Milestone XProtect Advanced VMS 2014

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XProtect is a registered trademark of Milestone Systems A/S. Microsoft and Windows are ... Fixed a bug in the database t
Service Release Notes – Milestone XProtect® Advanced VMS 2014 (7.0d) Changes o

Improved rebuild of media databases  Media Databases are now rebuilt in the background when the Recording Server starts up after a recovery. o The Media Databases are rebuilt in two steps; firstly the Live Database, secondly the Archive Databases. o The Recording Server is operational once the Live Database is rebuilt; while the Archive Databases are recovered in the background. o Rebuilt Archive Databases automatically become available once completed. o Progress on the rebuild appear in the Recording Server Status Message window (found in the Recording Server Manager Tray icon).


Improved Edge Data retrieval  Improved handling of error scenarios.  Improved logging for easier tracking.

Issues Solved o

Issues Solved Compared to XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 7.0c  Fixed a bug in the 360° Lens definition file that made dewarping in the Smart Client fail.  Fixed a bug in the installer that could cause the configuration to be overwritten if the installer required a restart of the machine during the installation.  Fixed a bug in the database that could cause the recording server to crash if a table only contained one sequence.  Updated the license used by System Monitor as the previous license expired on 2014-12-31.  Hardware added to the system through the MIP SDK was not automatically started on the recording server. This is fixed.  The port number of the channels on a video encoder was not available through the MIP SDK. This has been added.  Fixed a bug in the recording server that could cause multicast streams to shift to unicast.  Increased the size limit of the archive cache XML files.  Only administrators were able to trigger an output in XProtect Smart Client. This has been fixed so all users with access rights to trigger an output can trigger it.  Fixed a click-jacking vulnerability.  Fixed a bug in the Management Client that made the login fail if several sites in the Federated Site hierarchy were offline.  Fixed a bug that could cause high CPU usage on the Management Server when doing system synchronization  Fixed a bug in the Management Server that made login fail with the Smart Client if you used external addresses.  User rights set on a top node of a MIP object under Roles in the Management Client were not inherited by the sub nodes even though the UI showed it. This has been fixed.


Issues Solved Compared to XProtect Smart Client 2014 9.0b  The original camera would replace temporary cameras in a view when sending the view to a Smart Wall. This is fixed.  Fixed a bug in the metadata implementation that could cause the Smart Client to crash.  The menu bar with the close button was not visible when starting the Smart Client in full screen mode. This is fixed.  Increased the timeout for retrieving the configuration during login.  Fixed a bug in the carousel view item that could cause the view item in focus to change.  If the snapshot feature was disabled in the Smart Client Profile, it was still available in a carousel view. This is fixed.  If the Axis T8310 plug-in was installed, startup of XProtect Smart Client using a SCS file would fail. This is fixed. 1

XProtect is a registered trademark of Milestone Systems A/S. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. This document is intended for general information purposes only, and due care has been taken in its preparation. Any risk arising from the use of this information rests with the recipient, and nothing herein should be construed as constituting any kind of warranty. Milestone Systems A/S reserve the right to make adjustments without prior notification. All names of people and organizations used in this document’s examples are fictitious. Any resemblance to any actual organization or person, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. © 2015 Milestone Systems A/S.


Improved the user notification if the same event was present twice in the configuration. This could happen if, for example, the same Enterprise Server was added to multiple sites in a Federated Sites hierarchy.

Issues Solved Compared to XProtect Event Server 2014 3.3c  Fixed a bug that could cause the generation of an alarm report to fail.  Fixed a bug that could delay the sound of an alarm.  Fixed a bug that caused the Event Server to indicate a system configuration update every 10 th minute.  It was not possible to trigger an alarm on an analytics event using the IP address of the camera. This is fixed.  Optimized the device authorization rights lookup in the Event Server.

2 XProtect is a registered trademark of Milestone Systems A/S. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. This document is intended for general information purposes only, and due care has been taken in its preparation. Any risk arising from the use of this information rests with the recipient, and nothing herein should be construed as constituting any kind of warranty. Milestone Systems A/S reserve the right to make adjustments without prior notification. All names of people and organizations used in this document’s examples are fictitious. Any resemblance to any actual organization or person, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. © 2015 Milestone Systems A/S.

Service Release Notes – Milestone XProtect® Advanced VMS 2014 (7.0c) Changes o

Retention time on Failover Server  Setting retention time for the media database on the Failover Server has been added to the RecordingServerConfig.xml file found under ProgramData.


Improved handling of cache.xml and archive_cache.xml files in the media database  On parse errors, the file is renamed instead of being deleted to allow for later investigation.  On parse errors, the error description is be more informative.  Optimized read and write of the files.  New log information added to help analyzing slow Recording Server startups.

Issues Solved o

Issues Solved Compared to XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 7.0b  Requesting the systeminfo.xml file failed for users not being an administrator of the system. This is fixed so all users now can get the part of the configuration that their security settings allows for.  The Recording Server failed to start up if the same archive folder existed in two different archive banks (which could happen if, for example, the Recording Server was stopped abnormally in an archive situation). This is fixed so the Recording Server starts up and moves the duplicate folder out of the archive bank for later inspection.  In rare occasions, the Recording Server crashed due to a database connection being closed prematurely. This is fixed.  The Management Client could time out when it retrieved the view group information for a role. This is fixed.  Newly added users were not able to see their view groups in the XProtect Smart Client. This is fixed.  The Management Server used increasingly more memory when searching for media data. This is fixed.  On systems with an unstable connection to a storage area, the Recording Server could end in a deadlock situation leading to increasing memory usage. This is fixed.  In rare occasions, the Recording Server crashed when adding an archive. This is fixed.  Optimized handling of alarm definitions set up to trigger an alarm inside a time profile.  Fixed threading issue that could cause archives_cache.xml file to become corrupt (and thus cause slow startups of Recording Server).

3 XProtect is a registered trademark of Milestone Systems A/S. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. This document is intended for general information purposes only, and due care has been taken in its preparation. Any risk arising from the use of this information rests with the recipient, and nothing herein should be construed as constituting any kind of warranty. Milestone Systems A/S reserve the right to make adjustments without prior notification. All names of people and organizations used in this document’s examples are fictitious. Any resemblance to any actual organization or person, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. © 2015 Milestone Systems A/S.

Service Release Notes – Milestone XProtect® Advanced VMS 2014 (7.0b) Changes o

SNMP on Management Server  SNMP functionality has been added to the Management Server, which makes it possible to send SNMP on Failover Server start and stop.

Issues Solved o

Issues Solved Compared to XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 7.0a  Fixed an upgrade issue where XProtect® Smart Wall setups created in XProtect Advanced VMS 2013 R2 were not available to users after upgrading to XProtect Advanced VMS 2014.  Implemented performance improvements in the media database.  In rare occasions, the communication between the Recording Server and the Management Server could fail, leaving the user with no live stream in XProtect Smart Client. This is fixed.  Fixed an issue where Agent Vi was unable to get a video stream from the system.  When running the Management Server in a Windows Cluster, the System Monitor functionality failed to show the status of the server. This is fixed.  Fixed a database issue that could cause the Recording Server to stop while archiving.  The top-level domain part of an email address in a Notification Profile now supports up to six characters.  Improved the XProtect Smart Client login performance.  Deleting device groups containing subgroups was not possible. This is fixed.  If someone was using the feature “Start Live on Client live feed request” and multiple users were watching the same feed, the feed would stop when the first user stopped watching it. This is fixed and now the feed keeps running until all users stop watching it.  Fixed an issue where users in some cases did not have access to all their cameras in XProtect Smart Client.  Fixed an issue where the Replace Hardware feature sometimes did not work.  Update of an SQL Server address did not work when running in a work group environment.  After upgrading an XProtect Expert installation, online licensing could fail. This is fixed.  Fixed a decoding issue in the JPEG decoder.  When the system reached the size limit or time limit of a database archive, you got a warning in the System Log in the Management Client. This has been removed as the system behaves correctly according to the chosen configuration.  When running the Management Client on a Korean OS, the graphical elements were placed incorrectly. This is fixed.  Logging in with a Basic user from a remote network did not work. This is fixed.


Issues Solved Compared to XProtect Smart Client 2014 9.0a  Fixed an issue where map object display names could revert to the full name.  Exporting video from a temporary view could fail. This is fixed.  Fixed a video stuttering issue.  XProtect Smart Client could crash if receiving many Matrix commands within a short while. This is fixed.  Joystick dead zones were handled differently for pan-tilt-zoom. This issue is fixed.  Fixed a decoding issue in the H.264 decoder.  Fixed an issue where objects on a map could disappear.  Fixed a memory leak issue.  The size of the timestamp you can add to an AVI or still image export is now 3% of the image height.

4 XProtect is a registered trademark of Milestone Systems A/S. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. This document is intended for general information purposes only, and due care has been taken in its preparation. Any risk arising from the use of this information rests with the recipient, and nothing herein should be construed as constituting any kind of warranty. Milestone Systems A/S reserve the right to make adjustments without prior notification. All names of people and organizations used in this document’s examples are fictitious. Any resemblance to any actual organization or person, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. © 2015 Milestone Systems A/S.

Service Release Notes – Milestone XProtect® Advanced VMS 2014 (7.0a) Changes o

Record on related devices  You can now automatically record on devices related to a camera. Find the option on the ‘Record’ tab of the camera in the Management Client. The related devices are set up on the ‘Client’ tab of the camera.


Trigger event upwards in Milestone Federated Hierarchy  You can now trigger a user-defined event upwards in a Milestone Federated Hierarchy. Previously, you could only do this downwards.


New Database events  3 new database events added o “Database Deleting Recordings Before Set Retention Time” o “Database Deleting Recordings Before Set Retention Size” o “Database Disk Full – Auto Archiving”  The event “Database Full – Auto Archiving” incorrectly triggered too many database conditions. This is fixed.  The event “Database Disk Full” has been renamed to “Database Disk Full – Deleting”

Issues Solved o

Issues Solved Compared to XProtect Advanced VMS 2013 R2  When deleting and recreating a basic user with the same user name, users could not see any view groups in XProtect Smart Client. This is fixed.  On rare occasions, edge storage retrieval from Sony cameras did not work. This is fixed.  Edge storage retrieval could fail on devices running with low FPS. This is fixed.  Several performance optimizations on the SQL Server have been included.  In some scenarios, the Recording Server did not fetch a new configuration from the Management Server if the offline configuration was found to be invalid during start up. This is fixed.  You could not use the IP address of an external SQL Server during the installation. This is fixed.  In rare upgrade scenarios, the Recording Server could lose its GUID and would start up with a clean configuration. This is fixed.  You could not get Generic Events through the MIP SDK when getting the configuration. This is now fixed.  If you were logged in as a basic user in XProtect Smart Client, you could not clear an XProtect Smart Wall view. This is fixed.  After an upgrade from XProtect Corporate 2013, the Management Client could crash when entering the ‘Record’ tab of a device. This is fixed.  If you ran the Management Server in a Microsoft Cluster setup, System Monitor did not work when switching node. This is fixed.


Issues Solved Compared to XProtect Smart Client 8.1b  Changing the ‘Priority’ or ‘Assigned to’ fields on an alarm did not get saved correctly. This is fixed.  Several performance optimizations on the XProtect Smart Client login procedure have been included.  Video and audio could get out of sync when doing a longer AVI export. This is fixed.  Smooth playback of video has been optimized.  Cameras on a map would not appear in a hotspot if the hotspot was not set up as a global hotspot. This is fixed.  Resize/rotate of an icon on a map could in some cases stop working. This is fixed.

5 XProtect is a registered trademark of Milestone Systems A/S. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. This document is intended for general information purposes only, and due care has been taken in its preparation. Any risk arising from the use of this information rests with the recipient, and nothing herein should be construed as constituting any kind of warranty. Milestone Systems A/S reserve the right to make adjustments without prior notification. All names of people and organizations used in this document’s examples are fictitious. Any resemblance to any actual organization or person, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. © 2015 Milestone Systems A/S.

Installation/Upgrade Guide Upgrading from an Earlier Version of XProtect Advanced VMS IMPORTANT: Do not uninstall the XProtect Database Server if you plan to reuse the configuration.  

From Advanced XProtect VMS 2013, you no longer need to uninstall the old version when you upgrade to this version. Start the installation program, and proceed as guided by the installation wizard.

Installation/New Installation 

Start the installation program, and proceed as guided by the installation wizard.

Downloads and Documentation The Advanced XProtect VMS 2014 software, the Release Notes, the Administrator’s Manual and Getting Started Guide as well as the XProtect Smart Client User’s Manual are all available for download from the XProtect Corporate downloads section of the Milestone Systems website. Best regards, The Milestone Team

6 XProtect is a registered trademark of Milestone Systems A/S. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. This document is intended for general information purposes only, and due care has been taken in its preparation. Any risk arising from the use of this information rests with the recipient, and nothing herein should be construed as constituting any kind of warranty. Milestone Systems A/S reserve the right to make adjustments without prior notification. All names of people and organizations used in this document’s examples are fictitious. Any resemblance to any actual organization or person, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. © 2015 Milestone Systems A/S.