Mineralogy, geochemistry and stratigraphy of the ...

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Jun 13, 2011 - Pt–Cu–Ni sulfide deposit, Noril'sk Region, Russia. Implications ... 2009a), but the area hosts a number of other important .... The laboratory reference standard sam- ples were ...... Van-Chan, I.A. Matveev and K.K. Koval'chuk.
Mineralogy, geochemistry and stratigraphy of the Maslovsky Pt–Cu–Ni sulfide deposit, Noril’sk Region, Russia

Nadezhda Alexandrovna Krivolutskaya, Alexandr Vladimirovich Sobolev, Sergey Grigor’evich Snisar, Bronislav Iosiphovich Gongalskiy, et al. Mineralium Deposita International Journal for Geology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits ISSN 0026-4598 Miner Deposita DOI 10.1007/ s00126-011-0372-5

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Author's personal copy Miner Deposita DOI 10.1007/s00126-011-0372-5


Mineralogy, geochemistry and stratigraphy of the Maslovsky Pt–Cu–Ni sulfide deposit, Noril’sk Region, Russia Implications for relationship of ore-bearing intrusions and lavas Nadezhda Alexandrovna Krivolutskaya & Alexandr Vladimirovich Sobolev & Sergey Grigor’evich Snisar & Bronislav Iosiphovich Gongalskiy & Dmitry Vladimirovich Kuzmin & Folkmar Hauff & Irina Nikolaevna Tushentsova & Natalya Mikhailovna Svirskaya & Natalya Nikolaevna Kononkova & Tatyana B. Schlychkova

Received: 3 July 2010 / Accepted: 13 June 2011 # Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract We report new data on the stratigraphy, mineralogy and geochemistry of the rocks and ores of the Maslovsky Pt–Cu–Ni sulfide deposit which is thought to be the southwestern extension of the Noril’sk 1 intrusion. Variations in the Ta/Nb ratio of the gabbro-dolerites hosting the sulfide mineralization and the compositions of their pyroxene and olivine indicate that these rocks were produced by two discrete magmatic pulses, which gave rise to the Northern and Southern Maslovsky intrusions that together host the Maslovsky deposit. The Northern intru-

sion is located inside the Tungusska sandstones and basalt of the Ivakinsky Formation. The Southern intrusion cuts through all of the lower units of the Siberian Trap tufflavas, including the Lower Nadezhdinsky Formation; demonstrating that the ore-bearing intrusions of the Noril’sk Complex post-date that unit. Rocks in both intrusions have low TiO2 and elevated MgO contents (average mean TiO2 1 and 0.5‰ between the analyses of the two samples should be considered significant. Sr–Nd–Pb isotope analyses were carried out on 100-mg rock powders that were dissolved in 5:1 mixture of concentrated HF and HNO3. The element chromatography followed the methods outlined by Hoernle and Tilton (1991). Sr–Nd isotopic ratios were determined on a TRITON thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS) and Pb isotope ratios on a MAT 2 thermal ionization mass spectrometer at IFM-GEOMAR. Both instruments operate in static multi-collection mode. Sr and Nd isotopic ratios are normalized within run to 86Sr/ 88 Sr = 0.1194 and 146 Nd/144Nd = 0.7219, respectively, and all errors are reported as 2σ. Over the course of the study, normalized NBS-987 gave 87Sr/86Sr=0.710250±0.000008 (N=18) and 143 Nd/144Nd=0.511847±0.00006 (N=9) was obtained for La Jolla and 143Nd/144Nd=0.511712±0.00006 (N=8) for the in-house monitor Spex. The long-term average values

for NSB-981 (N = 47) are 206Pb/204Pb = 16.900 ± 0.007, 207 Pb/204Pb= 15.437± 0.009, 208Pb/204Pb= 36.528± 0.027 and correlated to the NSB 981 values given by Todt et al. (1996). Total chemistry blanks were 100 Ma) period of time (Malich 2010). These hypotheses are, however, supported only by isotope data on zircons, and not correlated with petrographic and petrochemical information, which indicates that REE patterns of rocks from various units of the ore-bearing intrusions and their isotopic characteristics are practically identical throughout the Noril’sk Intrusive Complex, with these bodies having similar internal structures and weighted mean compositions (Wooden et al. 1993; Arndt et al. 2003; Krivolutskaya et al. 2001, 2009b).


1 Rb Ba Th U Nb Ta La Ce Pb Pr Nd Sr Sm Zr Hf Eu Ti Gd Tb Dy Ho Y Er TmYb Lu

Fig. 15 Primitive mantle-normalized trace-element patterns of intrusive rocks from the Talnakh, Lower Talnakh intrusions and Low Nadezhdinsky basalts Lines: red Noril’sk 1 intrusion (87Sr/86Sr= 0.706385; δ34S=+18‰), green Lower Talnakh intrusion (87Sr/86Sr= 0.708904; δ34S=+ 3‰), blue basalts of the Low Nadezhdibsky Formation (87Sr/86Sr=0.710139; δ34S=+5‰). Values of 87Sr/86Sr are taken from Table 5, δ34S according to Grinenko (1985) and Ripley et al. (2003), respectively. Rock composition is given in Table S1

Author's personal copy Miner Deposita

within the sequence (Krivolutskaya et al. 2009b; Krivolutskaya and Rudakova 2009). 2. The sulfur isotope composition of various deposits does not correlate with the stratigraphic setting of the deposits (i.e., dependent on whether the deposits are hosted by Devonian sedimentary rocks, Tungusska rocks, or basalts, Grinenko 1967; data for Maslovskoe deposit from this article). 3. Trace elements are considered to be more sensitive indicators of assimilation that the main components of the rocks and it has been demonstrated that gabbroids of the Masloevsky intrusions are characterize by the elevated La/Sm ratio in contact zone up to 1 m thick with the basalts of the Nadezhdinsky Formation that itself has a very high La/Sm ratio indicating that assimilation was restricted to the very narrow marginal zone (Krivolutskaya and Rudakova 2009). 4. The radiogenic–isotopic composition of anhydrite from the Devonian rocks shows that it cannot be regarded as the possible contaminant. Anhydrite is characterized by slighter lightly Sr (initial 87Sr/86Sr=0.707942, Table 5) and heavy Pb isotope composition with regards to, basalts of the Nadezhdinsky Formation which is considered as the most contaminated unit (up to 0.709–for 250 Ma; Fedorenko et al. 1996) and its Pb isotope composition is very heavy. Hence, the S isotope composition does not correlate with Pb and Sr compositions and cannot be explained by in situ contamination and pre-emplacement contamination. Internal structure of the intrusions The processes of melt crystallization in the chamber were different in the various intrusions of the Maslovsky deposit. This is reflected in different degree of the enrichment of rock-forming minerals in certain minor and trace elements in lithologically similar horizons of the Southern and Northern intrusions. This pertains, first of all, to olivine, whose trends of enrichment in HREE, V, Ti, Ni and other elements in the Northern body are completely identical to the trends in the Noril’sk 1 intrusion. This process is most clearly pronounced in the picritic and taxitic gabbrodolerites containing disseminated Pt–Cu–Ni sulfide ores.

The degree of trace-element enrichment of olivine in the picritic gabbro-dolerites may therefore be directly related to the ore potential of the intrusions as a whole. For example, the compositional variations of olivine (and, to a lesser extent, clinopyroxene) during the crystallization of the melt of the Northern Maslovsky intrusion (which contains high-grade disseminated and vein ore mineralization) are broader than in the Southern intrusion (whose ore potential is lower).

Conclusions 1. The Maslovsky deposit consists of two discrete intrusive bodies (Northern and Southern), which slightly differ in bulk rock geochemistry (Ta/Nb ratio) and are notably distinct in the trace-element composition of their olivines. 2. The Northern Maslovsky intrusion closely resembles the Noril’sk 1 intrusion in terms of bulk rock geochemistry and mineral composition, while the Southern intrusion is probably a separate intrusive body. 3. The Southern Maslovsky intrusion was formed after early Nadezhdinsky time, and its geochemical features are very similar to those of the Talnakh and Kharaelakh massifs. A post-Nadezhdinsky origin resulting from a separate magmatic pulse is therefore likely for all intrusions of the Noril’sk Complex. 4. The picrite units display fundamentally different enrichment trends of trace elements in their rock-forming minerals, and these trends are correlated with the ore potentials of the host intrusions. The best and most illustrative examples are HREE and Y in olivine from the picritic and, to a lesser degree, from the taxitic gabbro-dolerites, in which the Y concentrations may be as high as 3 ppm. 5. The assimilation of the host rocks took place only within thin marginal zones and cannot provide a sufficient amount of isotopically heavy sulfur to in an amount sufficient to produce the sulfide ores. 6. The sulfide mineralization of the Northern Maslovsky intrusion is similar to that Noril’sk 1 in terms of the composition of rock-forming minerals and the associations of sulfides and precious metal minerals.

Table 5 Isotope composition of the rocks from the Noril’sk region Intrusion or Formation



Pb/204Pb 2σ

Low Nadezhdinsky Noril’sk 1 Low Talnakh Anhydrite

530/12 G22/67 TG31/824 OV16/1096

18.125 18.057 18.120 19.057

0.001 0.001 0.001 0.005


Pb/204Pb 2σ

15.511 15.582 15.638 15.646

0.001 0.001 0.001 0.004


Pb/204Pb 2σ

38.340 38.055 38.279 38.312

0.002 0.002 0.002 0.011




Nd/144Nd 2σ

0.710139 0.706385 0.708904 0.707942

0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000002

0.510878 0.512568 0.512300 0.512509

0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000016

Author's personal copy Miner Deposita Acknowledgements Samples from the Maslovsky deposits were made available for us courtesy of the geologists of Noril’sk Geology: S.P. Erykalov, V.V.Kurgin, V.A. Teteryuk, L.I. Trofimova, V.A.Rad’ko, V. Yu. Van-Chan, I.A. Matveev and K.K. Koval’chuk. Trace elements in rocks and minerals were determined by LA-ICP-MS, at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (laboratory of K.P. Jochum) with the assistance of B. Stoll. We thank S.G. Kryazhev for the S isotope analyses. We greatly appreciate Peter C. Lightfoot for valuable comments and his help in the preparation of the manuscript. This study was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project nos. 07-05-01007, 09-05-01193 and the Program of the President of the Russian Federation “The Leading Russian Scientific Schools” (NS-3919.2010.5).

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