mine managers' handbook - The AusIMM

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Following a successful International Mine Management Conference in 2006, ... The Mine Managers' Handbook (MMH), a new Au
Landmark Publication Project:


The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) invites organisations involved in minerals industry operations and services to support the publication of a landmark volume aimed at revolutionising understanding of mine management practice.

PROJECT OVERVIEW: Following a successful International Mine Management Conference in 2006, AusIMM members have identified a need for a handbook addressing the unique tasks and best practice associated with mine management. The Mine Managers’ Handbook (MMH), a new AusIMM Monograph project, is intended to provide guidance to minerals managers (not exclusively Mine Managers) across a broad scope of minerals project activities and responsibilities, all of which are considered to confront mining professionals at some point in their careers. This volume is currently undergoing a thorough process of peer review prior to publication in 2012. This Monograph will be produced in both hard copy and CD ROM formats and will be marketed through multiple mediums throughout AusIMM’s 11,000-strong membership base as well as internationally through kindred bodies, bookshops and other industry groups. The chapter list provided below provides a brief outline of the MMH structure.

CHAPTERS: CHAPTER 1 (Chapter sponsorship SOLD – Jellinbah)

2 (Chapter sponsorship SOLD – Newcrest)



INTRODUCTION 1.1 Business Strategy 1.2 Performance Measures 1.3 Strategic Issues and Business Optimisation 1.4 Mine Organisation and Management 1.5 Mine Manager as a Leader 1.6 The Board of Directors OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY 2.1 OH&S Shared Values 2.2 OH&S Strategy Formulation 2.3 Safety Structure 2.4 Safety Processes 2.5 Current Issues

3 (Chapter sponsorship SOLD – Ok Tedi Mining) 4 (Chapter sponsorship SOLD – KCGM) 5 (Chapter sponsorship SOLD – split between McDonald & Partners, and Mining People International) 6 (Chapter sponsorship SOLD – AMC Consultants) 7 (Chapter sponsorship SOLD – MMG)




ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 3.1 Shared Values for Environment Protection 3.2 Environmental Strategy Formulation 3.3 Environmental Management Structure 3.4 Environmental Management Processes 3.5 Staffing and Skilling the Workforce STAKEHOLDER RELATIONSHIPS 4.1 Employee Relationships 4.2 Community Relationships 4.3 Traditional Owners 4.4 Third Party Relationships HUMAN RESOURCES 5.1 Organisation Design 5.2 Organisation Development 5.3 Recruitment 5.4 Remuneration 5.5 Education, Training and Development 5.6 Performance Appraisal 5.7 Employee and Industrial Relations CAPITAL INVESTMENT AND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 6.1 Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves 6.2 Project Evaluation 6.3 Project Approval OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 7.1 Regulatory Considerations 7.2 Mine Planning and Scheduling 7.3 The Operating Budget and Life of Mine Plan 7.4 Managing Mine Operations 7.5 Maintenance Management 7.6 Materials Management 7.7 Compensation Management 7.8 Operations Reporting FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 8.1 Mine Administration Functions 8.2 The Monthly Operations Report 8.3 Mine Accounts MACROECONOMICS AND THE MARKET 9.1 Minerals Economics 9.2 The Minerals Markets 9.3 Customer Relationships and Minerals Marketing 9.4 Value Adding to the Operation STRATEGIC PLANNING 10.1 The Strategic Planning Process 10.2 Industry and Competitor Analysis 10.3 Competitive Advantage 10.4 Sales and Price Prediction 10.5 Risk Analysis

The Project Team: The Project Steering Committee is drawn from the AusIMM Mining Society and is made up of a group of the minerals industry’s outstanding figures. It is chaired by Editor in Chief John Dunlop, FAusIMM(CP)1 with Paul Harper, FAusIMM2, Chris Carr, FAusIMM(CP)3, Professor Odwyn Jones, AO FAusIMM4 and Prof Brian White HonFAusIMM(CP)5. Expert authors have been drawn from all areas of Mine Management and bring their diverse experience and knowledge to ensure comprehensive coverage of best practice for each section of the Monograph. Each chapter will be compiled by an editor with specialised experience in the subject matter, under whom a team of hand-picked authors will provide the chapter sub-headings and text. An extensive index, together with useful appendices and a reference section are also well advanced in planning. The volume will be compiled, published and distributed by The AusIMM – leaders in mining, metallurgical and geological publishing since 1893. The expectation is that the monograph will be a ‘high demand’ volume complementing the Field Geologists’ Manual, which first appeared in 1976 and is now in its fifth edition.


Principal Sponsor – SOLD to Xstrata A$50,000 (ex GST) Principal Sponsorship provides an excellent level of exposure throughout the life of this world class publication. Entitlements: • • • • • • • • •

Recognition as Principal Sponsor (with corporate logo) on all volume marketing material including advertisements and order forms. Recognition as Principal Sponsor in all project updates and reports. Option for a suitable company representative to write the foreword for this landmark publication. Inclusion of corporate logo on the sponsors page of the volume. Inclusion of a two-page company profile/advertisement within the Monograph. Twenty hard copy and twenty CD Rom copies of the final volume. Opportunity for a company representative to speak at the volume launch event. Two complimentary registrations to the volume launch event. Optional inclusion of company brochure in launch event satchels.


Company director, former Mine Manager and Chairman of the Mineral Industry Consultants Society (MICA).


Chief Executive Officer of AMC Consultants and AusIMM Board member.


Senior manager with Xstrata at Mt Isa and AusIMM Board member.


Chairman Minerals Research Advisory Committee, Minerals and Energy Research Institute of WA.


Adjunct Professor of Mining Engineering, University of Queensland and Company director

Chapter Sponsors 10 opportunities – one sponsor per volume chapter A$10,000 (ex GST) • • • • • •

Recognition as a dedicated Chapter Sponsor in all project updates and reports. Inclusion of corporate logo on the Sponsors’ page of the volume. Inclusion of logo and brief company bio (300 words) on the relevant Chapter title page within the volume. Five hard copy and five CD Rom copies of the final volume. One complimentary registration to the volume launch event. Optional inclusion of company brochure in launch event satchels.

General Volume Sponsors A$6,000 (ex GST) • • •

Recognition as a Volume Sponsor in all project updates and reports. Inclusion of corporate logo on the Sponsors’ page of the volume. Three hard copy and three CD Rom copies of the final volume.

Sponsors to date: Alacer Gold Atlas Copco BHP Billiton Caterpillar CST Mining Mount Gibson Iron Sandvik ..................................................................................................................................................................

SPONSORHIP BOOKING FORM To register your interest in sponsorship, please complete the form below and return to Kristy Burt, Manager, Publishing, The AusIMM, PO Box 660 Carlton South, VIC 3053 AUSTRALIA Phone: +61 3 9658 6100 Fax: +61 3 9662 3662. Email: [email protected]

Company _________________________________________________________________ Contact Person __________________________ Position ___________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ State _______________ Postcode ____________ Country __________________________ Tel ( ) ___________________ Mob ( ) _________________ Fax ( ) ________________

Email _____________________________________________________________ Preferred sponsorship type: Principal Sponsor

Chapter Sponsor*

General Volume Sponsor


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