MIE303 - Fall 2013 Syllabus - Skule

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Oct 25, 2013 ... o Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 7th edition by Y.A. Çengel and M.A. Boles o Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals by J.
MIE303H1F Mechanical and Thermal Energy Conversion Processes Fall 2013 Syllabus Course Description Engineering applications of thermodynamics in the analysis and design of heat engines and other thermal energy conversion processes within an environmental framework; Steam power plants, gas cycles in internal combustion engines. MIE303 looks at energy systems from a mechanical engineering perspective. The course builds upon the thermodynamics learned in CHE 260, and uses thermodynamic principles to analyze cycles used for power generation and propulsion. MIE303 is intended to complement CHE308 and will tie into concepts learned in that course. Lecturer: Dr. Jeff Harris Email: [email protected] (please include MIE303 in the subject line of emails) Office hours: Mon 11-12, Thurs 12-1 (locations TBD) Required Text Book  

Thermal and Mechanical Energy Conversion Processes, custom course package available at the U of T bookstore Includes the MIE303 laboratory manual and material from: o Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 7th edition by Y.A. Çengel and M.A. Boles o Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals by J. Heywood

Lectures Monday Tuesday Thursday

12:10 to 13:00 (BA B024) 15:10 to 16:00 (BA B024) 11:10 to 12:00 (BA B024)

Tutorials Tuesday

16:10 to 17:00 (BA B024)

Curriculum 1. Fundamentals of thermodynamics  Entropy – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 7  Thermodynamic properties – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 12 2. Gas turbines  Air standard analysis – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 9.1 to 9.3  Brayton cycle & gas power plants – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 9.8 to 9.10  Aircraft engines – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 9.11 & supplementary material 3. Steam power plants  Rankine cycle including reheat and regeneration – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 10.1 to 10.7  Cogeneration and combined gas-vapor power cycles – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 10.8 to 10.9 4. Reciprocating engines  Otto cycle for spark-ignition engines – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 9.5  Diesel cycle for compression-ignition engines – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 9.6  Design and considerations of real internal combustion engines – Heywood, Chapters 1 & 5  External combustion engines - Çengel and Boles, Chapter 9.7


MIE303H1F Mechanical and Thermal Energy Conversion Processes Fall 2013 Syllabus 5. Refrigeration and Heat Pumps  Vapour-compression refrigeration – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 11.3 to 11.8  Heat pumps – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 11.7  Absorption refrigeration – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 11.10 6. Special topics  Air conditioning – Çengel and Boles, Chapter 14  Fuel cells including SOFC-Gas turbine hybrid systems – supplementary notes  Energy sources: linking MIE303 to other courses Grading Composition Laboratory..................................................................... 20% Assignments .................................................................. 10% Midterm Exam (Friday Oct 25, 2013, 2:10 pm) ........... 30% Final Exam .................................................................... 40% Laboratories Friday: 14:10 to 17:00 (MC 120 – Energy Lab)  A mandatory safety orientation and lab introduction will be held on Friday September 13, 2013. Failure to attend the safety orientation means that you cannot participate in the laboratory, thereby you forfeit the laboratory marks.  The lab manual is included in the course package available at the U of T bookstore. You are expected to bring the lab manual to each laboratory experiment.  Please read the relevant section of the lab manual before arriving to the laboratory  Laboratories will be done in small subgroups. Sign up will be done on Blackboard on a first come basis: any students not signed up by September 13 will be assigned to a group. Laboratory Evaluation 

The breakdown of the 20% laboratory mark is as follows: Lab 1: Internal combustion engine .................... 2% Lab 2: Diesel engine .......................................... 2% Lab 3: Compression of air.................................. 2% Lab 4: Rover gas turbine .................................... 2% Lab 5: Steam turbine (no report) Field trip attendance........................................... 2% Formal laboratory report .................................... 10% TOTAL .............................................................. 20%

For labs 1 to 4, a mini-report will be submitted on Blackboard, due within 1 week. The 2% grade will be based on attendance, completeness, and correctness. The steam turbine (lab 5) is a new engine that is currently being installed to replace the previous turbine. This lab will be run as a demonstration in 2013, pending the commissioning of the engine. One formal lab report will be due on Friday November 29. You may choose any lab to write up. However, no more than 3 students per group may write up the same lab.

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MIE303H1F Mechanical and Thermal Energy Conversion Processes Fall 2013 Syllabus Assignments     

All assignments are due at the beginning of lecture, one week from announcement. Occasionally, there may be an in class assignment that will be completed during lecture or tutorial and handed in at the end of the session. These will be announced in advance. Each problem set is worth 2% of the total grade. There will be 6 graded problem sets, and your best 5 will be used to determine the 10% assignment grade. Additional questions (not to be graded) may be posted for exam preparation.

Exams  

All material covered in the course is examinable (including labs) The midterm and final exam will be open text book (type D) plus a crib sheet consisting of one side of one 8 ½”× 11” sheet of paper. The crib sheet must be handed in. Non-programmable calculators (Type 2) are allowed for the midterm and final exam. They must be non-printing, noncommunicating, and silent. For conflicts with the midterm time, a written letter must be submitted by Sept 26, 2013.

Fairness     

You are encouraged to collaborate and work together, but all work submitted must be your own work. For assignments and the midterm, work done in pencil (except for graphs and figures) will not be re-graded. Similarly work with ‘whiteout’ will not be re-graded. Any request for remarking must be made to the course instructor (not the TAs) within 2 weeks of the work being returned. At random, a portion of assignments and midterms will be photocopied or scanned to ensure that work submitted for re-marking has not been altered. The formal lab report may be submitted via turnitin.com. The university’s standard disclaimer: “Normally, students will be required to submit their course essays to Turnitin.com for a review of textual similarity and detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their essays to be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University's use of the Turnitin.com service are described on the Turnitin.com web site”. 

Etiquette      

During all lectures, tutorials, and labs: laptops, cell phones, MP3 players, and cameras are not to be used without permission of the instructor or TA. Recordings are permitted during lectures for personal use only. You may not distribute any audio, video, or photographs (ie. Do not post on youtube, oneclass.com, etc.). Electronic devices must be silent. If you are expecting a phone call, please keep your phone on vibrate, sit near the exit, and discreetly leave the classroom to take the call. Lateness to class is not acceptable: if you find yourself late to class, enter the room discreetly without interrupting the class. Use professionalism when communicating by email. http://www.enough.utoronto.ca/onlinesmarts/policy/e-mailetiquette.htm Late assignments or lab reports will not be accepted.