Mining Healthcare Data with Temporal Association Rules: Improvements and Assessment for a Practical Use Stefano Concaro1,2, Lucia Sacchi1, Carlo Cerra2, Pietro Fratino3, and Riccardo Bellazzi1 1
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Università di Pavia, Italy Sistema Informativo Aziendale e Controllo di Gestione, ASL di Pavia, Italy 3 Università di Pavia, Italy
[email protected],
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[email protected] 2
Abstract. The Regional Healthcare Agency (ASL) of Pavia has been maintaining a central data repository which stores healthcare data about the population of Pavia area. The analysis of such data can be fruitful for the assessment of healthcare activities. Given the crucial role of time in such databases, we developed a general methodology for the mining of Temporal Association Rules on sequences of hybrid events. In this paper we show how the method can be extended to suitably manage the integration of both clinical and administrative data. Moreover, we address the problem of developing an automated strategy for the filtering of output rules, exploiting the taxonomy underlying the drug coding system and considering the relationships between clinical variables and drug effects. The results show that the method could find a practical use for the evaluation of the pertinence of the care delivery flow for specific pathologies. Keywords: Temporal data mining, temporal association rules, hybrid events, healthcare data, diabetes mellitus.
1 Introduction Health care organizations are increasingly collecting large amounts of data related to their day-by-day activities. Since 2002, the Regional Healthcare Agency (ASL) of Pavia has been collecting and maintaining a central data repository to trace all the main healthcare expenditures of the population of Pavia area (about 530000 people) in charge of the National Healthcare System (SSN). Since the main purposes of the project are related to economic reimbursement, the repository stores administrative healthcare data, mainly concerning physicians’ workload, patients’ hospital admissions, drug prescriptions and lab tests. In 2007 the ASL of Pavia started to collect also clinical healthcare data related to subgroups of patients selected on the basis of the most prevalent pathologies in the population. In particular diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer were considered. The analysis of such healthcare databases, which integrate both administrative and clinical data, could greatly help to gain a deeper insight into the health condition of the population and to C. Combi, Y. Shahar, and A. Abu-Hanna (Eds.): AIME 2009, LNAI 5651, pp. 16–25, 2009. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
Mining Healthcare Data with Temporal Association Rules
extract useful information that can be exploited in the assessment of health care processes and in organizational learning [1]. Given the large dimension of these databases and the primary role played by the temporal features therein stored, we exploited Temporal Data Mining techniques [2] to analyze this kind of data. In particular, we recently developed an algorithm for the extraction of Temporal Association Rules (TAR) over a set of multivariate temporal sequences of hybrid events [3]. In this paper we show how the method can be extended to suitably manage the integration of both clinical and administrative data, in order to mine interesting frequent temporal associations between diagnostic or therapeutic patterns. Moreover, we address the problem of developing an automated strategy for the filtering of output rules, exploiting the taxonomy underlying the drug coding system and considering the relationships between clinical variables and drug effects. As an example of the application, we focus our analysis on a sample of patients suffering from Diabetes Mellitus. The results show that, considering the perspective of a Regional Healthcare Agency, the method could be put into practice to monitor the quality of the care delivery flow for specific pathologies and for specific clinical conditions characterizing the analyzed population.
2 Data Overview In the context of the Italian National Healthcare System (SSN) the Regional Healthcare Agencies have a central role in the coordination of the care delivery process to the assisted population. In particular, they can provide recommendations and protocols to General Practitioners (GPs) for the care of the most prevalent pathologies in the population. In this context, during 2007 the ASL of Pavia started a collaboration with general practitioners aimed at collecting clinical data related to a selected subgroup of about 1300 diabetic patients living in the Pavia area. This data collection is aimed at providing a feedback about the efficacy of the care delivery process for primary care. The selected patients periodically undergo a medical visit and their GP is responsible for the transmission of their personal clinical data to the ASL. In the period between January 2007 and October 2008 (22 months) a total of about 5000 inspections was recorded. The clinical variables considered in this study are mainly pato-physiological parameters, derived from the results of clinical tests, and information about the current medical care, as summarized in Table 1. The temporal location of the data stored in the database is defined by the date of the visit. The central repository of the ASL of Pavia offers the opportunity to join data from the GPs’ inspections with the data stored into the healthcare administrative DataWarehouse (DW), which records all the main healthcare expenditures of the assisted population. Since this DW is mainly devoted to reimbursement purposes, the reported information is in the form of “process” data. In particular, the main administrative data refer to: hospital admissions (provided through the hospital discharge record including DRG codes and ICD9-CM diagnoses and procedures), drug prescriptions (provided through the ATC1 code) and ambulatory visits (defined by a specific Italian national code, DGR n. VIII/5743 - 31/10/2007). Despite the administrative nature of these kind of data, several 1
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system.
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epidemiological details can be inferred from diagnoses related to hospital admissions or from the type of drugs used to treat specific diseases. On the other hand, in the case of ambulatory visits, many clinical details are not reported. For example, we know that a patient underwent a blood glucose test on a specific day, but we have no information about the outcome of the test. Table 1. List of the clinical variables considered in the analysis on diabetic patients. The range of possible values and the Interquartile (IQ) range are reported for variables 1-9, while for attributes “Anti-Hypertensive Therapy” and “Care Intervention” the allowed categorical values are listed. Variable 1. Body Mass Index (BMI) 2. Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) 3. Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) 4. Glycaemia 5. Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) 6. Total Cholesterol 7. HDL Cholesterol 8. Triglycerides 9. Cardio-Vascular Risk (CVR) 10. Anti-Hypertensive Therapy 11. Care Intervention
Range [10-80] [60-240] [30-150] [50-500] [3-20] [80-500] [10-120] [10-2000] [0-100] {Yes; No} {Diet; Health training; None}
IQ Range [25.15-31.28] [130-150] [75-85] [112-162] [6.3-7.9] [175-232] [43-62] [91-177] [8.57-30.33] -
Unit Kg/m2 mmHg mmHg mg/dl % mg/dl mg/dl mg/dl % -
3 Methods 3.1 Integrating Administrative and Clinical Data through Temporal Abstractions The mining of the databases described in the previous section requires to handle the integration of both administrative and clinical data. On the one hand, healthcare administrative data are by nature represented by sequences of events. A sequence of events can be defined as a time ordered succession of episodes, where an episode formally identifies a single instance of a specific event. In more detail, each episode: i) represents a single occurrence of an event (for example the prescription of a specific drug); ii) is related to a subject (for example a specific patient) and iii) is characterized by its temporal coordinates within an observation period. On the other hand, clinical data are usually a set of time series of numeric values (e.g. the time series of systolic pressure values). In order to get a uniform representation of these data as temporal sequences of events, the clinical data needed first to undergo to a pre-processing procedure. In particular, we exploited knowledge-based Temporal Abstractions (TAs) to shift from a time point quantitative representation of the time series to a qualitative interval-based description of the available data [4]. To this end both state and trend TAs were exploited in the procedure. State detection was applied to discretize clinical continuous values in state intervals. These intervals were determined
Mining Healthcare Data with Temporal Association Rules
on the basis of physiological thresholds selected by an expert clinician on the basis of his experience and according to the most recent European guidelines on diabetes care. For example, a value of 200 mmHg for systolic blood pressure is represented as an episode of “high Blood Pressure” state. Trend detection was then used to describe state changes in two consecutive visits, thus allowing the definition of Increasing, Steady or Decreasing intervals for each variable. Given for example the case where an “high glycaemia” state was detected during a first visit and a “normal glycaemia” state was detected in the following visit, this determines a trend episode of “Decreasing glycaemia”. The integration of the available data sources, properly pre-processed as discussed, leads to a uniform representation of the data as temporal sequences of healthcare events (Figure 1). In the following we will exploit the administrative data related to drug prescriptions only, even if the procedure could be easily extended to represent also events of hospital admissions or lab tests. In this analysis the length of the time interval related to each episode is estimated on the basis of the days of Defined Daily Dose (DDD). The DDD is defined as the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used in its main indication in adults. In our case, given a prescription including a total drug amount x, the length of the episode interval is estimated by the quantity x/DDD, which is expressed in days. Patient A ATC C10AA02: Lovastatin
ATC A10BA02: Metformin
Regular HbA1c High SBP
High HbA1c Regular SBP Increasing HbA1c Decreasing SBP
t7 t8 time [days]
ATC B01AC06: Acetylsalicylic acid
Fig. 1. Example of the integration of clinical and administrative healthcare events through a uniform representation of temporal sequence. The temporal granularity is fixed to 1 day.
The represented healthcare events considered in this analysis are then included in the following categories: • State Abstractions: e.g. Glycaemia1, is defined as the ratio between the rule confidence and the maximum confidence value of all its subrules (cardinality={1,…,K-1}). The pruning step is then performed by keeping only the rules with minimp>1, i.e. those rules which increase the confidence value with respect to all their subrules. Several measures to evaluate rule interestingness, such as lift, leverage, Gini index, chi-squared, correlation indexes, etc.., were proposed in literature. Herein we chose to use the minimp constraint because it allows to perform a very restrictive reduction of the rule set, since it progressively exploits the predictive information provided by the confidence of the subrules as the rule cardinality increases. This post-processing step thus provides a solid and effective solution to the redundancy reduction. The rule ranking is then performed according to the decreasing order of respectively confidence and support values. Table 3. A representative set of TARs defined by the BEFORE operator. The table reports the events included in the antecedent and in the consequent, the values for confidence and support, and the dummy variable (ClinR) used to classify the relationship between clinical variables and drug effects. # Antecedent
-HbA1c 7-8 (high) -CVR 5-10%
-BMI 25-30 (overweight) -Glycaemia 110-180 (high) -HbA1c > 9 (excessively high)
-BMI 30-40 (moderate obesity) -SBP 140-160 (moderate 3 hypertension) -SBP Decreasing -Glycaemia > 180 (very high) 4 -Triglycerides > 350 (very high)
Consequent ATC A10: Drugs used in diabetes ATC A10B: Oral Blood Glucose Lowering drugs ATC A10BA: Biguanides ATC A10BA02: Metformin ATC B01: Antithrombotic agents ATC B01A: Antithrombotic agents ATC B01AC: Platelet aggregation inhibitors, excluding heparin ATC C09B: ACE inhibitors, combinations ATC C09BA: ACE inhibitors and diuretics ATC C10A: Lipid modifying agents, plain
Mining Healthcare Data with Temporal Association Rules
A reduced subset of 100 rules (20 rules for each ATC level), consisting in the best confidence ranked rules, was then submitted to a clinician who gave a medical evaluation of the discovery method. Each rule was classified on the basis of the presence or absence of a clinical evidence of a relationship between the physiological variables included in the antecedent and the effects of the prescribed drugs represented in the consequent. A subset of TARs obtained after the application of the mining step and the post-processing procedure is reported in Table 3. For each rule (#) the table reports the events included in the antecedent and in the consequent, the values for confidence and support, and the classification performed by the clinician (ClinR)2. The variable ClinR is set to 1 if the clinician found a clinical evidence in the extracted rule, and 0 otherwise. The table shows also the results of the multi-level mining performed on the hierarchy of the ATC coding system, as highlighted in correspondence of the rules which span over multiple table rows. In particular, if we consider the rules labelled as #1, these correspond to all the rules that can be generated from the ATC classification A10, also reported in the example of Table 2. The different rules are related to different levels of the hierarchy.
5 Discussion From the clinical viewpoint, the majority of the rules reported in Table 3 has a clear clinical meaning. Rule 1 supports the evidence that a diabetic subject showing a Cardio-Vascular Risk within the interval 5-10% and an high glycated haemoglobin value, has a 63% probability to undergo a prescription of oral hypoglycemic agents in the following 90 days. More specifically, a patient satisfying this rule has a 50% probability to undergo a prescription of Metformin (Rule 1, 4th row). This association is verified in the 2% of the diabetic sample. This rule was considered to reflect a clinical relationship between antecedent and consequent concepts, as blood glucose lowering drugs have an effect on the glycated haemoglobin. Rule 2 states that a subject found to be overweight and showing both an high glycemic and high glycated haemoglobin values has a 53% probability to undergo a prescription of antithrombotic agents in the following three months, and more specifically a 46% probability to undergo a prescription of platelet aggregation inhibitors. Apparently there is no direct clinical relationship between the physiological observations and the drug effects, as shown by the clinician’s judgement set to 0. Rule 3 shows that, given the simultaneous observation of moderate obesity, moderate hypertension and decrease in systolic blood pressure during an inspection, a diabetic subject has a 37% probability to undergo a prescription of ACE inhibitors in the following 90 days. This rule holds a clinical relationship between the involved concepts, since ACE inhibitors certainly have an effect on blood pressure regulation. Rule 4 shows that, given a clinical condition characterized by very high glycaemia and very high triglycerides levels, a diabetic patient has a 57% probability to undergo a prescription of lipid modifying agents in the following three months. This rule 2
The algorithm may also provide the average length of the antecedent episodes, the consequent episodes and the gap between them. This information, not shown here, can be useful to evaluate the temporal aspects of the discovered associations.
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supports a close clinical relationship between the concepts in the antecedent and in the consequent, as lipid modifying agents have an effect on the level of triglycerides. To summarize, the rule classification system based on the clinical meaning of the concepts proved to be effective. When considering the perspective of introducing this temporal data mining strategy into the clinical practice, this procedure helps to discriminate rules that have a compliance with available a-priori medical knowledge from rules that can suggest new findings. In the former case, the rule can simply be interpreted as a quantitative verification of the medical knowledge. In the latter case, strange or surprising rules can be considered as the starting point for deeper and more detailed analyses, oriented to find out whether the extracted associations are able to suggest unknown knowledge.
6 Conclusions The analysis presented in this paper highlights the main potentials of the application of temporal associations rules for the mining of healthcare databases. The applied algorithm has shown to be an effective general method which allows to properly manage different heterogeneities of the data. First, the method allows to handle hybrid events, i.e. events characterized by heterogeneous temporal nature. Second, it allows to exploit the integration of different healthcare information sources, such as administrative and clinical data, through a uniform representation. In this work we developed some features able to support the application of the algorithm and the management of the output results. A first feature consists in a postprocessing pruning strategy, aimed at filtering the rules according to a statistical objective measure, the minimum improvement. This helps to reduce the problem of redundancy highlighting only the most interesting rules from a statistical viewpoint. A second feature is represented by a multiple-level data mining approach, which allows to select different levels of specificity on the hierarchical taxonomies of administrative events. The application was illustrated for the ATC coding system, even if the procedure can be easily extended to include also diagnoses and procedures (ICD9) or ambulatory visits. Finally, a classification of the rules was performed by a clinician on the basis of the presence or the absence of a clinical relationship between the concepts involved in the antecedent and the consequent of the rules. This feature greatly helps to discriminate rules that have a compliance with available a-priori medical knowledge from rules that can suggest new findings. As a future extension, this procedure could be introduced into an ontology-driven method [13], in order to automatically interpret and filter out the output rules according to the already available knowledge structured within a clinical ontology. A further extension will be aimed at estimating the true drug dosage from the available data of drug prescriptions, which intrinsically suffers from the variability of the drug purchase rate and actually doesn’t include any remark about the real GP’s intention to treat. The detection of variations in the drug dosage could potentially allow to find temporal associations with clinical variables, drug interactions or healthcare events like hospitalizations. On the whole the method has been shown to be capable to characterize groups of subjects, highlighting interesting frequent temporal associations between diagnostic or therapeutic patterns and patterns related to the patients’ clinical condition. Considering
Mining Healthcare Data with Temporal Association Rules
the perspective of a Regional Healthcare Agency, this method could be properly used for a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the observed care-flow for specific pathologies and for specific clinical conditions with respect to the recommended or expected care delivery flow.
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