Mineral Resources of Iran

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Jun 18, 2015 - Iran has about 7% of global mineral resources, ranked among 15 major mineral-rich countries, nevertheless mining sector is not well- ...
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Internationales Alumni-Symposium Ressourcen für die Zukunft – Zukunft der Ressourcenwirtschaft Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an overview) www.islamoriente.com

Nima Nezafati [email protected] 18.06.2015

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015



Area: 1,648,195 km2 (17th) Population: ~78,193,000 (17th, about 1% of the world’s population) Iran has about 7% of global mineral resources, ranked among 15 major mineral-rich countries, nevertheless mining sector is not well-developed in the country. Mineral production contributes less than 1% to the country’s GDP. 1 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Iran and Energy Resources

World oil reserves http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_proven_oil_reserves



1 2 3 4

Venezuela Saudi Arabia Canada Iran

World natural gas reserves http://visualizing.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/embedded_vis_medium/images/gasmap2013.jpg

Proved reseves of crude oil (MMbbl) 297,740 268,350 173,625 157,300



1 2 3

Russia Iran Qatar

Natural Gas Proven Reserves (M3) 48,700,000,000,000 33,600,000,000,000 24,700,000,000,000

http://www.opec.org/library/Annual%20Statistical%20Bulletin/interactive/current/FileZ/XL/T32.HTM http://www.eia.gov/cfapps/ipdbproject/iedindex3.cfm?tid=5&pid=57&aid=6&cid=regions&syid=2010&eyid=2014&unit=BB


After Russia possesses the second rank in countries with most energy reserves. http://www.rollingalpha.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Percent-Global-Reserves-pie-chart.jpg

Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Ancient Mining and Metallurgy

© Nima Nezafati

More than 6000 years of ancient mining and metallurgical history


© Nima Nezafati

Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

© Nima Nezafati

© Nima Nezafati

© Nima Nezafati

© Nima Nezafati

© Nima Nezafati

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Iran’s Contribution to Global Mining Assessment of mineral potenial, geological survey capacity, risk, and geological aid in Iran, after Kay et al. 2012




World Rank

Million tonnes



Matal Resources Iron ore

Table based on the data from Kay et al. 2010-2012 and USGS 2015






Thousand tonnes








Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes








Industrial Mineral Resources Gypsum

Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Thousand tonnes




Million tonnes



Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

67 types of mineral commodities have been reported to have considerable reserves and/or resources in Iran. Iran is the major or the only producer of Fe, Mo, U, Cr, Cu, Au, Pb-Zn, Mn, Al and coal in Western Asia (based on Mobbs et al. 2012)

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Geology of Iran

© Nima Nezafati


Part of the Alpine-Himalayan (Alpide) orogenic belt or Tethys belt Also named Tethyan-Eurasian Metallogenic Belt

Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

6 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

© Nima Nezafati

Schematic cross-section of the Zagros Orogenic Belt 1 = Continental crust; 2 = Phanerozoic sedimentary cover; 3 = evaporates (blank) and dolomites (green) at the base of the sedimentary cover; 4 = oceanic crust; 5 = extrusive rocks; 6 = intrusive rocks. Modified after Alavi 1994; Asadi 2000; & Nezafati 2006. 7 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Orogeny and Magmatism Orogeny

Quaternary (mostly volcanism)

Tertiary (volcanism and plutonism, most widespread magmatism)

Mesozoic (volcanism and plutonism)

Permo-Triassic (volcanism and plutonism)


Early Mid-Paleozoic (volcanism)

Pan-African (Assyntic)

Neoprotrozoic Magmatism (Plutonism and volcanism)

Pasadenian Austerian Pyrenean Laramide


Late Cimmerian




Early Cimmerian


Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Matallogenic Epochs of Iran Orogeny, Magmatism and/or Tethys Ocean


Alpine (Volcanism + Plutonism)

Late Mesozoic

Laramide (V+P)Late Neotethys

Metallogenic MidEpoch Mesozoic

PermoTriassic Early-MidPaleozoic


Gold (+As +Sb +Hg +W +Sn)


Sedimentary+Volc Porphyry Sedimentary anogenic+Magmat (Cu+Mo+Au) (Redbed) ic+IOCG + Skarn

Major types of deposits

© Nima Nezafati


Iron (+P +Mn+REE)


Sarcheshmeh, Sorkheh, Nesr Veshnaveh Sungun

Other types

Epithermal, Orogenic, IntrusionRelated, IOCG

Cu + Ni+ Co

AghDarreh, Astaneh

BabaAli, Galali, ShamsAbad

V+P-Late Paleotethys


Guhjar, Markasheh

Torghabeh, TareekDarreh



Caledonian (V=Volcanism)


Barite Manganese Uranium Phosphate + Iron (+F)

SEDEX + Hydrother Sedimentary+V Hydrothermal- Sedimentary+ MVT mal olcanogenic Metasomatic Igneous +VMS

OphioliteBauxite & Salt related Coal Laterite dome deposits

Alpine Cr, VMS, Listwanite


U, Fe, Cu, Sr, etc (Diapiris m)


Chromite, Mn, Cu, Magnesite, Jade

Cimmerian (V+P)-Early Neotethys

Proterozoic(Assyntic) (V+P)(Cambrian) Early Paleotethys

LeadZinc (+ Ag +Cu)

Bafgh region deposits

Khungah, DehMadan


AlborzAzarbai jan and central Iran

MalayerEsfahan zone, MehdiAbad Mehdi Abad

Duna, Elika, Kuh Sormeh

Komshejeh Fasakhod



Angouran, Koushk



Table produced by Nima Nezafati (based on various references), June 2015

Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Esphordi, Gazestan


Hormoz Series

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Geologic and Matallogenic Subdivisions of Iran Major geological subdivisions of Iran modified after Stöcklin 1968, 1977; Nabavi 1976, Aghanabati 2004, publications of the Geological Survey of Iran, and Nezafati 2006

Nima Nezafati©2015

10 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Geologic Feature Covered by alluvia

Geologic time Quaternary and Neogene Resources No metallic source, but numerous oil fields

11 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

The background map modified from: http://mapsof.net/uploads/static-maps/iran_topo_blank.jpg

Khuzestan Plain

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Zagros Fold Belt Geologic Feature Mainly folded thick sediments (carbonate rocks and carbonates) overlying a high-grade metamorphic Precambrian basement, salt diapirs in the south Geologic time Protrozoic-Cambrian, Carboniferous to late Cretaceous, Cretaceous to Recent Resources Few metal resources including Pb, Fe, Cu, and chromite 12 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Zagros Thrust Geologic Feature The same as Zagros fold belt plus having ophiolite melanges Geologic time Mesozoic

Resources Chromite

13 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

SanandajSirjan Zone Geologic Feature Mainly metamorphic rocks of different ages along with intrusive bodies + Ophiolite. Lack of Cenozoic volcanism Geologic time Phanerozoic (mainly Mesozoic) + Proterozoic


Resources Fe, Fe-Mn, Pb-Zn (+Ag), Au (+W+Sn+Cu), Cr Barite, Fluorite, Mica, Silica, Garnet, Graphite, etc.

Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

One of the most productive metallogenic provinces of Iran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

UrumiehDokhtar Magmatic Belt Geologic Feature Mainly volcanic (basalt to dacite), pyroclastic (i.e. tuff and ignembrite) and plutonic ( diorite to granite) rocks, sporadically with numulitic limestone


Geologic time Post-Upper Jurassic to Quaternary, Peak of magmatic activities: Eocene Resources Various metal resources; Porphyry, VMS, skarn, hydro- and epithermal deposits of Cu (-Mo-Au), Fe, Au, Pb-Zn, Mn, etc

Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Central Domain Geologic Feature Horsts of Precambrian crystalline basement, Paleozoic platform sediments, Cambrian to Triassic cover rocks + magmatic rocks

Geologic time Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Triassic, Tertiary

Resources Cu (+ Ni+Co), Pb-Zn, Fe (+ Mn), Au, W-Cu-(+ Sn)-Au, Mn, Sb, etc

16 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

AlborzAzarbaijan Geologic Feature Sedimentary + Volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks

Geologic time Mainly Cenozoic + Proterozoic & MidMesozoic Resources Pb-Zn, Cu (+ Mo+Au), Fe, Phosphate, Barite, Fluorite, Bauxite-Laterite, Coal 17 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Kopet Dagh Geologic Feature Sedimentary rocks (mostly carbonates)

Geologic time


Resources Few metal resources (Cu), iodine, coquina, gas and oil fields

18 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Lut Block Geologic Feature Old stable platform covered by thick Mesozoic sediments and Eocene volcanic rocks

Geologic time Mesozoic-Eocene (+ Proterozoic)

Resources Fe (+Mn, +P, +REE), Cu, Pb-Zn (+ Cu-Sb), W-(+ Sn)-Cu 19 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Eastern Iran Geologic Feature Flysh-molasse sediments + Some volcanic rocks + Ophiolites

Geologic time Post-Cretaceous

Resources W-Au, Cu-Au, Cu (+ Pb-Zn), Cr, Mn 20 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Makran Geologic Feature Thick flysh-molasse sediments + colored melange

Geologic time Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene for ophiolite melanges, post-Cretaceous for flysh sediments Resources Cr, Mn, Cu-Zn, Cu-Au, Ti (also placer) 21 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Ophiolites Of Iran Geologic Feature Disturbed ohpiolitic sequences (ophiolite -colored- Melange)

Geologic time a) Proterozoic (rare) b) Paleozoic (rare) c) Mesozoic - (Cenozoic) mostly Post-Cretaceous Resources Cr (podiform), Cu-Pb-Zn (VMS), Mn, Au (listwanite) magnesite, asbestos, jade 22 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran


Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Precambrian Rocks Geologic Feature Crystalline rocks

Geologic time Mainly Proterozoic

Resources Fe (+Mn+P), Cu (+Ni+Co), Au (As+Sb+Hg), Pb-Zn, U, barite, phosphate, salt dome 23

Although the outcrops of the Precambrian (Proterozoic) rocks of Iran are not widespread, they host a considerable amount of mineral deposits

Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Salt Domes Geologic Feature Salt and Crystalline rocks of Hormoz Series

Geologic time Mainly Proterozoic

Resources Fe , Cu, U, Sr, K, B

24 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Some of the Major (partly World-Class) Ore Deposits of Iran

Sungun Mazra,eh

Caspian Sea

Tabriz Zarshuran AghDarreh Angouran

Zanjan Shahrak


Duna & Elika

Sanandaj Sarey Guney

Arak Ahangaran Emarat ShamsAbad






Lakan HoseinAbad

Posht-e Badam



IranKouh AliAbad




Meiduk Sarcheshmeh

Shiraz Fe Cu Pb & Zn

Ghaleh Zari

SehChahoun Kushk Choghart




ChaharGonbad Gol-e Gohar Kouh Sormeh Zartorosht

Bandar Abbas

Au Major city

© Nima Nezafati

25 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Oman Sea

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Iron Caspian Sea


Modified after Ghorbani 2007


A After Torab 2008

C A 26 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran


Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Copper Over 400 occurrences



Caspian Sea

Porphyry Copper Deposits (Cu+Mo+Au) Tertiary (Kerman, Ahar)

Skarn type

Sedimentary copper deposits

Manto (Michigan) type copper deposits Mid-Upper Eocene (AbbasAbad-Taknar, Anarak)

VMS type (ophioliterelated) (Kerman, Makran)

Other types (Lowtemperature hydrothermal in Tarom, Lut)



Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran


© Nima Nezafati

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Zinc & Lead (+ Silver) •

Exist wherever there are carbonate rocks in Iran!

SEDEX type deposits (Neoprotrozoic + Cretaceous) (Angouran, Kushk)

MVT deposits (CretaceousMalayer-Esfahan, CD, Mehdi Abad, Nakhlak, Irankuk)


Hydrothermal-Vein (Polymetallic) type (Cenozoic- Tarom-UD, CD, EI)

Permo-Triassic (Duna, Shakin, Kuh Sormeh)

28 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

General distribution of carbonate rocks

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Gold Major deposit types: •

Epithermal mineralization (including Carlin type)

Orogenic and intrusion-related systems

IOCG type

Placer Gold


By product of porphyry copper, skarn & polymetallic deposits

Volcanic Terrains

Major gold-bearing districts of Iran 29 Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Mineral Resources of Iran (an Overview) - Ressourcen für die Zukunft, Freiberg 2015

Summary • The Urumieh-Dokhtar zone, Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Central Iran, and Lut Blocks along with Proterozoic terranes are the richest metallogenic provinces of Iran. • These host different types of deposits including porphyry (Cu+Mo+Au), manto (Cu), VMS (Pb-Zn+Cu), SEDEX (Pb-Zn+Ag+Cu), MVT (Pb-Zn+Ag+Cu), IOCG (Fe+P+REE+Au), epithermal (Au), Carlin (Au), orogenic and intrusion-related systems (Au), listwanite (Au), and podiform (Cr) together with some orthomagmatic (Fe), volcanogenic (Fe+Mn), hydrothermal (polymetallic), and sedimentary (Cu) deposits. • The major metallogenic epochs of Iran: (1) Proterozoic-(Cambrian), (2) Early-Middle Paleozoic, (3) Permo-Triassic, (4) Middle-Mesozoic, (5) Late Mesozoic, and (6) Cenozoic. • Proterozoic-(Cambrian) and Cenozoic have been the most fertile in terms of diversity and quantity of mineralization. • The Early-Middle Paleozoic epoch seems to be the weakest in mineralization.


• The Permo-Triassic epoch is one of the richest for the mineralization of industrial minerals and rocks including refractories, phosphate, barite, fluorite, and silica.

Dr. Nima Nezafati, IAU, Science & Research Branch, Tehran

Selected References • AghaNabati, S. A. 2004. Geology of Iran, Geological Survey of Iran Press, Tehran (in Persian). • Kay, P., Hoatson, D., Huleatt, M., and Lewis B. 2012. Assessment of Mineral Potential, Geoscience Survey Capacity, Risk, and Geological Aid in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Pacific, Geoscience Australia Record 2012/64, Applying geoscience to Australia's most important challenges, www.ga.gov.au • Ghorbani, M. 2007. Economic geology of the natural resources of Iran, Arian Zamin Publications, Tehran (in Persian). • Mineral commodity summaries 2015. USGS. http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/mcs/2015/mcs2015.pdf • Maleki, a. 2009. Iran’s Islamic revolution and its future, Viewpoints, The Iranian Revolution at 30 Special Edition, International Security Program, Belfer Center Programs or Projects: International Security; Managing the Atom; Science, Technology, and Public Policy pages 175-177. http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/18954/irans_islamic_revolution_and_its_future.html • Mining in Iran, CountryMine. Infomine, Retrieved 18 October 2011 • Mobbs, P. M., Taib, M., Wallace, G. J., Wilburn, D. R., and Yager, T. R. 2012. The Mineral Industries of the Middle East, 2010 Minerals Yearbook, Middle East, USGS • Momenzadeh, M. and Walter, W. H. 1984. Mineral deposits and meatallogenic epochs in the area of the Geotraverse across Iran-a review, Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Abhandlungen, Vol. 168, pp 468-478. • Nabavi M.H. 1976. An introduction to geology of Iran. (in Persian), Geological Survey of • Iran, Tehran. • Nezafati, N. 2006. Au-Sn-W-Cu-Mineralization in the Astaneh-Sarband Area, West Central Iran; including a comparison of the ores with ancient bronze artifacts from Western Asia. PhD thesis, University of Tübingen, https://publikationen.uni-tuebingen.de/xmlui/handle/10900/48972 • Nezafati, N., Momenzadeh, M. and Pernicka, E. 2008. New Insights into the Ancient Mining and Metallurgical Researches in Iran. In: Ü. Yalcin, H. Özbal, A. G. Paşamehmetoğlu (Eds). Ancient Mining in Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean, pp 307-328, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey. • Nezafati, N., Momenzadeh, M., Pernicka, E. 2008. The Iranian ore deposits and their role in the development of the ancient cultures. Der Anschnitt. Anatolian Metal IV. German Mining Museum (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum), Bochum, Germany. Beiheft 21. pp 77-91. • Samani, A. B. 1988. Metallogeny of the Precambrian in Iran, Precambrian Research, Elsevier Science Publisher‘s, Vol. 39, pp 85-106. • Stöcklin J. 1968. Structural history and tectonics of Iran; a review. American Association • of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 52(7):1229–1258. • Stöcklin J. 1977. Structural correlation of the Alpine ranges between Iran and central Asia. • Mem. Hors-serie Soc. Geol. Fr., 8:333-353. • Torab, F. M. 2008. Geochemistry and metallogeny of magnetiteapatite deposits of the Bafq Mining District, Central Iran, doctoral Thesis, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany. • http://www.amar.org.ir/Portals/0/Files/abstract/1393/ch_ntaamdhbbk_93.pdf • http://www.amar.org.ir/


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