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Guffey/Loewy, Essentials of Business Communication, 9e*. Guffey/Seefer ... Ferrell/Fraedrich/Ferrell, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making. & Cases, 9e.
MindTap Course List Source Code: 13P-AG0366 (28AUG2013)

BUSINESS & COMPUTERS MindTap™ Business Communication Guffey, Business Communication: Process & Product, 7e Guffey/Loewy, Essentials of Business Communication, 9e* Guffey/Seefer, Business English, 11e

MindTap™ Business Law Beatty/Samuelson, Business Law, 6e Beatty/Samuelson, Legal Environment, 5e Miller, Business Law Today, Comprehensive, 9e* Miller/Cross, Legal Environment Today, 7e Miller/Jentz, Business Law Today - Standard Edition, 10e Miller/Jentz, Advantage Book: Business Law Today Essentials, 10e Miller/Hollowell, Advantage Book: Business Law Text & Exercises, 7e

MindTap™ Business Statistics Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran, Statistics For Business & Economics, 12e

Arnold, Macroeconomics, 11e Arnold, Microeconomics, 11e Boyes/Melvin, Economics, 9e Boyes/Melvin, Macroeconomics, 9e Boyes/Melvin, Microeconomics, 9e Carbaugh, International Economics,14e Gwartney/Stroup/Sobel/Macpherson, Economics: Private & Public Choice, 14e Gwartney/Stroup/Sobel/Macpherson, Macroeconomics, 14e Gwartney/Stroup/Sobel/Macpherson, Microeconomics, 14e Hall/Lieberman, Economics, 6e Hall/Lieberman, Macreconomics, 6e Hall/Lieberman, Microeconomics, 6e Mankiw, Brief Principles of Macroeconomics, 6e Mankiw, Essentials of Economics, 6e Mankiw, Principles of Economics, 6e Mankiw, Principles of Macroeconomics, 6e Mankiw, Principles of Microeconomics, 6e McEachern, Economics, 10e

MindTap™ Computing Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen, Computer Concepts and Microsoft Office 2013: Illustrated, 1e Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen, Microsoft Office 2013 Illustrated Introductory, First Course, 1e Shaffer/Carey/Parsons/Oja/Finnegan, New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013, First Course, 1e Vermaat, Microsoft Office 2013: Introductory, 1e**

McEachern, Macroeconomics,10e McEachern, Microeconomics, 10e Sexton, Exploring Economics, 6e Sexton, Exploring Macroeconomics, 6e Sexton, Exploring Microeconomics, 6e Tucker, Economics For Today, 8e Tucker, Macroeconomics For Today, 8e

MindTap™ Economics

Tucker, Microeconomics For Today, 8e Arnold, Economics, 11e

Tucker, Survey of Economics, 8e

Each MindTap course is enriched through a library of learning apps called MindApps. While MindApps are customizable by title, most MindTap courses include a core series of apps … accessible via the MindApp bar. Examples of apps include homework solutions, text-to-speech, dictionary, web video, social media integration, and more. With MindApps, digital learning innovations work together seamlessly.

* Courses contain selected readings from the specific title and include outcome based learning objectives. ** Estimated to publish for January 2013 class starts. Check with your rep to confirm the latest estimate.

MindTap Course List

BUSINESS & COMPUTERS MindTap™ Finance Brigham/Ehrhardt, Financial Management: Theory & Practice,14e Brigham/Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13e Gitman/Joehnk/Billingsley, Personal Financial Planning,13e Lasher, Practical Financial Management, 7e

MindTap™ Human Resource Management Mathis, Human Resource Management, 14e**

Griffin, Fundamentals of Management, 7e Griffin, Management, 11e Griffin/Moorhead, Organizational Behavior, 11e Griffin/Van Fleet, Management Skills Gulati/Mayo/Noharia, Management, 1e** Hitt/Ireland/Hoskisson, Strat Management Concepts Cases Comp Glbl, 10e Longenecker/Petty/Palich/Hoy, Small Business Management, 17e** Nelson/Quick, Organizational Behavior, 8e Peng, Global Business, 3e

MindTap™ Introduction to Business

Phillips/Gully, Human Resource Management

Pride, Business, 12e

Phillips/Gully, Organizational Behavior, 2e

Pride/Hughes/Kapoor, Business, 11e

Snell/Bohlander, Managing Human Resources, 16e

Pride/Hughes/Kapoor, Foundations of Business, 3e

Williams, Effective Management, 6e

MindTap™ Management Daft, Management, 11e** Daft/Marcic, Building Management Skills: An Action-First Approach Daft/Marcic, Understanding Management, 8e Ferrell/Fraedrich/Ferrell, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases, 9e Gaspar/Kolari/Hise/Bierman/Smith/Arr, Introduction to Global Business

* Courses contain selected readings from the specific title and include outcome based learning objectives. ** Estimated to publish for January 2013 class starts. Check with your rep to confirm the latest estimate.

MindTap™ Marketing Boone/Kurtz, Contemporary Marketing, 15e* Boone/Kurtz, Contemporary Marketing, 16e Lamb/Hair/McDaniel, Marketing, 12e Pride/Ferrell, Foundations of Marketing, 5e Pride/Ferrell, Marketing 2014,17e

MindTap Course List

HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES MindTap™ Art & Humanities Cunningham/Reich, Culture and Values, 7e* Fichner-Rathus, Understanding Art, 10e Kleiner, Gardner’s Art through the Ages: A Global History, 14e Kleiner, Gardner’s Art through the Ages: A Global History, Volume 1, 14e Kleiner, Gardner’s Art through the Ages: A Global History, Volume 2, 14e

MindTap™ College Success

Samaha, Criminal Law, 10e* Siegel, Criminology:Theories Patterns & Typologies, 11e Siegel/Welsh, Juvenile Delinquency, 4e* Siegel/Worrall, Essentials of Criminal Justice, 8e Walker, The Color of Justice, 5e* White, Terrorism and Homeland Security, 7e*

MindTap™ Developmental English Carter, Mindscapes: Critical Reading Skills and Strategies, 2e**

Downing, On Course, 7e Downing, On Course Study Skills Plus, 2e Ellis, The Essential Guide to Becoming A Master Student, 3e Ellis, From Master Student to Master Employee, 4e Staley, FOCUS on Community College Success, 3e**

Dole/Taggart, Connect, 2e Flemming, Reading Keys, 4e Flemming, Reading for Results, 12e** Fawcett, Evergreen: A Guide to Writing With Readings, 10e Scarry/Scarry, The Writers Workplace with Readings, 8e**

MindTap™ Communication Studies

Zadina/Smilkstein/Daiek/Anter, College Reading

Coopman, Public Speaking, 2e*

MindTap™ Education

Sprague/Stuart/Bodary, The Speaker’s Handbook, 10e Straubhaar/Larose/Davenport, Media Now 2012 Update, 7e Verderber, COMM, 2e*

Gordon/Williams Brown, Beginning Essentials in Early Childhood Education, 2e Robertson, Safety, Nutrition, & Health in Early Education, 5e Ryan/Cooper, Those Who Can, Teach, 13e

MindTap™ Counseling

Tuckman/Monetti, Educational Psychology, 2e

Corey, Theory and Practice of Counseling & Psychotherapy, 9e

MindTap™ English

MindTap™ Criminal Justice

Wyrick, Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings, 9e** Wyrick, Steps to Writing Well, 12e**

Clear/Reisig/Cole, American Corrections, 10e del Carmen, Criminal Procedure, 8e* Dempsey, An Introduction to Policing, 6e* Hess, Criminal Investigation, 9e* Gaines/Miller, Criminal Justice in Action, 7e Pollock, Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice, 7e*

* Courses contain selected readings from the specific title and include outcome based learning objectives. ** Estimated to publish for January 2013 class starts. Check with your rep to confirm the latest estimate.

MindTap™ History Berkin/Miller/Cherny/Gormly/Egerton, Making America, Brief, 6e Berkin/Miller/Cherny/Gormly/Egerton, Making America, Brief, Volume 1: To 1877, 6e Berkin/Miller/Cherny/Gormly/Egerton, Making America, Brief, Volume 2: Since 1865, 6e

MindTap Course List

HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Boyer, The Enduring Vision, 7e Boyer, The Enduring Vision, Volume 1, Concise 7e Boyer, The Enduring Vision, Volume 2, Concise 7e Boyer/Clark/Halttunen/Kett/Salisbury, The Enduring Vision, 8e

MindTap™ Music Wright, The Essential Listening to Music, Brief 6e

MindTap™ Philosophy

Boyer/Clark/Halttunen/Kett/Salisbury, The Enduring Vision, Volume 1: To 1877, 8e Boyer/Clark/Halttunen/Kett/Salisbury, The Enduring Vision, Volume 2: Since 1865, 8e

Velasquez, Philosophy, 12e

Duiker/Spielvogel, The Essential World History, Volume I: To 1800, 7e

MindTap™ Political Science

Duiker/Spielvogel, The Essential World History, Volume II: Since 1500, 7e

Duiker/Spielvogel, World History, Volume 1, 7e

Bardes/Shelley/Schmidt, American Government & Politics Today: Essentials 2013-2014,17e Brown/Langenegger/Garcia/Lewis/Biles,Practicing Texas Politics: An Integrated Coursereader, 15e

Duiker/Spielvogel, World History, Volume 2, 7e

Dautrich/Yalof, The Enduring Democracy, 3e

Hansen, Voyages In World History, 2e

Geer/Schiller/Segal, Gateways to Democracy, 2e

Hansen, Voyages In World History Volume 1, 2e

Geer/Schiller/Segal/Glencross, Gateways to Democracy, Essentials, 2e

Hansen,Voyages In World History Volume 2, 2e

Janda, The Challenge of Democracy, Essentials, 9e

Hansen/Curtis, Voyages in World History, Brief 1e

Janda/Berry/Goldman, The Challenge of Democracy, 12e

Hansen/Curtis, Voyages in World History, Volume 1, Brief 1e

Maxwell/Crain/Santos/Flores/Ignani, Texas Politics Today, 2013-2014,16e Schmidt/Shelly/Bardes/Ford, American Government and Politics Today 2013-2014, 16e

Duiker/Spielvogel, World History, 7e

Hansen/Curtis, Voyages in World History, Volume 2, Brief 1e Kennedy/Cohen, The American Pageant, 15e Kennedy/Cohen, The American Pageant, Volume 1, 15e Kennedy/Cohen, The American Pageant, Volume 2, 15e Kidner, Making Europe: The Story of the West, 2e Kidner, Making Europe: The Story of the West, Volume 1: to 1970, 2e Kidner, Making Europe: The Story of the West, Volume 2: Since 1550, 2e Kidner, Making Europe The Story of the West since 1300, 2e Norton, A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief, 9e Norton, A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief V1, 9e Norton, A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief V2, 9e

Sidlow/Henschen, GOVT, 4e*

MindTap™ Psychology Bernstein, Essentials of Psychology, 6e Cacioppo/Freberg, Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind Cacioppo/Freberg, Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind, Briefer Version Coon/Mitterer, Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior, 13e Coon/Mitterer, Psychology: A Journey, 5e Durand/Barlow, Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, 6e

Spielvogel, Western Civilization: A Brief History, 8e

Gravetter/Wallnau, Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 8e

Spielvogel, Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume I: To 1715, 8e

Gravetter/Wallnau, Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 9e

Spielvogel, Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II: Since 1500, 8e

Heiman, Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 7e Kalat, Biological Psychology, 11e

* Courses contain selected readings from the specific title and include outcome based learning objectives. ** Estimated to publish for January 2013 class starts. Check with your rep to confirm the latest estimate.

MindTap Course List

HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Kalat, Introduction to Psychology, 10e Nairne, Psychology, 6e Pastorino/Doyle-Portillo, What is Psychology?, 3e Pastorino/Doyle-Portillo, What is Psychology?, Essentials, 2e Rathus, PSYCH, 2e* Weiten, Psychology: Themes & Variations, 9e Weiten, Psychology: Themes & Variations, Briefer Version, 9e

MindTap™ Social Work Hepworth, Direct Social Work Practice, 9e Zastrow/Kirst-Ashman, Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 9e

* Courses contain selected readings from the specific title and include outcome based learning objectives. ** Estimated to publish for January 2013 class starts. Check with your rep to confirm the latest estimate.

MindTap™ Sociology Andersen/Taylor, Sociology: The Essentials, 7e Babbie, The Basics of Social Research, 6e Babbie, The Practice of Social Research, 13e Benokraitis, SOC, 2e* Ferrante, Seeing Sociology: Core Modules Ferrante, Seeing Sociology: An Introduction, 2e Kendall, Sociology In Our Times, 9e Kendall, Sociology In Our Times: The Essentials, 9e

MindTap Course List


MindTap™ Health

Seeds/Backman, Horizons: Exploring the Universe, 13e

Hales, An Invitation to Health, 14e* Hales, An Invitation to Health: Building Your Future, Brief Edition, 8e

MindTap Biology

Hoeger/Hoeger, Principles and Labs for Physical Fitness, 9e

Cummings, Human Heredity, 10e

Hoeger/Hoeger, Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness, 12e

Karleskint/Turner/Small, Introduction to Marine Biology, 4e Myers/Spoolman, Environmental Issues and Solutions Noyd/Krueger/Hill, Biology: Organisms and Adaptations Russell, Biology: The Dynamic Science, 2e Russell/Hertz/McMillan, Biology: The Dynamic Science, 3e Solomon, Biology, 9e Starr, Biology: Today and Tomorrow (without Physiology), 3e* Starr/Evers/Starr, Biology: Today & Tomorrow (with Physiology), 4e Starr/Evers/Starr, Biology: Concepts and Applications, 8e Starr/McMillan, Human Biology, 10e

MindTap™ Mathematics See also: Statistics

Aufmann/Lockwood, Prealgebra: An Applied Approach, 6e** Larson, College Algebra, 9e** Larson, Precalculus, 9e** Larson/Edwards, Calculus, 10e Waner/Costenoble, Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus, 6e

MindTap™ Nutrition

Starr/Taggart/Evers/Starr, Biology: The Unity & Diversity of Life, 13e

Sizer, Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, 12e

MindTap™ Environmental Science

MindTap™ Physics

Miller/Spoolman, Environmental Science, 14e

Serway/Jewett, Physics for Scientists & Engineers, 9e**

MindTap™ Statistics Peck/Olsen, Preliminary Edition of Statistics: Learning from Data

* Courses contain selected readings from the specific title and include outcome based learning objectives. ** Estimated to publish for January 2013 class starts. Check with your rep to confirm the latest estimate.

MindTap Course List

CAREER EDUCATION MindTap™ Health Care Rizzo, Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 3e* Ehrlich, Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 7e

MindTap™ Paralegal Brown/Myers/Scott, Administration of Wills, Trusts & Estates, 4e* Cornick, Using Computers in Law Office, 6e* Hinkel, Practical Real Estate Law, 6e* Kauffmann, Legal Ethics, 2e* Kerley/Hames/Sukys, Civil Litigation, 6e* McCord/McCord/Baily, Criminal Law & Procedure for the Paralegal, 4e* Putman, Legal Research, Analysis & Writing, 2e* Schneeman, Law of Corporations and Other Business Organizations, 5e* Statsky, Family Law, 5e* Statsky, Introduction to Paralegalism, 7e* Statsky, Torts, 5e* Tepper, The Law of Contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code, 2e*

* Courses contain selected readings from the specific title and include outcome based learning objectives. ** Estimated to publish for January 2013 class starts. Check with your rep to confirm the latest estimate.