Mikrobiologi Farmasi - Download

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Lecture : 2 credits, Lab.work : 1 credit. ▣ Students should be in class on time. 10 minutes after the lecture started, the door will be closed. ▣ Cell phones should ...
Marlia Singgih Wibowo School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Lecture : 2 credits, Lab.work : 1 credit Students should be in class on time. 10 minutes after the lecture started, the door will be closed. Cell phones should be adjusted to ‘silent’ mode Wear clean and proper outfit , proper shoes Homework, Quiz, Group Discussion, Presentation, Student’s participation Exams : 1x mid-sem, 1x final exam Questionnaire and inputs, rewards and punishments

Three Domains of Life Prokaryotes Bacteria

Archaea Green non-sulfur bacteria


Proteobacteria Chloroplast Cyanobacteria Flavobacteria

Thermotoga Aquifex

Eucarya (Eukaryote)



Methanosarcina Gram Methanobacterium positivesThermoproteus Methanococcus Pyrodictium Thermococcus

Animals Entamoebae Slime molds Extreme Halophiles

Thermoplasma Methanopyrus

Fungi Plants Ciliates Flagellates


Korarchaeota Microsporidia Diplomonads Universal phylogenetic tree as determined from comparative sequencing of 16S or 18S rRNA (Wheelis et al. 1992).

Pathogenic : can cause deterioration of products, diseases to human or other organisms Non-pathogenic : give benefits to human and its environment





Streptococcus sobrinus

Streptococcus mutans

Caries on teeth

Field Pharmacy

Product Penicillin Griseofulvin Cyclosporin

Source P.chrysogenum P.griseofulvum Trich.polysporum

Usage antibacteria antifungi immunosuppresant


Zealarenone Gibberellins

Gibberella zeae G.fujikuroi

growth promoter plants hormon



Asp.oryzae, niger


degradation of amilum Mucor, Aspergillus degradation of lipid

H Adolf Krebs

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Medicines Pharmaceutical Raw materials Excipients Cosmetics Food and beverages Medical Devices Toiletries , Households

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Why Pharmaceuticals need to fulfill microbiological requirement/quality? What is the effect if the products failed to fulfill the requirements? How to test it? How to determine the result? When….?? Where…??


Can cause : physical , chemical or biological destruction Factors influenced microbial growth in products : content in product, environment Mechanisms or ways of microbes in ruination of the products Risk and hazards of infection and contamination

Jenis produk


Mikroba penyebab

Antasida (MgOH)

Bau amoniak


Emulsi m/a

Pemisahan fase

Trichoderma viridae

Krim calamine

Hypha jamur

Penicillium spp.

Sirup obat batuk

Populasi mikroba

Osmotolerant moulds

Tablet prednisolon

Perubahan warna

Aspergillus spp.

Pengental sirup

Viskositas berubah


Pengujian Mikrobiologi yang tercantum di Farmakope Indonesia edisi IV: 51 Uji batas mikroba  61 Uji efektivitas pengawet antimikroba  71 Uji sterilitas  131 Penetapan potensi antibiotik secara mikrobiologi  1321 Indikator biologik  1371 Sterilisasi dan jaminan sterilitas bahan kompendia 

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Sub culture Storage in solid media : soil, beads, etc Storage in liquid media : water, mineral oil Cold storage : lyophylization, freeze-drying Cryo-preservation : in liquid nitrogen

Storage (liquid nitrogen tanks)


Destruc tion

Laboratorium for microbiology assays

Quaranti ne

Preparation Receiving samples



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Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) Botulinum (Clostridium botulinum) Cholera (Vibrio cholerae) Ebola (Filovirus, Arenavirus, Flavivirus and Bunyavirus) Hemorrhagic Fever Gasbrand (Clostridium) Yellow Fever (Gelbfieber-Virus) Tularaemi (Francisella tularensis) Mouth and Nail Diseases (Aphtenvirus) Pest (Yersinia pestis) Chicken pox , Variola (Orthopoxvirus variola and Orthopoxvirus alastrim) Polio (Picornaviren)

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Bacillus anthracis Spores are heat stable , colourless, tasteless, odorless, First attack cattle, but then can infect human


Industrial Microbiology (Food, Pharmaceutical)  Medical Microbiology  Environmental Microbiology  Analytical Microbiology 

Microorganisms as tested microbes : used to detect their response against samples Microorganisms as contaminant (in pharmaceutical products, food, or cosmetic)

Preparation of method, apparatus and reagents ↓ Identification of samples ↓ Sampling process ↓ Qualitative Analysis ↓ Quantitative Analysis ↓ Result report

Antibiotics and other therapeutic agents  Vaccines and other biological products  Diagnostic kits 