. The mean microhardness value of the FeCrC coating is 456 HV0,05, but it is also observed that the hardness is lowest immediately above bonding zone, with an average hardness value: 307 HV0,05.
Fig. 3. WC/NiBSi PTA coating: a) microstructure of the border zone coating – substrate; b) changes in microhardness along the fusion line
Proceedings and Book of Abstracts
Fig. 4. FeCrC PTA coating: a) microstructure of the border zone coating – substrate; b) detail from Figure 4a
Fig. 5. WC/NiCrBSi oxy-acetylene thermal sprayed coating: a) microstructure of the border zone coating – substrate; b) changes in microhardness along the fusion line
Conclusions In this paper three coatings, deposited by two different processes with high heat input are presented. Nevertheless, plasma transferred arc (PTA) process provides low heat input to substrate. All three coatings have a common characteristic: a bonding layer of a small thickness, which indicate on the good bonding between coating and substrate. The choice of coating process and the specificity of metal matrix directly affect the qualities of coating in terms of the microstructure and microhardness. The higher heat input during PTA coating process provides better results in comparison to the subsequent heat input after application of oxy-acetylene thermal spray process.
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